Despite its relatively small size (484 m above sea level), Mount Witosza in Staniszów has been an excellent viewpoint for many years, offering one of the most beautiful panoramas of the Karkonosze Mountains. At the top of the mountain, reached by stone steps, there is the remains of the plinth of the Otto von Bismarck monument. Along the way, tourists can visit a number of attractive caves - Skalna Komora, Ucho Igielne, Pustelnia and various interesting rock formations.
Where exactly is Mount Vitosha located?
Góra Witosza is located in the central region of the Jelenia Góra Valley. It is the second highest peak of the Łomnica Hills. Mount Vitosha is not a particularly crowded place, so it is ideal for a solo trip in search of peace and quiet. There are comfortable 318-step granite stairs leading to its top, which make climbing much easier.
What attractions await you on the way to the top of Mount Witosa in Staniszów?
There are many interesting local stories associated with Góra Witosa. Climbing the mountain is not only a chance to see the stunning panorama of the Karkonosze Mountains, but also the opportunity to commune with the legendary caves and rock formations passed on the way to the top. The first one is Rock Chamber – an artificially enlarged rubble cave constituting a kind of shelter, created as a result of excavating the remaining earth from here. To enter it, you need to deviate slightly from the main path, but be careful - the descent to the cave is easy to miss!
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Another attraction passed on the way to the top is Eye of the Needle – a crevice and rubble cave with a rock bench, which is perfect for a "wild overnight stay" while discovering the charms of the area in the summer. A little higher there is an isthmus called Rock Street, above which there is a hidden entrance to the next attraction – Hermitage, a crevice cave inhabited at the turn of the 16th and 17th centuries by the hermit Hans Richmann.
The hermit was called the Karkonosze Wernyhora (Nostradamus) by the locals, which is why his cave on Mount Vitosha is also called the "Hermitage of the Flying Prophet". Richmann was able to predict the future. He predicted, among other things, the fire of Jelenia Góra in 1634, the partitions of Poland and the outbreak of World War II, and even more recently - global warming. Apparently Richmann could levitate and teleport anywhere, which is why some people suspected him of having contacts with the devil. According to witnesses, Richmann was usually mute and only regained his voice during his incredible visions. His tombstone reads: "a man who had a strange mind."
The peak of Mount Witosza in Staniszów is also called Bismarck Tower. On the way to the summit there are several quite impressive rock blocks, which formed the basis of the monument built on the top in 1901 commemorating Otto von Bismarck - the "Iron" Chancellor of Germany. The monument was 14 meters high, but only its fragments have survived to this day on the top - a solid plinth and stone blocks scattered around.
There is a pile of rubble next to it viewpoint, from which there is a phenomenal panorama of the Karkonosze Mountains - from Śnieżka, through Śnieżne Kotły and Karkonoski Padół Śródgórski, to Szrenica. Sometimes you can also observe an exceptionally interesting phenomenon - The Specter of the Brocken, which occurs when our shadow cast on the clouds creates a characteristic halo. Apparently anyone who sees this phenomenon three times will end their life in the mountains.

How to get to Góra Witosza in Staniszów?
The easiest way to reach Staniszów is directly from Jelenia Góra, following the road to Sosnówka and Borowice. You can also cover the route on foot - following the green or yellow trail. Staniszów is located approx. 7 km from Jelenia Góra and approx. 12 km from Karpacz. Staniszów was once an extremely attractive base. There were two beautiful palaces here - the "palace on the water" and Palace in Staniszów, which today house hotels. Walking paths have been marked out from here, leading directly to Mount Vitosha.