The first round anniversary of the company's existence deserves a special setting. The 10th anniversary of the company is a clear proof that your company has already established its position. Thanks to flexible adaptation to changing circumstances, it gained a group of loyal customers, which provided it with the possibility of further development. It's worth celebrating!

The grandly celebrated jubilee is a clear signal that the company can not only enjoy its own successes, but also express gratitude for the trust shown to it. It is also an ideal opportunity to distinguish employees, especially those who contributed to the success of the company with their daily commitment. It happens that the jubilee year is an additional inspiration for action and is often chosen for the launch date of a new offer or sub-brand.
Why is it worth organizing a jubilee for the 10th anniversary of the company?
The 10th anniversary of the company is the perfect time for the first serious summary and analysis of the successes and challenges so far. It is worth not only remembering all the moments that have led us to where we are, but also communicating them to the world. Contemporary consumers love stories, and the 10th anniversary of the company is the best moment to use all the possibilities of an effective marketing tool, which is storytelling. Thanks to it, we will become even more attached to our current customers, but we will also convince those who value tradition and experience.
Kulminacyjnym punktem 10-lecia firmy powinno być odpowiednio zaaranżowane wydarzenie, podczas którego spotkają się nie tylko wszyscy pracownicy, ale także partnerzy biznesowi, podwykonawcy, a także klienci, najbardziej zasłużeni dla rozwoju firmy lub jej oferty. Impreza z okazji jubileuszu przynosi wymierne korzyści wizerunkowe. Odpowiednio nagłośniona daje bowiem konkurencji i potencjalnym klientom, jasny i wyraźny sygnał świadczący o osiągniętym sukcesie.

The banquet on the occasion of the company's 10th anniversary should be divided into two parts. The first, official one, focuses on the memories and speeches of the most important people in the company. It is followed by the less formal one, which will allow you to integrate employees, business partners, subcontractors and clients in a more relaxed atmosphere.
How to organize a jubilee on the occasion of the company's 10th anniversary?
The organization of a company jubilee requires prior planning. It must not be forgotten that we celebrate the 10th anniversary not only during a one-time event, but in fact throughout the entire year of the company's operation. Communication focused around the jubilee should be planned as a series of year-round activities that will support and promote each other.
The culminating point of the company's 10th anniversary is a properly arranged meeting. However, it is worth using the power of this date also during everyday activities. What could it be? among others dedicated competitions or promotional campaigns, a limited special offer, or non-standard activities that allow customers to be part of a given brand for a moment. Here, for example, open doors, temporary takeover of social media by popular influencers, or the participation of customers in creating a special offer work well.
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When it comes to the jubilee event itself, work on its organization should start with creating a detailed scenario of activities. How to arrange company meeting? Warto rozważyć opcję zorganizowania imprezy firmowej częściowo w plenerze. Dzięki temu zyskujemy znacznie bogatszy wachlarz potencjalnych atrakcji oraz form integracji zaproszonych gości. Ponieważ spotkanie jubileuszowe powinno być przygotowane wyjątkowo starannie, z uwagi na rozmach wydarzenia i rozbudowaną listę gości, organizację warto powierzyć firmie, która ma doświadczenie. Jubileusz to czas świętowania, warto zatem oddać część odpowiedzialności firmom zewnętrznym, by samemu móc w pełni rozkoszować się osiągniętym sukcesem. Organizując event w Dworze Korona Karkonoszy masz pewność, że właśnie tak będzie. Hotel for integration eventswho has experience in organizing this type of meetings, will be an invaluable partner. Available on the site events calculator is a perfect tool that will allow you to get to know the possible scenario of the event and estimate the costs.
An original idea for the company's 10th anniversary
Celebrate a special occasion in a unique way. The 10th anniversary of the company, as the first round anniversary, requires an original setting. One that will show our creativity, innovative approach to running a business and an unusual approach to the client. Many companies, on the occasion of the 10th anniversary, decide on slightly bolder forms of promotion.

The jubilee is an opportunity to take a break from the company - literally and figuratively. Just going outside the walls of the company, with people with whom we spend almost as much time on a daily basis as with our own family, can be an attractive alternative. However, it is worth taking advantage of this special time and discovering together places that are inaccessible on a daily basis. When choosing a place, let us be guided primarily by the desires of the guests, and they will reciprocate with even greater loyalty.

If the option of an original meeting place is beyond our reach, let's focus on choosing an interesting attraction that will attract the attention of guests and evoke in them the emotions they missed, e.g. a star that is not available on a daily basis, or company dance with the stars. Let us remember that the value of an attraction is not determined by the budget we allocate to it, but by the emotions we evoke in our guests. Stylish rooms in a hotel with a soul, they will ensure relaxation and allow you to break away from the prose of life. Sometimes simple but unobvious solutions stay in the memory for longer and accompany everyday conversations over coffee for many years.
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