An anniversary, such as the company's 15th anniversary, is a good time to sum up. The owners and associates are now fully aware of the company's position on the market. Therefore, they remember with pleasure not only the good moments, but also the challenges they had to face. This is the perfect moment to take a closer look at the decisions that have turned out to be groundbreaking over the years. The rich and colorful history of the company should be the background for the celebrations of this event.

The company's crystal anniversary should be prepared not only in accordance with the company's vision, but also with current trends. Therefore, it is worth entrusting its organization to a professional event agency. The company's 15th anniversary should be an extremely prestigious event, confirming the company's stable position against the competition.
Why is it worth celebrating the company's 15th anniversary?
The company's 15th anniversary is a great opportunity to recognize people who made it successful. Especially those who have been with us from the beginning, for better and for worse. No employee, key business partner or loyal customer can be missing from the guest list. They all had an impact on where the company is now. The company's anniversary is the best opportunity to express our gratitude to them.
Participating in such an event is also an excellent opportunity to improve employee relations and integrate the team. Celebrating together has a positive impact on the atmosphere in the company, which is created by several generations of employees who find it difficult to communicate on a daily basis. Properly selected attractions or the main theme of the ceremonial anniversary will help strengthen employee relations. They can also significantly influence loyalty and commitment to team development.
The 15th anniversary of the company is also a good time to implement more committed CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) activities. A celebration that directly translates helping the local community, the charges of local facilities or shelters, as well as the planet as our common place to live, brings unique image profits, and helps to build extremely durable, strong and creativeteams.

15th anniversary of the company – how to organize the anniversary?
When organizing the 15th anniversary of the company, it is worth planning individual elements of the jubilee. So that, on the one hand, they perfectly match the nature of the company and the people who create it. On the other hand, they clearly indicated the direction we want to develop in the future.
The 15th anniversary of the company often takes the form of a year-round celebration, which consists not only of events with the participation of employees and invited guests, but also an original marketing strategy, and even the launch of a limited version of the products or services offered. It is worth spreading the individual steps evenly over time, placing the main emphasis on the month in which the decision to start a business was made.
Spreading individual activities over time will not only allow us to build positive tension around the brand. It will also help us organize funds for the implementation of all points of the plan. It is also worth including speech for the company's jubileefor which you need to prepare well in advance.
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Original ideas for the company's 15th anniversary
An interesting idea for an event to celebrate the company's 15th anniversary is an awards ceremony. In the long history of the company, there is certainly no shortage of reasons to thank individual people for their unique approach, original ideas, exceptional commitment, and influence on the atmosphere in the team.
Nothing stops you from being solemn company gala, resembled the evening of the Oscars or Golden Globes. However, it is important to remember to honor all employees gathered, if only in the form of "consolation" prizes, which are more of a "motivator" for further effort.
Another unusual idea for a banquet on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the company is to move for one evening in time, for example to the decade whenpioneers from the industry represented by our company appeared. IT companies can go back to the crazy 80s and 90s, and equipment manufacturers to the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries.

A theme that always works well at various types of anniversaries is time travel to the golden era of the 1920s, which is the quintessence of success and splendor that accompanied today's icons of global business.
Another interesting idea that works well on the company's 15th anniversary is a charity auction at which "treasures" collected during the company's operation are exhibited. Equipment from 15 years ago may have extraordinary sentimental value, both for employees who worked on it years ago, and for young people for whom they are only an incomprehensible prop from the era.
Klucz do sukcesu takiego typu imprezy jest jeden – im dziwniejsze eksponaty zaproponujemy, tym lepszy efekt uda nam się uzyskać. Ponieważ każda kolejna rocznica istnienia firmy jest wypadkową nie tylko ciężkiej pracy i nietuzinkowego pomysłu na biznes, ale także odrobiny szczęścia, cały zysk z takiej aukcji warto przekazać na określony cel charytatywny lub wsparcie tych, którym tego szczęścia zabrakło. Karma wraca i nasza wdzięczność z pewnością zaowocuje kolejnymi udanymi rocznicami.