A well-coordinated team is not only more effective, but also willing to face challenges. The company has a good, inspiring atmosphere that encourages the implementation of even the most difficult projects. To improve relations in the company, it is worth organizing integration tasks. We suggest how to motivate co-workers to have fun.
How to organize integration tasks?
Before you introduce the rules of the game to the participants, write two words on the board: valuable and enjoyable. Ask all collaborators to say aloud what will make the workshop meet these criteria. Alternatively, you can ask them to write down their ideas on sticky notes and then read them out. Save all suggestions in the form of a mind map, thanks to which you can organize them quickly. Make sure everyone has the same understanding of the ideas given, and if not, try to build a consensus. This is the perfect time to present integration tasks.
Company logo
The proposed game will not only improve the atmosphere in the team, but also stimulates the imagination. You will need: paper, pens and felt-tip pens. Divide the participants into 3-person teams, and then distribute the work materials. Now ask each team to prepare a company logo. Remind her to divide it into three parts.
The first field should show the company's recent achievement, the second its values, and the third the direction it is heading. Take a vote and hang the best drawing in your office. Such integration tasks allow employees to be creative. They show that it is worth thinking outside the box to get out of any, even the most difficult situation.
Some ideas for integration tasks
Niezależnie od tego, w jakiej branży działasz, jeśli chcesz osiągnąć sukces, potrzebujesz zgranego zespołu. Współpracownicy, którzy nie potrafią się dogadać, skupiają się na rozwiązywaniu konfliktów, zamiast na realizacji zadań. Zastanawiasz się, jak poprawić atmosferę w swojej firmie? Z pomocą przychodzi integracja pracowników. Pamiętaj, by raz na jakiś czas zorganizować imprezę firmową. Aby zachęcić team do większego zaangażowania, możesz zaplanować wydarzenie tematyczne, np. w stylu lat 80., Hollywood, PRL,, czy Dzikiego Zachodu. Wśród popularnych motywów przewodnich znajdziesz też Bollywood, Hawaje, Wielki Gatsby, czy Alicja w Krainie Czarów.
Stories by the fire
Each workshop should include both classic and original integration tasks. Campfire Stories is definitely one of the former. Encourage participants to gather in a circle and share their workplace experiences. In this way, they will not only learn interesting things about themselves, but also look at different situations from a new perspective.
Wondering how to encourage colleagues to share their story with others? You can prepare a set of words that will make their task easier. The list should include the following:
- first day at work,
- company party,
- business trip,
- latest/current project,
- cooperation.
You can also ask participants to write their ideas on sticky notes. Ask a team member to draw one of the cards and then encourage them to share their observations.
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Integration tasks for your employees
Looking for ideas for corporate integration? Are you wondering how to improve relations in the team and at the same time distract employees from their daily duties? Plan a few-day trip to the picturesque countryside. Make sure that the scenario includes both visiting monuments and the most interesting tourist attractions, as well as a karaoke party, integration tasks, or an evening by the fire. If your co-workers lead an active lifestyle, you can also organize a sports tournament. This is a great opportunity to encourage the team to healthy competition.
Are you looking for an exercise that will encourage your team to go beyond the scheme? The proposed integration tasks show employees that you value extraordinary ideas. All you need to do this exercise is a string and tape. Fasten two pieces of string across the door, one should be 1 m long and the other 1.5 m. If you find the exercise too easy, you can increase the difficulty level. Just stick more strings to the door.
A tower of noodles and marshmallows
Wondering how to encourage your team to think creatively and collaborate? Organize a competition to build a tower of macaroni and marshmallows. Prepare for each team: 1 packet of spaghetti noodles, 1 marshmallow, 1 roll of masking tape and 1 m of twine. Participants are to build a tower using only these materials. Remind them that the marshmallow must be at the very top and the construction should last for 10 seconds after it is built. It cannot be supported by hands or objects. Such integration tasks encourage co-workers to solve problems creatively.
Wandering image
The proposed exercise encourages participants to solve problems creatively. Prepare a well-known image, then cut the goy into as many equal squares as there are members of the team. Now each participant should take a piece and then make a five times larger copy of it. This is an ideal opportunity for colleagues to consider how their actions affect the work of the entire team. When the participants have finished the task, ask them to put their pieces together into a single picture, similar to the one on the table.