Bad atmosphere at work? Take care of employee integration!

IntegrationTipsTeam building
Bad atmosphere at work

It is difficult to be productive and work efficiently if the company atmosphere leaves much to be desired. A bad atmosphere at work can negatively affect both the staff and the entire company. Employees are less motivated to act, feel bad among their colleagues and do not give 100%, and thus the company does not generate maximum profits, is not successful and does not develop. A good atmosphere should be one of the pillars of the company's operation. How to care for it? And how can meetings and integration trips help? 

Corporate events configurator of the Dwór Korona Karkonoszy event agency

A good atmosphere acts as a motivator  

The importance of a good atmosphere in the workplace has long been known. Research shows that the atmosphere has a huge impact on the quality of performing professional duties by the staff. In a nice atmosphere, work is more pleasant and efficient. Employees have no problem with teamwork, because they feel good in the company of their colleagues. They are highly motivated to work and are more willing to engage in additional projects. Effective work of employees means new opportunities for the company. The company can develop, achieve its goals and be successful on the market.  

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Has the team's performance dropped significantly?

It's time to work on group integration.
We have proven ways to do it!
The summer resort of Sosnówka near Karpacz, view of the reservoir

A good atmosphere at work is one of the factors that can reduce the employee turnover rate. Employees feel attached to the company and show loyalty to their employer. They are less often affected by the problem of "professional burnout", and thus do not lose energy to work and are more likely to stay in their positions. So the question Where does the bad atmosphere at work come from?  

group integration
Corporate integration

How to evaluate the atmosphere at work?

The assessment of the atmosphere at work can be subjective and depends on many factors. which ones? Such as organizational culture, relations between employees and management, work style, stress level, development opportunities, working conditions, as well as individual preferences and values.

One of the most important ways to gauge the working environment is to observe and listen to other employees and how you feel. Observe how people talk to each other, how they react to changes, how they deal with difficulties, what are their opinions on working conditions.

You can also ask for the opinions of other employees, for example through surveys or individual interviews. However, it is important to ensure anonymity so employees can freely express their opinions.

It is also worth paying attention to indicators such as employee turnover, absenteeism, and productivity, which may be a signal of problems in adhering to the company's organizational culture and working atmosphere.

Ultimately, the best way to gauge the working atmosphere is to engage in teamwork and build positive relationships with other employees. This will allow for a better understanding of the situation in the company and will help to improve the working atmosphere.

How to create a friendly working environment?

Choć oczywiste jest, że dobra atmosfera pracy wpływa na wydajność i znacznie zmniejsza rotację kadr oraz odpływ pracowników, to i tak obszar ten często jest zaniedbywany przez pracodawców. Co zatem zrobić, żeby w miejscu pracy była przyjazna atmosfera dla zespołu? Przed wszystkim trzeba znaleźć choć trochę czasu na normalną rozmowę z pracownikami. Idealne do tego są różnego rodzaju imprezy firmowe, spotkania integracyjne, szkolenia i integration workshops. If for some reason it is difficult to organize a meeting with employees, it is worth simply preparing anonymous surveys with space for open questions and answers. You can also ask directly if there is a bad atmosphere at work and how, according to employees, you can quickly improve the atmosphere in the company.

Building a good atmosphere doesn't have to be difficult. It is enough to know the reason for the dissatisfaction of the crew, but also the expectations of co-workers. An experienced manager knows perfectly well that motivating employees and building a good atmosphere in the team is a continuous process. Even in a group of people who seemingly know each other well and like each other, sometimes there are clashes and misunderstandings. We must always create room for problems to be recognized quickly, clearly defined and eliminated in time.

Attractions for corporate events - craft beer tasting

Bad atmosphere at work - where does it come from? 

We spend 1/3 of our lives at work, so it is extremely important that it gives us satisfaction. However, it is difficult to fully focus on professional duties, develop a career and achieve business goals, when just coming to the company makes our heart speed up, anxiety appears and our well-being deteriorates. A toxic atmosphere in the company can kill all the joy of work.  

A bad atmosphere at work can be the result of both poor management and the behavior of the employees themselves. The main reasons for the poor atmosphere include: 

  • poor employee integration, 
  • unfair treatment,  
  • bad group communication,  
  • unclear division of duties, lack of strictly defined principles and rules of conduct and organizational chaos, 
  • gossip and constant conflicts, 
  • lack of support from the supervisor and colleagues, 
  • disrespect, 
  • overwork and overwork, 
  • inability to cooperate and unhealthy competition. 
Team integration - building Goldberg machines, The Crown of the Karkonosze Manor, Sosnówka

A toxic atmosphere in the company can effectively hinder the efficient and effective performance of professional duties. This, of course, has a negative impact on the functioning of the entire company. How to deal with a bad atmosphere at work? 

Bad atmosphere at work - how to deal with it? 

It is the employer's responsibility to take care of a good atmosphere in the company. First of all, the leader should start with himself. The boss is supposed to set an example and be a role model for his subordinates. How can an employer improve the atmosphere at work? 

Set clear rules

Organizational chaos it is the easiest way to a tense atmosphere at work. Employees must know the scope of their responsibilities. They should know to whom they can turn with a given matter, question or problem. The employer should take care of communication. Internal communication is an important element of the functioning of any company.

It is important to send clear, understandable messages and give feedback to employees. It's worth organizing once in a while meeting during which employees at various levels will be able to express their opinions on various areas of the company's operation, present proposals, ideas and talk about problems.

Bad atmosphere at work

be fair 

Lack of respect, superiority or favoring certain people are some of the main causes of conflicts at work. Employees who feel that they are treated unfairly do not fully engage in their professional duties, lose motivation to act and are more likely to make work difficult for their colleagues. The employer should treat everyone equally and with respect. He should lead by example and promote good behavior. 


Employer support is extremely important. Employees who feel appreciated by their supervisor are more motivated and work more effectively. The employer should praise the successes of employees, appreciate their contribution to the development of the company and support them when they fail.  

Resolve conflicts

Unresolved conflicts can accumulate and lead to more serious problems that will effectively hinder normal work and negatively affect the entire enterprise. It is extremely important to resolve any conflicts on an ongoing basis, not to involve third parties in arguments and not to gossip.

Cooperation between employees - learning to listen to others

Promote the idea of helping 

Mutual help and willingness to cooperate are important factors shaping a good atmosphere in the company. The employer should create an environment conducive to cooperation at work.  

Take care of integration 

Integration is very important, and even the most important. How integration can improve a bad atmosphere at work? 

What factors contribute to the atmosphere at work?

The working environment depends on many factors. Among the most important are usually mentioned organizational culture, i.e. values and standards that are adhered to and respected by employees and management. Relationships between employees are as important as well support and communication. Good communication between employees and the management board, support from superiors and colleagues, as well as adequate tools and systems help create a friendly atmosphere. You should also take care of working conditions, salary and bonusessuch as health insurance and a retirement plan. It is still important for employees chance of professional developmenti.e. training and access to new technologies and innovations.

In every company, one more thing is crucial for building a good atmosphere - a sense of security. Protection against undesirable events, such as accidents at work, as well as respect for employee privacy help to build trust.

Team building tasks

 What will quickly improve the working atmosphere?

The best way to quickly improve employee relations is organization of an integration event. The form of such a corporate event is not the most important. It could be campfire lub firmowy grill, wyjazd integracyjny albo szkolenie lub inna forma spotkania pracowniczego. Najważniejsze, by spotkać się na neutralnym gruncie i dać wszystkim szansę na swobodne rozmowy i dogadanie się. Pamiętajmy, że nawet najbardziej przyjazne i lubiane miejsce pracy siłą rzeczy wpływa na odgrywanie pewnych ról. Jeśli chcemy, by członkowie zespołu naprawdę się otworzyli, to trzeba im po temu stworzyć warunki. Przy czym chodzi tu o możliwość swobodnego wyrażania się na pracowniczej imprezie, a nie o warunki pracy w firmie. Być może przy okazji dowiemy się, co lub kto jest – lub może być – przyczyną złej atmosfery w firmie.

In order to obtain an answer to the question of what is the atmosphere in the place of employment and the work environment, it is necessary to carry out periodic surveys among the staff satisfaction survey. The mere fact that the employer is interested in how his employees feel will be a big plus for him. And on the current labor market, it will also be an important factor to keep the most valuable people in the company. It should be remembered that the information obtained as a result of the survey is also of great market value and should not be made public. Unless it will be an exceptional case and everyone will be perfectly satisfied with their work. In any case, information provided individually should be protected and should not be used to penalize or favor anyone. This could falsify the results in the future and additionally negatively affect the atmosphere in the workplace.

Employee integration = recipe for success

Often the cause of a bad atmosphere at work are poor employee relations. Employees do not know each other well, and therefore they cannot get along, and there are often quarrels between them. Atmosphere at work is dense. It is not conducive to productivity and efficient work. Employees feel bad in their company, are reluctant to come to work and do not achieve maximum results.

Integration is a way to get to know each other better, strengthen bonds and relax the atmosphere at work. How to integrate employees? You can do this in several ways:

  • cyclical meetings in the employee circle - for example, a dinner in a restaurant or pizzeria or an evening in a pub,
  • joint outings for paintball, rope park, water park and other interesting places,
  • cooking workshopsdance or other
  • integration training,
  • integration events – company Christmas Eve, celebrating birthdays, promotions, parties St. Andrew's, balls carnivals, theme parties, etc.,
  • company trips - preferably several days, to various attractive places, for example to the mountains, to the seaside or abroad.

Dancing people

Integration games that will fix the bad atmosphere at work 

They are an interesting and at the same time very effective form of integration company trips. The trip can be enriched with interesting games and integration activities that will help employees get to know each other better and build friendly relations. What's more, integration trip in a picturesque place is a way to relax, de-stress and gain new energy and motivation for further work. What integration games can improve the bad atmosphere at work? 

escape room

Our first proposal is an escape room, i.e. a complicated escape from a room. To prepare such a game, you need to spend some time coming up with puzzles, tasks and obstacles that employees will have to solve in order to get out of the room. It is worth taking care of the appropriate scenery that will take the participants of the game into a mysterious world. The game teaches cooperation, efficient communication and active listening. Requires a bit of creativity and logical thinking. It perfectly relaxes the atmosphere and builds relationships.

Team Escape – escape room

Instead of a classic escape room, you can organize a scenario game in which employees will have to solve a complicated puzzle. Event company Dwór Korona Karkonoszy with its own conference and event center in Sosnówka near Karpacz offers, among others detective game titled Who is the murderer?, full of mysterious puzzles, ciphers and other intricate criminal secrets. Employees must show a lot of creativity, logical thinking and cooperation to solve the puzzle. A game with a thrill is a guarantee of an unforgettable experience!

What is a toxic work environment?

A toxic work environment means an unhealthy, harmful and negative workplace environment. It is a situation where employees experience harmful interactions, emotional stress, conflict and mistreatment. Toxic work atmosphere can cause significant problems for both employees and the company as a whole.

Corporate events configurator of the Dwór Korona Karkonoszy event agency

What are the characteristics of a toxic work environment? In a toxic environment, employees often experience disrespect, disregard and unacceptable treatment from co-workers or superiors. Mutual support is replaced by negative interactions and criticism. A toxic work environment often leads to conflicts between employees, which can take the form of verbal aggression, intimidation or exclusion. Failure to resolve conflicts constructively only adds to tensions and stress.

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Are you looking for attractions for an integration event?

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The summer resort of Sosnówka near Karpacz

Other signs of a bad workplace atmosphere include a lack of communication and trust. A toxic work environment is often associated with excessive workload, high levels of stress and lack of support. Employees may experience pressure, excessive expectations and an imbalance between work and private life. They can also be intimidated, humiliated, isolated or discriminated against, i.e. mobbed. 

Such an atmosphere can lead to reduced productivity, increased absenteeism, high employee turnover, deterioration of mental and physical health and loss of trust in the team. Therefore, it is important that employers take measures to prevent and eliminate toxic working atmospheres and promote a supportive environment.

How to improve the atmosphere at work?

Improving the atmosphere at work can be a difficult task. However, it is very important for the mental health of employees as well as for the success of the company. Here are some ways to improve the atmosphere at work:

  • building positive relationships – try to make contact and get to know your co-workers,
  • creating a culture of open communication - this can help solve problems that affect the atmosphere at work,
  • taking care of mental well-being – employers can organize stress management training, offer psychological support to employees and promote a healthy lifestyle,
  • encouraging teamwork - cooperation will increase commitment, so encourage employees to participate in team projects,
  • take care of working conditions - ensuring appropriate working conditions, such as good lighting, air conditioning, ergonomics of workstations, can improve the well-being of employees and their efficiency,
  • organizowanie imprez integracyjnych – company events they will help build relationships between employees and improve the atmosphere at work.

Employee relations - group of people in the office

How does the working environment affect employees?

The atmosphere in the workplace has a significant impact on employees. Positive atmosphere increases the motivation and commitment of employees. When employees feel valued, supported and respected, they are more likely to engage in their work and strive to achieve the organization's goals. A good working atmosphere can have a positive effect on productivity. In a friendly environment, employees are more likely to collaborate, exchange ideas and be creative. This leads to greater efficiency and better results. When employees feel comfortable, they are more willing to take risks and introduce new solutions. This can contribute to the development of the company and gaining a competitive advantage.

Outdoor Events Center, The Crown of the Karkonosze Manor, Sosnówka near Karpatch

On the other hand negative atmosphere in the workplace negatively affects the mental and physical health of employees. Stress, conflict and constant tension can lead to increased levels of stress, dissatisfaction, anxiety and depression. This can affect your overall health and lead to sickness absence and decreased productivity. In addition, if the atmosphere is toxic, employees may be more likely to look for another job where they will be more appreciated. A good working atmosphere can increase employee loyalty and contribute to building long-term relationships.

Hotel for integration events, The Crown of the Karkonosze Manor, Sosnówka near Karpacz

Can employee satisfaction be measured?

There are various methods and tools that allow you to measure employee satisfaction. One of the most commonly used tools is satisfaction survey which consists of a set of questions evaluating various aspects of work. It is about issues such as organizational culture, relations between employees, level of remuneration, development opportunities, working conditions, etc.

This survey should be anonymous, which allows you to obtain honest opinions from employees. There are also specialized research tools, such as questionnaires and interviews, that allow for an in-depth understanding of employee opinions and identifying problems in the organization.

It is important to consider different employee groups, roles and responsibilities when measuring employee satisfaction, as opinions and needs vary by job and experience.

After measuring employee satisfaction, it is important to implement actions to improve the situation in the workplace. Measuring employee satisfaction on a regular basis and making improvements can help improve the organizational climate and increase employee engagement.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a bad working atmosphere?

A bad workplace atmosphere refers to a situation where there is an unpleasant, toxic or tense atmosphere in the workplace. This can be due to various factors, such as conflicts between employees, poor management, lack of communication, lack of support, harassment or discrimination. A bad atmosphere in the workplace results in employees showing a lack of enthusiasm, motivation and commitment to their work. They may be dissatisfied, stressed or depressed. It is important that employers and employees take measures to improve the working atmosphere, such as promoting positive relationships, enhancing communication, resolving conflicts and providing a safe working environment.

Integration trip - a way to deal with a bad atmosphere at work?

Integration of the work group is the basis for a good atmosphere at work. Where is the best place to do it? Of course, on an integration trip. A meeting in a neutral atmosphere will allow employees to establish closer relations, which will translate into a friendly atmosphere at work. You can go to the magical Karkonosze, for example to Sosnówka near Karpacz. The event agency Dwór Korona Karkonoszy offers a lot of scenarios for corporate events in its event and conference center. An integration trip will help improve communication in the team, facilitate the resolution of any conflicts and give everyone time to build positive relationships.

How to deal with a bad atmosphere at work?

Although it is not obvious to many of us, it is a fact that each of us shapes the working atmosphere. It is everyday small gestures in the workplace that affect whether we function in a pleasant atmosphere. A whole spectrum of different factors influence the climate and organization of work. So how to deal with bad working conditions and an unhealthy atmosphere in the company? First of all, we need to answer the question of whether we enjoy this job at all. List the pros and cons of your current job. If it turns out that there are more of the latter, let's just change the environment. The tense atmosphere of the workplace in the long run will certainly translate into our private life and relationships with family and friends. We have to answer honestly the question of what is most important to us. Does the performance of professional duties give us at least some satisfaction, or is the toxic atmosphere in the company slowly destroying our lives and the joy of work? The problem of a bad atmosphere at work cannot be avoided, you need to talk about it loudly and demand a response from your superiors. Let us remember that performing professional duties cannot be a punishment for us.

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