Co roku grudzień wypełniony jest różnorakimi spotkaniami wigilijnymi. Co zrobić, by świąteczna impreza firmowa wyróżniała się na tle innych? Jak powinna wyglądać dobrze zorganizowana christmas party? It turns out that it's not that simple. Is the help of an experienced organizer welcome? here we are!

Christmas party or Christmas Eve?
A company meeting in December is usually associated with a Christmas meeting. Regardless of whether we want to organize a traditional Christmas Eve or we have a corporate Christmas party with elements of a star, e.g. gifts, on our minds. However, each of these proposals is governed by its own rules and during its preparation we must pay attention to other elements.
During a holiday event, the greatest emphasis is usually placed on the artistic part. Dancing and singing together, team-building games or communication, always cause a lot of laughter among participants and are a great way to spend time together. Such team building games they add another important thing. They allow colleagues to get to know each other better, and thus cooperate more efficiently in the office. After all, a well-coordinated team is the basis of a well-functioning company.
Employee Christmas Eve it is time spent primarily at the table. Such meetings are also needed. Quiet music does not interfere with conversations, and the tasty menu and elegant interior of the room make us want to stop the time. Various games and competitions can also be organized during employee Christmas parties. Usually, more subdued games will work better, but the madness in the snow is not worth denying yourself!

In every company there will be supporters of grand, dancing parties and elegant Christmas Eve parties at a common table. However, creative people can try to combine Christmas Eve with a dance party. There are only two rooms in the premises. Everyone should enjoy such a company Christmas party.

Where to organize a Christmas party?
In the past, employee Christmas parties and Christmas parties were organized both on the premises of the company and in the premises. Today, the latter option works in most cases. The right atmosphere, the interior design that introduces the atmosphere of Christmas ... all this makes the Christmas party for employees take on the right atmosphere. The employees of the premises make sure that you can feel the magic of Christmas.
However, this is not the only possibility. The Christmas party can still be organized in the office. Logistically, it's quite complicated. However, in many films, especially American productions, the wafer meeting takes place at the company's headquarters. A holiday party at work also has its own charm. If we arrange the interior properly and take care of tasty catering, it can also be an unforgettable experience. Everyone associates Christmas with specific dishes and their unique taste. Regardless of where we organize a Christmas party for employees, we can enjoy delicious food and cuisine in accordance with the rules of slow food.
Still don't know where to organize a Christmas party?
You don't have to search any longer!
What to remember when organizing a Christmas party?
A Christmas party at work is a unique meeting even for those who are not generally enthusiastic about events. To feel the magic of Christmas and the sublime atmosphere, we must take care of every, even the smallest detail. It is worth informing the employees whether it will be an elegant dinner, during which we will share the wafer, or maybe a casual meeting, to which they will be able to come in a sweater with Rudolf.
It is worth making sure that the place or hall where we want to celebrate is properly decorated. A decorated Christmas tree, Christmas lights and baubles are important elements of the Christmas decor. We can also make sure that music is playing quietly in the background while eating and talking. It is worth choosing both carols and Christmas songs for the repertoire.
Christmas party with gifts
Every child knows that at Christmas you can expect presents. Maybe it's worth taking care of at a company Christmas party? We can prepare a small packet with coffee or tea for everyone and give it to each co-worker during a company event.
We may also ask employees to give each other gifts. However, it is worth to arrange it properly. For example, you can write the names of all your co-workers on pieces of paper and conduct a draw. Once everyone chooses a person for whom they will make a gift (let's make sure that no one makes a gift for themselves), let's agree with the employees in what price range we prepare gifts. It's nice to get a surprise gift, not necessarily knowing who prepared it. While unwrapping gifts, you can suggest a guessing game. I wonder how many employees will correctly identify who the donor was.
When gifts for all employees are ready, we can place them on the plates, if vignettes have been prepared, or allocate a separate place for them in the room. A fun solution may also be inviting Santa, who will distribute gifts to everyone. Certainly few of the employees expect such an attraction. The role of Santa can be played by someone from the company, even the president himself. This is a good opportunity to show the crew a different face.

The Christmas party is a great opportunity for employee integration. Christmas is a magical time when all possible disputes fade away and everyone tries to be nice to the other person. It is also a time to sum up the passing year and inform the entire crew about plans for the future. Singing carols together, giving each other gifts will allow employees to feel the atmosphere of the upcoming holidays. A snowball fight or a sleigh ride during the event combined with a bonfire in the cold can turn out to be a truly unforgettable experience.