Every modern company is aware of the importance of the atmosphere and proper communication between employees. When organizing an integration event, it is worth including time for games in its schedule. They will not only cheer up the company. Communication games can show what mistakes we make when exchanging sentences with colleagues and how to prevent them.

What to remember when organizing an integration event?
Regardless of whether the event that the company's employees are going to is just a way to relax together, or whether the plan is to combine a training trip with integration, the preparation of such a meeting must be carefully planned. In addition to providing all employees with transport, accommodation and food, it is also worth ensuring that they do not get bored.
Events and spending time together, also outside the office walls, help build a positive atmosphere good team. Therefore, companies that think about the future care not only about good earnings and qualifications of their employees. A good atmosphere at work is often one of the motivators to act and translates into effective performance of tasks.
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Good organization of the event is the basis for the satisfaction of all its participants. If you want to provide your co-workers with the opportunity to relax, it is worth planning not only a buffet and accommodation, but also a musical setting. It doesn't always have to be a band or a DJ. Often all you need is a computer and the right speakers. Of course, it all depends on the nature of the event. if it is company gala, it is better to invest in someone who will not only lead the ceremony, but also make the fun more pleasant after the official part is over.
Which communication games to choose?
team building it is not just about appointing people who are responsible for a given project. Team building is a more complex process where communication games are supposed to help. There are many such games known, and each company can adapt them to its requirements. What games are worth betting on?
- puns - it is one of the classic communication games. One person from the team has to pass the password to the rest of the group through gestures or drawings. However, he cannot use words. We can play for time, i.e. which team will guess the password in a shorter time, or for the number of passwords, on the principle of How many passwords will a given team guess in 2 minutes. In the second case, it is worth preparing short passwords. Preferably one word.
- puzzles – how do puzzles improve team communication? It's easy! As long as we have puzzles with the easiest difficulty level and as many blindfolds as there are participants. One person in the team has uncovered eyes and is supposed to lead the group in the shortest possible timeand arrange the puzzle. The team that completes the task first wins.

- escape room – Going to an escape room with your team can be a test for all its members. Here you will need not only creativity and reflexes, but also trust and proper communication within the team.
- mafia - is a classic among party games. Thanks to it, participants practice the skills of analysis and observation.
- what would you take to a deserted island communication is not only about clearly expressing your needs, but also about listening carefully. To practice listening to each other, it is worth playing the "what to take" game. The contestant has to say their name and one thing they would take to a deserted island. You can make it harder by saying that the thing has to start with the same letter as the name. What is the difficulty of the task? Each subsequent participant must repeat the words of the previous ones and add their name and thing. The more people play, the more difficult the gameplay can be.
- deaf phone - who among us didn't play deaf phone in school? Everyone knows its rules. Few of us know that this is an excellent exercise in listening to each other.
What do communication games give employees?
Communication games are games that can make employees aware of which areas of communication work well and where something could be improved. It is worth practicing different types of communication during integration games. In this way, we will check whether colleagues understand well what you want to convey to them. We will also verify whether the messages themselves are formulated in a clear and understandable way.
Organizing communication games is also an opportunity for co-workers to say to their boss or their co-workers “speak more clearly” or “explain what you mean”. No one will be offended during the game. It is worth realizing that in the case of improper communication, the company loses. It loses customers, transactions and trust. It is therefore worth looking at this area of the company's operation in controlled conditions and maximally improving it.

What else do communication games give you? They allow you to create an atmosphere of trust and help create the right ones employee relations in company. It should be remembered that investing in employees in the long run is definitely more profitable than hiring new ones. The employee, on the other hand, does not change the job, but rather the employer or the company where the atmosphere is inappropriate or for other reasons does not meet his expectations.
So if we are still thinking how to create a harmonious team at workworth betting on integration games and activities that will contribute to building relationships.