Dancing at a corporate event is an almost integral part of all trips. It is suitable for multi-day integration events, conferences and training sessions, as well as for any anniversaries or anniversary meetings. Therefore, a company dance with the stars is a way to make your company event even more attractive.

Company dance with the stars
Corporate Dancing with the Stars - Winners Take It All is excitement, competition and great fun. It introduces an unexpected element to the company dance meeting, which will surely appeal to all participants. What is this fun? Of course, there are a few important elements. First, participants and celebrities. Since the latter are not always at hand, we can designate who in the dancing couple will play a specific famous character. You can introduce an additional element of the game here, consisting in guessing who the individual dancers are dressed up as. Another element is the jury. Of course, it should be impartial, but knowledge of individual figures or dance styles is also welcome. Scoring does not have to depend on technical correctness, but rather on the creativity, ingenuity and artistic expression of the participants. Such a company dance with the stars is a great way to break the ice and integrate the team.
There is also a third element that cannot be missed, namely music. Ideally, it should be as varied as possible, from classic flamenco to Macarena, from waltz to disco polo. Individual pairs can draw or choose the songs themselves. At the end, the winning couple receives a prize and the honorable title of the best dancers.

Dancing at a corporate party - why is it worth it
The aforementioned dancing with the stars is just one of the proposals for spending time together on a company trip. It has many advantages, from the aforementioned team building to supporting individual expression and creativity, and ending with stress relief. We can enrich it even more by choosing a more formal option combined with a dance course.
Such a scenario can be found in Dwór Korona Karkonoszy, where a tool events calculator will allow us to quickly choose and calculate the cost of such fun. As the co-owner of the Manor, Joanna Hoc-Kopiej, points out: “A dance course lasting several days is a great way to spend time on a company trip. It can be combined with a dance show performed by professionals - the style depends on the preferences of the company. This guarantees not only great fun, but also the acquisition of new skills and self-confidence of the participants" - concludes the expert's statement.
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Dancing at a party as a way to integrate
Crazy dances to the rhythm of cheerful music, laughter, joyful conversations and an exceptionally pleasant atmosphere - dancing at a party is a recipe for great fun and unforgettable impressions! Dancing works like medicine. It releases endorphins, improves mood and well-being and relieves tension. It is a great way to de-stress and get away from the gray everyday life. However, these are not all the benefits of dancing. Well, dance parties are a great way to… integrate!
Integracja grupy pracowników decyduje o sprawnym funkcjonowaniu każdej firmy. Spotkanie w luźnej, przyjemnej atmosferze to świetna okazja do lepszego poznania i wzmocnienia przyjacielskich więzi między poszczególnymi pracownikami. Wydarzenia integracyjne ułatwiają zbudowanie silnego zespołu pracowniczego. A jak dobrze wiemy, zgrany zespół może więcej. Nie tylko sprawnie wykonuje wszystkie zadania służbowe i realizuje cele rynkowe, ale także dynamicznie rozwiązuje problemy i potrafi stworzyć przyjazną, swobodną atmosferę w miejscu pracy. Atmosferę, która sprzyja produktywności, kreatywności i motywuje do działania. W zgranym zespole pracuje się lepiej. Pracownicy dobrze czują się w swoim towarzystwie, potrafią szybko zażegnać każdy konflikt i chętnie spędzają wspólnie czas poza murami firmy. Sposobów integracji jest wiele. Jednak bez wątpienia jednym z najpopularniejszych są imprezy taneczne. Jak urozmaicić takie spotkanie?
Dancing at a party in a different version
Dancing with the stars is not the only way to have fun with elements of integration. The dance itself at a party can take many different forms. The only limit is the imagination and creativity of the organizers. It is worth letting your imagination run wild and preparing a show that will be the main topic of employees' conversations for a long time.
Organizing a competition for the best choreography is a great idea. What is this fun? Participants of the event are divided into several groups of 5 or 6 people. Representatives of individual teams draw a song to choreograph (another idea is to choose a dance style). Players have 15-30 minutes to come up with and learn the steps. The routines are presented by a jury that evaluates the performances. The group with the most points wins. The competition for the best choreography is a great way to learn effective communication. You don't need any special dancing skills to win. What counts is cooperation and creativity.
Down integration dance games include the well-known and popular dance around the chairs. The game is especially popular at wedding ceremonies, where it always provides a lot of laughter and fun. What is the gameplay about? Chairs are placed in the middle of the room - one less than the number of participants in the game. The party-goers dance around the chairs to the beat of the music, and when the music stops, they must sit on one as soon as possible. The person who fails to do so is out. In the next round, one chair is removed, etc. The game is won by the one who manages to take the last place.

Of course, dancing at a team-building event does not have to take the form of a competition. Sometimes all you need is a piece of the dance floor and cheerful, lively music to which employees can dance according to their own rules. A casual dance party will relieve tension, allow you to rest from everyday duties and make employees return to work with new energy and motivation.
And what instead of dance integration games?
Dancing at a party is a great way to integrate employees. However, this is not the only option. There are many other interesting physical games that strengthen bonds, relax the atmosphere, and thus create good relations between employees and are the basis for building a strong, supportive team of employees. What are we talking about?
example movement integration funthat can be used at a company event are competitions with props. An interesting option is to use a hula hoop - preferably several in different sizes. The participants of the game are divided into teams of several people, and then they stand in circles and hold hands. The task of each group is to put all the hula-hoops through the "human chain" as quickly as possible. The team that does it first wins. What is needed to be victorious? Collaboration, agility and effective communication. Playing with a hula hoop is a great way to relax the atmosphere and build friendly bonds.
How to organize a party – see event configurator