With a little planning and creativity, company picnics can be great fun. Not to mention what a great opportunity it is to get to know your co-workers and their families in person. Summer is in full swing, so it's time to start the company picnic!
What will you learn from the article?
Czy piknik to dobry pomysł na imprezę firmową? Absolutnie tak! Pikniki firmowe są doskonałą okazją do integracji pracowników, zwiększenia morale zespołu i po prostu do spędzenia miłego czasu na świeżym powietrzu. Ale jak zorganizować taki piknik, aby był udany i wszyscy uczestnicy byli zadowoleni?
Organizacja pikników firmowych wcale nie musi być trudna, jeśli masz odpowiedni plan. W tym wpisie dowiesz się, jak zaplanować idealny piknik firmowy krok po kroku, jakie atrakcje warto włączyć oraz na co zwrócić uwagę przy wyborze miejsca. Więc zaczynajmy – czas na zabawę!
- Company picnics - it's time to have fun!
- Is a picnic a good idea for a company event?
- Organization of company picnics - whose task is it?
- How to make a plan for organizing a company picnic?
- Jak zaplanować atrakcje piknikowe dla dorosłych?
- Is organizing company picnics difficult?
- Jak wybrać miejsce piknik firmowy?

Company picnics - time for fun!
A friendly pat on the back, relaxation and fun - a company picnic gives you the mood to relax, joke and spend nice time with the people we work with every day. The recipe for a successful event is definitely to provide great entertainment. It is necessary to plan interesting activities, outdoor games and cool prizes that will encourage everyone to get involved in the fun.
The simplest solution is to entrust the organization of the picnic to an experienced person event company. As noted by Joanna Hoc-Kopiej, an event organization expert at Dwór Korona Karkonoszy: "If we entrust the organization of a corporate event to an experienced company, we will be sure that everything will be professionally prepared and we will not have to worry about the details related to organization and preparation."
Joint activity will not only ensure a significant increase in employee morale. Teamwork and friendly competition will strengthen the bonds between employees, which is a huge asset at work.
Pikniki firmowe scalają zespół
Company picnics are a popular form of team integration, which is becoming more and more popular among employers. This is an event that allows employees to spend time outside the office, in the open air. It allows you to integrate with the team and establish new relationships. And this translates into an improved atmosphere at work and increased motivation. Company events allow you to improve relations between employees. Spending some time in the bosom of nature, in an informal atmosphere, allows you to get to know each other better and make new contacts. This, in turn, translates into better cooperation. So a company picnic - it's definitely worth it!

Is a picnic a good idea for a company event?
A picnic can be a good idea for a company event, especially if you want to organize something more casual. A picnic can be a great way to integrate employees and create a friendly atmosphere in which they can get to know each other better and spend time together outside the workplace. It is also worth bearing in mind that this form of integration always works if we want to invite employees and their families to a company event. Barbecue, stalking, competitions for children - in the open air, the youngest can go crazy, and no one will mind. It is also worth hiring an animator who will organize games for children. And one more thing - the topic of children always brings parents closer, and thus facilitates integration. –

Organization of company picnics - whose task is it?
W zależności od wielkości firmy i zasobów, organization of picnics firmowych może być zadaniem różnych osób lub departamentów. Zazwyczaj, jeśli firma jest większa, może mieć oddzielny dział zajmujący się organizacją wydarzeń firmowych, w tym pikników. Jeśli firma jest mniejsza, to zadaniem organizacji pikniku może zostać powierzony na przykład działowi kadr lub działowi marketingu. Można także skorzystać z usług specjalistycznych firm zajmujących się organizacją eventów, które pomogą w przygotowaniu pikniku firmowego od A do Z.
In any case, the organization of a company picnic usually requires the coordination and involvement of several people to ensure the right conditions and prepare all the necessary elements. What? Choosing a location, buying food and drinks, providing attractions, coordinating transport, as well as ensuring the safety of employees and guests.
Company Picnic Checklist
When organizing a company picnic, take care of the key issues. The first is place organization of the event. You need to find one that will accommodate all participants and the area will be suitable for carrying out the planned games. Also take care of food and drinks. Make sure how many guests you can expect so as not to overestimate one way or the other. The next item on the list is picnic decorations and accessories. It's a good idea to come up with a theme for the event.
A company picnic can be held under the slogan "80s", a culinary or sports picnic or an elegant outdoor event in the style of "star Hollywood". You can conduct a survey in the company beforehand and choose a topic that most people like. It always gains many supporters beer tasting handicrafts at a picnic. Remember about the master of ceremonies, i.e. the person who will announce what will be happening, present awards and coordinate the meeting. Also, make sure all employees have been invited.

There has been a significant boom in the corporate event organization industry in recent years. This is probably due to the need to retain valuable employees in the company and strengthen their loyalty. Another reason may be the need to prepare the ground for changes in the company, i.e. the introduction of new solutions. In a more relaxed and less formal atmosphere, it will be easier for the crew to accept that for the good of the company, i.e. everyone, changes need to be made and maybe give a little more of yourself. Motivation and team building is another and probably the most important reason why organization of corporate events is so important for companies and is always worth organizing.

How to choose the best corporate event offer?
Preparing company meetings or when creating company picnics, we often use the help of an event company. What to look for when choosing a corporate event offer? The most important thing is whether the event company deals with the comprehensive organization of picnics or outdoor events corporate. And also what is the offer of integration events and where a given event agency is able to prepare them.
Komu powierzyć organizację pikniku firmowego?
Let's start with who should organize picnic events? To ensure great fun, it is not enough to direct someone from the HR or human resources department to organize a picnic. You need a person who likes to have fun and is good at the same time organizer. It is best to appoint a team and clearly define who is responsible for the entire preparation of the company picnic. Then such a person can assign individual tasks to specific people. However, in the case of a company picnic for a large number of people, you still need a coordinator who will supervise and supervise the entire organization of the event. Importantly, people who prepare successful picnics ensure not only the gratitude of the participants of the event, but also the recognition of the company's management.

How to make a plan for organizing a company picnic?
Organizing a company picnic requires a well-thought-out plan for the event to run smoothly. Below are some elements to consider when planning a company picnic.
Purpose of the event
Think about what you want to achieve by organizing a company picnic. Do you want to integrate employees, reward them for their achievements, strengthen relations with customers? Defining the goals will allow for a better adjustment of the plan to the expectations of the participants.

date and place
Choose a date and place for the company picnic. You need to choose times that are convenient for all participants and a location that will be easily accessible.
Determine the budget you have available. In this way, you will avoid unpleasant surprises during the organization of the event.
Picnic schedule
Prepare a picnic program that will be adapted to the purpose of the event and the expectations of the participants. The program should include attractions, games, competitions, artistic performances, catering, etc.

Working teams
Create work teams that will be responsible for various aspects of organizing the picnic. The team may include people responsible for entertainment, catering, equipment, security, etc.
Special offer
Prepare an advertising campaign that will encourage the staff to participate in the company event. You can use various channels such as company social media profiles, emails, messengers, etc.
An integration event with a picnic and a bonfire?

Hardware and equipment
Make a list of the equipment and supplies you need, such as garden furniture, tents, tables and chairs, sound system, lighting, etc.
Ensure the safety of picnic participants. In the case of a large event, it is worth hiring security and appointing persons responsible for supervising the event.

Stock up on food and drinks to avoid running out of food for picnic attendees.
Prepare a cleanup and waste disposal plan after the picnic. In this way, you will take care of the cleanliness and aesthetics of the environment.
What not to do at a company picnic
It happens that a company picnic is treated as another duty. A meeting where employees show up to exchange greetings, perfunctory smiles and sneak out as soon as possible. This kind company events employees do not associate it well, especially since most of them take place on days off from work. A company picnic should be an opportunity to show employees appreciation and a real reward - a chance to spend a really pleasant day!

Do you need additional attractions for company picnics?
For a company picnic, it is always worth having a themed set integration games i w miarę rozwoju sytuacji je wprowadzać. Niezależnie od planu imprezy trzeba zadbać, żeby biesiady firmowe miały swój rytm i znaleźć czas zarówno na przygotowane atrakcje, jak i na spontaniczną zabawę. Nie może też zabraknąć oprawy muzycznej imprezy. To często bardzo skutecznie rozkręca każde towarzystwo. Oczywiście na ewentualne tańce musi być też odpowiednie miejsce, ale muzyka, nawet bez nich, bardzo dobrze buduje nastrój. A przecież bez niego nie ma udanej imprezy.
Pamiętajmy jednak, aby nie przesadzać z atrakcjami w trakcie imprez plenerowych zakrapianych alkoholem. Zabawy typu ścianka wspinaczkowa czy off road oczywiście po alkoholu w ogóle nie wchodzą w grę. W przypadku organizacji firmowego pikniku rodzinnego zadbajmy szczególnie o atrakcje dla dzieci. Rodzinne pikniki firmowe bardzo dobrze integrują rodziny pracowników pod warunkiem, że są naprawdę dobrze przygotowane i mają ciekawe atrakcje.
Why is it worth integrating employees at company picnics, parties and trips?
Every company would like to be spectacularly successful on the market. However, in order to constantly develop and climb up the industry hierarchy, a well-coordinated, efficiently functioning team is necessary. A team that is able to communicate, dynamically solves problems and is able to create a friendly, relaxed atmosphere in the workplace. A team whose members know each other inside out, are able to draw the best from the potential of each person and focus on cooperation. How to build such an employee group? Integration is the key to success! Integration workshopscompany trips, team building games – this is the key to integration.

Integration is one of the elements of team building. It can be defined as a series of activities aimed at creating positive relationships between team members. Based on, among others on cooperation, mutual assistance, support, trust, camaraderie and responsibility. We distinguish different forms integration of the work group. One of them is the organization of events - including company picnics. An integration event is a great opportunity to get to know each other better, talk about various topics (not necessarily related to work), find a common language and build strong, friendly ties. What's more, integration events allow you to take a break from everyday business duties. Celebrating in the company of employees is a great way to de-stress and relax the atmosphere.
Przepis na idealny piknik firmowy
As we mentioned earlier, A company picnic is a great way to integrate employees. The casual, family nature of the event is conducive to deepening friendly relations between employees and allows you to relax.
A company picnic can be enriched with interesting integration games that will spice up the event, provide lots of laughter and fun, and at the same time help strengthen bonds between employees. Popular integration activities include:
- Team games – such as football or dodgeball. Team games teach competition, which can translate into better functioning of the work group on a daily basis.
- Games with elements of competition - for example, the company's Olympic Games, during which employees divided into teams will compete in various competitions. The Games are a great opportunity to learn how to cooperate, communicate effectively, efficiently solve problems or give commands.
- Logic games - i.e. all logical puzzles, from simple puzzles to complex and addictive scenario puzzles.
- Kreatywne aktywności – na przykład warsztaty kulinarne, wspólne malowanie obrazów lub tworzenie historyjek czy firmowy taniec z gwiazdami.
- Simple team building games - e.g. the game "Blind Trust", in which participants divided into two have to overcome a special obstacle course. What's the catch? One person is blindfolded and the other is their guide.

How to prepare an invitation for picnic participants?
Today, company picnics are an important part of the company's operation and its personnel policy. Invitations to themed picnics are best prepared simply by using the theme of the event. For example, if the company picnic will be in the style of the Wild West, we can inform the participants of the company picnic about this event with a poster stylized for this era. That is, prepare invitations inspired by a wanted poster from that time or some other cowboy theme. Company picnics organized for a smaller team can also be a form of company surprise. But then you have to take care of every detail to make the surprise really successful. And the invitation to such an event must be sent well in advance. So that everyone can organize themselves properly and then have free time for integration meeting.
How to entertain the participants of a company picnic?
Entertaining company picnic participants is an important element of a successful event. What to suggest to make the fun successful? What attractions will work on a picnic? Here are a variety of attractions and activities that will allow employees to spend time with friends and colleagues, and at the same time provide them with a lot of fun and laughter.
- stand-up
- karaoke
- quiz
- sport tournament
- board and card games
- outdoor game
- bubble football
- band
- photo booth
- paintball.

What is a successful company picnic?
Corporate integration picnics require a lot of effort, meticulous preparation and a good idea. It's not only about the place, but also the picnic area attractions. Of course, if we manage to hit the perfect weather, we have a guarantee of a successful event. However, the best company picnics are those with a good event scenario and surprises for participants, i.e. those where everyone, without exception, will find something for themselves. In a word – a company picnic should have a lot going on and no one can be bored. It is best to come to such an event with a set integration games and ideas to get the participants moving and amused. That is why it is worth organizing picnics by inviting animators, local musicians and experienced ringleaders.
Company picnic?

How to ensure the safety of picnic participants?
One of the most important elements of organizing a corporate event is safety of picnic participants. To ensure this, it is worth following a few basic rules:
- Make sure your picnic area is safe for participants. Avoid areas near busy roads, near unsecured water or other potentially dangerous places.
- Organize your picnic well in advance so that you have time to prepare and ensure the safety of participants.
- Before starting the picnic, check the weather conditions to avoid unexpected events.
- Ensure proper hygienic conditions, such as access to drinking water,
- Make sure food and drinks are stored safely, in the right containers and at the right temperature.
Co się sprawdza?
Successful corporate events usually need to have a theme and an idea to surprise and enjoy the participants. It can be, for example, an invitation to the star of the evening or a lottery with funny prizes. There are always games, fun and competitions. In the case of outdoor corporate events, the venue itself can be an attraction. For example mountain resort type Sosnówka near Karpacz or a party venue by the water lagoon on a hot summer day. Under the slogan of a company picnic, there can also be an original one outdoor game or company Olympics with very funny competitions and prizes. There can also be themed picnics, such as a football or fishing picnic.
Integration picnics should give participants a chance to show their passions and interests. It will be a great excuse to get to know each other better and deepen the relationship. Or maybe even make real friends?

Jak zaplanować atrakcje piknikowe dla dorosłych?
A picnic for adults can be a great opportunity to spend time outdoors, relax and have fun. What attractions can we provide to participants? Since the event takes place outdoors, it is of course worth organizing games and outdoor fun outdoor activities such as frisbee, badminton, volleyball. A picnic will not be complete without a barbecue. You can even organize a grilling competition. Also, a party by the fire always works, as well as the accompanying tasting of various types of wine or beer. If the picnic will take place in a park or forest, you can organize a bicycle or hiking trip. This is a good opportunity to admire nature. Having fun together can be immortalized in a photo booth, using funny props.
Przykładowy program pikniku firmowego
Organization of a company picnic can be a great opportunity to integrate employees, strengthen relations with clients or just have fun. Here is a sample program for a company picnic:
- Welcome and presentation of the program - at the beginning it is worth welcoming all participants and presenting the program of the event. You can also thank for cooperation so far and invite to play.
- Games and activities - depending on the number of participants and preferences, various games and activities can be arranged, such as a soccer tournament, a frisbee tournament, volleyball, etc.
- Grilling and catering - a picnic without good food is a misunderstanding! Prepare a variety of barbecue dishes, as well as ready meals, snacks and desserts that will be a delight for the participants.
- Party by the fire - gather wood and organize campfire. This is a great opportunity to bake sausages, casseroles or grill marshmallows.
- Competitions and games - organize various competitions and games - music, art or sports.
- Concert – if the budget allows, you can organize a music concert. In this way, you can create an additional attraction that will surely be remembered by the participants.
- Prizes and gifts - at the end of the picnic, it is worth giving prizes and gifts to the best participants of competitions and games, as well as thanking for participating in the event.
Remember that the company picnic program should be adapted to the needs and expectations of the participants, as well as to the goal you want to achieve by organizing such an event.

Is organizing company picnics difficult?
Organizing company picnics can be quite complicated as it requires consideration of many factors such as location, number of participants, menu, entertainment, logistics and budget. There are many issues to consider and coordinate, which can take a lot of time and effort.
However, the difficulty of organizing a company picnic also depends on the scale of the event and the resources available to help with the organization. For smaller company picnics, or if the company has experience in organizing such events, the organization can be relatively easy.
The most important thing is to properly plan and prepare for the event to avoid problems and ensure that your company picnic is a success. It is also worth considering hiring an event specialist or event agency to help organize and manage all elements of the event.
How to ensure great fun at a company picnic?
To ensure a great time at your company picnic, there are a few important things to consider:
- the right attractions - think about what might interest the participants and adjust the attractions to their preferences. These can be outdoor games and fun, competitions, thematic presentations or artistic shows.
- competitions and prizes – they always arouse emotions and encourage participants to actively participate in the event. Prepare interesting prizes for the winners and inform about them before the event.
- food - A picnic is primarily a time to eat and drink, so it is worth taking care of a tasty and varied menu that will suit the tastes of the participants. You can organize a barbecue, a buffet with snacks and drinks, as well as a dessert stand with pastries and sweets.
- music – it is an important element of any event that can encourage participants to dance and have fun.
- atmosphere – it is important that the participants feel comfortable and nice at the picnic.
- team-building - a company picnic is a great opportunity to organize a team-building that will integrate the team.

Jak wybrać miejsce piknik firmowy?
Choosing the right place for a company picnic is important. The location affects the course of the event and the satisfaction of participants. When looking for a place for a company event, it is definitely worth choosing an attractive location - picturesque landscapes at a company picnic are important. Accessibility and easy access are equally important, so that all participants can easily reach the event venue.
The availability of appropriate infrastructure is also crucial - bathrooms, roofing, outdoor furniture, as well as a place for a barbecue and bonfire. In addition, the place should be large enough to accommodate all participants and provide space for attractions and games. If we try to find an interesting place for a company picnic, there is a chance to have great fun in a beautiful and friendly atmosphere.
Company picnics Wrocław and the surrounding area - why is it worth going there?
Every year, Lower Silesia attracts many tourists from all over the country and abroad. Wrocław and its surroundings are very attractive places in terms of tourism. In addition to lots of picturesque lakes, valleys and forests, we will find beautiful architecture there. In Wrocław itself, we can admire the unique Old Town Hall built in the late Gothic style, the historic Water Tower, or one of the oldest and largest Gothic churches in the city - the church of St. Wojciech. And also the monumental Centennial Hall, the phenomenal Japanese Garden, the climatic embankments of the Oder River, plenty of iconic pubs, festivals, concerts - the attractions of the capital of Lower Silesia can be listed for a long time. Corporate events Wroclaw? Of course it is - it's a great place!
Company picnic in the Karkonosze Mountains
The picturesque Karkonosze Mountains are considered a great advantage of Lower Silesia. Why it's perfect place for an integration trip? Over 5,000 hectares of breathtaking land, an extraordinary wealth of plants and the beautiful, exceptionally climatic aura of the Karkonosze National Park, which is conducive to relaxation. The Giant Mountains are a paradise for nature lovers! In the heart of these magnificent mountains, there is m. Śnieżka peak, which is besieged by crowds of tourists regardless of the season, or the exceptionally picturesque Kamieńczyk waterfall, which falls in three cascades from 27 meters. The phenomenal Mały Staw and the iconic Samotnia shelter or the impressive Śnieżne Kotły are other advantages of these mountains, just like the Chojnik or Prince Henryk castles.
Due to the exceptionally beautiful panoramas, the Karkonosze Mountains are often chosen for the organization wedding in the mountains. Their magnificent peaks and waterfalls look great in photos and videos, both from family and company celebrations.

Lower Silesia for corporate events
The exceptionally climatic aura is a huge asset that speaks in favor of Lower Silesia as an ideal place for organizing company picnics. Jednak nie jest to jedyny plus! Otóż we Wrocławiu i okolicach jest co robić! Region oferuje nam niezwykłą różnorodność atrakcji turystycznych, które doskonale urozmaicą każdą company trip. Piesze wycieczki po szlakach ulokowanych pośród malowniczych okoliczności przyrody, inspirujące warsztaty rzemiosła regionalnego, na których poznaje się tajniki tworzenia dolnośląskich ceramik czy tkanin, czy też bajkowe loty helikopterem, podczas których można podziwiać Karkonosze z lotu ptaka – jest w czym wybierać!

It is worth going to Lower Silesia for longer. Organize a picnic one day, go hiking or organize unique workshops for employees the next. Company picnic in Wrocław or surrounding area combined with an integration event filled to the brim with interesting attractions will appeal to even the most demanding people!
Frequently Asked Questions
Company picnic in the mountains?
The mountains are the perfect place for any outdoor events. Company picnics are no exception. For example, in the Karkonosze Mountains, in the stylish event center Dwór Korona Karkonoszy, we have a huge garden with the Outdoor Events Center at our disposal. There you can organize a company event for up to 200 guests, go on a trip to the mountains or take advantage of over 100 scenarios of company events for every season.
How to organize a company picnic?
Organizing a company picnic can be an excellent opportunity to strengthen relations between employees, integrate the team and provide employees with entertainment and relaxation. How to do it? Choose the right place - it should be easily accessible and provide adequate space for all participants (parks, forests, gardens, beaches). Choose a convenient time, i.e. one that does not interfere with other important company events or holidays. A company picnic should be attractive to the participants, so it is worth organizing various types of games and activities, sports tournaments, competitions, as well as providing music, grilling and catering. Remember that it is worth using the services of professional companies that specialize in organizing picnics.
Where to organize a company picnic?
Choose a place for a company picnic carefully. It should be attractive so that participants want to spend time there. But also easily accessible so that employees can easily get there. It must have sanitary facilities. And it would be best if there was an option to make a bonfire, because there is nothing like staring at a living fire or baking sausages or bread. Some training and event centers have the right space to organize outdoor corporate events. For example, Dwór Korona Karkonosze in Sosnówka near Karpacz.
When to organize a company picnic?
Organizing outdoor events is always a challenge. What time of year to choose for a company picnic? The natural choice is summer, but each season has its advantages and disadvantages, and organizers of corporate events must adapt their plans to weather conditions. Spring is the perfect time to organize outdoor events, but sometimes the weather can be capricious even in spring. Summer means warm, sunny days and evenings - they encourage you to play outside. However, it can be hot and even mosquitoes can be a nuisance. Autumn is a great time to organize picnics or bonfires. However, in the evenings, a blanket and mulled wine may come in handy. Winter is the time when most events take place indoors. However, winter can be the perfect time to organize picnics combined with a bonfire, sleigh rides or ice skating. All you need to do is dress appropriately, and the winter corporate event in the open air will leave an unforgettable impression!
Attractions for a company picnic
Usually, an outdoor event surrounded by beautiful nature is an attraction in itself. But of course you can make it even more interesting, for example by choosing a theme. You can organize a retro-style picnic, for example in the spirit of the 60s or 70s. Or a party in the spirit of slow life. A sports picnic or an artistic picnic will also encourage employees to participate in a company event. Or maybe organize a culinary picnic? Fresh air always whet the appetite, and jointly prepared delicacies will bring employees closer together.