Umiejętność pracy zespołowej jest obecnie jedną z najbardziej pożądanych kompetencji na rynku pracy. Tylko działanie w zespole wyzwala efekt synergii, jednak zespół nie powstaje sam z siebie. Współpraca w grupie, scenariusz zajęć, który angażuje wszystkich członków zespołu, pozwala przećwiczyć skuteczne komunikowanie się w różnych sytuacjach. Można to zweryfikować wykonując zadania, polegające na wspólnym dążeniu do celu oraz braniu odpowiedzialności za wykonanie zadania.

Teamwork is more like a relay race, whose members pass the baton quickly, accurately and at the right moment. The team of collaborators is characterized by a specific structure within which there is a clear division of work and authority. Everyone knows their place and what to expect from the other members of the group. However, observation alone is not enough, and well-coordinated teams are also created during team-building activities carried out outside of standard duties. What should group cooperation look like then? The lesson plan that will make this possible must be tailored to the people.
Better team cooperation? The lesson plan is the basis
At every step, we create groups - more or less formal, guided or task-oriented, professional or friendly. We usually behave differently in the company of other people than when we are alone. For proper group cooperation to occur, the lesson plan must take into account various aspects. The people who make up the team need to reach out. The ideal way to do this is through various types of group coaching exercises.
Testing the ability to find oneself in a team and cooperate with others is now part of almost every recruitment campaign. Already at the stage of acquiring new employees, we are looking for people with specific predispositions and features, ideally suited to the temperaments and skills of other members of the team or department.
As a result of activities strengthening cooperation in the group, the company often redesigns its structure, realizing that sometimes changes are necessary to be able to use the full potential of the employees.

In order to effectively carry out the entrusted tasks, each team must develop the following abilities to strengthen cooperation in the group:
- the ability to define a common goal and indicators of its implementation,
- the ability to engage in a specific task,
- developing an atmosphere of commitment, openness, support and belonging to a team,
- willingness to exchange information, opinions and ideas honestly.
Collaboration in a group - lesson plan including types of behavior
There are eight types of team behavior, the lack or excess of which weakens the team:
- A coordinator (manager) who sets goals in a strong and assertive way, listens and acts.
- A leader who shapes the team, stimulates it to action and supports the ideas of other members.
- An originator who generates ideas for the team.
- An employee with analytical skills.
- An employee who emotionally supports the entire team, is oriented towards others and is able to defuse possible conflict situations.
- Resource researcher with a wide range of contacts.
- A practical organizer who systematically and persistently brings projects to life.
- Controller, focused on details and procedures to be followed.
From the point of view of the smooth functioning of the company, the diversity of roles gives the group various opportunities. The leader's role is to match different people to the right jobs. Firstly, to those for which they are best suited. Secondly, it is best that the tasks assigned to them best suit them. Then the team can achieve very good results and cooperation within the group increases. The lesson plan, which is to additionally strengthen it, should take into account the types of employee behavior.

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Collaboration in a group - lesson plan preceded by analysis
Employees gathered in groups can cooperate with each other constantly (within departments, sections, divisions or cells) or create ad hoc teams (focused on performing a specific task, implementing a project or solving a specific problem). Regardless, the effect achieved is largely determined by group cooperation. A scenario of activities that could improve mutual relations between team members can be established by the HR department together with project managers.
How to make a group a team? First of all, it is necessary to enable the members of the group getting to know each other better, and the best way to do that is to play together or something that includes at least elements of it. The team is united by a common goal, mutual responsibility and mutual support.

The selection of appropriate activities to strengthen cooperation in the group should be preceded by a diagnosis that will check the level of openness, trust and commitment of team members. On its basis, we determine the type of classes, the purpose of which will be primarily to obtain information about what we need to feel like a team, but also to identify what problems cooperation in a group causes. The lesson plan should therefore also include identifying what blocks employees in everyday communication and the implementation of assigned tasks.
Learning while having fun? It works!
The scenario of classes supporting cooperation in a group should strengthen the participants' emotions, leading to the use of all knowledge and skills in order to achieve victory. An important element of these exercises is that employees step outside of their comfort zone, because only then will they reveal their true emotions and tendencies.
Przykładowy scenariusz zajęć wspierających współpracę w grupie zakłada, iż uczestnicy podzieleni na grupy, wyruszają w podróż, podczas której czekają na nich liczne wyzwania fizyczne i intelektualne. Zabawa obejmuje planowanie działań, wyznaczanie celów, komunikację, współpracę, tropienie, odnajdywanie ukrytych informacji oraz realizację konkretnych zadań. Integration hearth pozwoli lepiej się poznać. Z kolei warsztaty kulinarne dla firm mogą być połączeniem przyjemnego z pożytecznym. Podczas wspólnej nauki gotowania nie brakuje okazji do tego, by sprawdzić się jako zespół.
Overcoming obstacles and solving puzzles together, regardless of the form, leads employees to focus on achieving the goal with the support of other people. The key to the success of these classes is to create relationships based on understanding, acceptance and full cooperation. To test yourself in conditions other than "office", it is worth choosing a pleasant hotel for employees. Integration events have this in common that they should be a really interesting escape from everyday life. choosing place for an integration trip let's follow this rule. Dwór Korona Karkonoszy, situated in a picturesque mountain landscape, with an excellent menu and stylish rooms, will provide both unforgettable attractions and blissful rest.