Lower Silesia has long been the Polish center of weddings - it is here that we will find the most wedding houses that attract couples from all over the country. For some time, however, Lower Silesia and Wrocław have also been aspiring to be the capital of corporate events. What it comes from? Corporate events Wroclaw – nie tylko stolica województwa ma potencjał!
- Corporate events Wroclaw
- How to choose a venue for corporate events?
- A place for integration events
- Integration events Wroclaw
- Attractions for corporate events
- Organization of a corporate event
- Event organizer
- What should offers for corporate events include?
- Why organize integration events for companies?
- Events for companies in Wrocław - attractions that will diversify a company integration trip
- Proposals for an integration trip
- The best corporate events
- Corporate events Wrocław - how to organize an unforgettable team building trip?
- Team building at a corporate event
- How to organize a theme party?
- Is there any form of the perfect party?
- company meetings
- Unique corporate events
- Corporate events Wroclaw 2023
Corporate events Wroclaw
Events for companies organized in Lower Silesia are particularly popular among companies from all over Poland and abroad. The source of success of this region is the same as wedding parties. AND wedding in the mountains and a corporate event with a view of the mountain peaks are something special! Wrocław and Lower Silesia are an area that is very attractive to tourists. Taking into account corporate events Wroclaw and the surrounding area they have much more to offer than almost any other region.

We will find here picturesque valleys, lakes, forests, monuments, wonderful architecture, and of course the Giant Mountains. AND conference facilities in the mountains provide a full range of event services. Corporate events in the mountains are particularly popular, offering participants attractions not available anywhere else. And the mysterious, primeval nature and breathtaking views are the icing on the cake here.
Are you looking for a place for a corporate event?

The attractiveness of the region for tourists has resulted in a rich accommodation and service base. But there are more such places in Poland. What gives Wrocław an advantage over, for example, seaside towns is the dynamically developing economy of Lower Silesia. The strong presence of this sector in this region results, on the one hand, in a large number of potential participants of corporate events, and on the other hand, in a multitude of various types of training and workshops that are offered in Lower Silesia. As a result, choosing to corporate events in Wrocław we can choose from many types of events.

Company events for the employer always involve some costs and organizational effort. And for the employees of the company, it is a kind of bonus and a form of their appreciation. So if we decide to integration under the aegis of the employer, everything must be well organized. The point is that employees will certainly evaluate the employer after leaving. And they will certainly appreciate both the efforts and the chosen ones place for corporate integration.

For example The Crown of the Karkonosze Manor offers several dozen types of corporate events, from conferences to banquets, team building events or scenario games.
How to choose a venue for corporate events?
For example, successful trip to the mountains combined with training, fun and many attractions will certainly be well remembered and appreciated. And additionally, if it is a company trip to a place they would like to go anyway, the employer will earn more points from his crew. And vice versa. If the organization of corporate events is accompanied by mediocrity and frugality at every step, the participants will feel very disappointed and can "repay" with a similar attitude to working for such an employer. And although there is no perfect integration event, when browsing through the offer of integration trips, let's choose the best ones.
A place for integration events
It is best to choose a place for integration events according to the following criteria:
- attractive location,
- facility providing full training infrastructure,
- place with a hotel part,
- organizer's experience,
- opinions about the event agency,
- event company references.
Everyone knows that the integration meeting of employees should take place in a place where they can relax in their room or garden at a convenient time. And preferably, it should be a facility that ensures exclusivity for the time of the company event. Employees will then actually integrate, and they will not make friends with other guests of the hotel or restaurant.

Integration events Wroclaw
Among corporate events, those focused on people have been particularly popular recently team building and team building. Also regarding integration events Wroclaw has a lot to offer. It is about both the availability of such events and their diversity. Integration events in Lower Silesia they allow us to discover monuments in the city one day, participate in training or workshops on the other, and take part in a helicopter flight or an obstacle race in the wilderness of the Karkonosze Mountains on the third. The communication infrastructure of Lower Silesia allows you to move from Wrocław to Karpacz or Sosnówka in a short time.
Attractions for corporate events
As noted by Joanna Hoc-Kopiej, an expert at Dwór Korona Karkonoszy: “Our clients are very eager to take advantage of the diverse offer of corporate events, combining a conference with an Old Polish feast or a trip in the footsteps of local crafts. Among the integration events, the Culinary Tournament is a real hit, although our Company Games have recently become a big competition for it,” concludes the statement.

When it comes to corporate events, Wrocław and Lower Silesia are a real boon of abundance. Regardless of which event we choose, we can be sure that the experience of participating in it will be truly unforgettable.
Organization of a corporate event
Every manager knows how organization of a company integration event is important for building a strong team. Such a meeting of employees outside the place of employment allows you to build and strengthen bonds in the team. It also improves communication and allows you to get to know each other better. The integration event brings employees closer together and strengthens the company. If we want to benefit from the synergy effect in the future and we hope that the team will develop, we also need to invest in it.
Event organizer
Everyone organizer will strive to prepare the perfect event. But is that even possible? And if so, how to go about it? The most interesting are theme parties. Na przykład impreza w stylu Dzikiego Zachodu albo zabawa w kasynie czy po prostu costume party. Pozwala to pracownikom trochę bardziej wyrazić siebie i sprawia, że jest to event, na który niecierpliwie się czeka. A fakt, że trzeba się do niego przygotować, choćby wypożyczając odpowiedni strój, powoduje ekscytację i zaciekawienie. Taka impreza jest też świetnym elementem dającym nieco wytchnienia od rutyny codziennej pracy i domowych albo rodzinnych obowiązków.

The theme of corporate events can be virtually any. Having fun at such an integration event allows you to completely relax and get out of everyday roles. For example, a boss might disguise himself as a beggar, and a rank-and-file worker as a king. Another important element during a company event are additional attractions and surprises. Let's provide participants with twists and a bit of adrenaline. For example, we can prepare a scenario game involving solving a criminal puzzle or treasure hunt. Or as part of company surprises, provide volunteers with a balloon or helicopter flight. It is worth following the offer in this respect integration meetings.
What should offers for corporate events include?
The offer for the organization of a corporate event should include, above all price for catering and accommodation for one participant. In addition, if the offer includes additional attractions or services, it is also the price with the amount per one participant or the amount covering the entire organization of the company event. In the case of a multi-day integration event, the company event offer should also include the exact number of accommodation and meals. It is definitely worth taking an interest in proven offers event companieswith experience and appropriate tools and contacts to facilitate the organization of a tailor-made corporate event. And sometimes even their own facility for company events, as in the case of The Crown of the Karkonosze Manor in Sosnowka.

Why organize integration events for companies?
Integration Party for employees, it is a great way to break away from their professional duties at least for a while and have a little fun in the company. This is a great opportunity to talk on neutral ground about non-work related topics, get to know each other better and strengthen bonds. Organizing team-building events can bring a lot of benefits in the long term. A team of employees who spend time together outside office hours has a chance to build friendly relations, which contributes to the improvement of the atmosphere on a daily basis and better understanding at work. An integrated team can do more. It efficiently solves all problems, draws maximum benefits from the knowledge and skills of its individual members, and persistently pursues its goals. Thanks to this, he achieves spectacular successes and contributes to the development of the company.
Are you looking for a place for a company event in Lower Silesia?

In order for an integration event to bring the expected results, it must be properly organized. Outside the venue, the nature of the event and the attractions provided by the organizers are of great importance. How to spice up a company event in Wrocław or its vicinity?
Events for companies in Wrocław - attractions that will diversify a company integration trip

A traditional integration event with dancing, good food and refreshing drinks is a popular solution. What if you could go a step further and organize an event that will surprise the participants with its unusual character? An event full of amazing attractions that will provide employees with a lot of unique experiences? Such an event will certainly be remembered by employees for a long time and will give them plenty of topics to talk about during breaks from work.

When organizing an event for companies in Wrocław or its vicinity, we have a wide field to show off. There are many great attractions in Lower Silesia that can diversify everyone integration event. It is worth visiting these charming surroundings for a longer stay. It is impossible to see and do everything in one evening. A corporate event can be turned into a multi-day integration trip full of unique activities that will generate a lot of amazing memories.
Proposals for an integration trip
Attractions on an integration trip can start even before the evening party. Our suggestions are:
- walking tour through the picturesque surroundings,
- scenario game (for example, a crime mystery),
- inspiring workshops (for example, cooking workshops with a well-known chef, regional crafts or the basics of self-defence),
- fun in the rope park,
- runmageddon.

An interesting solution is to organize a themed party that will take the participants to an amazing, magical world. Dwór Korona Karkonoszy offers various scenarios of integration events - including a beer feast, a Las Vegas party, a costume ball in the style of the 1920s and many others.
The best corporate events
It is certainly worth organizing parties and enjoying the company of other people. Especially bigger integration events they often end up having fun together on the dance floor. But the most important thing is that we have a chance to get to know each other better and break the distance that hinders rather than helps in everyday work. The best corporate events are the ones where everyone can actually relax and have fun together. Although, of course, there are rarely integration events for entertainment only. Even if they are not directly related to traininghowever, that is usually their goal team building. Although the purpose of a corporate event can also be, for example, a celebration jubileepromotions or business success or broadly understood promotion of the company. Sometimes we also organize events for our regular partners and clients to maintain good relations. The point is to build and strengthen loyalty and willingness to continue cooperation through such an unforgettable corporate event.

Corporate events Wrocław - how to organize an unforgettable team building trip?
A company event in Wrocław or its vicinity can be enriched with elements of team building. What is team building? It can be defined as a group of strategies that are to strengthen the employee group and improve its everyday functioning. In other words, it is a group work tool. Team building tasks teach cooperation, improve communication in a team of employees, and at the same time relax the atmosphere. Team building is a perfect solution when conflicts arise in the group. It is also a great tool for integrating a newly formed team.
Team building at a corporate event
Team building can take many forms - from simple integration games such as "Blind Trust" or team "Puns", at a culinary tournament or paintball ending. How to spice up a company event organized in Wrocław or its vicinity? A great idea is to prepare a demanding obstacle course in picturesque mountain areas. Such fun will not only strengthen the team and provide them with a lot of unforgettable adventures, but also allow them to admire the exceptionally charming mountain surroundings. In Dwór Korona Karkonoszy you can organize corporate Olympic Gamesduring which employees divided into several teams will compete in various interesting competitions. For example, playing ball in sacks, shooting with a slingshot or racing on crates. Cooperation is the key to victory! Participants must communicate efficiently, listen carefully and use the skills and potential of each member. Only then will they succeed!

Corporate event in Wrocław or its vicinity combined with elements of team building is a recipe for great fun that will generate a lot of great memories. A side effect will be a strong, well-coordinated team of employees that efficiently performs all business tasks and achieves the set goals. And that's what makes it successful on the market!
How to organize a theme party?
Organization of corporate events – how to go about it? The first step should be an idea for the leitmotif of the integration event, and the next step should be to book it event venue. Taking a bit of a shortcut, you can use the services of professional animators or simply order a service from an event agencythat will take care of everything.
However, if we want to organize the integration ourselves, ideas can be taken from movies, our favorite games or use hints on the Internet. Na niektórych blogach są bardzo ciekawe i niebanalne pomysły na integration games. First of all, we need to have the right place and accessories. For example, if the idea for integration is to build together Goldberg machines, then you need to have a lot of different types of items and accessories. However, if we want to organize a company integration in the form of 1920s themed parties. or a ball, then you should prepare the appropriate musical setting and warn the participants well in advance so that they can find appropriate outfits.
On the other hand, an urban game or an outdoor game require quite complicated preparations, and the place for such an event should be away from intense city traffic. It is also necessary to ensure the safety of the participants of the fun, so it is better to engage a professional event agency to prepare this type of activity.

Is there any form of the perfect party?
Each of us has a different taste and this also applies to integration events. Some of our employees probably like outdoor entertainment or dancing, others may want to play board games or take part in culinary workshops. Even if we choose the perfect place for a corporate eventI'm sure there will be someone who will turn their nose up. This is why form of an employee event should be such as to fill the time with attractions as much as possible. Just to have a lot going on. Then there's no time for dissatisfaction.
Also when party attractions organized for employees largely consist of group games and activities, everyone will want to give their best, because they are in some team. And in turn, after an intense and pleasant day, endorphins will be released and everyone will be happy. Then let's light a company fire together or sit down to a gala dinner, and we will see the world in a better light. We will share emotions, topics and reasons for jokes with our teammates.
company meetings
Preparing a corporate event requires some experience, but also good orientation in terms of appropriate venues. It is better not to organize a corporate event in places where members of some subculture gather. But it is also better to avoid establishments aspiring to a premium brand. In the latter case, probably not everyone will feel at ease, and the financial burden for the employer may be disproportionate to the event and the expected effects.
Można też, zanim dojdzie do spotkania integracyjnego, niektóre lokale po prostu wypróbować. Ale też nie wiadomo, jak zareaguje nasz organizm i czy wytrzyma portfel… Pamiętajmy również o tym, że na company meetings warto jest zaplanować jakieś integration games. There must also be enough space for them and, of course, the conditions to carry them out. The easiest way is to simply send an e-mail and receive an offer from the facility we choose. You can immediately determine what type of corporate event are we interested in?. And further talk specifically about the price and date. For organizers integration trip is a very convenient form of contact. In the case of purchasing a comprehensive service, the preparation of a company event will be limited to simply making a transfer and taking part in good fun.

Unique corporate events
The organization of trips is always accompanied by the desire to prepare something original and distinguishing our company event from others. It is best to ensure this through preparing surprising attractions for participants. Let's start from the very beginning of the company event, that is, let's prepare some unusual welcome for the participants of integration and team building games. And also at the next stages, in accordance with the previously prepared scenario and the course of the integration event, let's introduce surprising interludes and surprises.

Corporate events Wroclaw 2023
Managers looking corporate events in Wrocław in 2023 they may feel overwhelmed by the number of offers. However, it is not an easy time for the event and catering industry. The market of services related to the organization of events is also undergoing reshuffling. For example, some gastronomic points disappear from the urban landscape, and new ones appear in their place. Therefore, when planning company event well in advance it is better to choose companies that have extensive experience and have been on the market for a long time. We will then be sure that the planned integration events will take place at the agreed time and under the conditions contained in the contract.

A good alternative for Wroclaw companies is, for example organization of events in the Karkonosze Mountains. There is a convenient and quick access. We are sure to find the right one on site conference rooms and accommodation. Mountain tourist resorts offer not only skiing. Their offer also includes specialized integration events targeted at specific employee teams. An experienced team-building event designer is able to perfectly prepare an event scenario for a specific group. It will also certainly achieve its goals, for example team building or relaxing the tense atmosphere in the team. And all this in beautiful surroundings and as part of good fun. Such epic team-building events are remembered by employees for a long time and with fondness.
Frequently Asked Questions
Organization of corporate events Wrocław?
Corporate events are always very popular. Therefore, the comprehensive organization of corporate events in Wrocław by event agencies is also gaining momentum and interesting proposals are emerging. One of them is the offer of over 100 attractions for corporate events, combined with accommodation in the mountains. Dwór Korona Karkonoszy in Sosnówka near Karpacz positively surprises with fresh ideas, as well as phenomenal catering and own brands of craft beer and coffee.
Where is the corporate event in Wrocław?
For a company event or simple employee integration, for example over a beer, you can simply choose one of the popular pubs in the city. If, however, we want our corporate event to be original and positively surprise employees, let's choose, for example, the nearby Giant Mountains. You can organize a business trip or training with accommodation there. For example, Dwór Korona Karkonoszy in Sosnówka near Karpacz offers an additional 113 different integration and fun scenarios for corporate events.
Where is the integration event in Wrocław?
Integration events for Wrocław companies are best organized outside the place of daily work and commuting. So that the corporate event is not associated with a business sit-down, but a real event. A good and attractive place for a corporate event for companies from Wrocław can be the nearby mountains. For example, the Giant Mountains, to which there is good and convenient access. There are also many attractions for corporate events.
Organization of corporate events Silesia?
The south of Poland is an ideal place to organize corporate events. There are both mountains and water (e.g. the Lagoon in Sosnówka), but also the neighborhood and interesting cultural influences of the Czech Republic, and in Lower Silesia also of Germany. The Giant Mountains and the vicinity of Karpacz are especially popular. This is where Dwór Korona Karkonoszy is located, which is a leader in organizing corporate events in this region.
Corporate event in the open air Wrocław?
When looking for a place to integrate Wrocław, you should consider what will be attractive to people working there on a daily basis. Wouldn't a company trip, even to the nearby mountains, be better? Such a company event in the open air, by the fire or grill and with views of the mountains will certainly appeal to employees. Such possibilities plus excellent catering are offered by the Center for Outdoor Events in Dwór Korona Karkonoszy in Sosnówka near Karpacz.