Whether a company develops and is successful on the market depends on many factors. One of them is corporate integration. Every conscious employer knows how important it is to regularly organize integration events for employees. Thanks to them, it is possible to build and maintain good employee relations and a friendly atmosphere in the team. We present proven ideas for integration at any time of the year.
- Why is corporate integration so important?
- Employer branding
- Corporate integration - ideas for every season
- 1. Spring Tour
- 2. A summer picnic for the whole family
- Family picnic
- 3. Autumn workshops
- Culinary workshops
- 4. Be sure to go on a sleigh ride in winter
- Corporate integration Wrocław - what to do in Lower Silesia?
- Corporate integration - who should take care of it?
- Employee integration ideas - encourage everyone to participate!
- An idea for company integration - how to plan?
- Ideas for company integration at any time of the year
- Company integration in the mountains
- Karpacz company integration
- How to choose a hotel for a corporate event?
Why is corporate integration so important?
Merely employing well-qualified, experienced people does not determine the company's success. The trick is to create a well-coordinated work crew out of these people, which will effectively implement all set goals and easily overcome obstacles. In order for the team's work to be efficient and bring the expected results, the company must have a friendly, relaxed atmosphere. The key to creating such an atmosphere and strengthening bonds between employees is integration.
Team integration should be an integral part of the functioning of any enterprise. It is worth investing in integration, because a well-integrated team means real profits for the company.

Recently, when it comes to work, the market is on the employee's side. Very low unemployment, a shortage of workers, especially qualified workers and specialists, may result in a large fluctuation of personnel. And this, in turn, may cause a problem with the implementation of the plan in the company or the lack of staff to serve customers.
Employer branding
Attracting new employees is not easy at all these days. In addition to recruitment costs, there is the time needed to train new staff. From this perspective, it is worth taking care of our employees so that they feel a bond with the company and want to work for it for a long time. Well-organized companies take this into account and usually have an employer branding strategy in place. One of the important elements of these activities is company integration - joint team building games. A well-coordinated team or a supportive crew in the company will make it easier not only to carry out certain tasks, but also employees will be happy to come to work, because they will meet good friends or even friends there. This is why integration for companies is really important!

Corporate integration - ideas for every season
In order for the company integration to bring the expected results, it must be planned and carried out in a perfect way. The first important stage of planning an integration meeting is choosing the right date. First of all, it is worth letting go of the so-called. hot season in the company - a time of increased work on important projects or other orders.
Integration meeting it will be a good idea to start a hot period or to crown the hard work during this period. An event before the time of intensive work will effectively relax the atmosphere, motivate employees to act and give them a lot of positive energy. The event ending the hot period will be an excellent form of reward for employees for the effort they put into achieving the set goals, as well as a way to de-stress after a hard season.

Corporate integration events are rather not worth organizing in the middle of the holidays, when most employees plan holidays and want to spend time with their families or loved ones. Also, long weekends or holiday periods are not a good time for corporate events, for the same reasons. A well-chosen date is half the success in this case corporate integration, after all, it is important that employees are willing to participate in it.
Another important issue is the choice of the form of company integration. Employees can be integrated in many ways - various typical integration games and activities, field games, scenario games, theme evenings. Introducing ideas for corporate integration at any time of the year!
1. Spring Tour
In spring everything comes to life. The world begins to take on colorful colors, the sun is present in the sky more often, and its rays pleasantly caress our skin. The air smells amazingly fresh. People are happier. They have more energy, are more willing to try new things and go to unknown places.
Spring is the perfect time to organize a two- or three-day trip to the picturesque surroundings, full of unusual monuments, beautiful architecture and great tourist attractions. The program of the trip must not lack captivating activities that will fill the participants' time with great fun.
During the day, you can go hiking in the charming surroundings, visit the most beautiful monuments in the region, or organize a trip to the rope park or paintball. Evening is a great time for a quiet rest by the integration campfire or - in case of bad weather - at a themed party.

The choice of the hotel is of key importance in terms of the ultimate success of the integration trip. It is worth choosing a holiday resort located in a quiet area, away from the noise of the city, where company integration will take place in the right atmosphere. A place for a company event should provide comfortable accommodation and excellent food. The advantage will be the possibility of organizing additional attractions on the premises. Weekend rest in such a place is a guarantee of unforgettable adventures.

2. A summer picnic for the whole family
Organization of company picnics – summer is a time of great fun, laughter and positive impressions! It's a pity not to take advantage of this hot, joyful period. It is best to organize a summer integration event in June, i.e. at the very beginning of the summer holidays. Most employees plan their holidays at the turn of July and August. June seems to be the perfect time to organize a summer integration event.
Company integration in the summer - a unique picnic for employees and their families. Such an event will be a real fiesta, filled to the brim with interesting attractions for young and old.
Family picnic
The organization of a company picnic should start with choosing the right location. The picnic area should be large enough for all invited guests to feel comfortable during the event. It is important that there is a gazebo or other roofed place in the area where you can hide when it starts to rain or a storm breaks out. Or when the sun is too hot. Other important issues are the availability of sanitary facilities, access and security.
Catering must not be missing at a company integration in the form of a picnic. The best solution will be snacks that can be eaten standing up. It is also a good idea to organize a barbecue or bonfire, or order a food truck with some interesting, exotic cuisine to try.
The last, but no less important, point of the company picnic are the attractions that will diversify the event and provide participants with a lot of positive energy. A picnic is a great opportunity to organize outdoor games, such as a football match, dodgeball or company Olympic games. When inviting families with children, you cannot forget about attractions for the youngest. Hiring an animator who will fill the time of the little ones with great fun will be a bull's-eye.

In the summer, we can also organize a one-day company integration, for example in the form of a bicycle or car rally (in the latter we will reward not the fastest, but the safest ones!). It can also be a joint trip to the lake or for mushrooms. In companies where work is as intense or even more intensive in the summer than in other periods of the year, such a one-day break for relaxation can work very well. It will allow you to break away from the daily routine and hard work for a while.

3. Autumn workshops
The autumn, melancholy aura does not encourage you to spend time outside, so it is worth organizing company integration in a closed room. In order to arouse employees a bit and provide them with a lot of positive impressions, you can invite them to inspiring workshops. Corporate integration is a good way to raise morale during the autumn spleen.
Culinary workshops
A great idea is to organize cooking workshops, during which participants will not only learn basic recipes, but also learn the secrets of exquisite culinary art. Cooking workshop under the supervision of a professional, experienced chef, it is a guarantee of a pleasant time filled to the brim with unique tips and curiosities from the kitchen. After the workshop, you can organize a team culinary competition in which employees will be able to use the knowledge gained during the course. The culmination of the day should be a tasting of the prepared dishes - because nothing brings you closer than feasting together!

Golden Polish autumn is also a great time for company integration in the form of a weekend trip to the mountains. At this time of year, the trails sparkle with all the colors of autumn, and the rustling of leaves underfoot gives a pleasant rhythm to the journey. It is best to choose not too long and difficult routes so that all participants have fun during the hike. On the route, you can also plan surprises and places for the so-called rest J Such a trip can be combined with a field or scenario game to use this time also for team building games.
Corporate integration in the fall also has the advantage that it allows you to mobilize the team after the holidays. In a way, wake him up from summer lethargy and, just like at school, start new topics and assign tasks to be carried out.
4. Be sure to go on a sleigh ride in winter
Winter has its charm. The area covered with a thick layer of white down looks incredibly atmospheric. How to use the winter, frosty aura in corporate integration? A great idea is to organize a sleigh ride around the picturesque area. A ride among snow-covered grasses, trees and bushes will undoubtedly be an amazing experience for employees. After the sleigh ride, it is worth going to the restaurant for a hot meal that will warm up the frozen bodies.

In the evening, after a successful day spent on a sleigh ride or interesting workshops, you can sit by the fireplace before a gala dinner or banquet. Immerse yourself in an interesting conversation or just drift away with your thoughts somewhere far away, with a cup of tasty mulled wine, smelling of cloves and oranges. You can also immerse yourself in your favorite music and look into the fire, regenerating your strength before the next attractions.
Winter is also a good time for corporate integration in the form theme parties or competitions. Of course, a competition for the most interesting drink or a brewing workshop is best organized at events with an overnight stay.

Corporate integration Wrocław - what to do in Lower Silesia?
There is a lot to do in Lower Silesia! There is no time to be bored here. Spring is the perfect time to visit the picturesque surroundings. When nature comes to life after a long winter, the landscapes of Lower Silesia delight with their uniqueness. It is a sin not to see the picturesque Krkonoše peaks, which are beginning to be covered with a green layer of lush trees and bushes. Spring is the perfect time to organize a demanding runmageddon in the forests of Lower Silesia, or to see the most beautiful monuments of Wrocław. In the summer, you can go on a fairytale helicopter flight to admire the unique surroundings from a bird's eye view. It is also a great time to see the Karkonosze Mountains from the other side - trips off the trail with a guide will undoubtedly be an amazing experience for everyone.

In autumn, it is necessary to organize a great mushroom picking. It is also worth going to the Wrocław theater or tasting delicious food regional dishes in Karpacz and the surrounding areaor the capital of the Karkonosze Mountains - Jelenia Góra. In winter, we cannot imagine not taking advantage of the snow-covered slopes of Śnieżka and other Karkonosze mountains. Skiing, extreme snowmobile rides - everyone will find something perfect for themselves. Corporate integration in Wrocław or its vicinity is a guarantee of great fun and unforgettable adventures!

Corporate integration - who should take care of it?
Organizator imprez firmowych to fachowiec od najbardziej nawet nietypowych zleceń. Czy warto go zatrudnić? Czy lepiej próbować samodzielnie zorganizować integrację firmową? Każdą formę integracji firmowej należy wcześniej dopasować do naszego zespołu i zaplanować. A więc trzeba mierzyć siły na zamiary. W zależności od wielkości firmy, organizacją eventów integracyjnych zajmują się managerowie, asystenci albo po prostu pracownicy działu kadr lub HR. W mniejszych firmach organizacją imprez zwykle zajmuje się osoba wyznaczona przez szefa albo on sam osobiście. Najpowszechniejszym i najprostszym pomysłem jest po prostu znalezienie obiektu, który oprócz bazy noclegowej w swojej ofercie ma również organizację eventów firmowych. event manager employed by the hotel will take care of all aspects of the integration event - according to the budget and purpose of the meeting, he will plan various attractions and activities.
Are you running out of ideas to integrate your team?

Employee integration ideas - encourage everyone to participate!
Managers of most companies agree that the majority of employees, or almost all, usually participate in corporate integration. However, it happens that for some reason not everyone can take part in a company trip. It is worth reaching employees well in advance - trips and corporate events usually scheduled about 2-3 months in advance. It would be good to talk to employees and determine whether a given form of integration event suits them and whether the proposed date suits them.
You can also encourage the crew to participate by stating what attractions are planned (unless some of them are supposed to be a surprise!). Employee integration ideas on her - this could be a key issue. Employees company events they often treat it as an additional benefit and even expect such proposals. Company trips to attractive places are the most popular among employees. But also other forms of company integration, such as integration dinners, banquets or team building games are quite popular. Let's make sure everyone can participate.
An idea for company integration - how to plan?
When planning this type of event, it is always important to determine the budget at our disposal and the form of company integration. Then let's determine the exact number of participants and the meeting place. In the case of an outgoing event, you also need to plan transport, determine the time of departure and arrival and pre-plan the course of the event. Separate the rooms, set the menu and specify the date of return. It seems to be simple, but in the case of a larger number of people, a longer trip and at least a few attractions, there is a lot to prepare for work. However, you can always outsource this task to specialists in organizing corporate events. Then, for sure, everything will be buttoned up and our company integration will be "tailor-made".

Ideas for company integration at any time of the year
ideas for corporate integration there's a lot of. The most elementary is the organization of working conditions that favor and support integration between employees. It may consist, for example, in the preparation and arrangement of a common space for spending a break and drinking coffee. Taking care of integration also means introducing new employees to the team in such a way as to facilitate their adaptation and getting to know the rest of the crew. However, these are everyday activities, even routine - or at least they should be. In the case of all companies, it is best to take care of integration by organizing company meetings, trips and events. Only such a break from everyday life will impress the crew and will actually strengthen the ties between people.
Company integration in the mountains
The mountains are a perfect place to organize all kinds of integration. Regardless of the season, the landscape is always breathtaking. A walk around the area is also not reserved only for high-performance athletes. As places for integration, companies usually choose intimate facilities, slightly away from the city hustle and bustle. It's best to have a forest, a lake and of course mountains nearby. It is also important to provide some additional attractions, for example a canoeing or pontoon trip, an off-road game or other interesting and engaging attractions for corporate events. Company integration in the mountains that's probably the best idea.

Karpacz company integration
Karkonosze it's a great choice for a place corporate integration. Śnieżka, Śnieżne Kotły or the Kamieńczyk waterfall are certainly natural wonders worth seeing. But the area around Karpacz and Jelenia Góra is also full of wonderful castles, palaces and gardens (there are often weddings Lower Silesia). There are still many interesting, and at the same time less known, charming places. For example, the holiday resort of Sosnówka, with a lagoon unparalleled in the area and a magnificent view of the mountains, with the ruins of Prince Henry's Castle and the Chapel of St. Anna nearby.

How to choose a hotel for a corporate event?
What to look for when choosing hotel for a corporate event? First of all, is it big enough for the whole team to be in one place. Another important issue is whether the facility has a ballroom (often also used as a ballroom). wedding hall in the mountains). Most often, successful integration ends with dancing... Other issues include parking for coaches, attractions available in the facility or possible to be organized nearby. The experience of the service in organizing corporate events and the reputation of the facility are important. It is also worth paying attention to good cuisine, offering local delicacies and an unconventional approach to each client. Also, the selection of local craft products, such as craft beers, can be a real attraction for our guests.

When choosing a place for our employees, let's take into account what type of trip it will be. Do we want to combine it with training, for example, or inform about promotions or changes in the company? On neutral ground, outside the company, it will be easier for employees to open up, switch to you or talk about what is important to them. It will be easier for them to accept announcements of changes or new tasks.

Corporate integration meetings preferably organized outside the place of residence and work. Such a company integration trip in an interesting place will be an attraction in itself. Integration events at the workplace do not fully fulfill their role, because we associate this place with work, duties, and routine. In the company, everyone plays a role, and sometimes it is difficult for us to get out of this professional "armor". What else on an integration trip! In a new environment, we can show the private part of our personality, talk to colleagues on non-company topics. This is conducive to strengthening bonds, which translates into the atmosphere in the company, and thus - the efficiency of each employee individually and the entire team.
Frequently Asked Questions
Corporate integration Wrocław?
Wrocław is a city that offers many opportunities for companies wishing to organize an integration event here. It is also a dynamically developing place where many companies have their headquarters. Thanks to the developed catering and hotel infrastructure as well as numerous tourist attractions, corporate integration in Wrocław can be a beneficial solution for many enterprises.
Where to go for corporate integration?
The choice of where to organize a corporate integration depends on many factors, such as the number of participants, activity preferences and budget. Here are some suggestions of places where you can organize a successful integration: conference center; holiday resort; amusement park; hotel, open air - park or forest. The final choice of location depends on the individual preferences and needs of the company. It is worth remembering, however, that successful integration depends primarily on a positive atmosphere and good organization.
Corporate events in the mountains?
Company events in the mountains are a great opportunity to strengthen ties among employees, and at the same time spend active holidays in a unique scenery. For example, in the Karkonosze Mountains, during company events, we can organize: skiing trips; mountain climbing; trekking; Nordic walking; downhill, rafting, horse riding; corporate integration campfire. It is best to use the services of an experienced event company. Dwór Korona Karkonoszy in Sosnówka near Karpacz offers as many as 113 different activities, games and plays for corporate events.
What to do on integration?
Organizing a successful corporate integration requires the selection of appropriate activities and forms of spending time. Here are some suggestions for what you can do during integration: team games and activities; workshops and trainings; integration events; field games, team building or a trip to the open air. The most important thing is to properly match the activities to the group and integration goals. It is also important to remember about good catering and craft liquors that are conducive to integration and relaxation.