Effective teamwork - a prerequisite for the success of every company?

IntegrationTeam building
Teamwork - group of people on the grass

Jak to się dzieje, że jedni pracują znacznie lepiej od innych, mimo iż mają podobne doświadczenie i wykształcenie? Klucz tkwi w indywidualnych umiejętnościach interpersonalnych, pozwalających na efektywną pracę w grupie. Czym w istocie jest efektywna praca w zespole? O tym w poniższym wpisie.

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Teams are created in order to be able to use the synergy effect, i.e. draw standards from the work of individual members of 200%. Effective teamwork makes employees easier to solve problems, come up with effective solutions faster and are more satisfied with their work. 

What is effective teamwork? 

Effective teamwork is based on open and free communication and care for the right atmosphere at work. The condition for the existence of good-quality contacts is ubiquitous empathy. Every boss involved in building the right relationships with people should work on their ability to listen carefully every day. This attitude will allow him to create truly well-coordinated team at work.  

A true leader does not stand aside and distance himself from his team, but becomes part of it. The quality of the relationship between employees and the boss directly translates into the commitment of both parties and a sense of security. 

Effective teamwork is characterized by: 

  • a common goal that is noticed not only by the leaders, but by all team members, 
  • natural will to cooperate and achieve a common goal, 
  • a leader who inspires trust and gives a sense of security, 
  • efficient communication, 
  • clear division of tasks, 
  • jointly agreed rules of conduct, 
  • complementing and complementing each other, not competition.
Teamwork - office

The best employees combine specific knowledge with the ability to set common goals and share responsibility for their implementation, easy networking, the willingness to share knowledge and ideas, the ability to resolve conflicts, the ability to present complex ideas and solutions and see their work in a broader context. 

Obstacles preventing effective teamwork 

In order for the team to collaborate effectively and achieve the intended results, it must overcome the following obstacles every day: 

  1. Lack of trust between individual team members. 
  1. Lack of open communication and talking about your own weaknesses, fears and mistakes. 
  1. Fear of conflict. Exchange of opinions and providing feedback serve to find original solutions and make the best decisions. 
  1. Avoiding responsibility for decisions and actions taken. 
  1. Lack of focus on results and concern for the common good. 

Efektywny zespół to zespół zintegrowany oraz świadomy ról, potrzeb, obaw i osobowości tworzących go osób. Wszelkie działania integrujące zespół pozwalają lepiej poznać się jej członkom, zbudować wspierające relacje, stworzyć choć minimalny poziom zaufania i otwartości wobec siebie. Integracja grupy ma na celu pokazać, że cele zespołowe są ważniejsze od indywidualnych, a synergia pozwala osiągnąć więcej niż suma działań jednostkowych. 

Corporate events configurator of the Dwór Korona Karkonoszy event agency

Is your team's effectiveness declining?

Reintegrate your employees and productivity will return!

Often, team builders try to give everyone one role and impose it in advance. Meanwhile, a good team consists of different personalities, and it is in this diversity that its strength lies. The synergy effect can only be achieved when team members are like pieces of a matching puzzle, which only through the right selection create an interesting and effective whole. 

Effective teamwork - specific advice 

Proper relations in the company should be based on respect, trust and free exchange of opinions. Many business leaders are concerned about how to integrate a team. Building relationships that result in effective teamwork requires constant observation and flexible implementation of specific solutions. Employees are not machines that, once programmed, will maintain a constant rhythm of work at a certain level. Each team is a collection of individuals. 

Each employee, in addition to their usual tasks, should know the effect that their efforts bring to the entire organization. Various types of meetings, both formal and informal, help build the right relationships. They improve theknowledge of the needs of other team members and defuse any conflicts. 

Team work - team

The team is like a fish - it rots from the head down. Effective team work requires a leadership model based on liberalism and shared responsibility for all activities. The company must not stand in the way of building informal contacts between employees. It should even promote a dissemination approach. 

In addition to initiating teamwork, the leader should ensure that clear boundaries are set that cannot be exceeded in the company. We call them policies, standards or rules of conduct. If they are missing, there will be no reference point and no possibility to compare behaviors, reactions and style of action. 

The role of the leader in building effective team work is to set long-term goals, while not interfering excessively in the tasks of individual people. The leader delegates tasks, but does not disturb those who work. He monitors the team only in order to quickly notice the symptoms of crises, conflicts and decreases in motivation and react to them accordingly. A good solution is to meet on neutral ground. team building in beautiful natural circumstances, can bring much more benefits than another disciplinary conversation. AND conference room in a picturesque manor house, it may turn out to be a place that triggers employees' creativity much better than the boss's office.  

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