Training for employees is an essential element of any company's operations. Properly organized training for employees can bring measurable benefits. How to do it? How to organize the training so that it turns out to be a success? we'll give you a hint!
- Staff training
- Training for employees - advantages
- Why organize training?
- Training for employees - one-time or long-term?
- Training for employees - goals
- How to organize training for employees?
- Training and the needs of employees
- Expert in training - is it worth it?
- The most popular trainings for employees
- The role of employee training in the employer branding strategy
- Types of training for employees
- Verification of employees' needs
- Employee training methods
- Other crew training methods
- Interesting training for employees
- Co-financing training for employees
- Employee skills and the good of the company
- Employee training?
- A hotel for a business trip
- Training for employees and company development
Staff training
Why organize training for employees? Developing skills and shaping the right attitudes of the crew will slowly create a team that will cope with any task. Creativity requires support and appreciation. If we really want to stimulate employees to greater effort and have a productive crew, we need to provide new impulses to act. One of the most effective methods of motivation and encouragement is organization of company trainings. It would be best if they took the form of integration events combined with elements team building.

Training for employees - advantages
Training for employees is not only learning to perform certain specific activities or tasks. It is primarily an opportunity to meet, and thus, to corporate integration and deepening the relationship. Nobody wants to feel like an impersonal cog in the company. People need contact with others, their interest and exchange of views and opinions. Such a minimum, but well conducted, not only improves internal communication. It also builds attachment to the company in the crew and strengthens loyalty.

For a company to function well, it must employ valuable employees. Competent and committed people are worth their weight in gold. It is therefore obvious that the acquisition and implementation of employees is a very important element of the functioning of any company or organization. Especially one that would like to develop and succeed on the market. Also employees who have been part of the crew for some time require constant attention and reminding them of the basic rules.
Why organize training?
Companies that want to be really present on the market, which is basically all companies, should implement new solutions. And in order to convince the staff to them in a relatively painless way, they should organize integration training for employees, integration trips or team building games. Even companies where it seems that the work is repetitive and it is enough to train the employee once so that he knows what to do should take care of breaking the routine. Because repetition can lead to inattention and errors. This, in turn, leads to company losses, accidents or excessive fluctuation of qualified staff.

Training for employees - one-time or long-term?
Development training for employees should be a continuous process. Unlike one-off training, for example in the field of operating a given device, employee training supporting their development should be planned for the long term. For the company, it is a guarantee that the employee will stay with it for longer, because he will still have the opportunity to develop. And probably promotion. These are also measurable benefits resulting from the fact that his knowledge and work will be at an ever-higher level.
What is very important, also the experience acquired by the employee will be used in our company and not in another company. For the employee, it is concrete and tangible proof that the company appreciates them and invests in them. It will certainly strengthen the loyalty of the crew.
Training for employees - goals
The most important thing when it comes to employee training is to set a goal. We need to answer the question, what do we want to achieve? What can employees expect from the training? Below are the four most frequently expected goals of training:
- Solving company problems, such as a decrease in motivation, lack of communication in the team or excessive stress of employees.
- Onboarding new members to work in the team.
- Introducing new products or services offered by the company to the staff.
- Familiarizing employees with the new work system.

How to organize training for employees?
Experienced event agency is a partner whose support cannot be overestimated. Once we choose the topic and form of the training, when we know what we want to achieve, we should start planning the course of the entire event. Or just entrust this task to professionals. What will we gain? Time and – contrary to appearances – money. We will spend more ourselves, and at the same time we will lose a lot of time, and the effect will be uncertain. Organizer of corporate events deals with all types of events, including training and workshops. It is worth trusting specialists.
Training and the needs of employees
The training should be tailored to the needs of employees, which are visible at a given moment of the company's operation. They can also anticipate their needs if it is known that soon they will start working with a new program or a new product.
How do you know what training employees need? You can talk to employees, but also watch them carefully. In this way, several key issues can be established:
- How do individual members get along with each other?
- How do they relate to their daily work duties?
- How do they deal with stress?
- How they behave in crisis situations
Thanks to a thorough analysis of the needs of the employee group, it will be possible to adjust the form and subject of the training to the current situation in the team. In this way, we will order a "tailor-made" training, and therefore effective.

Where to organize training for employees?
Where to organize the training - this is the basic question that arises when we decide that we want to do it at all. Certainly a good idea is to choose a hotel or hotel manor housewhich offers conference rooms. These types of places are perfectly adapted to conduct professional training. And it's not just about the size of the rooms, comfortable furniture and professional equipment, but also the necessary accessories and air conditioning. An additional advantage will be the choice of a facility that is located in a picturesque area. The nature surrounding the hotel for training is conducive to concentration, but also stimulates imagination and creativity.

Of course, on-the-job training is perfectly possible. And even used by some companies. However, we advise against such a solution. Why? Employees need a neutral ground where they can fully concentrate on their training. And break away from professional duties to fully devote myself to acquiring new competences. So let's consider for example conference facilities in the mountains or in other attractive locations.
Expert in training - is it worth it?
In order for the training to bring the expected effect and fulfill its purpose, it must be conducted by a competent person, specially prepared for this type of activity. Possessing not only knowledge in a given field, but also appropriate competences to skilfully pass it on to the participants of the training. So you should look for an expert, preferably a certified one. The person leading should properly prepare for the training. A comprehensive presentation that will be shown during the meeting and then made available to the participants of the training is always very helpful. It is also worth supplementing the meeting with other training materials to which the meeting participants will be able to return at any time.

The most popular trainings for employees
Training in soft skills, stress management, time management, business etiquette, team or risk management, motivating the crew, personal effectiveness - what trainings for employees are the most popular? Hard to say. Employees highly value all activities of the employer supporting their self-development. But, regardless of the type, the most popular trainings for employees are those that are well conducted and have a lot of fun elements. Participants of such training acquire various competences and sometimes change their attitudes without even realizing it. This is the ideal of training: light, easy and pleasant. Unfortunately, not everyone looks like this. Sometimes there are boring sit-downs or business briefings that have not even come close to any methodology for conducting these types of meetings. Let us remember that it is better not to organize training at all than to do it sloppily.
The role of employee training in the employer branding strategy
Not everyone realizes that employee training can be an important element of a well-thought-out strategy in the field of employer branding. Why? Because employer branding consists, among other things, in shaping a positive image of the company in the eyes of its employees. Thanks to this, it allows you to keep valuable people in the company and build their attachment and loyalty towards the company.

When we look at it this way, it is clear that employee training is a great investment in people. It not only supports their development, but also builds the image of the company as an employer who cares about people and their development in the perception of the employees. Employer branding in the world of modern business, it is essential, as it allows the company to accumulate capital of knowledge and experience, preventing excessive fluctuation of specialists.

Types of training for employees
What types of training for employees to choose? Maybe on-the-job or stationary training? And maybe it will be better external training for employees or various types of competence training? For example, hard or soft skills training for management staff, training in new software, working methods or a changed legal or market environment. Mentoring, various forms of apprenticeships and internships, as well as online training, which gained popularity during the pandemic, also work well.
Verification of employees' needs
What is most important in employee training? In order for it to bring the expected effect, first of all, we must clearly define the goal that guides us. It is very important to identify specific training needs. In order to do it well, we first need to know what exactly we require in a given position. Only this knowledge will allow us to confront the current level of competence and skills of our employees with our expectations.
Knowing the level of knowledge and skills of employees necessary for a given position, and at the same time the optimal requirements for a given position, we can compare them and determine possible deficits and training directions. After verification of training needs, we need to develop training programs for a given crew or team. The forms of training should be adapted to the needs of the company and the capabilities of employees.

Employee training methods
Depending on the job position, the type and scope of the company's activity, as well as the scope of tasks, the methods of employee training should be appropriately selected. At the same time, it must be remembered that the manner in which employee training will be carried out must be selected so as not to interfere with the operation of the company.
On-the-job training is the simplest and very effective method of employee training. It is usually carried out by an already experienced contractor or operator. It is simply that an employee teaches another employee through practice. Here, however, a lot depends on whether the applicant already has some basic knowledge of what and how to do. And also from the communication skills and desire of the "old" employee. Also factors such as the proverbial chemistry between people or generational differences can be an obstacle to the proper course of training.

Apprenticeships and internships for students and graduates is another method of employee training. It allows not only to have an insight into the potential of job candidates, but also to save time and costs for the recruitment process. It is also a great opportunity to "catch" talents and talented candidates, and at the same time to "weed out" people who do not promise and from whom our company will have no use.
Workshops and courses for employees. It is best if we combine elements of theory with practice in this method of conducting training for employees. It is optimal to conduct courses in such a way as to use the acquired knowledge on an ongoing basis by performing a specific activity. Workshops can also serve broader purposes, such as learning to work in a team (integration workshops) or making employees aware of certain phenomena and problems related to the functioning of the company in the market environment.

Online training is currently a very popular form of employee training. It works especially well in large organizations and companies. And also, for example, in international corporations or in dispersed companies, where it would be very difficult to invite and gather employees for a joint training in stationary form.
Other crew training methods
Employee rotation and horizontal promotion. This method of employee training involves moving people inside the company to different tasks and positions. This is usually about other executive positions and getting to know the broader spectrum of the company's activities. However, this form of training requires caution. For ambitious employees, it will be a chance for development and an interesting change. However, those who are attached to a routine may perceive it as a punishment. So internal staff rotation will not always work.
coaching – it involves support in setting goals and optimizing the use of personal resources in achieving them.
Symposiums and conferences is a great method of acquiring and expanding expert knowledge. It is best suited for people with established professional knowledge who want to stay up to date with what is happening in a given industry or field.
simulators are devices for learning in industries where practice or a mistake made during it would be irreversible or very costly. Contrary to what they are most often associated with, they are used not only in aviation, but also, for example, in the energy industry, in the sector related to security and, of course, in medicine.

Interesting training for employees
When we want to prepare interesting training for employees, let's try to provide them with various attractions at the same time company event. Training is best combined with company training integration trip. Such an event will certainly provide a lot of additional impressions and will be remembered by employees for a long time.

Regardless of whether we organize integration training for employees, business or managerial training, they must be professionally prepared and interesting for the participants. It would also be good if the classes were interspersed with jokes, surprises, videos and everything that will keep the participants' attention.
Boredom is the biggest enemy of training! Of course, there will always be people who are more interested in a given topic and less interested. But it's about the overall tone of the meeting.
Co-financing training for employees
Training for employees, although necessary, requires some expenditure. Both in terms of time and money. Fortunately, you can get additional funds for some training. The employer can receive support up to 80% of training costs, and in the case of micro-enterprises even 100%.
Where to look for grants? The institution to which you should contact is the National Training Fund. However, it is necessary to keep track of which professions the Fund will support in a given year and what priorities it has set in this regard. A natural person may also apply for support if he or she employs at least one employee.

Employee skills and the good of the company
How to develop employees' skills and passions? Perhaps less experienced managers will ask themselves, why do this? Can additional skills be useful in the simplest, executive position? Of course. Especially if the employee has any contact with an external client. It is very important how customers perceive our employees.

And is it worth developing the skills of an employee who works on the production line? Even those outside the "canon" of activities necessary for a given position? Again, the answer is yes. Why? One of the schools and theories of management says that it is mainly these employees who are responsible for the quality of the product. In addition, they are able to introduce minor improvements to the work system and the final product of the company. In addition, let's remember that if we can promote people from among our employees, we will save on recruitment costs. And the team will receive a signal that the employer values and supports the development of its employees. This is one of the most important elements taken into account when looking for employment for graduates just entering the labor market, especially from the millennial and generation Z generations.
Employee training?
We will organize them for you!
A hotel for a business trip
How to choose a hotel on company trip? A place for an integration event Is training very important? There are certain elements that cannot be forgotten when organizing training. First of all: catering. Training on one day sometimes lasts even several hours, so let's remember about a tasty lunch or a buffet with cold snacks. The same applies to drinks - water, coffee and tea must not be missing. If we organize training in a hotel or manor house, you do not have to worry about additional catering. Usually, event and training facilities have great catering facilities.

Another important issue is accommodation. If we organize a few-day off-site training outside the company's headquarters, you should also ensure comfortable accommodation for all participants. Thus, the size of the event facility and the number of rooms offered can be crucial when choosing a training location.

Training for employees and company development
Is the organization of training profitable? It clearly does. For many entrepreneurs, training is a recipe for everything. A well-done training will introduce a new employee to his tasks or teach members of the company's crew how to deal with stress. It's also a great way to get uplifted team motivationor a presentation of products or services that will soon appear in the company's offer.

Is organizing a training an easy task? Well... Organizing training for employees may seem difficult and time-consuming. However, using the above tips, you can do it quite quickly and at the same time sensibly. However, if we lack the time or willingness to organize the training ourselves, let us entrust this task to experienced companies that have been successfully operating in the meetings industry for years.
How to organize a party – see event configurator
Frequently Asked Questions
Corporate events in Karpacz?
Certainly, every employee will be satisfied with a trip to the Karkonosze Mountains. You can take advantage of many attractions here to celebrate corporate events. That is why corporate events in Karpacz and the surrounding area are always popular. For example, Dwór Korona Karkonoszy, located in Sosnówka next to Karpacz, has already organized over 1,150 successful events of various types. Team building and integration, as well as company balls and integration campfires in the mountains, work perfectly.
Is it worth organizing training for employees?
It is always worth organizing training for employees. They can acquire professional knowledge and skills during the training, as well as integrate with other employees. Another benefit for the employer is building attachment and loyalty to the company. Just like achieving better results and developing the company in the future, which is the result of training.
What does effective training for employees mean?
Effective training for employees is one that guarantees the achievement of the assumed training goal. This means that employees must acquire specific skills during the training and will use them at work for our company. The aim of the training may also be team integration or shaping specific attitudes. The effect of such training should be a visible improvement of communication in the team, deepening and improving mutual relations, as well as achieving the effect of synergy in the company.
Co-financing training for employees?
Part of the training for employees can be co-financed from the National Training Fund. It states on its website which professions and according to what criteria it will support in a given year. The organization of training for employees is a cost for the company, but also an investment in employees, which always pays off. Therefore, it is worth taking an interest in the offer of specialized training, or in the field of so-called soft skills, necessary today in every profession.