It would seem that when the team does not get along well, there is no point in organizing a joint trip. And after such an expedition, it has happened more than once that negative employee relations turned into friendship. This, however, is rarely by chance. More often it is the result of proper organization and ideas for team integration.

Let the employees have their say
Camp tutors have an old way to help children integrate. Nothing connects like union against authority. Also in the company, you can facilitate the improvement of employee relations by imposing a common task. For example, in the context of a company trip, it can be a joint selection of attractions, places or suggesting a playlist for the trip. Maybe your employees differ in age, views, lifestyle. Find something that can connect them, such as:
- musical taste,
- passion for nature,
- culinary passion,
- sport.
By narrowing the area of joint activities to these types of topics, you can discover an invisible thread of understanding that will connect younger and older employees. The easiest way for them to unite under a common banner against you? Choose a trip scenario that no one will like. Soon the group will start organizing itself to pick something better and present you with its counterproposal. Remember that you are doing this not only for employees – effective teamwork is a prerequisite for the success of any companyso your effort will pay off.
Team not getting along? Organize a trip!
Negative employee relations often turn into friendship - create an opportunity for this!
A party – the perfect way to improve employee relations
Before we move on to more original ways to improve employee relations while away, let's discuss the simplest one: a party. Employees joke that beer is the glue that brings together people who otherwise would have nothing in common. There is something to it, which is why integration trips are most often associated with a party where unlimited amounts of alcohol are served. Of course, this doesn't mean it has to be boring.
In addition, you will integrate the team if you take care of interesting entertainment. Consider, for example:
- cocktail mixing workshop
- craft beer tasting,
- “finger foods” menu, i.e. those that can be eaten with your hands without sitting at the table,
- a playlist that connects generations (you can organize a plebiscite for music, give each one a song to choose from, etc.).

Jeśli wybierzesz miejsce, w którym znajduje się sala konferencyjna, to oficjalny firmowy bankiet lub część konferencyjno-szkoleniową da się płynnie połączyć z mniej formalną imprezą. Sama forma imprezy może sprzyjać zacieśnianiu relacji pracowniczych, jak np. ognisko integracyjne, degustacja w ice barze czy zwiedzanie winnicy.

Other ways to deal with bad employee relations
Ale poprawa relacji pracowniczych nie musi oznaczać tradycyjnej imprezy. Szczególnie, że dziś nie każdy pije alkohol, a młodzi oczekują czegoś więcej, niż dyskotekowe hity i open-bar. Dlatego tak popularna jest ciekawa integracja grupy, czyli wydarzenia, które daleko wykraczają poza firmowy standard.
This can be e.g. company olympics, a culinary show led by a star or building the so-called Goldberg machines. You can also get inspired by the place and organize paintball or survival. At Dwór Korona Karkonosze we organize for such groups, for example, hiking in the mountains with a guide. An achievement such as reaching the top, overcoming obstacles such as rain or difficult terrain together is a surefire way to improve employee relations. An irritating desk colleague in a different setting may turn out to be a great companion you can count on.
Might be a cool idea too winter party in the mountains. When it's dark and gray outside, sitting by the fireplace together will seem like a great activity, even if negative relations have prevailed in the company so far. And a joint sleigh ride or a walk in the snowy mountains is a completely reliable way to integrate the team.

Employee relations after departure – maintain the effect
A few days in the bosom of nature, away from everyday matters, can strengthen positive relationships in the team. But the prose of life quickly erases beautiful memories and only mundane matters remain, such as old conflicts and everyday misunderstandings. To prevent this from happening, strengthen the effect of your employee trip. First of all, it is worth organizing a session with a coach right after your departure. Everyone will have the opportunity to comment and summarize their impressions.
Together, you can determine what will remain only a memory, and which impressions from the trip you would like to keep for longer. Also, take care of visual reminders of shared moments. For example photo wallto which you can add your comments, or a shared online album, will allow everyone to find interesting photos and remember how it was on the trip long after.
How to organize a party – see event configurator