The Goldberg event machine will go down in history with it!

Office partyIntegrationTeam building
Construction of the Goldberg machine, Dwór Korona Karkonoszy, Sosnówka

Do you want to strengthen your team or are you looking for an idea for... team building? Or maybe you are looking for an original attraction for a corporate event? If so, see how building a Goldberg machine can help you. An event with her will be remembered by your guests for a long time. 

What will you learn from the article?

Have you heard of the Goldberg machine? Did you know that it is a great team building tool? From this article you will learn what the famous Goldberg machine is, who invented it and what it might look like. And above all, you will see what you can gain by planning a corporate event with the construction of the Goldberg machine.

Corporate events configurator of the Dwór Korona Karkonoszy event agency

What does it do Goldberg machine?

The Goldberg machine is not a specific device with one specific function. A Goldberg machine is a rather general term that describes various complex mechanisms that are designed to perform one simple task. The idea is that a complex set of actions, often using many elements and mechanisms, ultimately lead to the achievement of one simple goal. At its core, the machine is a symbol of human creativity, engineering genius and the constant fascination with mechanics.

Goldberg's Machine, Dwór Korona Karkonoszy, Sosnówka near Karpacz
Team building, Dwór Korona Karkonoszy, Sosnówka near Karpacz

These complex machines have often been depicted in cartoons, drawings, and movies, and their designs include all kinds of spinning wheels, levers, ramps, chains, balls, bells, and more.

Banner of the Dwór Korona Karkonoszy event agency

For example, such a machine can be built to pour coffee, open a door or turn on the radio. But it would do it in a complicated and less effective way compared to simpler devices performing the same tasks. Therefore, building the Goldberg machine is treated only as fun or team building exercise. Because, after all, corporate event We're not going to build a lathe or a lunar lander. The game involves inventing, determining, constructing and jointly building an impressive Ruby Goldberg mechanism. The most important thing is what happens along the way - a lot of laughter, conversations, bold and creative ideas in a relaxed atmosphere. And the most important effect and goal of the construction is that team members strengthen their relationship and believe in the power and agency of joint action.

In fact, Goldberg machines are primarily artistic, conceptual and humorous works, rather than practical everyday tools. In some cases, they are also used as a way to show absurdities, paradoxes and unnecessary elements in the design of devices or processes.

Rube Goldberg – creator

Reuben Lucius "Rube" Goldberg was born on July 4, 1883 in San Francisco. As a teenager, he loved to draw, but decided not to pursue an artistic career. Instead, he went to the University of California, Berkeley, where he earned a degree in mining engineering. Rube Goldberg was a famous cartoonist, writer, inventor and sculptor. He won a Pulitzer Prize, and his work perfectly combines art with science. 

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Sosnówka near Karpacz, view of the reservoir

He drew complex devices consisting of balloons, watering cans, birds, cups and discs. These structures are designed to perform a simple task, such as opening a window or setting an alarm clock. Interestingly, the famous inventor Goldberg never built anything based on his sketches. It is worth mentioning, however, that his drawings inspire artists and builders to this day. The Rube Goldberg machine at the event is a great opportunity to encourage participants to look for new, extraordinary solutions. 

Goldberg's machine, Sosnówka near Karpacz
Goldberg's construction – company event in Dwór Korona Karkonoszy, Sosnówka near Karpacz

Goldberg machine prototype – as you can see, the famous Goldberg machine to po prostu efekt naszej wyobraźni i współpracy zespołu przy jej tworzeniu. Swój początek zawdzięcza ciekawym, fantazyjnym i bardzo kreatywnym rysunkom pomysłowego rysownika.

What is the construction of Goldberg's company machine?

The principle is always the same. In short, it's about building something from nothing. What's more, this thing is supposed to work! However, in the case of a corporate event, the term Goldberg machine has another meaning. In this case, it is primarily about showing team members that if they want and cooperate, they can achieve success. Because they will learn in practice that what counts is the idea and cooperation. And what's even more important in this team building game - you can see that every idea can be good and every participant is important. They will see that every part of the machine's mechanism is important to achieve the final result.

What does corporate integration with the Goldberg machine look like?

A good integration program must contain information such as:

  • where exactly the individual attractions of the company event will take place,
  • how much time is needed for them,
  • who is responsible for them.

As you know, a lot of different items, accessories and tools are needed to build a Goldberg machine. All these elements need to be collected and prepared well in advance. And the finished structure is supposed to work on the domino principle, i.e. individual elements set the next ones in motion. And for that, you also need enough space.

Corporate event - construction of the Goldberg machine at Dwór Korona Karkonoszy

Employees will also learn proper communication. This means that in loose play they will acquire very important for the company soft skills. It's really effective training! And one more thing. Once they build the unique Goldberg machine, you can really see the satisfaction and joy. For a while, they will again become children who can enjoy small successes and the company of other people.

The Goldberg construction in popular culture

Goldberg machine has gained wide popularity, becoming part of mass culture. He appears in films, series, games, music videos, and various other corporate events.

Goldberg machine

The best machinesy Goldberg

The famous Goldberg machine it can take on various forms and structures. What are the Goldberg's best machines? Przykłady takich maszyn można znaleźć zarówno w sztuce, jak i w rzeczywistości. Oto kilka najbardziej znanych:

  1. In the music video for the song This Too Shall Pass OK Go team, Goldberg's machine takes up an entire room and consists of various everyday items.
  2. Tom and Jerry - Goldberg's machines often appear in this animated series in order to catch Jerry by Tom.
  3. In games – Crazy Machines, The Incredible Machine, Monkey Island 2.
  4. TV series also show Goldberg's machine - we can see it in: Elementary, From X Archive, Amazing World.
  5. And of course movies! In 2022, a film with this title was made in Poland, certainly influencing the popularity of this construction. Moreover, Goldberg's machine appears in such famous productions as the cult classic Edward Scissorhands if Back to the future. We can also see her in productions such as: Piggy bank, Goonies, Wallace and Gromit, Our wonderful toy car, Cheat destiny if Pee Wee Herman's Big Adventure and The Way Thing Go.

Goldberg machine examples show that these structures can be both humorous and educational, demonstrating the principles of physics and mechanics.

Goldberg machine
company integration, Sosnówka near Karpacz

The machine as an inspiration for artists and inventors

From various fields of art and science Goldberg machine inspirations draws. It is also a source of inspiration for creators. Contemporary artists such as Mark Dion and Tim Hawkinson create works of art based on the idea of the Goldberg machine, combining elements of surprise, humor and creativity. Inventors, like Dean Kamen, creator of the Segway, often refer to Goldberg's machines as an example of unconventional thinking and innovation. In this way, Goldberg's machine influences the development of various fields of art and science, inspiring subsequent generations of creators.

Goldberg's construction machine

Goldberg's construction machine is a project that you can create yourself by combining various elements such as blocks, levers, wheels, household tools, etc. to create the final result.

It's a type of creative play that allows you to experiment with physics, engineering and problem solving.

Construction of the Goldberg machine, Dwór Korona Karkonoszy, Sosnówka near Karpacz

The Goldberg machine in the world   

This interesting construction comes from the United States and is known there as the Goldberg machine, after the name of its creator. In other parts of the world, it is not always associated with Goldberg, but often with local inventors. For example, in Denmark, a machine of this type is called Storm Pmasker, after the inventor and cartoonist Robert Storm Petersen. Similarly, in Great Britain the structure is named after the illustrator, W. Heath Robinson.

In Austria, Franz Gsellmann called a machine resembling Goldberg's design Weltmaschine, or world machine. In Germany, the name Was-passiert-dann-Maschine was adopted to describe Goldberg's machine. The term comes from the series Sesame Street, in which Kermit used similar devices. In turn, in France the name usine à gaz, i.e. gas refinery, is used, because there Goldberg's machine is presented as a complicated factory with pipes stretching in every direction. The Czechs call the machine raketoplán, or shuttle. It is a symbol of a simple task solved in a complicated and unnecessary way. In Japan, there is even a special program - Pitagora Suicchi - presenting various complicated devices similar to the Goldberg machine.

Construction of the Goldberg machine
Budowa konstrukcji Goldberga, Dwór Korona Karkonoszy

How does a Goldberg machine work?

Goldberg's machine works by transmitting motion from one element to another, creating a sequence of complex actions that lead to one simple goal. Generally speaking, this process involves the transformation of various forms of energy, such as potential energy, kinetic energy, and elasticity, in order to perform a specific action.

How to use the Goldberg machine in team building?

The construction of Goldberg's machine is excellent team building activity, because it engages participants in an interactive and creative way. Here's how building a Goldberg machine can contribute to team building: it teaches cooperation; improves communication; teaches the division of tasks; stimulates creativity; allows you to learn problem solving; improves time management. And the final effect, i.e. a working Goldberg machine, can provide participants with satisfaction and joy in achieving a common goal.

Building a Goldberg machine as a form of team building can be an attractive alternative to traditional activities. Working together in a creative endeavor will help strengthen bonds between team members and introduce an element of fun to the building process relationship in the workplace.

Construction of the Goldberg machine, Dwór Korona Karkonoszy, Sosnówka

What is it about fun building a Goldberg machine? The easiest way to explain what this game is about team building starting with what it is supposed to serve and what it teaches. First of all, it is designed to teach cooperation and effective communication. In constructing a Goldberg machine, the task is to build a structure from many very different, sometimes randomly selected elements. Nobody predetermines what it should look like or what mechanisms it should contain. It is important that at the end, that is, after the construction is completed, it does some specific work.

For example, we give employees 1,000 different items. Such as strings, strips, tapes, springs, gears, nails and whatever else we have at hand. There should be a lot of these things and they should be diverse. At the very beginning of this one integration fun together we decide what this machine of ours should do at the end. For example, open a bottle, turn on the bedside lamp, pour something or pour something. Or turn on the buzzer or do whatever else you can imagine.

Now an important note: the essence of the Goldberg machine is that by starting it, we can set only one element in motion. He, in turn, should trigger the next one, and the next one, and so on. It's a bit like playing the game of knocking over dominoes. However, subsequent elements can and even should be completely different from each other. The whole point of the game is to use your imagination to the maximum and build a funny, unique and yet effective structure.

Rozwijanie kreatywności podczas budowy maszyny Goldberga

Construction Goldberg machines to doskonałe ćwiczenie pobudzające wyobraźnię uczestników. Proces tworzenia skomplikowanego mechanizmu wykonującego prostą czynność wymaga nieszablonowego myślenia i innowacyjnych rozwiązań. Uczestnicy muszą wykorzystać w maszynie Goldberga różnorodne materiały i narzędzia, co sprzyja rozwijaniu umiejętności twórczych. Tego typu aktywności są idealnym elementem imprez integracyjnych w górach, gdzie naturalne otoczenie dodatkowo inspiruje do kreatywnego działania.

Maszyna Goldberga jako narzędzie integracji zespołu

Wspólna praca nad Goldberg machine sprzyja zacieśnianiu więzi między członkami zespołu. Konieczność współpracy, komunikacji i koordynacji działań podczas budowy Goldberg machines integruje uczestników i poprawia dynamikę grupy. Tego typu aktywności są szczególnie efektywne podczas imprez integracyjnych w Karpaczu, gdzie malownicze krajobrazy Karkonoszy tworzą idealne tło dla wspólnych działań. Tego typu ideas for corporate integration umożliwiają lepsze poznanie się pracowników, co przekłada się na efektywniejszą współpracę.

Elementy rywalizacji w budowie maszyny Goldberga

Wprowadzenie elementu rywalizacji podczas tworzenia Goldberg machines może dodatkowo zmotywować uczestników do zaangażowania. Podział na zespoły, które konkurują ze sobą, pobudza ducha zdrowej konkurencji. Tego typu podejście jest często stosowane przy organizacji imprez integracyjnych dla firm, gdzie rywalizacja staje się motorem napędowym do osiągania lepszych wyników. Wybór miejsca na wyjazd integracyjny na Dolnym Śląsku z bogatą ofertą aktywności, takich jak budowanie Goldberg machines dodaje wydarzeniu unikalnego charakteru.

Wykorzystanie maszyny Goldberga w ramach programów motywacyjnych

Wprowadzenie budowy Goldberg machines w programy motywacyjne może znacząco podnieść morale zespołu. Tego typu zadania pokazują, że nawet najbardziej skomplikowane wyzwania są do pokonania dzięki współpracy i zaangażowaniu. Oprócz wyboru odpowiednich aktywności, jak budowa maszyna Goldberga, istotny jest wybór odpowiedniego places for an integration event, takiego jak Dwór Korona Karkonoszy, który dodaje wydarzeniu prestiżu i wyjątkowości.

Construction of the Goldberg machine
Team building, Dwór Korona Karkonoszy, Sosnówka near Karpacz

Goldberg machine design

Goldberg's simple machine design is one that can be adapted and expanded according to your own ideas and available materials. Remember that the key is to use almost all available items and various elements to create a complex chain of reactions.

Anyone can create a simple design of the Goldberg machine on their own. When creating it, you need to start by defining the goal, i.e. the task that the machine is to perform. The purpose of a Goldberg machine design might be, for example, to turn on a light or to pour a liquid from one container to another.

Where to build a Goldberg machine?

How much space is needed to build a Goldberg machine depends on how large the group of participants is. It is also important whether we ask them to build a large machine, or whether the structures will be smaller. An example Rube Goldberg machine built of tubes, slats, and the like generally occupies an area of about 1-2 meters per 1-2 square meters. But there can be several pieces of an unusual machine of this size, so we need a medium-sized room conference or training room.

If the weather is nice, the entire integration, including the construction of the Goldberg machine, can be moved outdoors. For example, to the garden or, as the case may be in Dwór Korona Karkonoszy, to the Outdoor Services Center.

Open-air Events Center of Dwór Korona Karkonoszy

Integration events with team building

In order to prepare professional integration for employees and achieve team building goals, you need a communicative, creative person with a sense of humor. That is why company events, trainings and events are most often organized in facilities with experienced staff. What is also important, you do not have to prepare and invent all the necessary accessories yourself. It is convenient to simply choose an event agency with the right staff, facility and equipment. For example Dwór Korona Karkonoszy as an event company has its own conference facility near Karpacz and, of course, appropriate experience in the field of team building.

Karpacz corporate event

If we are interested in the idea of integrating and building a strong and effective team, there is one more question: where and when to do it? While the choice of time is best suited to the current situation of the company, it is a choice places for an integration event depends only on our preferences. They are very fashionable and in demand recently Karkonosze.

Karpacz and its surroundings is the most popular place for a getaway in Poland. It will also be for our employees a perfect place for corporate integration. Because who wouldn't be happy about going to a company event in the most frequently visited place in the country and the employer pays for it?

Such a training location is at least a double investment. Firstly, an obvious bonus for employees, which should result in crew loyalty. And secondly, effective investment in professional team building and long-term benefits for the company. Conference facilities in the mountains provide a high level of customer service for the MICE industry, and great views and an ideal place for outdoor games are an additional asset integration in the mountains.

hotel Sosnówka location

Goldberg Machine - Teambuilding event 

Coraz więcej organizatorów imprez firmowych proponuje zabawę w budowę maszyny Goldberga na evencie. Podkreślają, że wspomniana creative integrating fun improves cooperation and communication in the team. It effectively builds a feeling of unity, while providing a lot of good energy, which will translate into a better atmosphere in the company or when implementing projects by a team working in a distributed system. And this is an increasingly common working model.

Goldberg's Machine, Dwór Korona Karkonoszy, Sosnówka near Karpacz
Goldberg machine ideas

Wondering how to improve the atmosphere at work? Organize an interesting event and use our tips on 15 reliable team building games. They will not only provide a lot of positive energy, but also help you build a strong and effective team. Many tasks can be organized in the office. However, if you have the opportunity, plan an unforgettable one integration trip. The scenario of the event must be enriched with elements of team building to increase the involvement of employees.  

Domino effect

Each of us in childhood used to arrange complicated constructions from dominoes. With a bit of luck, it didn't end with just one package. Until finally the desired moment came and ... you could push the first cube. It set off a chain reaction, which was a lot of fun. If you want, you can propose such fun to team members at the next company event.


How long does it take to build a Goldberg machine?

How much time do you need to spend on this team building activity? How long does it take to build a Goldberg machine depends on two factors. Firstly, whether we want to carry out in-depth integration and team building at the highest level. And secondly, whether we also have other attractions in our plan. What are the next points of the integration event program? But creating Goldberg's proprietary machine usually takes several hours anyway. These are simple activities, but if the goal is corporate integrationthere must be a place for it too. The team must have enough time to get along, plan the construction of the Goldberg machine, prepare all the elements of the mechanism. And at the same time, he must have time for free conversations, jokes, relaxation and exchange of ideas.

Goldberg's Machine, Dwór Korona Karkonoszy, Sosnówka near Karpacz
Company integration, Dwór Korona Karkonoszy, Sosnówka near Karpacz

The more complex the project, the more time it will take to complete it. Projects with more elements and a complicated sequence of activities usually take more time. Additionally, people with more experience in engineering, construction, or working with tools may be able to build a machine faster than people with no experience. The ability to deal with problems and adapt to changes can also impact construction times.

CTA block

Team building in the mountains?

The best in Dwór Korona Karkonosze!
Sosnówka near Karpacz, view of the reservoir

Goldberg's machine for the team

Praca grupowa może przyspieszyć proces budowy. Współpraca może pomóc w efektywnym rozwiązywaniu problemów i szybszym przezwyciężaniu trudności. Liczy się także dostępność odpowiednich materiałów i narzędzi. Brak konkretnych elementów może opóźnić postęp projektu. Skrupulatne planowanie i dobra organizacja mogą przyspieszyć budowę maszyny Goldberga. Wypracowanie strategii, podział zadań i skoncentrowanie się na konkretnej sekwencji działań może być kluczowe.

Outdoor Events Center in Dwór Korona Karkonoszy
Corporate integration – Outdoor Events Center, Dwór Korona Karkonoszy

Therefore, it is difficult to estimate the construction time of the machine because each project is unique. Constructing the Goldberg machine it is not only a physical connection of elements, but also a process of experimentation, adaptation and a creative approach to solving problems. Goldberg machine game it should also take place in a friendly atmosphere and without any pressure, so that everyone can express themselves freely and present their own ideas.

Is building a machine fun?

Building a Goldberg machine can be fantastic fun, especially for people interested in mechanics, physics, engineering or art. But it is also great entertainment for those who like conceptual fun. And at the same time, they like to laugh together and let their imagination run wild. Here are some reasons why building a Goldberg machine can be fun.

Creativity. Creating complex mechanisms requires creativity in combining various elements in a way that leads to the intended goal. There are no ready-made and only right solutions here. You can see that many paths can lead to your goal, and every idea is worth your attention.

Science. The construction of the Goldberg machine demonstrates the principles of physics and mechanics. But it also teaches cooperation, decision-making and achieving goals.

Development of engineering skills. The process of planning and building a machine develops engineering skills such as problem analysis, solution design, and practical mechanical skills.

Development of social skills. Building a Goldberg machine together allows you to get to know and appreciate other people better. It also teaches that every involvement matters and thanks team you can complete even the most fantastic challenges. It certainly also teaches patience and that success requires precision and consistency in action.

The joy of the end result. Seeing Goldberg's machine working and seeing how many complex movements and elements work together can bring satisfaction and joy.

Humor and fun. Goldberg's machines are often funny, thanks to their unnecessary complexity and non-standard solutions.

Goldberg's Machine, Dwór Korona Karkonoszy, Sosnówka near Karpacz

Integration game

When preparing a project for an integration event, we usually try to diversify it with interesting attractions. One of them may be integration game Goldberg machine. The process of designing and building such a machine allows for very creative thinking. It also shows that every problem can be solved in many ways. Construction of the Ruby Goldberg mechanism allows for original problem solving and experimenting with various elements of the entire device. What this game is all about has already been explained above. But how can we add an element of competition and increase team motivation? There are two ways to do this.

What does the team building scenario look like?

The first idea for a Goldberg machine for a large group is team competition. Then each team builds its own Goldberg construction, and finally we check if the mechanism works. The task to be performed by the Goldberg machine may be the same for all groups. Then you can compare the quality of the task and the efficiency of the construction, but also the imagination and commitment of the builders.

In the second variant, we assign joint work to all participants. Together they are to build Goldberg's machine, but we are dividing it into stages. So each group has to build some element of this construction. And the final effect will be considered a success only if all these elements work together.

Of course, ideas for a Goldberg machine can vary, and you can always choose your own. Just like the whole thing construction of the Goldberg machine will never be the same, so the rules of this game can be freely modified.

Corporate event - construction of the Goldberg machine at Dwór Korona Karkonoszy

Step-by-step instructions: creating a Goldberg machine

Here Goldberg machine manual creation step by step:

  1. Determine the goal that the Goldberg machine is to achieve.
  2. Make a sketch of the machine, including the reaction steps and the components to be used.
  3. Get the necessary components to build the machine.
  4. Start building by starting with the first reaction step.
  5. Combine subsequent elements, taking care to create a domino effect.
  6. Test the machine, checking that all components are working properly and achieving the final goal.
  7. If necessary, make adjustments to the design to achieve the intended effect.
Goldberg's Machine, Dwór Korona Karkonoszy
Creating a Goldberg machine

Creating your own Goldberg machines It's not only great fun, but also a great way to develop creativity, imagination and learn the principles of physics and mechanics. Start building your Goldberg machine and enjoy the fascinating domino effect!

What is the cost of building a Goldberg machine?

What is the cost of building a Goldberg machine? It is difficult to answer this question precisely. The Goldberg machine is a device that performs a series of complex actions that lead to one simple task. So it can be expensive, but it doesn't have to be. The more complex and technically advanced the Goldberg machine is, the more time, labor and materials will be needed to build it. This, of course, translates into a higher cost. Some complex machines may require specialized components or high-quality materials, which increases the cost.

However, to build the Goldberg machine, you can also use leftover construction materials, toys or construction elements, not necessarily expensive ones. Plus simple tools. Because it's the idea that counts! Thanks to this, not only specialists, but also virtually anyone interested can participate in the game. The most important things are imagination, creativity and cooperation.

Goldberg's Machine, Dwór Korona Karkonoszy, Sosnówka near Karpacz

What is needed to build the machine?

What do you need to build a Goldberg machine? Building a Goldberg machine is a very creative endeavor, and many different elements will be needed to create it. Start with an idea - a simple goal you want to achieve with the Goldberg machine. It could be something like turning on a light, unscrewing a cap, or moving a ball.

Goldberg's Machine, Dwór Korona Karkonoszy
Construction of Goldberg's machine, Dwór Korona Karkonoszy

Various materials are needed to build a Goldberg machine, such as wood, cardboard, pipes, strings, boxes, levers, blocks and the like. All of these things can form the basis for the design of the machine. You will also need tools for cutting, gluing, assembling and measuring. Basic tools include scissors, knives, glue, tape, a ruler and a drill. Moving elements such as wheels, springs, levers and chains are also important. They will be responsible for moving energy through the machine. If you want to add creative elements. Use sound elements (bells, whistles) or visual elements (colored balls, coloring pages). This can make the machine not only a complex, but also a visually attractive structure.

CTA block

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Dwór Korona Karkonoszy Event Center in Sosnówka near Karpacz

You will also need a comfortable place to work on the machine, with adequate space for arranging and testing individual elements. Cameras, cameras or notes may be useful for recording the construction process and any changes. If you want to work in a team, choose people who will share the work, ideas and responsibility with you. After achieving mutual success, the friendships and good relationships with colleagues will pay off for a long time in the future.

Goldberg's Machine, Dwór Korona Karkonoszy
Impreza integracyjna, Dwór Korona Karkonoszy

Building a Goldberg machine requires experimentation and testing. Open thinking and creativity are key. Be willing to adjust and modify elements to achieve the desired effect. Building the machine can be time-consuming, so patience and persistence are important. Remember that there is no single "correct" way to build a Goldberg machine, so just have fun!

Goldberg machine - examples

For example, you can start with the fact that we release the ball down the ramp, it hits some lever, which raises the next element, and so on and so on. It's important to get the effect we agreed on when we started the game. Each team can build their own structure. The winner is the one who builds an effective machine that performs the most actions. It is also possible to arrange that individual groups build only a fragment of the entire Goldberg machine. And we will announce success when, after combining these elements, we achieve a working machine.

Goldberg's Machine, Dwór Korona Karkonoszy
The design of the Goldberg machine

As you can see, the Goldberg mechanism is not a construction according to a pre-imposed and strictly defined design. Building a Goldberg machine is a creative creation of something out of nothing, because a collection of different things has not yet constituted any meaningful whole. yeah  creative integration fun it certainly requires you to activate your imagination and let your imagination run wild. But also logical thinking, even basic technical skills, and above all - cooperation between employees

Corporate events configurator of the Dwór Korona Karkonoszy event agency

Why build a Goldberg machine?

Construction of the Goldberg machine it can bring many benefits and provide a variety of experiences. What can you learn in the process team building task? Proper and effective communication, because to build a Goldberg machine, challenges and difficulties must be overcome. One person may not be able to handle it. You will need support and ideas from other people. Therefore, you need to learn to listen to them and communicate effectively in order to solve the task together. The planning and construction process develops engineering skills such as spatial thinking, problem analysis, solution design, and practical mechanical skills. It also allows you to apply the principles of physics in practice.

Construction of the Goldberg machine, corporate event at Dwór Korona Karkonoszy
Integracja firmowa, Dwór Korona Karkonoszy

Importantly, creating a Goldberg machine requires a creative approach to problem solving. You can experiment with different elements and combinations, which helps develop your creativity. During construction, you will encounter various problems that you will have to solve. This is an excellent opportunity to develop the ability to cope with difficulties and find creative solutions. And the process of creating and running a Goldberg machine can be downright fun and rewarding. The joy of watching complex elements work together to achieve a simple goal can be very rewarding. So building a machine can be not only fun, but also a valuable experience team building.

Goldberg's machine as a metaphor

A Goldberg machine, also known as a Goldberg device, is a complex mechanical device that performs a simple task through a series of complex actions. This name is often used to refer to devices that use overly complex and unnecessary mechanisms to achieve a simple goal.

The concept is often used as a metaphor for situations in which overly complex solutions are used to problems that could be solved by much simpler means.

Construction of the Goldberg machine, Dwór Korona Karkonoszy, Sosnówka

Goldberg machine script

The preparation of the scenario for the construction of the mechanism of the Goldberg machine is not complicated. The most important thing is simply to accurately convey to the participants what fun is like idea of the Goldberg machine. The final goal, i.e. what work this structure is to perform, can be set to the participants or left to their imagination.

The most difficult part of preparing the Goldberg Machine game is actually finding and preparing hundreds of different small elements needed for its construction. The scenario may also include simple presentations of the machine, but the course of the game itself should be spontaneous. We should not in any way impose on the participants what individual elements of the machine should look like. It's important that at all Goldberg's construction was built.

Construction of the Goldberg machine, corporate event at Dwór Korona Karkonoszy
Maszyna Goldberga – event firmowy w Dworze Korona Karkonoszy, Sosnówka k. Karpacza

An original attraction for an integration event 

You wonder what attractions for a corporate event to choose? Do you want to positively surprise your colleagues? Then use the Goldberg machine. The event will truly be unforgettable! Proposed game will not only encourage participants to think creatively, but also unite them. The team should show composure, initiative, precision, perseverance, and a lot of patience. In this case, we can only be limited by imagination, collected materials and time. Divide employees into several smaller groups to encourage them to compete in sports.  

Construction of the Goldberg machine, corporate event at Dwór Korona Karkonoszy
Goldberg machine - company event

Integration game will effectively detach employees from their daily duties. On the other hand, even the best teambuilding exercise may get boring over time. Make sure to add some new fun to your tried-and-tested set of games once in a while. Thanks to this, you can be sure that no one will be bored during the company event. 

The Goldberg machine and team integration

What is the value of playing the Goldberg machine for corporate integration? The value of such integration, apart from the obvious entertainment value, lies in the fact that everyone works for a common result. Every idea counts here, and just like in the real functioning of a company, every idea that improves the company and brings benefits to it is important.

In addition The Goldberg machine teaches effective communicationbecause we need to agree on what we do and how we do it. Accept common machine design and just do it Here everyone has something to say and everyone is important. In the teams you can see that everyone has contributed to the construction of the machine. And when teams work for the final result of the whole team, it is clear that even small elements are very important. Although on a daily basis we only work with a certain fragment or a seemingly insignificant fragment of the whole, nothing will work without it.


Construction of the Goldberg machine, corporate event at Dwór Korona Karkonoszy

The Goldberg machine is pure team building. In addition to communication and cooperation, it teaches you to use your imagination. In addition, it allows employees to show who they really are in the team and what talents they hide. For example, it can naturally emerge to us band leader. A person who leads, coordinates and brings to the end result. On a daily basis in the company, we would not even suspect that a given person has natural leadership talents and we use his potential only to a very limited extent. And vice versa - when building a Goldberg machine, it may turn out that how the team actually works. That is, there may be some personal disagreements that prevent you from achieving your business goals. Or that our team needs deeper integration or refreshing.

Does it take a team to build Goldberg's machine?

Team design of the Goldberg machine as a form of team building? Yes! Although building a Goldberg machine can be done either individually or as a team, depending on your preferences and project goals.

Goldberg machine – individual project

Building a Goldberg machine yourself can be a great challenge for one person. It allows for full control over the design and construction process. An individual approach can also promote faster decisions and actions.

Goldberg machine – team project

Goldberg's machine cooperation is crucial when building complex structures. Building a Goldberg machine as a team is a great group experience and an excellent one team building exercise. Thanks to teamwork, participants can learn how to communicate effectively, share responsibilities and solve problems together. Each team member can contribute a variety of ideas and skills. Teamwork can make it easier to solve problems and create more complex structures.

Working in a team allows you to learn from each other. Building Goldberg's machine together also strengthens interpersonal bonds and builds and strengthens the team. Group activities can be used as a way to learn effective communication and cooperation. Working in a team also allows you to learn about the talents and skills of individual people, which can be used in the implementation of other projects. Within a team, tasks can be divided and focused on different aspects of construction, which can speed up the construction process.

Goldberg machine integration teamwork is possible thanks to the common pursuit of a goal, which helps build relationships and trust. Goldberg's creativity machine and ingenuity are also developed during the design and construction of the machine, which translates into better team work results. That is why team design Goldberg's machine is often used as a mold team building.

Construction of the Goldberg machine, Dwór Korona Karkonoszy, Sosnówka

Corporate event with Goldberg's structure

Are you looking for inspiration for an exciting and effective team-building event scenario? Then consider building a Goldberg machine at an event. The task of the participants will be to construct a complicated mechanism. In this way, they will remember how to arrange a construction of dominoes. Ask employees to set the machine in motion, so that it self-propelled, leading to a spectacular finale. 

Construction of the Goldberg machine, corporate event at Dwór Korona Karkonoszy
Goldberg machine game

company events they serve above all integration of employees, customers and business partners. They can also improve communication and cooperation in a team or resolve conflicts and create a pleasant atmosphere. In addition, they will encourage you to make further efforts and achieve your goals together. It is also a great escape from professional problems. 

In the case of the Goldberg machine, it plays an important role communication not only in your own team, but also cooperation with neighboring teams. To achieve success, participants must connect individual elements of the structure.

Just like at work, all departments should cooperate with each other so that the company completes a key project and stands out from the competition.

Construction of the Goldberg machine, Dwór Korona Karkonoszy, Sosnówka

The Goldberg machine plays - the final result

As in any integration game, there should also be a summary at the end of the construction of the Goldberg machine. The best is the awarding of prizes, and then, as the culmination of success, a joint integration game. Even if the mechanism of the Goldberg machine does not fully work, it is worth appreciating the commitment and ingenuity of the team. After all, everyone contributed something positive to this construction and it is worth mentioning. Even if only part of Goldberg's machine is operational, it is already clear that there is potential in the team. And let the fun always end on a positive note.

Construction of the Goldberg machine, corporate event at Dwór Korona Karkonoszy

Learning through play: the Goldberg machine in education

Goldberg machine It's not only a fascinating invention, but also a great tool for learning and having fun. Goldberg machine science and fun they go hand in hand. Through building, students can learn basic principles of physics, mechanics and engineering. Goldberg machine effect dominoes allow you to understand how different elements interact with each other and how they can be used to achieve the intended goal. Goldberg machine implementation Such a structure also teaches patience, precision and analytical thinking.

Construction of the Goldberg machine, corporate event at Dwór Korona Karkonoszy
The design of the Goldberg machine

Competitions for the best Goldberg construction

Machine competition Goldberg is an excellent way to promote learning through fun and develop participants' creativity. In such competitions, participants are asked to create their own Goldberg machines, which are assessed in terms of originality, complexity and operational efficiency. These competitions attract both amateurs and professionals who want to face the challenge of creating an extraordinary Goldberg machine.

This is why Goldberg machine This is not only an interesting invention, but also a great tool for learning and having fun. By building, students can develop their skills and learn cooperation and creativity. Competitions for the best Goldberg machine promote learning through play and inspire creative thinking.

Events involving the Goldberg machine

Events with the Goldberg machine are very popular among both participants and viewers. An example of such an event is the annual Rube Goldberg Machine Contest, which takes place at various universities around the world. As part of this competition, participants are asked to create their own Goldberg machines, which are assessed in terms of originality, complexity and operational efficiency. These events attract both amateurs and professionals who want to face the challenge of creating an extraordinary Goldberg machine.

Construction of the Goldberg machine, Dwór Korona Karkonoszy, Sosnówka

The Goldberg machine in action

Have you ever seen a Rube Goldberg machine in action? Most likely yes, although you may not have realized it. The proposed device uses a chain reaction to perform a simple task. Before you decide on starting the Goldberg machine program at the event, watch videos on YouTube. Thanks to this, you will learn how exactly it works - to put it simply, on the principle of a domino effect. That is, moving one element sets the other in motion.

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Wondering how to get started? Brainstorm to pick a simple task, then find creative ways to complete the project. Remember to document participants' efforts on an ongoing basis. Have fun showing your work to family and friends. 

Team building games
Konstruowanie maszyny Goldberga – event firmowy, Dwór Korona Karkonoszy, Sosnówka koło Karpacza

Often a simple reaction, such as a row of dominoes, a swinging object, or a ball rolling down a ramp, triggers another. Be aware that at some point something may go wrong. With each failure, however, you learn something new that you can use to build the next machine.  

CTA block

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Center for Outdoor Events, Dwór Korona Karkonoszy, Sosnówka near Karpacz

Encourage team members to experiment. Let them try new configurations and things that seem impossible at first. If you feel frustrated, feel free to ask for help. You will be surprised how the participants will look at the problem and find a solution that you did not even consider. Take the challenge and enjoy when the device works as you dreamed. 


Our entry clearly shows that the design of the Goldberg machine is a great idea for a corporate event. It teaches cooperation, proper communication, logical thinking, and at the same time stimulates creativity in the group. Equally important, it is not only an excellent team building tool, but also an opportunity to have great fun with friends. Don't hesitate to use it from time to time - the Goldberg machine is a completely new design every time!  

How to organize a party? Look event configurator.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Goldberg machine?

The Goldberg machine is an interesting attraction for a company event, and at the same time exercise and team building fun. It consists in building movable structures from various available items and objects. The task of the Goldberg machine is to perform a specific task when only one element is set in motion.

Domino effect in Goldberg's machine?

The domino effect plays a key role in the operation of the Goldberg machine. It is a phenomenon in which one element influences another, causing a chain reaction. In the case of Goldberg's machine, the domino effect causes each element to trigger the next until the final goal is achieved. Thanks to this, the Goldberg machine becomes not only a fascinating invention, but also an excellent tool for learning the principles of physics and mechanics.

team building examples?

A good example of a team building exercise is the construction of the Goldberg machine. Team building can also be implemented by organizing, for example, a company Olympics with fun competitions. Other popular integration games include cooking workshops or a culinary tournament, a bartending show, themed and scenario games, a bonfire or a company picnic, as well as a joint tasting of craft beers.

Corporate event ideas?

It is best to organize a company event based on a specific scenario. It can be, for example, a 1920s-style company ball, solving a crime together or an outdoor game. It is important to prepare surprises for the participants and, if possible, interesting and engaging attractions for the participants. Many ready-made suggestions can be found, for example, in the blog of Dwór Korona Karkonoszy, in the Corporate events tab. This event company with many years of experience offers as many as 113 scenarios for meetings, games and integration games for companies.

Corporate event Lower Silesia?

Lower Silesia is not only a wealth of tourist attractions, but also experienced event agencies. For example, Dwór Korona Karkonoszy in Sosnówka near Karpacz is a boutique hotel and event center in the Karkonosze Mountains at the same time. More than 1,150 successful events have already been organized here. It provides assistance at every stage of event organization and original and interesting attractions for a company event.

How does a Goldberg machine work?

Goldberg's machine is based on the principle of a chain of reactions, where each element influences the next one until the final goal is achieved. This is what makes the workings of Goldberg's machine so fascinating and intriguing. Goldberg's machine mechanism relies on a complex system of gears, levers, gears and other mechanical components that work together to create a domino effect. The Goldberg mechanism is designed in such a way that each element activates the next one until the final goal is achieved, which is to perform a simple action, such as turning on a light or raising a flag.

Goldberg machine design?

We start the design of the Goldberg device with a simple drawing of the working diagram of the Goldberg machine. Then we list in points what should work in our machine. For example, when you trigger the first domino block, it knocks down the next one, and the last block activates the lever. The next step in Goldberg's construction project is to list the things and tools needed to build the machine. Design, materials and tools are all needed to create a Goldberg machine.

Armed with such a simple diagram and elements of the Goldberg machine, we can now start building it. Remember that the key is to experiment and adapt the design to fit the materials and space available. Add your own elements, creatively combine different items and enjoy the process of creating a Goldberg machine!

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