An unpleasant atmosphere in the workplace, poor contact between individual employees, lack of topics to talk about and lack of mutual understanding are some of the main reasons for the brand's poor position on the market. A team with poor relations is unable to use its potential to the maximum and consequently fails to achieve spectacular results. The solution to this problem is integration. Group integration games bring a lot of benefits. What are we talking about?
What happens when we don't take care of employee integration?
Integracja grupy pracowniczej to termin, o którym słyszeli chyba wszyscy przedsiębiorcy. Jest to bowiem jeden z podstawowych elementów funkcjonowania każdej firmy. Porządna integracja może przynieść wiele korzyści. A co dzieje się, jeśli o nią nie zadbamy?
First of all, we will make it difficult for employees to build friendly relations, which often cannot be created on company grounds. During working hours, there is usually no time for loose chat about topics unrelated to the profession and business matters. As a result, employees have strictly business relations. They don't know each other well enough to feel confident and comfortable in each other's company. As a result, the company has an unpleasant, formal atmosphere.
Bad relations between employees and a poor atmosphere in the workplace can contribute to the fact that the company will not achieve maximum results. An uncoordinated team does not work efficiently, does not use the potential of each member and finds it difficult to solve problems arising on the way to the goal. A poorly functioning employee group lacks motivation and willingness to constantly develop. As a consequence, the company stands still, is not successful and does not generate maximum profits.
The solution to many problems with the functioning of a team of employees is the aforementioned integration. One of the effective forms are group integration games. What are they about? How to integrate the team through having fun?
Sales are falling and employees can't get along?
Integration – this may be the key to solving these problems!
What are group integration games?
group integration games is a combination of great fun and positive emotions with elements of team building. The aim of such activities is to build a strong, well-functioning team whose members remain in friendly, positive relations. It is therefore important that teamwork was based on cooperation.
Cooperation above all – company games, scenario games and other forms of integration
The first form of group integration games are company games. Employees will be able to test their skills in various games and competitions. In order to win again, it is necessary ... cooperation! Participants of the game must efficiently exchange information with each other, make dynamic decisions and strive to use the potential and skills of each person. Company games are a guarantee of great fun and amazing emotions!
Instead of company games, you can organize an interesting scenario game in which uparticipants will have to solve some complicated puzzle (e.g. a criminal one). The game should take place in a properly prepared scenery that will transport employees into a mysterious, atmospheric world. It allows participants to fully immerse themselves in the taskYes, their emotions and reactions will be authentic, and the gameplay will bring the expected results.
The scenario game will teach employees cooperation, effective communication and efficient problem solving. It will be a lesson in logic, creativity and cause-and-effect thinking. In addition, it will bring employees closer to each other, improve their relations and have a positive impact on their daily functioning in the company.
Examples of other forms of group integration games based on the principles of cooperation are:
- construction of the Goldberg machine,
- military maneuvers,
- cooking tournament.
Group integration games by the fire
A bonfire with delicious sausages, refreshing beer and joyful music is a timeless form of integration that is still very popular. However, nothing stands in the way of enriching it with interesting activities that will increase the effectiveness of integration. group integration games by the bonfire will provide participants with a huge dose of laughter and fun, and will allow them to get to know each other better.
Game example actually created on integration hearth there may be well-known and liked puns - in the classical, musical (guessing song titles) or film (presentation of movie titles) versions. Participants are divided into two or three groups (depending on the number of people). The selected person from the group draws a password and must present them in a creative way to his teammates. Their task is to guess the password in the shortest possible time. Teams are awarded points. The one who collects the most wins.
Another game is blind trust, in which participants matched in pairs must overcome a special obstacle course. The whole fun is that one person is blindfolded and the other is their guide. The team that completes the track the fastest wins.
Classic group integration games
You can also bet on traditional forms of employee integration - well-known team games that not only provide a lot of fun, but also teach cooperation and can help build positive relationships in the employee group.
An example of such fun is a paintball game based on a special scenario. Participants divided into teams must face in a historic battle. The team that survives to the end wins!
As part of group integration, you can also:
- play a football or volleyball match,
- compete in group karaoke,
- go kayaking.