Hollywood przyniosło wiele niezapomnianych filmów. Amerykańska kinematografia to słynne aktorki, wybitni aktorzy, a także trendy w modzie i style, które zdominowały popkulturę. Szukasz pomysłu na wyjątkowy company event? Theme party Hollywood to może być strzał w dziesiątkę! Dowiedz się, jak zaplanować przyjęcie, na którym wszyscy będą się dobrze bawić!
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Marzysz o zorganizowaniu niezapomnianej imprezy firmowej, która na długo zostanie w pamięci twoich pracowników? Zastanawiasz się, skąd czerpać inspiracje na temat przewodni? Odpowiedzią może być Hollywood themed party!
Elegancja, glamour i wyjątkowy klimat złotej ery Hollywood to idealny sposób na wprowadzenie nuty luksusu i magii do każdej firmowej uroczystości. W tym wpisie podzielimy się z wami pomysłami na dekoracje, stroje, atrakcje oraz kulinaria na wieczór w stylu Hollywood. Dowiecie się również, gdzie najlepiej zorganizować taką imprezę oraz jak zadbać o każdy detal, aby wasi goście poczuli się jak prawdziwe gwiazdy filmowe.
Przygotujcie się na podróż w czasie do lat świetności hollywoodzkich produkcji – będzie to wieczór pełen blasku, świateł kamer i niezapomnianych chwil. Przekonajcie się sami, jak łatwo można stworzyć wyjątkowy event, który zadowoli nawet najbardziej wymagających uczestników.
- How to organize an unforgettable party?
- Hollywood themed party - where to get inspiration from?
- Elegant corporate event – how to organize it?
- Where to organize a Hollywood-style party?
- How to choose decorations for a Hollywood themed party?
- How to dress for a Hollywood themed party?
- The kitchen of the golden era of Hollywood - inspirations for a company evening
- Jakie atrakcje na imprezę w stylu Hollywood się sprawdzają?

How to organize an unforgettable party?
If we want to organize a Hollywood-style party, the world of film should not be alien to us. The proposed theme fits almost any type of event. The golden era of Hollywood will be perfect for conferences, jubilees, gala dinners or awards ceremonies. On the other hand, a theme inspired by movie stars and movies of the 50s, 80s or 90s can be used at a casual team-building event.
If you choose a classic Hollywood theme, opt for a black and white color scheme. It is a tribute to the pioneers of cinema and the beginnings of the silent film. In turn, the Academy Awards are a great source of inspiration for gold, black and luxurious shades of red.
Are you looking for an idea for a unique company event?

Also remember about proper lighting. Liven up a Hollywood themed party in no time. In addition, it will wonderfully emphasize your creativity. Bet on glowing stars, light garlands, spotlights or mirror balls. Make sure you can control the color and intensity of the lighting. Thanks to this, you will quickly introduce the right atmosphere.
Hollywood themed party - where to get inspiration from?
Niezależnie od tego, czy chcesz zorganizować przyjęcie w stylu Wielkiego Gatsby’ego, czy ceremonię wręczenia nagród, impreza tematyczna Hollywood na długo pozostanie w pamięci Twoich gości. Idealną okazją będzie na przykład 15th anniversary of the company. There are dozens of ways to become a successful organizer.
Props for a theme party
Sparkling décor, glamorous outfits, sophisticated treats and luxurious invitations may be on your list.
If you want a classic Hollywood themed party, take inspiration from the 1920s and 1930s. Look out for Art Deco elements such as colorful furniture, modernist props, curtains, velvet decorations and feathers. To give the event a unique character, take care of special props. Look for movie clapperboards, director's chairs, statuettes.

You can also enhance the decor with a large Hollywood sign, popcorn boxes, dummy cameras, cinema seats and film reels. You can hang light panels and posters of famous movie characters on the walls.
Elegant corporate event – how to organize it?
Organization eleganckiej imprezy firmowej – a do takich należy na pewno impreza w stylu Hollywood – to wyzwanie. Wymaga dbałości o szczegóły. Zaczynając od miejsca, poprzez dekoracje i menu, a na strojach i muzyce kończąc.
Choose an exclusive place that will match the nature of the event. It can be a luxury restaurant, a hotel banquet hall or even a private villa. Be classy!

Decorations should be stylish, elegant and match the nature of the event. You can use flowers, candles, tablecloths, napkins and other items that will emphasize the stylish character of the event.
Choose good quality food that will fit the nature of the event. You can choose to serve tasting-style dishes or go for a traditional menu with several main courses.

Make sure that the offer of alcohol and beverages will be tailored to the nature of the event. You can choose to serve exquisite wines, whiskeys and other high-class spirits.
Entertainment should be of high quality and appropriate to the nature of the event. You can opt for a band performance, a fireworks display or an artistic performance.

dress code
Set a dress code that will suit the nature of the event. You can opt for formal or evening attire, depending on the nature of the event. If it's a themed party, then of course guests will wear costumes that match the theme of the event.

Send stylish and elegant invitations. They should contain information about the place, time and nature of the event as well as the required clothing.
A well-organized event will be an excellent opportunity to build relationships with business partners and employees, as well as to strengthen the company's image.
Where to organize a Hollywood-style party?
Choice event venue company is very important. It largely determines the atmosphere of the event. A Hollywood-themed hall should shine and dazzle to make us feel as if we were partying with the biggest stars of the cinema. So if you want to organize a Hollywood-style event, it is worth choosing a place that will reflect the atmosphere of cinema and Hollywood elegance. Here are some ideas where to host a party inspired by Hollywood movies:
- Nightclubs, necessarily exclusive, that will suit the climate of Hollywood. See if the club offers private lounges that you can book for your group.
- Restaurants with an elegant design will be the perfect place for a Hollywood-style party. Make sure the restaurant offers the right ones menu and the option of private room hire.
- Banquet halls and party to świetne miejsce na organizację imprez tematycznych. Wybierz salę, która oferuje profesjonalne nagłośnienie, oświetlenie oraz dekoracje, które będą pasować do motywu imprezy.
- Organize a Hollywood party in… the cinema! Choose a cinema that offers private screenings, and you can integrate decorations into the films being shown. All participants of the theme party will feel like on the set of a Hollywood movie.

How to choose decorations for a Hollywood themed party?
If you want to put your guests in the right mood, send them elegant invitations. Inform them about the details of the party. Retro invitations in the form of a cinema ticket will be perfect here. On the back you can decorate them with white and red stripes.
A Hollywood themed party is not complete without a red carpet. Be sure to set aside some space for selfies and group photos. This will make it easier for you to capture all the glitz and splendor of American cinema. You can also hang gold stars with the names of guests on the wall to make them feel like real celebrities. Consider whether the chosen decorations reflect the theme of the party.

Gold, black, white and red are associated with luxury and wealth. They perfectly fit into the decor of the Hollywood style room and make everyone unique corporate banquet. Such a combination of colors will awaken the senses of guests. Look for gold candlesticks and chandeliers, black and white prints, crystal glasses and movie posters. Also think about the red curtain, the Hollywood sign, balloons and huge statues of the Oscars.
Złota Era Hollywood – tu znajdziesz inspiracje
The Golden Age of Hollywood is a period in the history of cinema, which falls on the 1920s, especially in the 1930s-50s. At that time, Hollywood became the center of film production in the world, and the biggest stars such as Clark Gable, Marilyn Monroe, Humphrey Bogart and Bette Davis appeared in films. Many classic films were made at that time, which shaped the style and popular culture for many years. Hollywood was dominated by the glamor style, which was characterized by elegant dresses, complicated hairstyles and sophisticated accessories.
How to dress for a Hollywood themed party?
Hollywood style is glitz and glamor, and at the same time elegance. So if you want to look like a Hollywood star on costume party, then you should choose stylish and elegant clothes. Here are some suggestions to help you create the right outfit:
- An evening dress is the perfect choice for a Hollywood style party. Bet on a long, eye-catching model made of luxurious fabric. A classic style, such as a body-hugging red or gold dress, will always be a good choice.
- The tuxedo is one of the most elegant men's evening wear and is perfect for a Hollywood themed party.
- At a Hollywood theme party, it is worth betting on spectacular jewelry. Gold or silver earrings, necklaces or vintage bracelets will go well with a theme party.
- Playing the role of a Hollywood star, you need to put on elegant shoes. For women, these are usually heels or high-heeled sandals, and for men, patent leather or oxford shoes.
- For a complete disguise, be sure to throw in gloves, hats and a clutch bag.

Złota Era Hollywood to także czas wprowadzenia nowych technologii filmowych – pojawiły się filmy dźwiękowe, co pozwoliło na produkcję filmów muzycznych, takich jak słynny Singing in the Rain. The first animated films were also made during this period, such as Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. The Golden Age of Hollywood contributed to the creation of popular culture and set standards in the field of film, which largely influenced the development of the art of film around the world. Today, films from this period are considered classic and unforgettable works of film art. It's worth taking advantage of them inspiration for themed events.
Hollywood theme party - ideas to use
Place disposable cameras in different corners of the room. This way, you and your guests can capture special moments more easily. Then, after the party, develop the photos and share them on FB and/or Instagram. Such photos perfectly reflect the emotions that accompanied the participants of the party.
Zadbaj o nastrojową muzykę
W tym przypadku doskonale sprawdzi się zespół jazzowy, który podkreśli wyjątkowy charakter przyjęcia.
Organizing a Hollywood themed event gives you many possibilitieswhether you like vintage style or something modern or glamorous. You can ask co-workers to dress up as movie stars. Prepare a buffet with lots of tasty dishes. You should also serve champagne and delicious drinks. Be sure to toast to the unforgettable evening ahead and a decadent meringue cake to finish off.
As a thank you for coming to a Hollywood themed party, give your guests Oscar statuettes, the most prestigious film award or stylish glasses or photos on the red carpet.

Tematyczna impreza filmowa to świetna okazja, by zorganizować dla pracowników wieczór pełen rozrywki, poświęcony ulubionym filmom. Aby impreza była udana, warto zadbać o odpowiednie elementy, takie jak dekoracje, przekąski i gry. Stwórz atmosferę kina, dekorując pomieszczenie w stylu hollywoodzkim. Możesz użyć czerwonych dywanów, żarówek w stylu retro, plakatów filmowych i kurtyny ze złotymi gwiazdami.
Przygotuj przekąski inspirowane ulubionymi filmami. Popcorn to oczywiście klasyczna przekąska filmowa, ale możesz także przygotować nachos z guacamole, mini-burgery z frytkami, muffiny z masłem orzechowym itp. Zorganizuj quiz filmowy, w którym załoga będzie musiała odgadnąć tytuły filmów, lub stwórz planszę do gry z pytaniami i zadaniami związanymi z filmami. Możesz również zorganizować konkurs na najlepszy kostium filmowy. I koniecznie zamów fotobudkę, w której goście będą mogli robić zdjęcia w kostiumach filmowych, z rekwizytami filmowymi i w tle dekoracyjnym w stylu Hollywood.
Such an event is great fun for all cinema lovers and can be an ideal way to spend time integration evening.
The kitchen of the golden era of Hollywood - inspirations for a company evening
The cuisine of Hollywood's golden age was very diverse, but mostly American cuisine with a strong European influence. In the 1920s and 1930s, cocktails and appetizers such as cocktail shrimp, Rockefeller oysters and foie gras dominated the trend. In turn, in the 1940s and 1950s, American cuisine was more modest and focused on traditional dishes such as roast beef, steak or roast chicken, but still using luxurious ingredients such as caviar, truffles and lobsters.
Here are some examples of foods that were popular during Hollywood's golden age:
- Rockefeller oysters: baked oysters with onions, spinach, celery and breadcrumbs, served on half shells.
- Chicken à la King: stewed pieces of chicken with cream sauce, mushrooms and peppers, served on toast or spinach.
- Filet Mignon: beef steak served with béarnaise sauce and vegetables.
- Cocktail prawns: cooked and chilled prawns served with a cocktail sauce, usually pickled cucumbers, onions and lettuce.
- Strawberries with whipped cream and sugar.
- New York cheesecake: a traditional American dish, made of cream cheese, on a shortcrust pastry.
Cocktails such as the Martini, Manhattan, and Old Fashioned were also popular during the Golden Age of Hollywood. French and Italian wines such as Chardonnay and Pinot Noir were most often served at parties.

Jakie atrakcje na imprezę w stylu Hollywood się sprawdzają?
If you want to organize an elegant banquet or an unforgettable one movie gala, prepare attractions in a truly star-studded style. A dance show, a saxophone player, a futuristic lightshow, i.e. a spectacle with the use of LED equipment, perfectly fit into the atmosphere. You can invite to a Hollywood themed party movie star doppelgängersuch as Marilyn Monroe, Chuck Norris, Elvis Presley and Sylvester Stalone.

Competitions conducted by an experienced compere will also make a real sensation, especially if you prepare interesting prizes. But it's not all about the red carpet. Also take care of professional lighting and sound system so that the participants of the event will feel like real stars. Make sure you can count on expert support during your event.
Hollywood party – it will be a truly unforgettable theme party!
How to organize a party – see event configurator
Frequently Asked Questions
Where to organize a Holywater party?
For a Hollywood-themed party, an elegant ballroom will be the best choice, impressing with its size and decor. For example, the event company Dwór Korona Karkonoszy from Sosnówka near Karpacz has such a room. 8 meters high, able to accommodate up to 170 guests, with a decorative wooden vault and arched windows, it will delight the participants of every corporate event. In addition, the carmine color of the walls, the white parquet as if made for dancing and the exit straight to the rose garden - these are the advantages of the Court Ballroom.
What attractions will be the best at a theme party?
What attractions will be the best at a theme party? When choosing attractions for a thematic event, the scenario of the event and its theme are important. For example, at a party in the style of the 80s, you can organize a disco dance competition. A Hawaiian party is associated with a holiday style, so a good idea will be hula dance shows, a bar with drinks served in coconut shells, deckchairs and hammocks, and a competition for the best Hawaiian shirt. The event in the style of the Wild West is a lasso throwing competition, country dance shows or an archery competition. Casino Royal style event - in this case, games such as poker, blackjack or roulette will be perfect. Magic shows can also be arranged, as well as a Las Vegas-style snack buffet. How about a movie-themed party? During such an event, you can organize a movie screening, a photo session with movie props, a costume contest during which guests will have to dress up as their favorite movie character and karaoke with soundtracks from popular movies.
How to dress for a Hollywood party?
Costume themed parties for companies are becoming more and more popular. Employees willingly move during company events to other times or places, playing various roles. A Hollywood theme night definitely requires an outfit that real Hollywood stars would be proud of. A real Hollywood star had to look in accordance with the canon - photos of Hollywood stars can be an inspiration to look for the right outfit. High heels, patent leather shoes, evening gowns, tuxedos, hats, jewelry - these must not be missing from the program of the Hollywood evening.
What decorations to choose for a Hollywood themed party?
We will organize a real Hollywood party if we take care of the appropriate decoration of the room and gadgets. If we are organizing a Hollywood-themed event, the decorations must reflect the glamor and brilliance of the film world. Let's start with the invitations - you can design the invitations in the form of a mini movie poster. Next: The red carpet is an absolute must-have for a Hollywood themed party. It is worth spreading it at the entrance to the room so that each guest can feel like a movie star. It is worth investing in a photo backdrop on which guests will be able to take pictures. The background should be in the style of classic movie posters, or it could represent a movie awards show. Well-chosen illumination is indispensable at a Hollywood themed party. Invest in bulbs in the shape of spotlights or LED lights that will bring the atmosphere of a movie set to the interior. Prepare replicas of the famous Oscar statuette that can be placed on tables or in other strategic places. And also movie props - clapperboards, cameras, spotlights that will complete the mood of a themed Hollywood-style corporate event.
What inspires you when organizing a Hollywood-style party?
Throwing a Hollywood themed party can be a lot of fun, but it does require some creativity and careful planning. What to be inspired by? Hollywood is famous for classic movies, so it's worth recalling those titles that are the most iconic and characteristic of Hollywood, such as Casablanca or Titanic. The red carpet is a symbol of Hollywood and Hollywood style events cannot do without it. To emphasize the nature of the event, it is also worth introducing a Hollywood-style dress code, i.e. elegant outfits are mandatory! Create a Hollywood atmosphere at your party with the right decorations. You can create a collage of movie posters that are related to the theme of the event and place Oscar statuettes and other awards. The party menu can be inspired by dishes that were popular during the Golden Age of Hollywood. That is cocktails from the 50s, hot dogs, popcorn, hamburgers and ice cream. And music - it is a key element of every event. You can play music from popular movies like Star Wars, Grease or Dirty Dancing to get your guests into the Hollywood vibe.