A strong, well-functioning team is one of the most durable pillars of the company. A well-coordinated group of employees is the key to the efficient implementation of professional tasks and success in the industry. The employer should take care of the good integration of employees. How to create a good team at work?
- Pleasant team work - benefits
- Team building, which is an interesting form of building a harmonious team
- Integration event as a way for a harmonious team at work
- Are you looking for an idea for a unique integration event?
- A well-coordinated team of employees - integration in the workplace
- How to perform remote integration?
- A well-coordinated team in remote work

Pleasant team work - benefits
Many companies operate on the principles of teamwork. The main advantage of this form of performing professional duties is the synergy effect. It says that you can achieve better results in a group than alone.
An atmosphere of understanding and friendship, orientation towards the same goal and using the potential of each member of the group - working in a harmonious team can be very pleasant and extremely effective. A strong, well-coordinated team can do more. Employees can look at problems from different perspectives. They can share knowledge, skills and creativity. By brainstorming, they can find solutions that will bring spectacular results. There are no problems with communication in a well-coordinated team. Group members are able to efficiently and successively provide information on any subject.
There is an excellent, positive atmosphere in a well-coordinated team. Employees respect each other. They can support and motivate each other. Creating a harmonious team at work takes time and commitment. You can do it in two ways. The first of them are team building tasks, and the second - integration events.
Team building, which is an interesting form of building a harmonious team
Team building is - as the name says - a form of building a strong, harmonious team. These are tasks whose aim is to increase the effectiveness of employees' activities. Team building equips group members with skills useful in everyday functioning in the company. It teaches them effective communication and listening, solving even the most complex problems together, dealing with crisis situations, as well as the logical division of roles in a group so as to maximize the potential of each person.
Team building can be very helpful when conflicts arise in the team, employees cannot get along or the level of motivation of individual group members drops. It is also a great tool when creating a new team. It helps employees get to know and understand each other better.
A good team at work - what form of team building is the most effective? The one that combines learning with fun! Team building tasks must interest employees. They should draw them in and engage them one hundred percent.
A great idea is to organize scenario games. The participants of the game have a common goal - they have to solve a secret puzzle. The key to success is cooperation - that is effective communication and using the potential of each team member. Even though it seems like just an interesting form of spending free time, it is actually a very effective way to unite employees. The effect of such "fun" will be to improve the functioning of the group at work.
As part of team building, you can also organize company games with team games and activities. Another interesting idea is to build a Goldberg Machine. Both the first and the second activity require a lot of creativity, commitment and cooperation.
Integration event as a way for a harmonious team at work
Building a well-coordinated team will not succeed if there is no friendly, pleasant atmosphere in the workplace. If the relations between employees are not very positive, their work will never be spectacularly successful. In order for the activities of the group to be effective, no conflicts, disputes or misunderstandings can arise from it. The employer should take care of the good integration of his employees. The best way to improve team communication is to organize corporate events.
An integration event is a great way to get away from your company duties, at least for a while. It is a great opportunity for employees to get to know each other better, strengthen bonds and build positive relationships. Integration events can bring a lot of benefits. There will be a better atmosphere in the team, employees will understand each other's needs, they will learn efficient communication, and thanks to this the company will be successful on the market.

How to organize a unique integration event? There are many possibilities! A great idea will be a traditional party with delicious food, delicious drinks and pleasant live music. A champagne dance party with a DJ, a corporate karaoke party or a party will also be perfect theme party w stylu szalonych lat 20.
An interesting option is to organize workshops for employees (e.g. on survival or regional crafts) or take the team on an unforgettable guided tour through the most picturesque mountain areas. The only limit is your imagination.
A well-coordinated team at work can do a lot. He can achieve what cannot be done alone. That is why it is worth putting some effort into building a strong, well-functioning group. Without a doubt, this is the key to achieving the greatest successes on the market!

Are you looking for an idea for a unique integration event?
You are in the right place!
A well-coordinated team of employees - integration in the workplace
O integrację pracowników należy dbać każdego dnia, a nie tylko od święta. Wyjazdy i imprezy integracyjne przynoszą spektakularne efekty, jednak nie mniej pomocne mogą okazać się codzienne rytuały integracyjne w… miejscu pracy. Otóż wcale nie trzeba opuszczać murów firmy, żeby zbudować zgrany zespół w pracy. Integracja w pracy też jest możliwa! Czasem trzeba tylko nieco zaangażowania, garść pomysłów i nieco kreatywności, aby wzmocnić więzi między pracownikami w firmowych warunkach, a przy tym rozluźnić atmosferę i w pewien sposób urozmaicić żmudną, codzienną pracę.
One of the most popular, and at the same time one of the simplest, integration rituals that can be implemented in the daily plan of the company's operation is morning coffee. A moment of rest with a cup of hot coffee (or if you prefer - tea) in the company of employees will put you in a positive mood for the whole day. Casual conversations at the coffee machine bring employees closer, build friendly relations, and thus strengthen the entire team. The morning meeting over coffee should be enriched with a motivating speech given by a manager, director, president or other person from a higher level. This is a great way to shorten the distance between employees and the management team and effectively motivate the group to act.
Another integration ritual that can create a well-coordinated team of employees are shared meals. At least once a week, it is worth gathering the entire staff in one room (e.g. in a conference room) and have breakfast or lunch together - just like a family meets at a common table. Feasting together brings people closer, strengthens bonds and relaxes the atmosphere. This is a great opportunity to talk about topics unrelated to work and everyday duties, get to know each other better and build friendly relations.
As part of a joint meal, you can order catering or involve employees in preparing the dishes.
What else can be done to build a well-coordinated team of employees? A great idea is to celebrate important events together - e.g. birthdays of individual team members, holidays and other special occasions. It is also worth taking care of internal communication - not only between employees, but also between employees and superiors.

How to perform remote integration?
- Daily chat conversations on non-work related topics. The employer should initiate daily conversations on the company chat - about moods, interests and other loose matters. Conversations will reduce the distance between employees and between employees and management, relax the atmosphere and facilitate building friendly relations.
- Virtual integration meetings. A remote equivalent of traditional team-building events can be… webcam parties! Once in a while, it is worth organizing a casual meeting in the employee group. Everyone should stock up on their favorite snacks and something good to drink - they can be meetings over tea, as well as "virtual parties" with refreshing drinks. Conversations on the webcam will be a substitute for meetings in real life.
- Team building tasks. Team building is an effective form of building a harmonious, strong team of employees based on special games and activities. A group working remotely can use Zoom or another communicator for this. As part of team building, you can play: "Two laws and a lie", "Common history", "How well do you know each other?", "Truth or dare".
A well-coordinated team in remote work
Many companies operate on a home office basis. This job offers a lot of possibilities. For employers, it is access to a wider group of highly specialized candidates, and for employees - a chance to get a dream job and the ability to perform professional duties from anywhere in the world. However, remote work is not all benefits. It poses new challenges and problems for employees to face in order for their actions to bring the expected results. A big downside is the difficult communication, and thus - less opportunities to build a well-coordinated team of employees. How to build a well-coordinated team in remote work?
First of all, you need to work on internal communication. Communication should be a strong pillar of the functioning of every company. It is her that largely depends on whether the company is successful on the market. Why? Because a well-functioning team knows how to get along, efficiently and effectively performs all business tasks, dynamically solves all smaller and larger problems and easily achieves the set goals.
The employer should clearly define the rules of communication - what, when, and to whom to communicate. In addition, he should choose the right communication tools - both those for project management (e.g. Wrike) and those for conducting conversations (e.g. Slack or Google Talk). An interesting option is the introduction of videoconferencing (e.g. on Zoom). Establishing the rules and communication tools is only the first stage of creating a harmonious team at work. Then, it is necessary to implement appropriate integration activities that will help employees get to know each other better and build friendly bonds.