Not every work environment is friendly and conflict-free. Sometimes, even in a team of a few people, emotions are bubbling up, which affect the everyday atmosphere. How to integrate a team when it is obvious that there are conflicts of characters or life attitudes?

The atmosphere in the company is one of the main reasons why employees will stay in it for longer. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of it, although it may seem that it is a fleeting and not very specific concept. How to integrate the team so that employees want to come to the company even if they do not have much in common with their colleagues?
How to integrate a team of people of different ages?
The age barrier is one of the most difficult to overcome. Employees do not talk about computer games or problems with their grandchildren, if some of them are just starting their adventure in the company, and the rest are approaching retirement. Is it possible to integrate people of such different ages at all? Putting on an ordinary party will make groups according to the age division among the participants. This further separated the two camps from each other. Instead, arrange a situation that doesn't happen every day in the office. Let yourself be shown both by those who are characterized by youth and speed, as well as by their more experienced and prudent colleagues. Advisors organizing dozens of such trips a year in Dwór Korona Karkonoszy recommend the following integration scenarios:
- regional craft workshops are a return to youth for some, and discovering the forgotten for others;
- brewing workshops are an attraction for young craft lovers, but also a novelty for those who still remember the taste of old beer;
- survival allows you to prove yourself regardless of age.
When considering how to integrate a team of people of different ages, you can also ask its members what they would like to do and try to draw a common denominator (e.g. fishing and cooking workshops).

How to integrate a new team?
The advantage of today's popular start-ups is fresh energy. The downside - a new team that doesn't know each other yet. These people need to be integrated, and quickly, before misunderstandings arise. Here, joint building of a Goldberg machine or culinary workshops based on advanced methods may prove useful menu. Learning together and solving a problem is a mix that allows you to get to know each other in a relaxed atmosphere and take home nice memories.
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Scenario games where you have to solve a puzzle together can also be a good idea. In the case of a new team, you may need an animator who knows how to integrate the team based on his many years of experience. Often this type of help saves the mood that "sits down" or find common entertainment when it seems that the participants will disperse to their rooms.

How to integrate people who differ from each other in everything?
More than one manager has been in a situation where he took over a team whose members did not get along at all. Beginnings in a new company must then start with improving the situation. A spectacular joint adventure, such as a balloon flight, can help to integrate such a team. Even if the participants have limited sympathy for each other, they will gain a beautiful memory that will be difficult for them to forget.
Offer Dwór Korona Karkonosze is also a helicopter flight or trips. Games based on competition and action against each other, such as shooting, sports games or paintball, will not be a good idea for how to integrate the team in this situation. One of the effective techniques of integration is putting the team in a difficult situation, such as survival or a difficult crossing over the mountains. If you have to deal with a challenge without a boss, sometimes it is possible to establish even a temporary alliance that would not be possible in the realities of the office.

What to do when integration fails
And how to integrate the team when the attempts did not bring any result? Here, a little more advanced psychological workshops may be helpful, during which participants will talk about emotions or learn mutual trust. It may turn out that resentments are the result of some old issues that can be discussed in a pleasant atmosphere. Sometimes the problems are real and there is no point in reaching for them teambuilding, bo nie chodzi o niezgranie zespołu, a o dysproporcje zarobków czy obowiązków pośród członków. Wówczas nie ma innej drogi, niż omówić te problemy i znaleźć rozwiązanie. W biurze to może być trudne. Lepiej będzie zmienić scenerię i porozmawiać wśród górskich pejzaży. Jeśli problemem są takie narosłe przez lata spory, to tłem procesu psychologicznego może być coś niezobowiązującego, jak impreza przebierana czy piwna biesiada.