How to organize company events?

Office partyTips
corporate event

Event to słowo zapożyczone z języka angielskiego, które na dobre zagościło także w Polsce. Oznacza wcześniej zaplanowane wydarzenie, w którym uczestniczą pracownicy firmy. Czy company events mają sens? W jaki sposób zorganizować eventy firmowe, które zapadną w pamięć? Na te pytania odpowiemy w dzisiejszym artykule.

What will you learn from the article?

Eventy firmowe to nie tylko okazja do integracji zespołu, ale także świetna możliwość promocji marki oraz zbudowania silniejszych relacji z klientami i partnerami biznesowymi. W dzisiejszym dynamicznym świecie biznesu, dobrze zorganizowany company event może przynieść wymierne korzyści – od zwiększenia zaangażowania pracowników po poprawę wizerunku firmy na rynku.

But is it always worth investing in such events? How to organize an event that will be remembered by participants and will bring the expected results? In this article, we will answer these questions and share the best ideas and proposals for a successful company event. Learn about the advantages of organizing events, find out whether it is worth inviting a celebrity to your event, and discover what attractions can diversify your company event. And if you are ready to take action, we will tell you how to start planning step by step. We invite you to read!

Company events are events organized and sponsored by the employer. The main assumption is the integration of employees, business partners and customers - both current and potential ones. Of course, these are not the only reasons why company events are organized. The event can focus on learning to work in a group or on resolving conflicts and relaxing the atmosphere.

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CLICK above in the Corporate Events Configurator banner

Is it worth organizing company events?

The question is often asked what is the point of organizing company events at all. In fact, every company will find a good reason for organizing such an event. Every employer realizes that the performance of employees is as good as their well-being and mutual relations. Company events can be a great way to integrate and bring measurable benefits while performing everyday duties. They encourage further work and achieving common goals, they also allow to establish new relationships between employees, and most importantly - they are an excellent escape from everyday duties, which are often stressful.

Construction of the Goldberg machineDwór Korona Karkonosze, Sosnówka

How to organize a company event?

Organizacja imprez firmowych na pierwszy rzut oka może wydawać się trudna. Ale tak naprawdę wcale taka być nie musi. Zacznijmy od przygotowania dobrego planu. Gdy rozpiszemy, jak zorganizować imprezę firmową krok po kroku, to zadanie nie będzie już takie skomplikowane. Zawsze też można rozdzielić czynności do zrobienia na kilka osób albo skorzystać z usług agencji eventowej, która zrobi wszystko za nas.

The first step should be to determine the purpose of the corporate event. Once we know exactly why we are doing the event, it will be easier for us to determine further details. We have to decide whether it is to be an integration event or training for employees. Or maybe a business meeting with contractors or a presentation of a new company product? Each of them has a different specificity and different things should be paid special attention to. 

Team building and company event

In the case of a company integration event, it will be team building. Należy wtedy zaplanować na przykład odpowiednie ćwiczenia i zabawy na poprawę komunikacji i współpracy w grupie. W przypadku promocji nowego produktu albo konferencji branżowej ważne będzie odpowiednie nagłośnienie takiego wydarzenia w mediach i uzyskanie jak największego rozgłosu.

The next step should be, at least a framework, to determine the budget that we will have. A sufficiently high fund will give us the opportunity to organize an event in an attractive place and provide many interesting attractions. With a smaller budget, you will probably need to send more inquiries and spend a little more time finding possible subcontractors.

Cooking workshops, Dwór Korona Karkonoszy, Sosnówka near Karpacz

Choice place for an integration event company is the next item on our list. Let's try to make the location so interesting that the very trip there will seem to all employees as a real attraction.

We also need to specify the number of people who will take part in our company event. And to ensure the largest possible attendance, remember to choose the right date for the company event. This means that it does not interfere with the private plans of most employees. So to put it simply, let's avoid long weekends, holidays and holidays. 

Employee satisfaction matters

A satisfied employee is one who has a sense of belonging to the company. He feels needed and appreciated, and at the same time knows that the employer not only requires, but also wants to give something from himself. Corporate events can be organized at the workplace by renting catering or move the entire event to a hotel that will provide professional service. Both solutions can work, but it is worth remembering that a meeting or event outside the company's headquarters will give the event a higher rank and make it memorable for the crew or customers for longer.


Why is it worth organizing company events?

As we have already mentioned - in every company there will be a really good reason to organize a company event. There are no predetermined determinants of when it is worth doing it. If the employer feels that it pays to organize an event, it is best to just do it. Among the most popular reasons can be identified:

  • integration events for employees - thanks to this, it will happen team integration, getting to know each other better, getting away from stressful everyday duties in the company of colleagues whom we will see from a completely different side than the business one. Zadania na współpracę w grupie they will definitely prove themselves during an integration event;
  • company events and conferences – they allow you to exchange experiences, learn something new, invite speakers with interesting lectures;
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Prince Henry's castle, view from a drone
  • anniversaries and thanks for employees - very much liked by the crew, because everyone likes to feel appreciated. Thanks to such events, employees identify with the company;
  • resolving conflicts and relaxing the atmosphere in the company - sometimes in every organization you need an event during which you can simply "get out". In a relaxed atmosphere, sometimes it's easier to talk about what we don't like, what divides us, or what bothers us. Outside the company, it is often easier to resolve conflicts from a certain perspective;
integration event for companies
Organization of integration events for companies
  • learning to work in a team - in this situation it is worth using team building games. They perfectly unite the team, teach communication in a group, joint problem solving.

These are the most popular, but not the only reasons to organize company events. It is worth treating them as a tool to achieve predetermined goals and plan the course of the event in this respect.

Opportunities to organize corporate events

  • thanking contractors – it is always worth appreciating and remembering old customers. A common mistake made by companies is to only care about new customers and ignore the existing ones;
  • reaching new customers - new markets, new opportunities - during a company event there is an opportunity to discuss the terms of cooperation in a less formal atmosphere;
  • establishing cooperation with a new partner - to celebrate this, it is worth inviting various guests to the banquet - the management board, employees, key partners;
  • launching a new product or implementing new services - the event is a great opportunity to show that our company is dynamic, developing, looking for new opportunities;
  • team management interpersonal skills training - applies only to the managerial staff, a very important aspect of the company's operation, as a bad boss can thwart the efforts of even the best team;
  • summary of the effects of the company's management and presentation of the new strategy.
25th anniversary of the company - candles

What games are best for a corporate event?

As we all know, man does not live by work alone. And an integration event or an away training also have their rights. Of course, if from the beginning to the end they do not have the character of difficult summaries, settlements and the search for so-called scapegoats. We do not recommend such events to anyone! They won't help you bond or let you relax. Although perhaps such "events" will especially require a release ... Let's assume, however, that the situation is normal, that we deal with difficult matters in the company, and company events have a slightly different purpose and character.

So what fun to prepare for a company event? Whether we want to focus on team building or simply give employees a moment of respite will also determine what fun for a corporate event we will prepare. Cooperative games will improve communication within the crew. Games for a company event that allow you to dress up as a character from a certain era or to impersonate a specific figure from a movie, book or game will give you a chance to express your own personality. Or maybe, as mentioned above, the team needs to recover from some events or changes? Then you can also propose, for example, a little more extreme games for a company event, such as an off-road rally, rafting, downhill or a balloon flight.

Or maybe workshops at a company event?

There are always interesting workshops of various types. Cooking workshops are, above all, fun and a feast for the palate. Film or theater performances led by actors or a professional who works with them on a daily basis is an amazing release of internal potential and energy. Photography, painting and construction workshops, musical it stimulates our imagination and creativity. Maybe following this lead, let's choose games for a company event for our group?

Each company event should have at least a framework plan for its course. In addition to the more or less formal or official parts, there must also be a position company event attractions. This is the less official part of ours corporate event, will attract and focus the greatest attention of employees. Each of them will be curious whether, apart from the typical company routine, they can count on fun and relaxation. And also where he will actually go and what he will be able to see, visit or experience there. A company event, if it is interesting and intriguing, will certainly attract more interest and employees will be more willing to participate in it.

Attractions for karaoke integration events
Corporate theme party, 1920s.

So let's try to prepare something interesting and surprising for employees. Such a surprise will certainly stay in the memory for a long time, and our crew will feel that someone cares about them and their well-being. Corporate event attractions should always be included. In fact, they are its main element. And many of them additionally integrate the team and are the basis team building. For example, common building a Goldberg machine, field games, scenario games, costume and theme games are not only great entertainment, but also integrate the team very well.

An idea for a company event – a handful of suggestions

Every professional organizer of company events wants the event he organizes to be distinguished by something original and have an individual character. In other words, even the pros wonder how to do it interesting event? It is about a company event that will positively surprise guests, will have a unique character, and the attractions for a company event will be tailor-made and imaginative. However, in order to choose such attractions, the organizer must know a few things beforehand. It is important how large the group of participants is, what they do more or less on a daily basis and whether they prefer it integration games in the open air, or prefer games and activities "to stimulate the mind".

How can the boss influence the ability to work in a group of employees?
Outdoor games and activities

For those who like sophisticated cuisine and tasting delicacies, various types of culinary workshops will be an interesting idea for a company event. Also, competitions, for example for the best barista, sommelier competitions or a competition for the preparation of the most interesting cocktail, can appeal to gourmets.

Another proven idea for corporate events are scenario-based games, for example, a crime mystery to be solved by the participants. Or other themed or costume games. A ball in the style of the 1920s or a disco party like in the 1970s will allow participants to show creativity when preparing the right costume. And then have a great time, having the feeling of traveling in time ...

Photomirror for a company event

How to capture all those wonderful and often funny moments spent with colleagues during a company event? photo booth or a magic mirror will be perfect! The latter, unlike the classic photo booth, guarantees excellent quality photos of entire figures, not just faces or torsos. How it's working? Just stand in front of the mirror, start the countdown and pose. It is the "magical" voice from the mirror that will guide the participants through all stages of taking pictures. When we're done playing, the mirror surface will turn into a huge touch tablet. Then the photo can be additionally signed, provided with emoticons or some witty comments. And then send it to yourself or your friends by e-mail or post it on social networks. Or print and keep memories of the event in this form.

Costume party for companies

Corporate events - advantages

Corporate events - advantages. There are plenty of them. Of course, every company event is different; everyone pursues different goals. What they have in common is building relationships. Within the group, either between employees and the employer, or between the company and contractors. After all, it is obvious that the more time people spend together, the more space they have to make various acquaintances. You could say that we spend a lot of time at work. That's true. However, in the company there is often no time for anything other than typical business relations, there is no question of getting to know each other, of the so-called small talk. It's hard to build bonds just by passing each other in the corridor.

Only company events give us an opportunity to share our thoughts, talk about our interests and passions, tell our friends about our dreams. This requires not only time, but also trust in the rest of the team. And they are difficult to work out in the rush of everyday tasks. Reducing the distance, showing a different, slightly private side - these are the advantages of participating in company events. The "human face" of the boss often allows you to look at him and his requirements differently. Interpersonal relations in the team are invaluable!

Creative integration games: team

Learning to work in a group, improving the so-called soft skills this is another benefit of meetings and company trips. Building a harmonious team is not an easy thing. Joint fun and recreation make bonds between people stronger. Working with people to whom we feel sympathy, with whom we have something in common - for example, memories of a crazy ride on a toboggan run - seems to be easier for us. And when problems arise, it's easier to talk about them and look for a solution - together! All this directly translates into efficiency at work. So it is seen that company events - advantages are unmistakable!

company events effectively strengthen the sense of belonging to a given company. In addition, an employee who likes his colleagues will be less willing to look for a new one, and in the era of high staff turnover, this is also important. So thanks to company events, we can have a team that is not only harmonious, but also permanent.

In addition, company events allow new employees to join an already harmonious team relatively painlessly. In this way, it is easier to introduce a new person to the company. A joint company event minimizes stress and gives the new employee a chance to feel part of the team.

Team building games for employees

A star for a corporate event – is it a good idea?

How to celebrate corporate party? This question often comes up, especially if we care about splendor and raising the profile of the event. A well-known and respected person or music band will certainly bring great joy to the participants of the event. And let's remember that it's not just about celebrities, although they attract the largest audience.

In the case of industry events, such a figure may be people highly valued in a given environment or those who have been the most successful in the industry. For example, at a medical conference, the discoverer of a new method of saving lives will receive more attention and esteem than the local pop star. But we can also meet the tastes of the participants of a company event by inviting, for example, a sports star or the author of culinary or gardening guides.

Culinary show star company event, Dwór Korona Karkonosze, Sosnówka

So - whether star for a company event it's a good idea? Yes, if we anticipate a lot of free time for participants so that they can actually prepare for such a meeting. And after the official part, just savor it, enjoy it, discuss it, exchange impressions. The presence of a well-known blogger or influencer can make employees feel special. However, it is worth remembering that such company event nor can it proceed in too rigid an atmosphere. Not everyone has to be delighted with the personality or talent of our star or starlet. Let's give these people a chance to spend their time alternatively. And it's not about a completely different attraction, but, for example, the possibility of taking advantage of the charms of the club room and the warmth of the fireplace or admiring the wonderful garden.

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CLICK above in the Corporate Events Configurator banner

Attractions for a company event - list

As for ideas for attractions for a company event, it's basically an infinite number of them. Below we list only some of them. The list is always open and depending on the client's needs and preferences, completely different, new projects of games and integration activities can be prepared. These are the so-called "tailor-made events", more personalized and tailored to the expectations of a given company. Of course, you can also "mix" many different ideas and fill the participants' time with attractions for a company event. But let's also give them time so that they can calmly absorb the atmosphere of the place where they found themselves, as well as enjoy the results of won competitions and received prizes.

Participants of corporate events willingly participate in activities such as:

  • Paintball - attractive fun for people who like adrenaline and are physically active.
  • Bonfire or grill - it's a classic, it always works! It builds the mood, provides an opportunity for casual conversations and strengthening relationships.
  • Board games - now they are back in fashion, especially those that require imagination and creativity. They show us how our colleagues see the world.
  • Company Olympics - great for people who like to compete with a grain of salt. It can emerge new leaders and show hidden talents.
  • Building bird feeders or houses for stray cats - an integration game based on building something good. It allows you to show your values. And also learn a lot about the hobbies and interests of our colleagues.
  • Contests and quizzes - the most important thing is to expose the element of fun and let the hidden abilities of our employees and talents in various fields reveal themselves
  • Bartender shows for companies - it's almost like a show of magic and illusion ... Only it can be combined with tasting, and after returning home, surprise friends and acquaintances with the "colorful magic of drinks".
  • Quads - ideal for employees who like adventure and challenges. Very attractive and releasing positive energy.  
live cooking - Dwór Korona Karkonosze, Sosnówka
  • Live cooking - great fun for gourmets and those who are not indifferent to what they have on their plate.
  • Magic and illusion shows - stimulate the imagination and are a great escape from everyday routine.
  • Off road rallies - require some familiarity with the automotive industry. They show that with the right approach anything is possible!

Attractions for company events - or maybe something else?

  • Zorbing - this extreme experience consists of entering an inflatable plastic ball and rolling down a hill. It will surely be remembered by all participants!

  • bubble football – football gameplay in a zorbing ball, only slightly smaller, is a real challenge. There will be lots of laughs during this game.

  • Canoeing or rafting - great relaxation for lovers of water, nature and birds.

  • Helicopter flight - who wouldn't want to feel free as a bird? And from its perspective, admire the amazing views of the majestic mountains and the lagoon?

  • Rope park - requires overcoming fear, overcoming your own weaknesses and incredibly stimulating.

  • Pyrotechnic shows, fireworks - such celebration of a company event will emphasize the uniqueness and awesomeness of what we are experiencing right now.

  • Stalking - active and stimulating fun outdoors.

  • Various shows, for example dance - each show is a maximum effort for the performer, and a spiritual and visual feast for the recipient.

  • Wheel of Fortune - who is in favor of fate, and who needs to be given another chance? Let's face this challenge and help our happiness spread its wings a bit.

  • Alcohol goggles - it's a real challenge and great fun! Let's see what the world looks like in a rush...

  • Outdoor cinema - an open-air screening, i.e. entertainment and relaxation in one.

Bubble football - integration events

How to go about planning corporate events?

It does not matter for what purpose the event is organized, because each event must be planned well in advance for the event to be really successful. It's not just a matter of choosing the right place. A company event must have a predetermined plan, according to which the fun takes place. You also need to order food and buy the most necessary things - especially if the employer plans to give awards in thanks for work or organize a competition with prizes.

Don't forget about the people invited to the event. Both events addressed to employees and events for current and potential customers must be planned much earlier. The sooner everyone is informed, the better chance they will be at the event. Not everyone is available every day of the week and some people will certainly have to include the event in their schedule.

Company events for employees

Corporate events – organizing this type of meetings is a really responsible task. Who to entrust them to? Of course, someone from the company can take care of this, but it is often worth entrusting this task to specialists. Why? The task does not seem particularly difficult. However, we will probably save time and money if a person with event companywith extensive experience and appropriate contacts.

Integration barbecueDwór Korona Karkonosze, Sosnówka

After all, it's not just about finding the right place, setting the menu and arranging possible transport. The key is the issue of extras attractions – arrangements for spending time during the company event. The specialist will tell you whether in our situation it is better to organize an elegant banquet or to go for a casual party in the mountains? Choose a city game or kayaking? And whether DJ for company events it's a good idea? What fun can you offer your employees and guests? If we decide everything ourselves, we can easily make a mistake. Only experience, knowledge and contacts event managers and animators will allow you to easily control everything.    

Every detail matters

The organization of a company event is a special event for both the employer and employees, so when planning, every detail, even the smallest one, should be taken into account. Location, catering and nowoczesne atrakcje eventowe – all this affects the success of the event and its reception by guests. If the food turns out to be distasteful, the games are off-topic, and the place is not very pretty... in this case, can the company consider that it was a good event? Probably not, and all participants will think the same. What is especially important - company events can go wrong for various reasons. That is why it is especially important to have a plan B, which in the event of complications will surely save the party.

Events for companies - Dwór Korona Karkonoszy, Sosnówka

Corporate events - attractions need to think carefully. Of course, fun is the basis of every event, so it is worth focusing on the entertainment part. Attractions for a company event should encourage everyone to play together, so they cannot be boring, embarrassing or too physically demanding. It is best to take a moment to look at the invited participants and choose the right attractions on this basis.

You also need to think about the purpose of the event. If it is to focus on improving work in groups - let them be games that force team cooperation. Events organized for entertainment purposes can be centered around animators who constantly entertain the participants. It is also worth mentioning that the attractions should be adapted to the place where the event will take place. Outdoor events They will allow you to organize a barbecue or bonfire as well as games focused on physical activity. In turn, this form of entertainment will not work at events organized in the hall.

When it comes to company events - attractions so you have to choose really carefully so that you don't spoil the whole event with an ill-considered action. Sometimes it's really hard to predict the reactions of the participants  

CTA block

company events?

The best ones take place in Dwór Korona Karkonoszy!
The summer resort of Sosnówka near Karpacz, view of the reservoir

What to play?

The competition in the market is huge. If we want to attract the customer's attention and gain new employees and keep the existing ones, we have to take on new challenges. Organization of company events is a great way to integrate the team and gain new contractors. What can you do at company events? What are the best ideas for corporate events? Brief overview - corporate events ideas – will allow us to see what we can choose from when looking for attractive ways to spend time with employees and clients.  

Certainly, some employees will appreciate the proposition of spending time actively. Today, many people try to lead a healthy lifestyle. And everyone knows that without the right amount of exercise, there is no way to keep fit. So games that require effort are usually very successful. 

Attractions for the physically active

  • trekking trips
  • dance workshop
  • skis
  • mini golf.
Winter company integration on skis

We all probably remember the times of childhood and playing board games or puns. How much laughter there was when we tried to take over another country, to come up with the longest word or to convey with facial expressions and gestures what word we meant. Games of this type returned to favor a few years ago, and in the adult version! In many cafes you can rent board games and play with family or friends, sometimes forgetting so much in the game that the staff has to ask you to leave because they are closing the place. In this way, you can also have a great time at a company event with your colleagues.  

Attractions for the creative

  • DIY workshops
  • board games
  • puns
  • quizzes
  • theme parties.
Integration test

Some people need a good adrenaline rush from time to time to function well. It is for them that downhill or rock climbing, rafting, zorbing and bungee jumping are created. Of course, these are not suitable activities for all employees, but if we have a group of such enthusiasts in the company, why not make them happy and take them on a survival trip, for example?  

Attractions for adrenaline lovers

  • kayaking/pony boating
  • paintball
  • quad bike rally
  • off-road rallies
  • incentive tourism.
Team building - paintball

Attractions for the mentally active

In every company there will be employees who prefer to move their heads rather than their legs. Lovers of gaining knowledge, training and solving mental puzzles. Regulars of courses, trainings and symposia. Always willing to talk about the current political, economic or social situation and express their opinion on any topic. A company event may also be interesting for them, provided that we take their preferences into account. Worth considering:

  • city games
  • scenario games
  • business ethics workshop
  • training
  • conferences.
Chess for integration workshops

Attractions for the talented

There are certainly undiscovered talents in our team. Maybe someone played in an amateur theater in high school? Or does one of your employees paint watercolors in the comfort of their home? Perhaps one of our teammates is the lion of the dance floor, even though it doesn't look like it when we see him in the office every day? It is worth giving our employees a chance and taking them to some interesting workshops, after which you can organize a company "talent show". Here you will find, among others:

  • music workshops
  • painting workshops
  • dance workshop
  • theater workshops
  • karaoke.
20th anniversary of the company - anniversary event - performances

Attractions for gourmets

Who doesn't like to eat well... It's one of those pleasures that few people can resist. Of course, we try to eat healthily every day, follow the rules of the food pyramid, and avoid alcohol, but sometimes it's worth indulging in a culinary feast! The occasion may be a company event, during which cooking with a famous chef or wine tasting at a regional vineyard is planned. In addition, it is worth considering:

  • sommelier workshops
  • workshops for baristas
  • culinary workshops
  • banquets.
Handicrafts of the Korona Karkonosze Manor - truffles

Attractions for socialites

There are people who only feel alive in the company of other people. They hate being alone, they make contacts quickly and can talk to a new person all night long, telling them about their life stories. Such employees usually love company events and demand to organize them themselves. So they will appreciate:

  • company picnics
  • integration events
  • integration trips
  • team building games.
Company integration center

Nowoczesne podejście do organizacji eventów firmowych

Współczesne company events ewoluują, dostosowując się do dynamicznie zmieniających się potrzeb przedsiębiorstw. Coraz częściej organizatorzy sięgają po innowacyjne rozwiązania, takie jak wirtualne imprezy firmowe eventy, które umożliwiają uczestnictwo pracowników z różnych lokalizacji. Takie podejście nie tylko redukuje koszty logistyczne, ale także zwiększa dostępność wydarzeń dla szerszego grona odbiorców.

Personalizacja jako klucz do udanych eventów firmowych

W dobie rosnącej konkurencji na rynku pracy, personalizacja company events staje się niezbędna. Dostosowanie programu company event do indywidualnych potrzeb i zainteresowań pracowników zwiększa ich zaangażowanie oraz satysfakcję z uczestnictwa w integration meeting. Takie podejście nie tylko wzmacnia relacje w zespole, ale także przyczynia się do podniesienia kompetencji pracowników. Organization of integration events for companies w formie warsztatów czy wspólnych wyjazdów integracyjnych nie tylko motywuje, ale również pozwala na rozwijanie umiejętności miękkich.

Znaczenie lokalizacji w organizacji eventów firmowych

Wybór odpowiedniej lokalizacji ma kluczowe znaczenie dla sukcesu company event. Wśród licznych lokalizacji, imprezy integracyjne w Karpaczu wyróżniają się dostępnością szerokiego wachlarza atrakcji oraz niezapomnianymi widokami. Organizacja wydarzenia w otoczeniu przyrody sprzyja relaksowi i integracji zespołu. Dodatkowo, dostępność różnorodnych atrakcji na imprezie firmowej, takich jak wycieczki górskie czy spływy kajakowe, pozwala na urozmaicenie programu eventu. Przykładem idealnej lokalizacji na eventy firmowe dolnośląskie Is The Crown of the Karkonosze Manor, który łączy tradycję z nowoczesnością, oferując kompleksową obsługę eventów.

Corporate events Lower Silesia

Lower Silesia is an exceptionally interesting region. It abounds in various attractions that allow you to spend time in an interesting way. Located in the Oder valley, at the foot of the majestic Sudetes. It is a land of many possibilities. They are organized here beautiful wesele w górach. Bogata w piękne krajobrazy, wspaniałą przyrodę, ale oferująca także niezliczone zabytki pamiętające wszystkie epoki, czy możliwość skorzystania z dobrodziejstw licznych uzdrowisk.

Eventy firmowe a poprawa komunikacji w zespole

company events odgrywają kluczową rolę w budowaniu skutecznej komunikacji w zespole. Wspólne doświadczenia poza biurem sprzyjają lepszemu poznaniu się pracowników i rozwijaniu umiejętności interpersonalnych. company events pomagają w przełamywaniu barier i budowaniu atmosfery zaufania, co przekłada się na efektywniejszą współpracę. Dodatkowo, uczestnictwo w warsztatach i zadaniach zespołowych zwiększa otwartość na nowe pomysły.

Jakie błędy najczęściej popełniają firmy przy organizacji eventów?

Podczas organizacji company events przedsiębiorstwa często popełniają błędy, które obniżają ich skuteczność. Najczęstszym problemem jest brak jasno określonego celu, co prowadzi do dezorientacji uczestników. Kolejnym jest niedostosowanie programu do oczekiwań zespołu, co zmniejsza zaangażowanie. Nieodpowiedni termin lub lokalizacja również wpływają na frekwencję. Zaniedbanie logistyki, jak transport czy catering, może obniżyć jakość wydarzenia. Aby company events przynosiły korzyści, warto starannie planować każdy szczegół i dopasować wydarzenie do potrzeb zespołu.

Sosnówka near Karpacz

Of course type of event organizedwhich one we choose depends primarily on the goal we want to achieve. The conference differs so significantly from the off road rally that it is actually difficult to compare them in terms of advantages and disadvantages. We just need to realize what we want to achieve by organizing a given company event? Who are we organizing it for? Who is to be a participant? Do we care more about training or entertainment? Only the answers to these questions will allow us to prepare a tailor-made event. Certainly, however, Lower Silesia is a perfect place for company events, regardless of their type.  

Lower Silesia corporate events

It is also worth mentioning that a company event does not necessarily mean an event that is dripping with luxury. corporate event takes various forms. Sometimes an intimate meeting is enough, even at the workplace, with catering. Or a picnic or a bonfire somewhere near the company. Although, of course, a trip to some interesting place, an event in a historic resort will be more appreciated by employees. It will allow them to hope that the hard work of the entire team will result in another attractive company event - maybe in Lower Silesia?

Dwór Korona Karkonoszy Event Center in Sosnówka near Karpacz

DJ for a company event in Jelenia Góra

The musical setting is a very important part of basically every corporate event. Experience shows that if the event organizer does not take care of it, there will always be someone with a portable speaker. Such an amateur DJ will try to get the party going on his own, but he will not necessarily succeed. It's better to think about it in advance and on company event invite a professional or a music band to play live. During very formal meetings, it may be, for example, a string quartet. But in less formal situations it is enough DJ for a company event. Jelenia Góra and its surroundings are a real basin of palaces, manor houses and hotels providing event services. That's why there are so many services. Just type in the search engine DJ for a company event in Jelenia Góra. However, it is worth checking recommendations and opinions about a given contractor. The safest is to simply use the proven subcontractors of the event organizer or a local one event agency.

Sosnówka near Karpacz

Karpacz company events

Corporate events it is worth organizing in an interesting sightseeing place. Of course, you can meet employees or contractors at the company's headquarters, but for various reasons this is not the best idea. The atmosphere in the workplace is necessarily more formal, which is usually not conducive to having fun, getting to know each other and strengthening bonds or building an atmosphere of trust. That is why it is better to invite the crew, co-workers, clients or contractors to a neutral place where everyone will feel more at ease.

Karkonosze - the perfect place for company events!

Karpacz and its surroundings offer many attractions for company events. Beautiful mountains, picturesque castles and palaces, the only knight's tower in Siedlęcin in this part of Europe with unique frescoes depicting the legend of Sir Lancelot of the Lake and the knights of the Round Table. Another unique monument is the Temple of Wang in Karpacz, moved in the 19th century from Norway. It is a perfectly preserved example of early medieval Viking culture.

Chojnik Castle

As you can see, Karpacz company events offer many opportunities to spend your free time. Plus, it's live! They are the only ones that really make contact. Exchanging messages via instant messaging, video conferencing or even talking on the phone is not the same. The need for contact with a living person to recognize his body language, see emotions... corporate event is a great opportunity to make direct contact.

Company events are primarily intended to present and promote the company on the market. So let's remember that while good company events are remembered for a very long time, the bad ones, unfortunately, last forever...

culinary workshops for companies
Culinary workshops in the ballroom - wedding hall Lower Silesia, Crown Court Karkonosze, Sosnówka near Karpacz

How to organize a party – see event configurator

Frequently Asked Questions

What do you need to organize a company event?

We start the organization of a company event by deciding what the purpose of our meeting is. It can be: an integration event, a company jubilee, launching a new product or service on the market, thanking employees or contractors for their cooperation. Depending on the purpose, we choose the type of event - banquet, team building games, company campfire, etc. Then we set the following: event date, guest list, place for a company event, travel, accommodation for guests, catering, attractions for the event. If the event is large, away, with many attractions, it is worth entrusting its organization to an experienced event company. Then we will be sure that the company event will be buttoned up to the last detail.

A company event in the mountains?

It is worth organizing a company event in a place that our employees will find interesting and attractive. Mountains are such a place. For example, the Giant Mountains, where we can find a lot of great event facilities. Dwór Korona Karkonoszy in Sosnówka, located right next to Karpacz, the most visited mountain resort, offers 113 attractions for company events. In addition, conference and ballrooms, boutique guest rooms and the Outdoor Events Center for corporate events in the garden.

What about a company event?

What can you offer employees for a company event? How to spend time with your colleagues in an interesting way? There are plenty of possibilities. Experienced event companies have dozens of attractions for corporate events in their portfolio. The most popular and liked ways of spending time at events certainly include: paintball, company campfire, dance party, Goldberg machine, company Olympics, rope park or culinary tournament. But maybe it's worth offering employees something more original, such as a treasure hunt in the mountains, a game of "pimp a wreck", a field game in the mafia, staging a theater play, barista workshops, war games or a school of survival or learning to play golf.

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