If you are organizing a wedding or occasional party during the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic in Poland.
Rules for ensuring the safety of employees and guests based on guidelines
Ministry of Development together with the Chief Sanitary Inspector:
Guidelines for event organizers, e.g. companies:
- Adjusting the number of invited guests to the new guidelines related to the permissible number of people during the event, currently a maximum of 150 people.
- Informing guests and staff that people suffering from COVID-19, infected with SARS-CoV-2, in quarantine, isolation, manifesting respiratory symptoms cannot participate in the event.
- Informing guests about the guidelines regarding the rules prevailing at the event venue, e.g. disinfecting hands as often as possible after each contact with the handrails, etc. public objects, frequent hand washing, sneezing / coughing into the bend of the elbow, throwing used tissues into a closed container, keeping distance between people, recommended wearing masks, not using hand and hair dryers.
- Remote temperature measurement of randomly selected people. Guests with high temperature, i.e. area 38 degrees and/or symptoms for SARS-CoV-2 may not be allowed into the building.
- We provide disinfectant liquid: in the restaurant on the bar, in 8 public toilets, in front of the toilet by the emergency basket, on the reception table at the entrance to the restaurant, in the fireplace room, at the entrance to the building, on 4 floors by the elevator and for the staff in the back room.
- Having a full list of guests and event staff with contacts to be made available to the authorities of the State Sanitary Inspection if necessary.
- Ensuring that, where possible, seats are allocated at the same table for families or people sharing a common household
- The organizers and staff should wear masks or mouth and nose protection as indicated in applicable legal regulations.

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Safe organization of an event/meeting - guidelines for facility owners/employers:
- Placing information at the entrance to the facility and in various parts of the facility, in visible places, that it is recommended to: keep a safe distance from the interlocutor (at least 2 meters), wash hands frequently; hand disinfection, wearing masks;
- Necessary telephone numbers for the sanitary and epidemiological station and medical services were placed on the reception table.
- Posting instructions on washing hands, removing and putting on gloves, removing and putting on masks in sanitary and hygienic rooms, and hand disinfection instructions at dispensers with disinfectant liquid.
- We provide employees, guests and other people from the outside with disinfectants, e.g. in the restaurant on the bar, in 8 public toilets, in front of the toilet by the emergency basket, on the reception table at the entrance to the restaurant, in the fireplace room, at the entrance to the building, on 4 floors by the elevator, for the staff: in the kitchen area at the external entrance. , at the waiter's switchboard, at the bar, in the cloakroom and toilet for employees.
- There are instructions for hand disinfection at each dispenser, at the reception table, at the entrance to the building, in the toilet there are all required instructions
- Organizing, if possible, the cloakroom in such a way that the outer clothing of individual guests does not touch each other (e.g. every second hanger).
- Exclusion of the use of blow dryers, provision of disposable paper towels in the toilets.
- Establishing rules regarding the number of people in the toilet, taking into account the social distance of 2 meters.
- If possible, organization of the working mode, taking into account the shift or rotation system.
- Ensure that air conditioning filters are cleaned regularly in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
- If conditioned air is used for ventilation, minimize recirculation as much as possible.
- It is recommended to ventilate rooms as often as possible.
- Increasing the frequency (recommended every hour) of cleaning and disinfecting common areas, such as: toilets, handrails, door handles, light switches, handles, chair rails, floors, countertops.
- Self-service spaces, e.g. "country tables, bars, coffee bars under the care of a person to serve these places.
- Preventing queues or, if not possible, ensuring that people in line maintain a safe distance, e.g. by means of floor markings.
- Adjusting the number of waiters to the number of guests; 1 waiter for no more than 15 people. When serving dishes to the tables, ensuring that guests are served at a given table by the same waiter or by the same waiter team.
- A family or people staying in a common household can stay at one table. Otherwise, in order to increase safety and distance between guests, it is proposed to reduce people at the table by 20% compared to the standard seating; it is recommended to seat guests on both sides of the table so that guests do not sit vis a vis each other. The distance between table tops (from their edges) should be min. 2 m, and 1 m in the case of tables separated by partitions with a minimum height of 1 m (above the table top).
- Monitoring compliance with procedures and guidelines by employees and clients/guests.
- Room keys are sanitized before being handed over to new guests
- Providing cleaning services with equipment, cleaning agents and preparations for surface disinfection.
- After each event, there is a routine cleaning of the facility (textiles washed at a minimum temperature of 60º C with the addition of detergent, washed and delivered in the sanitary regime, performed by a professional laundry); disinfection of all touch surfaces, equipment, toilets, thorough airing of rooms.
- The organization of several events at the same time in the same facility is possible provided that the groups do not touch each other; toilets, corridors, changing rooms are separate for each group, they also do not enter through one entrance, or if they enter, the entry times are different so that the groups do not touch each other.
- Reducing internal meetings and deliberations to the necessary minimum; meetings should be held with the windows open, maintaining the distance between people recommended by sanitary services (at least 1.5 m); preferred telephone/email contact/videoconferencing.
- Limiting contacts with customers, suppliers and other people from the outside - using remote means of communication as much as possible.
- Limiting the number of employees using common areas at the same time.
- Particular care for employees from groups more exposed to epidemic risk - if possible, not involving chronically ill people in direct contact with clients/guests.

Guidelines for employees / service:
- Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly with soap and water, according to the instructions at the sink, and disinfect dry hands with an alcohol-based agent (min. 60%).
- Wear a nose and mouth cover where possible and mandatory when in direct contact with a visitor.
- Keep a safe distance from other people working in the same room (minimum 1.5 meters).
- Keep a safe distance from the interlocutor (at least 2 meters).
- Follow the rules of hygiene and good hygiene practices.
- When coughing and sneezing, cover your mouth and nose with a flexed elbow or a tissue - throw the tissue into a closed bin as soon as possible and wash or disinfect your hands.
- Try not to touch your face with your hands, especially your mouth, nose and eyes.
- Make every effort to keep workplaces clean and hygienic.
- Ventilate the rooms as often as possible (it is not recommended to use air conditioning), a person is appointed to oversee the ventilation
- Take care of your immunity, get enough sleep, take care of your physical condition, eat rationally.
- Follow and follow the messages and guidelines published on the government website https:/www.gov.pl/web/koronawirus and the website of the Chief Sanitary Inspectorate: https://gis.gov.pl/kategoria/aktualnosci.
- In the case of waiters and other service, it is recommended to wear masks and / or visors and gloves - or disinfect your hands after each service.
- Avoid commuting to work by public transport if possible.
- Follow the recommendations and procedures in force at the facility.
Guidelines for clients/suppliers/subcontractors/crews preparing events and working on site during the event:
- Wear a nose and mouth cover (in the case of suppliers/subcontractors/teams preparing the event, provide personal protective equipment on your own).
- Limit eating in the place of assembly/disassembly.
- Keep a safe distance from other people staying in the facility (minimum 2 meters).
- Limit the time of settling the case to the necessary minimum; organizing assembly/disassembly, minimizing contacts and passing of contractor teams.
- Follow the instructions in force at the facility.
Preventive procedures: suspected coronavirus infection in an employee/co-worker
- Employees/associates should be instructed that in the event of disturbing symptoms they should not come to work, should stay at home and contact the sanitary and epidemiological station, infectious disease ward by phone, and in the event of health deterioration, call 999 or 112 and inform that they may be infected with the coronavirus.
- It is recommended to keep up to date with the information of the Chief Sanitary Inspector and the Minister of Health, available at gis.gov.pl or https://www.gov.pl/web/koronawirus/, as well as applicable law.
- If an employee/co-worker performing their tasks at the workplace develops disturbing symptoms suggesting coronavirus infection, they should be immediately removed from work and sent home by individual transport (private, sanitary) or, if this is not possible, the employee should wait for transport in in a designated room where it is possible to isolate him temporarily from other people.
- It is recommended to determine the area in which the person moved and stayed, carry out routine cleaning in accordance with the company's procedures and disinfect touch surfaces (door handles, handrails, handles, etc.).
- It is recommended to follow the recommendations of the state poviat sanitary inspector when determining whether additional procedures should be implemented taking into account the case.
Procedures to follow if a guest or other outsider is suspected of being infected with the coronavirus
- In the event of clear signs of illness, such as persistent cough, malaise, difficulty breathing, the person should not be allowed to enter the facility. They should be instructed to contact a doctor as soon as possible in order to obtain medical teleconsultation or report to the nearest infectious diseases ward by going there with their own transport or by calling 999 or 112.
- Reporting the incident to the management of the facility, which will enable the staff to determine the area in which the person moved and stayed, carry out routine cleaning in accordance with the facility's procedures, and disinfect touch surfaces (door handles, handrails, handles, etc.).
- Establishing a list of employees, guests and other persons from the outside (if possible) present at the same time in the part/parts of the facility where the employee/client stayed and recommending compliance with the guidelines of the Chief Sanitary Inspector available at gov.pl/web/ coronavirus/ and gis.gov.pl relating to people who have been in contact with the infected.
Information on the website of the Ministry