While some team building ideas are eternal, you can also completely surprise your team with something new. The place, duration or scenario of the closest of its kind parties. Poniżej garść propozycji codziennych i premium. Bo integracja w zespole ma różne oblicza.

What is integration?
To start planning employee integration, you need to understand what integration actually is. It is the process of combining various elements, systems or components to create a unified, coherent whole. Integration aims to improve the organization's operation, increase the efficiency of processes, eliminate isolated "information islands" and enable better cooperation between various elements of the system.

In the case of employee integration, the idea is to build a team from a collection of individuals. teamwork it doesn't come easy to everyone. New generations of workers, in particular, are often soloists and individualists. After accepting new team members, there is often a need for integration so that work in the team runs smoothly. This employee onboarding usually takes place during the first adaptation days in the company, but it is also good to organize integration after working hours. Best for company trip somewhere interesting. Integrative functions of team building will be perfect for such an occasion.
It is difficult to overestimate the impact of employee integration on the company's position on the market. No wonder then meetings, trips or integration workshops have been permanently entered into company calendars.
Integration in the team - the latest trends
Nie da się ukryć, że najważniejszym trendem w czasie pandemii w integracji zespołu było przeniesienie takich spotkań do świata on-line. W skrócie wygląda to tak: członkowie zespołu logują się na platformę i wspólnie biorą udział w grach, warsztatach kulinarnych czy nieformalnych spotkaniach. Więcej pisaliśmy w artykule o tym, how to integrate a team working remotely. After months of such computer parties However, you can be sure that employees will dream about live meetings even more than before.
A trend that has been noticeable for several years in the world's largest technology companies is a return to nature. Did you know that Google employees have access to company beehives, and Nomura, the best employer in Great Britain in 2016-2018, has a herb garden on the company's roof available to employees? View of the mountains, comfortable rooms and interesting workshops - this may be the recipe for perfect team integration. After the lockdown, employees will appreciate even the simplest initiatives, although below you will also find ideas for team integration for the most demanding ones.

Simple ideas for team integration
Maybe you don't have time to organize anything extra. Or maybe you're planning to team integration for the first time and you don't have to force surprise employees. In this variant, you can organize integration at a really low cost, which will pleasantly surprise your team. For example integration hearth for people in the office it will be a respite and a return to childhood. If the team faces a common, difficult task, it is worth moving the office to some nice place for a few days.
Are you looking for the perfect place for an integration event?

For example, 2 days in the mountains - for example in Dwór Korona Karkonosze in Sosnowka – with work in the morning and rest later can make it so team will integrate unnoticed, and the work will still be done on time.
Where to go for integration?
In fact, you can adopt a simple rule: the larger the city in which you operate, the more you focus on attractions close to nature. On the other hand, if the company operates in nature on a daily basis (forestry, gardens) or is simply based in a small town, you will please the team by organizing an event in a more formal style - for example team building under the supervision of a trainer or visiting the city.

Employee integration in the mountains
Employee integration in the mountains can be an extraordinary and inspiring experience, combining field challenges, the beauty of nature and building team relationships. How to integrate in the mountains? What can you do in as part of team integration for example in picturesque Karkonosze Mountains? Actually everything! Integration games, company training, field games and integration workshops will work as well as theme party if integration picnic.

Active team integration in the mountains may include going to the mountains together. Trekking is a great opportunity to talk, overcome difficulties together and enjoy the beauty of nature. Mountain climbing can be organized under the supervision of experienced instructors. Yes team building activity will require the team to cooperate, support each other and build trust.
For teams that like more extreme experiences, rafting is a great activity. Crossing rushing mountain rivers together teaches cooperation and communication. After exhausting activities, outdoor sessions will also be a good idea. Yoga or meditation in the bosom of nature will be an excellent opportunity to relax, regenerate and strengthen team bonds.

Premium team integration
Each of us was at an integration bonfire or dance party. If your team is experienced people, they can expect something more. Integration in a team in the premium variant is also a great solution if your team includes:
- millennials, who are difficult to keep in the workplace when their commitment drops;
- high-level employees – it is not appropriate to offer trivial attractions to directors;
- people with special needs – for example, parents often appreciate a family picnic with attractions for children more than a drunken, obligatory party that lasts all night and breaks up their family life.
Organizing an integration trip?

Such activities may be limited to one afternoon. You can also treat employees to a project spread over many weeks, such as brewing together and then beer tasting or planting a garden.
Attractions for corporate events
However, you don't have to invent everything yourself from A to Z. For example, on the website of Dwór Korona Karkonoszy you can use it corporate event configurator. Dodaj tam liczbę gości, atrakcje czy menu i oblicz, ile to wszystko razem kosztuje i jakie są dostępne pakiety. Do wyboru masz takie wydarzenia specjalne jak park linowy, warsztaty kulinarne czy biesiada piwna. Możesz dobrać czas i wszystkie inne szczegóły, aż powstanie integracja w zespole premium, o której marzą Twoi pracownicy. Jeśli potrzebujesz więcej inspiracji, znajdziesz je w artykule: Integration for companies with an idea - how to organize an unusual event?

Integration benefits
Effective integration can be very helpful when it comes to team efficiency. Integration in the company can bring many benefits not only to the company itself, but also to individual employees. Thanks team building a new team of employees has a chance to quickly adapt to new tasks, and the existing structures will easily "absorb" new team members. Integration can facilitate collaboration between different departments and teams within a company, which promotes better communication and information exchange. Employee integration promotes increased flexibility and adaptability. Integrated teams are more flexible and adapt more easily to changes in the company or business environment. This enables the organization to respond quickly to new challenges and opportunities.

In today's world it matters teamwork. Therefore, it is best to plan the course of integration in such a way that employees have a chance to realize that they have power as a group. So that they have a chance to see the synergy effect - the group's actions are more effective than the sum of the actions of individual individuals. Then they will see for themselves integration effectiveness it's not a myth. Interesting and engaging content will help them achieve this integration games. Survival, treasure hunt, paintball, detective game and many other large team building activities company meetings and the integration of smaller teams are reliable methods for learning team cooperation.
Outdoor company integration
Corporate trips to nature have been gaining popularity recently. Employees willingly participate in games and team building games outdoor. Wondering, where to go for a company trip, choose places where everyone will find space for themselves and can breathe freely. For this reason, areas such as: mountains or the sea, which will additionally convince skeptics with their health-beneficial climate. Corporate events in the mountains they work well at any time of the year. Do you want to know more about integration packages for teams in our center in the Karkonosze Mountains? we invite you to Court of the Crown of the Karkonosze Mountains.

Effective forms of integration
Field integration is very popular nowadays. Company integration in the form of a trip will definitely work, because the change of climate and place encourages employees to build bonds. Workplace integration can also be effective, however integration trip is more attractive to employees.

For example, you can organize a bonfire in the mountains. Employees will be able to share their stories, sing songs and prepare meals together. The campfire atmosphere favors the creation of loose relationships outside the work context. They will be perfect for adrenaline lovers survival workshops, teaching survival in the mountains. Such workshops help develop team skills, teach stress management and creativity.

In the winter season, you can offer the team a ski or snowboard course. Learning new sports skills can integrate a team and provide shared experiences. Photography trips will be useful at any time of the year, during which employees will be able to capture the beauty of the mountains. It can be not only a creative experience, but also an excuse to share impressions and talk.

Integration in the mountains and building a team in unique landscapes can be a really valuable integration. However, before organizing an event in the mountains, you should always make sure that all participants are properly prepared physically and healthily. Safety should always be a priority. Integration in the mountains it can provide unforgettable shared experiences and strengthen team relationships.
Frequently Asked Questions
Where for an integration party?
The choice of a place for a team-building event may depend on many factors, such as budget, employee preferences, company location and the nature of the company event. Here are some ideas on where to organize team integration. The perfect place for an integration trip with many recreational attractions is, of course, the mountains. The picturesque Karkonosze Mountains are one of the most frequently visited places by both individual and corporate tourists. A hotel resort for corporate events - Dwór Korona Karkonoszy in Sosnówka near Karpacz - offers comprehensive event services. A restaurant or banquet hall can be suitable for both a small reception and a larger event. Restaurants offering spaces for rent often adapt the menu to the customer's needs. Interesting integration can take place outdoors. An outdoor event, in a park or recreation area, allows you to organize various attractions, such as team games or picnics. Physical activities allow you to integrate the team in an ecological way. An event in a place associated with culture, art or history can provide an additional element of inspiration. Therefore, an art gallery, theater, library or museum are potential places for an interesting event. If the budget is limited and the company has appropriate premises, you can organize the event directly in the office. However, it is worth remembering that it is much more effective to unite a team outside the workplace, because the team can then break away from everyday tasks. It is worth remembering that whether it is an event in a luxurious place or outdoors, it is crucial to create an atmosphere that promotes integration and fun together.
Ideas for group integration?
There is no need to convince anyone that employee integration brings benefits. But what employee integration scenario should we adopt? What forms and methods of integration are the most effective? Here are the best integration ideas that will help strengthen the bond between team members. Team games and competitions, such as paintball, board games, sports tournaments, cooking competitions or thematic quizzes - all these integration methods are very effective. An evening themed party will also be a good idea, during which employees will be able to play different roles and express their creativity. It's best to choose a theme together with your crew. Or get involved as a group in a volunteering day, perhaps helping at an animal shelter or a local charity. Working together to benefit others will bring team members closer together. A team-building trip is an event certainty - team members will have the opportunity to spend time together outside the workplace, which works especially well as integration for new employees. Sport promotes learning cooperation and building trust in the team. So take part in local sporting events or organize your own company tournament. A company meeting can also be organized under the slogan "Bookaholics Meeting" or "Film Day". It will be an opportunity to share your passions, which helps to establish bonds. Integration of a team of co-workers can also take place during the construction of the Goldberg machine. Such a creative project will help strengthen bonds and develop creativity. Or go together to an escape room, where you will have to solve puzzles together and get out of a locked room. This is a great exercise in cooperation and problem solving. These and other attractions for corporate events are recommended by Dwór Korona Karkonoszy. The key element of successful group integration is adapting activities to the nature of the team and taking into account the diversity of employee interests. It is also worth regularly collecting feedback from the team in order to adapt and improve integration plans.