Employee relationships have a huge impact on the quality of their work. When everyone gets along well, work goes smoothly and the company achieves spectacular successes on the market. However, it is not always so colorful. Conflicts arise at various levels, employees do not know each other well enough to feel good in each other's company, they cannot get along, and as a consequence their actions do not bring maximum results. Integration is an effective solution to this problem. We present effective methods of integration that will help build a strong, well-coordinated team of employees.

Integration is a series of activities aimed at building positive relations between employees based on mutual help, support and friendship, as well as effectively motivating the team to act. Integration helps to solve problems arising in the group, relaxes the atmosphere and creates excellent conditions for development. Without a properly conducted integration, it is impossible to achieve spectacular successes on the market and generate maximum profits.
How to integrate the team?
There are a few integration methodsthat concern the organization of working time. Their goal is to ensure that each employee identifies with the company, has motivation and a positive attitude to work, and feels good around his or her colleagues. Integration techniques have been developed to counteract exhaustion, fatigue and burnout. Their goal is to create a well-coordinated, efficiently functioning employee group whose members support each other in achieving the goal and ensure a positive atmosphere.
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Integration methods - overview
We distinguish several employee integration techniques:
- session,
- personnel radar,
- autonomous groups,
- quality wheels,
- D. Petersen.
The method of deliberations consists in organizing meetings for people employed in the company (including employees from lower levels), during which everyone can speak. The meetings serve the purpose of exchanging views and conducting talks on topics relevant to the company. At the meetings, important decisions regarding the future of the company are made together. Deliberations can take many forms – congress, convention, conference, meeting, etc.

The personal radar method is a way for employees to evaluate their supervisor. The advantages of this solution include: better identification of individual employees with the group, planning of staffing needs and employee development paths, team integration. However, for the technique to bring the expected results, it must be used regularly. The objectivity of assessments is also important.
The MAPS technique is rational dselection of employees for specific tasks or projects. The method of autonomous groups assumes the creation of employee teams that perform strictly defined, interrelated tasks that form one common whole. Another way is the technique of quality circlesconsists in organizing a group of employees from one organizational unit whose task is to analyze and find solutions to various problems. The last one (by D. Petersen) consists of 8 steps (e.g. disclosure of accounting, formulation of a control group etc.) and brings such benefits as: improvement of interpersonal relations, increase of trust in the management staff, and also strengthening teamwork.

Methods of integrating employees "after hours"
Employees can also be integrated outside working hours. Corporate integration events they can take many different forms - e.g. a classic party, a barbecue or integration bonfire, a thematic game. It is best to organize the event outside the company's headquarters - e.g. in a rented room or in the garden. Employees will certainly feel much more confident and at ease on neutral ground than within the walls of the company. They will be able to completely dissociate themselves from matters related to their professional duties and fully focus on deepening friendly relationships with their colleagues. Integration methods used during such events will certainly bring better results.
At a company event, interesting integration games must not be missing - e.g. dance or movement games. Specially selected attractions will not only provide the participants with a huge dose of great fun, but will also perfectly integrate them and relax their business relations. Integration games may include elements of team building. Thanks to this, they will bring even more benefits that will have a real impact on the functioning of the company - they will teach employees effective communication, cooperation and rational division of duties.
Away methods of integration
Organization of corporate events to nie jedyna atrakcja w arsenale firm. Zamiast kolejnej imprezy można zorganizować wyjazd integracyjny w wybrane miejsce. Warto postawić na obiekt usytuowany w malowniczym, spokojnym miejscu. Urokliwe okoliczności natury stworzą dogodne warunki do pogłębiania przyjacielskich relacji między pracownikami.
Wyjazd integracyjny warto wzbogacić o wciągającą rozrywkę. Dwór Korona Karkonoszy udostępnia specjalny kreator atrakcji idealnych na firmowy wyjazd integracyjny. Na stronie dostępny jest szeroki wybór eventów – w tym wycieczki miejskie lub górskie z przewodnikiem, warsztaty rzemiosła regionalnego, integracja w parku linowym, firmowe karaoke party, igrzyska z elementami team buildingu i wiele innych.

Integracja pracowników ma ogromne znaczenie dla funkcjonowania firmy. Każdy pracodawca bez wątpienia powinien o nią zadbać. Można zrobić to poprzez zastosowanie wybranych metod integracji lub organizację cyklicznych imprez czy wyjazdów dla pracowników.