Sposób, w jaki budowane i utrzymywane są relacje między przełożonymi i podwładnymi oraz członkami zespołów, rzutuje bezpośrednio na efektywność prowadzonych działań. Pracownicy często odbierają przedstawicieli kadry kierowniczej jako osoby niedostępne lub wymagające, wobec których należy zachowywać określony dystans. Test integracyjny jest jednym ze sposobów, by wydobyć potencjał wszystkich relacji i pozbyć się ograniczających blokad.
Organization of corporate events it's not that simple. Each team is a collection of individuals. Therefore, the manager must demonstrate the ability to approach each person in a slightly different way. A properly selected integration test can help in this, which in the form of fun will reveal the strengths and weaknesses of each unit.
Integration test - where to start?
Each integration test has a specific running order. We start by explaining the rules of the game. Then we motivate people to take part in a specific activity. Sometimes external encouragement is needed, sometimes additional gratification, but often the mere awareness of the value of the integration game is enough for everyone to join it with pleasure.
It is important to show participants some examples of right and wrong actions when translating the rules of the game. People better remember content given in the form of specific examples. Let the participants ask questions. An integration test should be clear and understandable.
When deciding on an integration test, we should start by obtaining answers to the following questions:
- What activities do we need to focus on to properly implement it?
- What are the main risks associated with the implementation of the test?
- What will it lead to?
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Integration test – the goals we can achieve thanks to it
Integration methods employees may be different. An integration test for a large group most often has the following goals:
- Improvement of cooperation between employees - if traders are in conflict with accountants on a daily basis, then we can gather them into one group and give them a task that requires cooperation. In order to take the test, they will have to overcome mutual prejudices.
- Poprawa komunikacji między działami – dzieląc uczestników na podgrupy, przemieszamy ich pomiędzy działami. Test sprawi, że księgowy będzie w jednej podgrupie z marketingowcem i kadrowcem. Każdy z nich pozna osoby z innych działów, a wiadomo, że im lepiej będą się znali ludzie z różnych zespołów, tym lepsza będzie między tymi zespołami komunikacja.
- The level of energy and motivation in the entire company - the test carried out during the trip perfectly raises the morale of the crew: people have a chance to observe that they can cope with challenges, that they work with interesting colleagues, that the company cares about its people and invests in them.
4. Internal Promotion organizational culture, mission and vision of the company - often through the appropriate scenario of classes and selection of exercises, the management board tries to show what behavior it rewards (e.g. creative approach to tasks). The integration test unites the crew around a common mission, which in in the form of a wisely constructed analogy and metaphor is presented in a specific task.
- Integracja wokół zmian – test mający za zadanie podbudowanie morali ludzi przed zaprezentowaniem im trudnej zmiany albo podniesienie poziomu energii załogi po przejściu firmy przez trudny okres.
- Integration after a merger and acquisition – e.g. an integration test conducted on members of two sales teams who, while previously competing fiercely, now need to get over their prejudices and work together seamlessly.
Integration test as a tool for building an effective team
Rozumienie potrzeb pracowniczych ma kluczowe znaczenie z punktu widzenia utrzymywania motywacji i budowania właściwych relacji. Test integracyjny może być prowadzony zarówno w formie outdoor, jak i w sali. Zabawy w sali dostarczają zwykle najmniej adrenaliny, ale niosą ze sobą największą — obok strategicznych — wartość edukacyjną. Służą nie tylko integracji grupy. Mogą także rozwijać bardzo specjalistyczne umiejętności, takie jak komunikacja, zarządzanie projektem albo zmianą.
Typical examples of such tests are tasks in which groups build structures specified by the trainer from the material provided to them, or have to get from one end of the room to the other by walking for a period of time.obstacles that can only be overcome when the group works together. Other tasks involve solving a complex problem when each participant has a different piece of information needed. Modifications are also popularteam ports, e.g. five people tied by the legs with one rope play ball.
Rope and climbing exercises are the most popular form of outdoor training. The integration test in this form provides emotions and is also available to people without fitness or climbing preparation. Typical tasks are bridges and rope descents, crossing over precipices, exercises in caves, approaching simple rocks. Properly developed, they can have an integrating and educational value