How to be successful on the market? What makes this art successful only for some people? Sometimes the only reason for failure is lack of communication within the team. So how to quickly and effectively integrate the team? It is best to organize an integration trip full of attractions.
- Integration – the way to success!
- Conflicts in the work group
- Integration trips for companies
- Organization of an integration trip - how to do it right?
- Integration trips - how to choose the best offer?
- Event agency offers
- Attractions are the key!
- Integration trip - benefits
- Why is it worth organizing integration trips?
- Integration events for companies - types and forms
- Where for an integration trip?
- Integration trip - where to go?
- A hotel for a corporate event
- Hotel for a business trip - attractions
- Games and activities for corporate events
- Leitmotifs for an integration trip
- Ideas for integration events away
- Wpływ wyjazdów integracyjnych dla pracowników – kreatywność zespołu
- Znaczenie lokalizacji przy planowaniu wyjazdu integracyjnego dla pracowników
- Wyjazd integracyjny dla pracowników w małych i dużych firmach – jak dopasować program?
- Jakie są najlepsze sposoby na włączenie każdego pracownika w integrację?
- Camping as an unusual way to organize an integration trip
- Evening bonfire
- A trip to the mountains
- Survival Course
- If Is organizing integration trips a simple matter?
- Short or long integration trips for companies?
- Specialists in organizing integration trips
- Hiring an event agency - benefits
- Companies organizing integration trips - how to recognize the best?
- Integration trip - who to invite?
- What to bring on an integration trip?
- How to dress for an integration trip?
- A must-have for the organizer of an integration trip
- Integration trips as a form of reward
- Integration trips for companies - summary
Integration – the way to success!
What is wyjazd integracyjny dla pracowników? It is building trust and strengthening bonds. IN corporate integration it is worth investing, because it translates into the quality of work. Integration is an important element of creating a strong and well-functioning team. A team will always achieve more than a single employee. Any problems can be solved easier and faster in a team. It is also much easier to overcome various obstacles.

The team is able to use the potential, knowledge and experience of all its members who freely exchange ideas and proposals. A well-coordinated team efficiently implements the set goals and is successful. Conflicts rarely arise in a well-integrated group, and when they do arise, they are quickly resolved. Thanks to this, the atmosphere at work is friendly and relaxed, which is conducive to creativity and motivating. And this, combined with comfortable working conditions, can increase the attractiveness of the employer on the market, which in turn increases the chances of attracting talented employees. Therefore, integration should be a permanent element employer branding any company that does not want to suffer from excessive staff turnover.
Conflicts in the work group
Conflicts at work… In many companies there is no shortage of great professionals and talented specialists. However, even the best employees sometimes experience difficulties in teamwork. It is relatively easy to gather a group of highly qualified and experienced people in a company. It is much more difficult to make the employees of this team get along with each other, work efficiently and be successful as a team. Often the reason lies in poor relations between employees. When everyone wants to be soloists, w work team there will definitely be conflicts. And while a strong group can deal with them quickly, a poorly integrated one can have a big problem with it. Poor relations in the team, and thus an unpleasant atmosphere in the workplace, make employees less motivated to act, they do not give their best 100%. As a consequence, the company does not achieve maximum profits and is not spectacularly successful. The solution is integration. The pace and effectiveness of the team's work largely depends on it. How to ensure integration?
Integration can take many forms. They are one of the most popular integration trips. Let's see why integration trip is it a good solution?

Integration trips for companies
Integration trips for companies are certainly one of the most effective team motivation tools. A properly organized event will effectively de-stress employees and provide them with positive energy, which will translate into increased motivation to act. If the team is involved in the development of the company, then the company will have a better chance of succeeding in the industry.

In addition, integration trips can be a great form of reward for employees for outstanding achievements, contribution to the development of the company or efficient work. An attractive place, interesting additional activities, delicious meals - all this will make the team-building trip seem like a great adventure and an impatiently awaited break in office everyday life.
Organization of an integration trip - how to do it right?
- First of all, you need to determine destination.
- Then consider what budget you can spend on company trip.
- Then we choose place of departure. The best location is the one away from the city noise, in a picturesque area. The advantage will be the availability of local attractions.
- Next step - hotel selection. A recreation facility should be adapted to integration trips. The availability of catering facilities and the standard of accommodation are also of great importance.
- During the trip, we should offer the crew something interesting integration exercises – in the open air and in the hotel.
- Finally, complete it formalities – organize transport, determine meals and details of attractions, prepare a detailed program of the trip.

Integration trips - how to choose the best offer?
In a large company organizing an integration trip or other company meeting, we can entrust an employee of the HR or PR department or outsource this task to an assistant. However, not everyone has such opportunities. Therefore, below we present some tips on what to follow when choosing the best offer for an integration trip. How to choose a fully professional event company?
Do you want to organize an integration trip?

What matters most is the credibility and experience of the organizer. This is the key to success. If we really care about the quality of our company event, to nie ryzykujmy pracy z amatorami. Być może faktycznie uda im się ciekawie zorganizować i przeprowadzić imprezę firmową. Jednak w przypadku potknięcia i nawarstwiających się problemów to nie wizerunek organizatora, tylko firmy i szefa, który na to pozwolił zostanie nadszarpnięty. Przecież nikt nie będzie zastanawiał się, kto – technicznie rzecz biorąc – organizował imprezę, odpowiadał za catering czy wybór hotel for an integration event. It is said that success has many fathers, but failure has only one. And he will definitely be the head of the company.

Event agency offers
Another thing - let's choose these event agencieswhich have their own facilities and event center. Then we shorten the access path and the number of possible subcontractors. It will be easier for us to talk to one person, i.e. a specific one event managerthan with many people responsible for individual elements. Let's also pay attention to whether we will have the organizer at our disposal throughout the duration of our event. Such an experienced employee should know the facility well and help us in various situations. Sometimes, despite the fact that everything is buttoned up to the last button, there are situations that cannot be prevented. For example, a bus breakdown, power outage, illness of a speaker or DJ. In such situations, an experienced event manager always has a plan B in store.
Attractions are the key!
It is also worth remembering that integration trips should abound in additional attractions for participants. Let's not let employees get bored! Let's pay attention to what individual company trip organizers offer us. Is the offer interesting enough for employees to be actually satisfied? Or were we offered only clichéd attractions, which have been redone hundreds of times, and which are unlikely to meet the expectations of our group?
A przecież jest tyle możliwości! Aktywności typu outdoor czy indoor, kulinaria, warsztaty różnego typu, sztuka, taniec i śpiew albo zabawa i rywalizacja. Dobre agencje eventowe oferują co najmniej kilkadziesiąt różnych możliwości i możliwość samodzielnego skonfigurowania eventu, zamieszczając na stronie kalkulator imprez.

And one more element, one of the most important. Choosing a place for integration trips. How to choose place for an integration event? This question is asked by every event organizer. It is obvious that a trip to the mountains or to the seaside will look like a mini vacation in itself and everyone will be happy with it. An attractive place for a company event this is at least half the battle. let's choose a place that our employees would like to visit anyway, and we won't complain about the attendance.
Integration trip - benefits
Integration is a time to establish good relations and tighten bonds. To bring the best results, it should take place in a relaxed, casual atmosphere. Integration meeting it is worth organizing on neutral ground. Why? Because company walls are associated with work and everyday professional duties. It can be difficult for employees to step out of their corporate roles and switch to a slightly more private “mode”. The team will not fully relax and therefore the integration will not be as effective as it could be.
Integration trip in a quiet place is definitely a better solution. It's easier to work with people you like. And it's easier to like people you know. It may then turn out that a colleague who seemed a bit dry just has some difficulties with establishing relationships. And a friend who annoyed us with her way of being gains a lot when we get to know each other more privately.

Why is it worth organizing integration trips?
- Integration trips as an element employer branding they can improve the image of the employer. A company that cares about its employees is perceived as desirable on the labor market. Cyclical integration trips are also a great way to improve employer-employee relations. Friendly ties with the boss and a good atmosphere in the company usually translate into increased employee involvement in the development of the company and reduced employee turnover.
- Employees have a chance to get to know each other better, exchange experiences, share passions and talk about topics unrelated to work. They can get to know each other privately, and thus build mutual trust and improve internal communication. Integration away from home is a way to improve the functioning of the team on a daily basis.
- An integration trip is a way to stress relief. Man does not live by work alone! Intensive work without breaks for regeneration does not bring maximum results. The employer should provide employees with a moment of rest, respite from everyday professional duties. Cyclical integration trips are motivating.
- Integration trips are not only benefits for the employer (a well-functioning team means better results, greater profits and success on the market), but also for the employees themselves. A trip to a unique place will generate a lot of wonderful memories. Interesting attractions will ensure great fun and relax the atmosphere. Thanks to this, everyday work in the company will be more pleasant.

Integration events for companies - types and forms
Team building takes many forms. Starting from developing daily rituals and creating a specific organizational culture, through the organization of integration or incentive trips, galas and company anniversaries, to very official industry events. In any case, it has many advantages. Companies that want to grow must take the issue of employment continuity and employee integration seriously. In order to retain the best specialists and strengthen their loyalty to the company, it is necessary to build a good atmosphere at work. Strengthening interpersonal ties during integration events is one of the most effective methods of building a strong team

What type of event works best as a keystone? Undoubtedly, the most liked by employees integration events for companies it is all kinds of integration meetings, company campfires and joint trips. Dance parties and team games are also very popular. Including various types of competition, for example company Olympics. They have the common advantage that they take place in a relaxed atmosphere and give a lot of space for getting to know each other better, relaxing and having fun.
Integration events for companies are also a good opportunity to show the "human" face of the employer and the boss. They will see in him someone similar to themselves, not the mythical and dangerous "boss of all bosses". And the employees themselves, during the integration trip, have a chance to show their passions, talents and interests.
Where for an integration trip?
It is worth starting planning the details of your trip with choosing a place. Where for an integration trip? Preferably somewhere away from the hustle and bustle of the city, in the bosom of nature, in a beautiful, picturesque area. For example, in Karkonosze. In such a place it is easier to build friendly relations. The proximity of nature is conducive to relaxation and calms down. A good idea is to rent cottages or the entire guesthouse. What to pay attention to when choosing a resort for an integration trip?

Integration trip - where to go?
Remember that integration trips are not obligatory. Therefore, the employer should ensure the attractiveness of the event to encourage the team to participate in it. So where to go for an integration event? Where will employees feel good? Where they will have fun, and at the same time implement an integration program, for example communication games if integration workshopsand then dance integration?

Planning a trip should start with a definition purpose of integration. The goal may be to strengthen the team, relax the atmosphere, introduce new employees, or motivating employees to work more efficiently. You should also consider your budget at this point. Setting a goal and budget will make it easier to choose a location or choose attractions.
So - where is it worth going on an integration trip? It is best to bet on an interesting place, an attractive location and an interesting facility. A hotel for a business trip should stand out with something so that employees do not merge into one different integration events. The best will be a boutique hotel, arranged in an intriguing, individual style. One where we won't get lost in the tangle of identical corridors, and after entering the room we won't have to wonder if it's really ours, because they all look the same.

In the hotel, you can organize an inspiring trip for an integration trip workshops (e.g. cooking or image), a dance class or a magic show. It is also worth taking advantage of local attractions, for example, go trekking with a local guide through the picturesque surroundings, visit the most popular monuments in the region, organize a canoeing trip or a unique helicopter flight.
A hotel for a corporate event
Beautiful, peaceful surroundings are one of the most important determinants of a good place for an integration trip. However, that's not all. First of all, the hotel should have an appropriate number of comfortable, well-equipped rooms where employees can rest after days full of impressions.
Another important issue is adequate catering facilities. Workers must be provided with full board. It is best for the kitchen to offer regional flavors and slow food cuisine. Dishes made of natural ingredients and products from local suppliers will provide the crew with new culinary experiences.
In addition, the employer should also arrange transport to the hotel. It is a good idea to hire a coach that will take the whole team to the place. If employees are responsible for getting to the holiday accommodation, they should be provided with access to a car park where they can leave their private cars.
Of great importance in the matter of which hotel to choose for an integration trip, have attractions - both local and those in the hotel. What games and integration games will diversify the integration trip? Rafting or concert? Trekking, maybe detective game? It should be the culmination of an eventful day integration Party. Traditional party, barbecue, bonfire or picnic - there are many possibilities. An interesting option is to organize a themed party. It is worth taking some time to think about what will please our employees.

Hotel for a business trip - attractions
There should be a good atmosphere at the integration trip. Properly selected attractions are an inseparable element of such an event. But how to please everyone? Some like outdoor activities, others prefer an evening by the fireplace with a cup of mulled wine. Some of the team will be happy to go to the rope park, others would prefer integration during the board game tournament.
Bez względu na ich rodzaj, zabawy integracyjne ułatwią pracownikom zbudowanie przyjacielskich relacji, wyposażą ich w cenne umiejętności (na przykład współpracy czy skutecznej komunikacji), a także zapewnią im świetną zabawę i niezapomniane przeżycia.
Games and activities for corporate events
The most popular games and activities, regardless of the preferences of employees, include:
- company ball,
- scenario games, such as crime puzzles or treasure hunts,
- integration campfire,
- movement games, such as the company Olympic Games consisting of sports team competitions and a football tournament,
- culinary workshops,
- simple word games – for example puns or truth or dare,
- Goldberg machine.

Leitmotifs for an integration trip
When arranging a themed party, it is worth trying to ensure that all its elements are consistent. The decor of the room, various decorations, and of course the costumes and menu should match the leitmotif. Also music and integration games can be selected in terms of themes. What are the most popular themes?

- Hawaii is fun in an exotic style,
- Las Vegas means crazy casino party,
- the 80s is a colorful madness in the disco rhythm,
- Wild West - we organize a party in a saloon,
- Hollywood is a lavish event with a red carpet, flashes of light and glamorous outfits.

Ideas for integration events away
Any themed party, regardless of the theme, is a great way to have fun. Integration in such circumstances will take place quite "painlessly", as if by the way. Party with a theme will take employees to a unique world, so different from everyday life. And thanks to this, they will surely de-stress and relax. Integration events with a theme are unique events, one of a kind. Employees will undoubtedly remember such an event for a long time. And they will be waiting impatiently for the next integration trip!

Wpływ wyjazdów integracyjnych dla pracowników – kreatywność zespołu
Integration trips for employees mogą znacząco zwiększyć kreatywność zespołu. Zmiana otoczenia i udział w nietypowych aktywnościach sprzyjają myśleniu poza schematami. Wspólne doświadczenia podczas wyjazdów integracyjnych dla pracowników budują zaufanie i otwartość, co ułatwia dzielenie się pomysłami. Dzięki temu pracownicy wracają do codziennych obowiązków z nową energią i innowacyjnym podejściem. Rozważając różnorodne możliwości, warto sprawdzić ideas for corporate integration, które mogą inspirować do nowych działań. Ciekawą opcją mogą być także imprezy integracyjne w górach, które pozwalają łączyć aktywności fizyczne z relaksem.
Znaczenie lokalizacji przy planowaniu wyjazdu integracyjnego dla pracowników
Choosing the right place for wyjazd integracyjny dla pracowników ma kluczowe znaczenie dla jego sukcesu. Atrakcyjna lokalizacja, taka jak miejsce na wyjazd integracyjny na Dolnym Śląsku, oferuje różnorodne formy aktywności, które sprzyjają integracji zespołu. Dostęp do górskich szlaków, malowniczych krajobrazów i lokalnych atrakcji może uczynić wyjazd integracyjny pracowników niezapomnianym przeżyciem. Warto także skorzystać z usług profesjonalistów oferujących organizację imprez integracyjnych dla firm, aby mieć pewność, że każdy detal wyjazdu integracyjnego dla pracowników zostanie dopracowany. Jeżeli szukasz unikalnej lokalizacji, zwróć uwagę na fajne miejsce na wyjazd integracyjny, które dostosuje się do Twoich potrzeb i oczekiwań.
Wyjazd integracyjny dla pracowników w małych i dużych firmach – jak dopasować program?
Organization wyjazdu integracyjnego dla pracowników zależy od wielkości firmy i specyfiki zespołu. W mniejszych firmach warto postawić na kameralne aktywności, jak warsztaty kulinarne czy gry terenowe. W większych przedsiębiorstwach skuteczniejsze będą podziały na grupy uczestniczące w różnych zadaniach, co pozwala uniknąć chaosu. Ważne jest dostosowanie programu do zainteresowań zespołu, by wyjazd integracyjny dla pracowników przyniósł oczekiwane rezultaty.
Jakie są najlepsze sposoby na włączenie każdego pracownika w integrację?
To wyjazd integracyjny dla pracowników był skuteczny, każdy powinien czuć się zaangażowany. Różnorodność aktywności – zarówno dynamicznych, jak i spokojniejszych – pozwala dostosować program do preferencji uczestników. Tworzenie mieszanych grup sprzyja nawiązywaniu relacji i lepszemu poznaniu współpracowników. Otwarta komunikacja przed wyjazdem integracyjnym dla pracowników pomaga dopasować program do oczekiwań, co zwiększa zaangażowanie i przekłada się na lepszą atmosferę w firmie.
Camping as an unusual way to organize an integration trip
During integration trips, employees usually live in hotels or boarding houses. It's a very convenient solution. They provide the possibility of a comfortable rest after an eventful day and renting the entire facility for a group of employees.

However, in the case of the young - above all in spirit! – it is worth betting on an unusual solution for the team. In this way, there is the possibility of an even stronger one group integration. Thanks to the original accommodation places, new ideas for spending time together with friends from work may also appear. One of the ideas we propose is camping. Just setting up a camp and collecting firewood is great fun. And this is not the end of the attractions. What else can you offer the crew during outdoor integration?
Evening bonfire
Już samo spanie w namiotach będzie świetnym przeżyciem dla osób, które do tej pory korzystały wyłącznie z oferty hoteli i pensjonatów. Jednak dodatkowo można wykorzystać najlepszą atrakcję, jaką mają do zaoferowania imprezy w plenerze. Jaką? Wspólne ognisko integracyjne! Dobre jedzenie i blask ognia – nic więcej nie potrzeba, żeby świetnie się bawić. Jeżeli w grupie znajdują się osoby uzdolnione muzycznie, można poprosić je o zagranie i zaśpiewanie kilku kawałków.

A trip to the mountains
Camping in the mountains is a great opportunity to spend time actively. Integration during an evening campfire or mountain hiking works wonders! Everyone is in a good mood, thanks to the endorphins seen during such a light exercise. Communing with nature and spending time actively is a great way to break away from everyday duties. It will work especially well for teams working on computers on a daily basis.

When organizing a similar trip, it is worth taking into account the condition of the whole group. If among the participants there are people who have less strength, you need to choose an easier route. Employees in better shape will also appreciate the opportunity to watch the views in peace. A gentle route, tailored to the capabilities of each participant also means the possibility of conducting conversations. If everyone is busy catching their breath and climbing, it's hard to talk about team integration.
Survival Course
They are becoming more and more popular survival workshops. Does anyone on our team know how to light a fire if no one has a lighter or matches? Or maybe they are eager to learn how to climb trees or determine their location in unfamiliar terrain? Such skills can be useful if someone gets lost in the forest or goes on a mountain hike. Then it is easy to lose your way or stay after dark in a place that is not friendly. Certainly the whole team will appreciate a similar attraction. Such a course is a great way to actively spend time together, and at the same time learn new skills.

If organization of integration trips is it a simple matter?
Organizing integration trips is not always a simple matter. Especially if we're doing it for the first time. So, how do you go about organizing a business trip? To get started, ask yourself a few simple questions. Who exactly is this integration trip for? How many participants will there be and what will they expect? And also how long can we go for and of course where to organize an integration trip?

The answers to these and similar questions will give us clues on how to go about it organization of corporate events. This will be the starting point for establishing a framework for our integration trip. We must also not forget to establish budget. The amount at our disposal may turn out to be crucial. Simply, if the budget is too small, one by one you will have to give up attractions, perhaps also an interesting location or appropriate catering. But does organizing a company trip still make sense in this case? This is something to consider. An integration trip that is too modest and "poorly" tailored can put us in a bad light as an employer. Then it is worth considering an experienced service event agency. Taki zewnętrzny organizator w zasadzie w całości przygotuje nam wyjazd integracyjny wraz z niebanalnymi atrakcjami i niespodziankami dla uczestników. I co ważne, będzie wiedział, na co nas stać, i zaproponuje nam rozwiązania, na które możemy sobie pozwolić.
Short or long integration trips for companies?
Integration trips for companies must be planned in such a way that they are attractive to employees and allow them to relax and have fun. But at the same time, they would not interfere with the normal work of the company and would not take too much free time from employees. Most Polish companies choose the option of a two-day trip, i.e. a one-night trip. Many organizers believe that this is the optimal solution for employees and company managers. These two days give you the opportunity to achieve the goals set by the organizer. They also allow for a short but intense rest.
Te dwudniowe wycieczki integracyjne dla firm mają zwykle również podobny przebieg. Pierwszy dzień to przyjazd, intensywne szkolenie, team building games and activitiesand in the evening integration of employees at a gala dinner, ball or company banquet. Some companies also choose a company bonfire or barbecue. Integration themed games, such as a 1920s or Hawaiian party, are also very popular. For the next day, attractions such as sightseeing or are usually planned a joint trip to the mountains. Although it is not a rule when it comes to integration trips, usually the attractions of the second day are less intense. They allow you to spend time in an interesting way and relax.

Specialists in organizing integration trips
Organizing an integration trip requires a lot of patience. Not only the number of documents needed to sign is constantly growing. On the way of people who organize such a trip, new problems appear again and again that need to be solved. If you are already organizing another integration trip in your company, you certainly know about it. As well as how to solve most problems. But what to do in a situation where you haven't organized a trip yet?
25 years of experience in organizing integration events!

There are two options. The first one involves finding a person in your office who has dealt with similar tasks before. Maybe someone from the HR or PR team is good at it and has experience? But what if there is no such person in the company? Then we choose the second option - we employ specialists in organizing integration trips and other events. A professional organizer of corporate events will meet any event challenge. The organizer is responsible not only for himself, but also for all participants. This takes the responsibility off the boss's shoulders.
Hiring an event agency - benefits
What gives us employment event managers? The most important benefit is the opportunity to rest together with employees. If for integration trip other people who specialize in similar tasks are responsible, the business owner can focus on much more enjoyable tasks. Then integration it goes much smoother. In addition, all elements of the trip are buttoned up to the last button. Everything that can be scheduled is written in the calendar. There are also people who are directly responsible for contacting all subcontractors. Thanks to this, you can be sure that the hotel or other accommodation will be confirmed and paid for in advance. This way you can avoid many stressful situations. Therefore, hiring an event agency to organize an integration event is a very profitable investment.

Companies organizing integration trips - how to recognize the best?
Supposedly advertisement is a trade lever. The same is true in organizing events. Companies and event agencies are racing to see who will be more visible online. However, does it go hand in hand with the quality of the services offered? Each of us has his own shopping experience and can answer this question for himself.

Integration trip in the mountains
So how to recognize the best companies organizing company trips? We suggest some simple tricks. First of all, let's pay attention to how long the agency has been present on the market event services. Weak companies fall out quite quickly, and brand new ones do not give any guarantee. There aren't even enough reviews for them to be reliable in any way.

Another important piece of information is the number of events organized by a given agency. Of course, a higher number shows experience, flexibility and the ability to follow the needs and tastes of customers. And perhaps even creating new trends and original solutions.
Of course, customer feedback should also be taken into account. If there are a lot of them and they are mainly positive, and the company responds appropriately to the suggestions contained in them, it means that we are dealing with professionals.

It is equally important to have your own facilities or even event centerwhere the event manager of our integration trip is also the host. He knows the facility and staff very well, as well as all local subcontractors. Such contacts are invaluable, especially in the event of a sudden change of plans or the desire to provide interesting and unobvious entertainment in the area.
Integration trip - who to invite?
One of the frequent dilemmas of bosses is whether to corporate integration events also invite people from outside? In the event that we work with someone on a daily basis or use someone's knowledge or help, it is worth inviting such a person. This will allow you to work out even better communication. At the same time, we will show such a person that he is important to the company. That we value her knowledge and experience and want to continue our cooperation.
What about employees' families? A survey among the staff may provide the answer here. However, if it is to be corporate integration trip with elements of team building, then we should narrow down the group of invited participants only to members of a given team or employees of one company. The situation is quite different if we decide to organize an open family picnic under the aegis of our company. Then, of course, the more participants and their family members, the better.
On the other hand, for company banquets, jubilee galas or other company events, combined with the promotion of a product, try to invite as many famous personalities as possible, authorities in a given field and, of course, representatives of the media world.

What to bring on an integration trip?
Good mood! A smile is an essential component of every integration trip. Without this, no integration will succeed. What else? The organizer of the integration event should notify employees of the nature of the event well in advance and provide them with a program of the trip. This way they will know what to bring integration trip.

In addition to basic things such as personal items or a change of clothes, it is worth packing things suited to the nature of the trip in the suitcase. In the mountains, it is worth taking comfortable trekking shoes with a high upper and a non-slip sole. Appropriate footwear will ensure comfort and safety during hiking on mountain trails. In winter, items such as thermal clothing, warm jacket, thick fleece, hat, scarf and gloves will come in handy. In summer, it is worth taking a raincoat or a thin jacket, a baseball cap or other headgear, sunglasses, sunscreen with UV filter and mosquito spray.

For a trip to the sea or lake, it is necessary to take a swimsuit. It is also worth packing comfortable sports clothes that will be useful during various activities, as well as a party outfit suited to the nature of the party. For example, an elegant outfit for an evening gala or an appropriate costume for a theme party.
How to dress for an integration trip?
So to the question, how to dress for an integration trip there can be only one answer – according to the circumstances. For example company eve it requires either a rather elegant, banquet outfit, or if we set such a convention, we put on crazy Christmas sweaters, reindeer headbands and earrings in the shape of baubles. Trekking is known, comfortable shoes above all. Outdoor corporate games mean comfortable sportswear. Culinary workshops - obligatory aprons and hats. And so on…

A must-have for the organizer of an integration trip
Every organizer of an integration trip should have some essentials with them. A set of items that may come in handy in case of any minor accidents or difficulties. These are items that can be useful during integration games, trips to the mountains or other activities. Let us remember that in such a kit we should not have any drugs. These can only be applied by people who know how to dose them. Therefore, all people who are going on an integration trip should be informed about it in advance and have all the necessary medicines with them.

What an organizer should have is primarily SPF creams. Especially in the case of trips organized in the summer or spring season. Then the risk of sunburn is high. To avoid this, it is worth having the right cream. In this way, you can save the skin of many participants of the trip. It's also good to have some plasters with dressings. Especially when organizing active recreation. If there are abrasions from the shoes, they should be treated immediately. In addition, insect repellents and gas to defend against free roaming dogs can always be useful. And also raincoats.
Integration trips as a form of reward
We all need to rest and rejuvenate from time to time. Such a break from work or daily duties allows us to maintain life balance. It also allows you to catch distance. Thanks to such a pause, you can come up with new ideas and ways to solve even difficult problems faster. Clearing your head and soothing your nerves during an integration trip to some interesting place means a good chance that the layers of creativity dormant in us will explode with double strength. Of course, for the benefit of the company.
Well organized and thought out integration trips it is a form of reward for many employees. And also a unique opportunity to see things or places that, for various reasons, they have not visited themselves. It may sound trivial, but many of our employees sometimes need an impulse to act. Let's show that employers care about them. And also that he is also ready to invest in their recreation, development or hobbies. Integration trips they can also be a form of reward for outstanding employees or even the entire team after achieving the assumed goal. It will also be an incentive to take on new challenges and stay in a company that cares about its people. The crew will know that working efficiently pays off – and not only in the financial sense.

Integration trips for companies - summary
To sum up - integration trips are a great way to build strong team. Such trips and shared adventures strengthen friendly ties between employees. They also enable you to get to know new team members better and build mutual trust and a support system. Thanks to such trips, everyday work is more pleasant and, what is important, more effective. An additional plus is also a chance to improve employee-employer relations. Getting to know each other better, which usually takes place during integration trips, usually results in a greater level of trust, which always pays off in the company.

Thus, a well-organized trip will bring many benefits. However, if you are not sure if you will do it right, it is better to use the help of specialists. Professional event agencies they will take care of every, even the smallest detail of the event.
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Integration trip for employees
What does an integration trip look like?
What does an integration trip look like? Certainly not like comedies. Joint games are equally good, but they do not exceed the limits of good taste. Most often, an integration trip lasts 2 days. The first day is often devoted to various types of workshops, in the evening we usually have a bonfire or a company ball. On the second day, joint outings or company olympics are planned. Event agencies offer a lot of attractions for an integration trip, so each company event may look a bit different.
Integration trip in the mountains?
The mountains are a great location for an integration trip. Great landscapes will delight the participants, and plenty of space will allow you to organize many different games and integration activities. In recent years, the most frequently visited mountain resort is Karpacz. It got a bit crowded there because of that. It is worth going outside the city, because the summer resort of Sosnówka is located right next to it. The event company Dwór Korona Karkonoszy operating there offers as many as 113 different attractions for corporate events, a great hall for a company ball, conference spaces, boutique rooms for guests and an Outdoor Events Center in a large garden.
What can you do on an integration trip?
Integration of employees abroad can take many different forms. Experienced event agencies can propose dozens of different activities to be carried out as part of the integration. For example: integration campfire, company ball, treasure hunt games, rope park, rafting, trekking, detective puzzles, culinary tournament, company Olympics, bubble football, yoga course, dance workshops, sommelier shows, building a Goldberg machine, craft beer tasting, costume party in the style of the 1920s, playing in a casino, an illusionist show, an escape room, paintball and many, many more.
Is the integration trip obligatory?
If the integration trip takes place during working hours, we should participate in it. It's kind of a "substitute" job. Besides, isn't going out of town, to some attractive tourist destination, participating in team building games and events with craft alcohol tasting, not a better option than sitting in an office or plant? In addition, accommodation in a beautiful hotel, excellent cuisine and an opportunity to meet colleagues from a different, more private side. Doesn't such a vision of an integration trip sound encouraging?