There is usually no time for integration activities on a daily basis. Later, the responsibilities increase and over time, first small and then larger conflicts begin to appear in the company. It is worth focusing on ways of integration during the first company trip.
Below is a guide on how to apply team building activities to working with a new team:

Firmowa integracja to nie tylko banalne gry i znane wszystkim od dawna zabawy. Obecnie oferta takich wyjazdów jest bogata jak nigdy. Pozostaje tylko wybrać odpowiedni motyw przewodni i… datę imprezy.
Integration classes to break the ice
Pierwszy firmowy wyjazd, nowa praca i zupełnie nowi ludzie – nic dziwnego, że każdy jest trochę zestresowany. W takiej sytuacji lepiej zacząć od skutecznego przełamania lodów. To te pierwsze zajęcia integracyjne nadadzą ton całemu wyjazdowi. Najlepiej sprawdzą się dłuższe i bardziej złożone scenariusze imprez firmowych, takie jak:
- Solving a crime mystery - absorbs time and attention for long hours, and in the meantime you can get to know the participants better and establish your first alliances.
- Old Polish feast – dishes, appropriate surroundings and even disguises can make guests feel as if they were in a different era.
- Survival workshops - a quick way to let your team prove themselves. Positive emotions after survival and newly discovered topics for conversation can be continued in the evening during a beer feast or a joint dinner.
Dwór Korona Karkonoszy offers integration classes tailored to the needs of guests with demanding needs. See our examples corporate events in the mountains.

What integration activities are the most universal?
Integration classes do not have to be extreme like survival or unusual like solving a crime mystery. If the team really doesn't know each other well and it's hard to say what they will like, you can also think about neutral and safe proposals that will work regardless of needs or taste. These are the table games that will further strengthen the ties between the participants who are just getting to know each other.
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integration classes?
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A completely safe way out is also an occasional dinner with menu suitable for both meat eaters and vegetarians. The event configurator on the Dwór Korona Karkonoszy website allows you to combine attractions, filling your time with pleasures. Additionally, it is worth leaving some free time for participants. You can then choose an activity such as a mountain trip with a guide or beer tasting, in which you can, but do not have to, participate. The lack of coercion will be appreciated by those who like to follow their own path.

Which integration classes for special tasks?
Sometimes integration activities are just one of many elements of the trip, and other times the success of a specific company project depends on them. For example, if you need to choose a manager or a boss from several candidates, it is worth watching the team during activities such as survival. Of course, the point is not that the one who can light a fire is suitable for the position, but it is certainly worth entrusting a responsible person to a resourceful person who has control over emotions.
If, on the other hand, integration classes are also intended to improve the ability to cope with stress, then you can focus on relaxation techniques classes or cosmetics workshops. Sometimes it's just about having a good time in a casual atmosphere. Then a beer feast and karaoke are a hit. Finally, it is worth mentioning the unique attractions that will work as a reward or incentive, e.g. for newly selected managers. In this case, an intimate balloon or helicopter flight will certainly be appropriate.

Integration classes that can be transferred to the company
The fun that the team will learn during a joint trip will also prove useful during holidays and meetings in the office. Examples include corporate games or karaoke. A nice idea will be an annual game show - on general knowledge or on trivia related to the company. The latter can even be done online! It will involve employees who will have to come up with questions first and then answer them, earning points in teams. Such integration classes can be safely conducted in any group, without any prior preparation.
On the other hand, more advanced techniques used by coaches or trainers during integration trips are better left to specialists. Psychological workshops often take place in beautiful outdoors and under supervision, because only then can participants relax and really reveal their emotions. Bringing it to the office on your own may not work.
How to organize a party – see event configurator