Cyclical integration events help to create friendly bonds between employees and relax the atmosphere in the workplace. However, there is an even better way to build a strong, efficient team that will be successful in the industry. A solution that can bring spectacular results is the organization of training for employees! What are integration trainings? More on that in the post below.
- What are integration trainings for companies?
- Fun + learning
- Integration training for employees
- Integration training for companies
- Integration games, training and workshops
- When to organize training integration exercises?
- Integration training - when and for whom?
- Integration games training and employer branding
- What form can integration training for companies take?
- A way to increase motivation
- Improving communication = effective work
- Learning to sell that will bring benefits
- Fighting stress during integration trainings for companies
- Integration games, training and remote work
- Away integration exercises
- Place for training integration exercises
- Integration training direct benefits for companies
What are integration trainings for companies?
Integration events are a popular form of entertainment for employees in smaller or larger companies. These are games, plays, parties and other activities aimed at building friendly relations in the group and taking a break from everyday work duties. Are integration events effective? Of course! Periodically organized parties or trips bring members of the company team closer together, strengthen bonds in the group and improve the atmosphere at work.
Fun + learning
However, an even better form of employee integration is special training that combines fun with learning. Integration training for companies conducted by experienced, properly qualified trainers, can be a solution to many problems in the company team. However, to be effective, they must be preceded by a thorough analysis of the group's needs. The program of such workshops should be well thought out. Properly matched training will help solve conflicts created between individual team members will improve communication within the group and increase the motivation of employees to act.

Integration training for employees
Employees are the driving force of any company. Even the most technologically advanced enterprises cannot do without them. Maybe they even need to take care of the staff. Why? Because their employees have a rare expert knowledge, and preparing them for this work required very significant expenditures, both financial and time. However, for an employee to be truly effective, he must be able to work in a team. Even the best specialist who cannot communicate with other employees or managers will sooner or later turn out to be a burden for the company. Each employee should also understand the importance of their work for the functioning of other departments of the company. That's why they're so important integration training for employees.

Integration training for companies
Building an effective and well-motivated team of employees is not an easy task. It is not enough to simply hire people and wait for results. Often, the employee has no incentive to do more than the minimum required by the employer to earn a salary. The full potential of the employee remains hidden, and the synergy effect will simply not be achieved.
Integration games, training and workshops
Integration training for companies are designed to build highly motivated human teams. The ones that can accomplish even the most difficult task. People who work together to achieve their goals. Different kind integration games, training and workshops can greatly improve communication between employees as well as within the entire company. Integration training for companies can also be a great driving force for new ventures, or a form of reward after achieving success. Such an integration trip to an interesting place with additional attractions will certainly be appreciated by employees.

When to organize training integration exercises?
How to choose the optimal time for the company and employees to conduct training or other forms of integration? Most often, integration is associated with building a new team of people who did not know each other before or had sporadic contact with each other. Of course, this is a textbook case - you know that back then corporate integration is necessary. But there are other situations where you should as well organize training integration exercises. For example, after some unfavorable or even dramatic event in the company. Or when preparing the crew to implement new tasks or work methods.
Integration training - when and for whom?
It is also important to observe how the team communicates and works on a daily basis. If we see any conflicts or disruptions in communication within the company, we should take corrective action immediately. Experienced managers know that the lack of proper communication and an unhealthy atmosphere at work will translate directly into the company's financial results. And vice versa, satisfied employees are an excellent showcase of the company and a magnet for potential customers - and job candidates.
Also, the successes achieved and the achievement of individual goals or stages of company development require a summary. Such positive events are also an opportunity for company events. They can be organized in the form of an integration trip or training with elements teambuilding games and celebrations.

Integration games training and employer branding
The shortage of employees or too much fluctuation of staff is currently a great challenge for many companies. How to fix it? One of the most effective methods is building your own brand - showing your company as a company that is a good and attractive employer. A well-thought-out employer baranding strategy can make specialists apply for a job in our company themselves.
Are you looking for a way to increase employee motivation?
They need integration training!

Employer branding is designed to maintain a stable team of qualified employees. It's supposed to help us retain valuable staff. This can only be achieved by organizing integration games training. Thanks to them, perhaps employees will feel in our company as among friends. Of course, the relationship within the company doesn't have to be that close; it is enough if interpersonal relations are deepened and employees will be happy to come to work. During games and integration They will also have the opportunity to show off their talents and abilities.
What form can integration training for companies take?
Integration training is an interesting way to build a strong employee team. They are based on games, team buliding tasks and scenario plays that fully engage participants, help to relax, and at the same time foster the development of practical skills and improve the functioning of the group. An example of such activities may be:
- construction Goldberg machines,
- integration in the rope park,
- fun to solve a crime mystery,
- culinary tournament,
- company games with elements of team building.

Ideas for integration games training
In teams dealing with tasks that require imagination and creativity on a daily basis, ideas for team-building games or trainings are born by themselves! It is also worth using the hints and suggestions of the employees themselves. It is worth asking the staff how they would like to spend the integration trip and what kind of training they expect. However, there are many already tried and proven many times integration games for trainingthat are worth using or drawing inspiration from. Experienced organizer of corporate events he always has at least one up his sleeve 15 reliable team building games.

Integration in the mountains
How to choose them for our team? Depending on how numerous our crew is and what they do on a daily basis, we adjust integration games. It is also important how long individuals have known and worked together. It is known that for new teams, more integration games should be selected to get to know each other better and give the opportunity for self-presentation. It will be fun for sure true or false. For teams that have been working together for a long time and we want to motivate them, because there is a new challenge, it will be suitable, for example corporate olympics. If, on the other hand, the purpose of the training is to summarize a certain stage of work or to relax after achieving a large business goal, for example, a sommelier training or a presentation and beer tasting craft.

A way to increase motivation
Brak chęci i energii do efektywnego wykonywania zadań służbowych, negatywne nastawienie do pracy i osiąganie słabych wyników na rynku – czyli ogólny spadek motywacji pośród pracowników. Każdy zespół przynajmniej raz przechodził przez motivational crisis. And unfortunately, without a decent motivation, spectacular success on the market will not be achieved. Such a situation is an indication for the organization of integration training. A qualified trainer will help participants find the cause of their lack of motivation and effectively motivate them to act.
Improving communication = effective work
For a team of employees to work productively and dynamically, good communication between its members is essential. Employees who efficiently exchange information with each other and are able to use the potential of each person can do more. They efficiently perform all – even the most difficult – tasks, and consequently achieve spectacular successes on the market.

Learning to sell that will bring benefits
Generating profit by selling products or services is one of the basic goals of companies operating on the market. However, acquiring customers and concluding commercial contracts is more difficult than it might seem. This requires professional knowledge and appropriate skills, including negotiation skills. For sales to be effective, it must be tailored to potential contractors. Effective analysis of customer needs plays a key role. It is also important to use the language of benefits in business talks. During the integration training, employees will learn the best sales techniques and learn how to build long-term customer relationshipsand learn how to negotiate offers to generate the most profits.

Fighting stress during integration trainings for companies
Stress is an inseparable element of work - especially in high positions. Unfortunately, constant nerves can negatively affect the efficiency of performing official duties. That is why it is extremely important to learn effective stress management techniques. Of course, the best tool in the fight against this problem is integration training for companies. The aim of such workshops is to learn methods that help control stress, as well as learn habits that can reduce the feeling of tension at work. Can stress be a driving force? In some situations, absolutely! During the training, participants learn how to work in stressful conditions and how to use the power of stress to achieve their professional goals.
Integration games, training and remote work
The time of the pandemic has forced many companies to completely or at least partially switch to remote work. Some of these companies noticed many advantages of such a solution after the end of the pandemic restrictions and still use it today. Is it possible though employee integration w pracy zdalnej? Oczywiście, że tak! Integracja online nie jest czymś niezwykłym w dzisiejszych czasach.
Integration exercises training can take the form of games, competitions or quizzes. The most important thing, however, is to enable employees to communicate freely with each other using the appropriate channel. It can be a specialized application or platform for video conferencing or the ability to create groups on messengers. Online training or online workshops are best conducted in a casual formula, intertwined with jokes and involving participants in active participation. Various types of communication games will certainly prove to be not only entertainment, but also a useful tool for building an efficient team.

Away integration exercises
Team building exercises and training can take many forms. It all depends on how big the team is and what their daily work looks like. Even when working remotely, you can, and even more so should, introduce elements of integration. You can, for example, arrange games for employees or integration competitions. However, off-site integration training for employees works best. during such events employees will be able to get to know each other better and develop more direct ways of communicating. For employees who do not meet every day, it will be a great - or maybe even the only one? – an opportunity to deepen relationships with the group. Finally, they will be able to see each other live, talk in person and discuss possible problems or ills in a more relaxed atmosphere.

Place for training integration exercises
If we are already convinced that in our case it is worth organizing integration training for companies, it remains only to choose a place to carry it out. Where is best to organize corporate integration? In a place where we work every day, it will be difficult to go beyond the employee-boss pattern. And after all, integration is about opening up a bit to others and improving relations within the team.
Integration training for your company?

Let's think about whether we talk to our boss about our passions, or about his interests or dreams on a daily basis at work? For the more private conversations of this, a rather neutral terrain and relaxed atmosphere are needed. Ideally, it should be a previously unknown place, offering peace, but also various attractions, e.g. good cuisine. Only then will we be able to fully relax and focus on getting to know other employees and deepening our relationships with them. Outdoor game in the mountains or together cooking workshops they will certainly allow us to get to know our co-workers and bosses from a different perspective. Integration game for training must be well chosen.

Integration training direct benefits for companies
The dynamically changing market environment and the resulting challenges force companies to constantly develop. In this race, you can't afford to stumble, even small ones. Lack of people to work can block the company's development or the implementation of an important project. Problems such as lack of communication between employees can also cause material and image losses. That is why it is always worth investing in a person and ensuring that they can focus on work without any obstacles. However, in order to achieve good relations in the team and build a work-friendly atmosphere, some effort must be made. You need to create the right ground for team integration. Integration training it's a great tool for that. They will allow for ongoing motivation of the staff and keeping good employees at work. And in the long run, they will certainly translate into profits and company development. Good, qualified staff is pure profit for the company!

Integration training for companies is a great way to build a strong, efficient team. Undoubtedly, they are one of the best forms of dealing with crises or conflicts in employee groups. It is worth considering the implementation of integration workshops when the actions of employees do not bring the expected results.
How to organize a party – see event configurator
Frequently Asked Questions
What can you do with integration?
Integration of employees most often takes the form of various types of team building games and activities. The idea is to give employees the opportunity to get to know each other better in an informal atmosphere. During integration, you can build birdhouses together, learn to cook, climb in the rope park, solve a crime mystery, take part in sommelier workshops, raft down a mountain river, have fun by the fire or at a ball. These are just some of the suggestions for team integration.
Integration training in the mountains?
It is worth taking employees outside the company's headquarters and place of residence for integration training. Thanks to this, they will be able to focus on integration games, and not think about business matters or everyday duties. It is worth making sure that this place is attractive to tourists. For example, corporate events in the mountains are always well received. In Sosnówka near Karpacz, in the event company Dwór Korona Karkonoszy, we have a choice of over 100 different attractions for corporate events. Integration training with mountain peaks in the background takes on a new dimension.
What are the trainings for employees?
Training for employees often concerns purely professional issues. They are designed to improve qualifications in a given field, so they focus on substantive issues. However, training in the competences needed in virtually every job, the so-called soft skills, is organized just as often. What training or workshops can we offer employees? For example, time management, stress reduction, interpersonal communication, work organization, teamwork or conflict resolution. Such knowledge and skills will certainly pay off.
How to integrate a group?
The best way to integrate the group will be to create the right conditions for employees to get to know each other better. The multitude of tasks and tasks at work is not conducive to building bonds in the team. Individuals do not have the time or energy to take care of relationships at work. It is the employer who should regularly organize trips or integration meetings for employees. Preferably outside the company's headquarters, in a relaxed atmosphere, so that everyone can leave the business framework and really try to get to know their co-workers and managers. An integrated team is a team that works together, not competes. And this translates into company results.