One of the elements that shapes the team is training. Regularly organized meetings will build a strong, well-functioning group of employees who know what they do and are successful on the market. Organizing training is not an easy task. It involves a long period of preparation, during which, among other things, you need to find the right training room. What should an ideal training venue look like? What should you pay attention to when choosing such a facility?
What will you learn from the article?
Idealne miejsce na szkolenie, czyli jakie? Czy lepiej zorganizować szkolenie wyjazdowe, czy może w siedzibie firmy? Jakie atrakcje powinno oferować miejsce na szkolenie, aby zapewnić uczestnikom nie tylko wiedzę, ale i rozrywkę? Jeśli te pytania zaprzątają Twoje myśli, to trafiłeś we właściwe miejsce.
Wybór odpowiedniego miejsca na szkolenie to kluczowy element, który może zadecydować o sukcesie całego wydarzenia. Niezależnie od tego, czy planujesz krótki warsztat dla kilku pracowników, czy kilkudniowe szkolenie dla całego zespołu, warto poświęcić czas na dokładne przemyślenie lokalizacji.
W tym wpisie podzielimy się wskazówkami i najlepszymi praktykami dotyczącymi wyboru miejsca na szkolenie. Zajmiemy się takimi tematami jak:

The perfect place for training, or what?
Regular training corporate is the key to success! Such meetings are an excellent way to provide employees with a huge dose of useful knowledge about the products or services offered by the company, new systems or other important business-related matters. Training is also organized to improve communication between employees, increase their motivation to work, and teach effective methods of dealing with chronic stress related to everyday work duties.

Comprehensive organization training requires a lot of work and commitment. You need to set the optimal date, prepare a detailed meeting plan and comprehensive training materials, and invite participants and experts. Finding a training room is also important.
Idealne miejsce na szkolenie powinno być funkcjonalne, ergonomiczne, a jednocześnie komfortowe. Uczestnicy spotkania muszą czuć się swobodnie podczas kilku (czasem nawet kilkunastu) godzin spędzonych w sali szkoleniowej. W pomieszczeniu nie może zabraknąć niezbędnych udogodnień, które zapewnią pracownikom pełną wygodę i pozwolą na sprawne i efektywne prowadzenie szkolenia. W sali szkoleniowej powinny znaleźć się takie elementy jak:
- appropriate furniture (comfortable chairs, armchairs, tables),
- projector and other devices needed to present the training presentation,
- air conditioning.
Place for training
Place training should primarily be tailored to the nature of the meeting. Before you start looking for the perfect location, first of all, you should define the purpose of the training. For a traditional conference presenting a new product or service, a classic conference room equipped with comfortable chairs, a projector and a screen for displaying the presentation will be perfect. Training integration (which aims to solve the problems it struggles with employee team) can be organized both in a training room, in a cozy recreation facility or outdoors - for example in an elegant garden belonging to hotel, manor house or restaurant.

Training for companies – away or at the company's headquarters?
Can training be organized at the company's headquarters? Of course! A spacious conference room will be perfect. However, this is not the best solution. It is better to move the meeting to a neutral ground - one where employees will feel at ease. The selected center should create perfect conditions for full concentration and 100% productivity. It should develop creativity and stimulate imagination. An excellent solution - which is very popular - is to organize training in recreational facilities located among picturesque natural surroundings, for example in Karkonosze.

Many centers have spacious, well-equipped training or conference rooms that can accommodate several dozen/hundred people. The beautiful nature surrounding the selected facility will soothe the senses of the training participants and have a positive effect on their concentration. The recreation center is a good place for both one-day training sessions and those scheduled for several days. You can book comfortable rooms at the facility roomswhere participants can relax after many hours of meeting.
Miejsce na szkolenie i dostępne atrakcje – co wybrać?
An important issue that cannot be forgotten when organizing a training is food for the participants. A plus organization meetings at the recreation facility include access to the restaurant and professional service. This means you don't have to order an additional one catering.
Catering for corporate events
The one-day training must include a lunch break, during which participants will rest and fill their stomachs. It is also worth providing them with the opportunity to order coffee, tea or other drinks during the training. A several-day training is an indication for organizing a full-time training catering – with breakfast, lunch and dinner.

An interesting diversification of the training day is preparation attractions for participants. Organization is a great idea integration focus with baked sausages, tasty beer and quiet music in the background. The alternative to a campfire is crazy costume party with a perfectly matched menu, refreshing drinks and lively dance music. You can go a bit beyond the usual patterns and bet on thematic fun. An amazing party in the style of the 80s, or a dance party with a Hawaiian atmosphere will take the participants into a magical world. Such an event is a reliable recipe for great fun and unforgettable memories. The company team will certainly appreciate such a gesture.

Is finding the perfect place for training a difficult task? NO! Sometimes it is enough to put a little creativity and a bit of commitment into the process to find an object that will meet our - even the most unusual - requirements! What are the advantages of organizing training in an interesting town? It's quite obvious. After the training, you can offer the participants of the corporate event some local attractions. For example, visiting the area or visiting craft workshops where regional cheeses or honey are made.
Looking for the perfect venue for a corporate event?

Jak znaleźć miejsce na szkolenie kilkudniowe?
Sometimes it is not possible to present all the training material in a few hours. An excellent solution in such a case is to extend the training to several days. Choosing the right one places for a multi-day training is quite a challenge. The offered facility, apart from a spacious training room and full board, should provide comfort accommodation for all participants of the trip. The best choice will be a hotel offering a high standard of accommodation.

How to organize a multi-day training? First, specify the date of the event. It is worth doing it well in advance, especially if employees from several branches located in different parts of Poland come to the training. Thanks to this, participants of the event will be able to reserve time for a specific date. Setting the date of the training will also narrow down the search for a hotel. Not all facilities may be available on a certain date.
The next step is to choose places for training. As we have already mentioned, the hotel should provide participants with access to a spacious, well-equipped training room and comfortable accommodation. It is also important to have catering facilities and qualified staff who will ensure that the training participants lack nothing.
Place for company event – The Crown of the Karkonosze Manor
Dwór Korona Karkonoszy offers a wide range of attractions that can diversify everyone company trip. Wśród szerokiej gamy propozycji znajdziemy m. in.:
- unique workshopswhere you can learn the secrets of regional crafts, culinary arts and dance,
- various games and integration games,
- classic parties, theme parties or karaoke party,
- picnics and bonfires,
- glider or helicopter flight,
- guided tours,
- and many others.
It is also worth mentioning that in this facility, apart from great company events, during which you can choose from 113 game and entertainment scenarios, beautiful events are also organized weddings in the mountains.

A big advantage of a place for training will be access to interesting places attractions. Man does not live by work alone! The several-day training must include entertainment that will provide participants with impressions and a huge dose of great fun. It will allow them to relax after a few or a dozen hours spent in the training room and gain strength before the next training day.

Organizer company event should prepare a detailed training schedule. Thanks to it, each participant will know when individual training blocks take place, when shorter and longer breaks are planned, and what time the training part ends and the entertainment part begins.
Training rooms in the mountains
Wybierając sale szkoleniowe w górach, warto poszukać miejsc, które łączą funkcjonalność sal konferencyjnych z pięknem otaczającej przyrody. Na przykład wiele hoteli konferencyjnych i ośrodków w górach posiada doskonałe sale konferencyjne oraz nowoczesną infrastrukturę konferencyjną. A małe, urokliwe pensjonaty mogą oferować kameralne sale szkoleniowe, idealne dla mniejszych grup. Jedne i drugie sale na business event we will find in the training hotel The Crown of the Karkonosze Manor in Sosnówka near Karpacz. In addition, there are facilities for organizing outdoor activities.
When selecting places for training it is worth considering not only the conference room itself, but also the surroundings and accessibility attractions for participants outside the training time. For many people, the mountain environment can be inspiring - it promotes concentration and creativity. It is also important to check that the location meets all the technical and logistical requirements necessary to conduct successful training.

Dobre miejsce na szkolenie – jak wybrać lokalizację?
Just as important as the training room is the location where the training will take place. A hotel for a business trip it should be located in a quiet area that promotes relaxation. Facilities located right next to the main road or in the city center are not a good solution. Why? The noise of passing cars and city sounds may disturb the peace and quiet that is necessary during the training day. Event participants need comfortable conditions to fully focus on the information provided by the presenter. It is also important that rooms were perfectly soundproofed, which will allow employees to rest peacefully after many hours spent in the training room. The ideal place for training is those located off the beaten track, away from the hustle and bustle of the city, surrounded by unique natural circumstances.

It is a great place for training Lower Silesia. This is an extremely attractive region for tourists. Every year it attracts a lot of holidaymakers from different parts of the country. The region has many beautiful lakes, valleys and forests. In Wrocław, we can admire unique monuments and other amazing architectural elements - such as the Old Town Hall or the church of St. Wojciech. In the southern part of Lower Silesia it extends Karkonosze National Park, which delights with breathtaking landscapes and a wealth of unusual plants.
Even though Lower Silesia is a place crowded with tourists, in the area there are many recreational facilities located off the beaten path, which can be described as unique oases of peace, conducive to relaxation and concentration. Searching an ideal place for training, you should pay attention to such facilities - those quiet, off the beaten path, with an exceptional atmosphere.
Miejsce na szkolenie przede wszystkim powinno być idealnie dopasowane do formy i charakteru company trip and number of participants. The facility should include a spacious, well-equipped training room, an appropriate number of accommodation places and catering facilities. Scheduled in the daily schedule attractions for corporate events They will certainly be a nice culmination of the training.
The ideal place for training is those away from the city hustle and bustle. It is worth looking for hotels situated among picturesque natural surroundings. Nature creates an exceptionally magical, calm aura that promotes focus and productivity. Training in such a place will certainly be much more pleasant than that organized in the center of a noisy city or near the main road.

How to organize a party – see event configurator
Frequently Asked Questions
Conference rooms in the mountains?
Where to find professional training rooms? Mountain training rooms are a popular choice for companies, organizations and groups that want to combine outdoor training with team building. Training rooms located in the mountains, for example in Dwór Korona Karkonoszy, a training center in Sosnówka near Karpacz, allow the organization of interesting corporate events. Ski resorts also often have appropriate facilities and are an excellent place for organizing conferences and training. In turn, small, charming mountain huts can be rented exclusively to organize small training courses. Some mountain areas have educational centers or conference rooms that can be rented. Specialized mountain training centers offer both conference rooms and outdoor training programs. When choosing a place for training, it is worth taking into account not only the availability of conference rooms, but also other attractions offered by the area, such as mountain walks, skiing, hiking trails or relaxation in the natural surroundings. This can create an inspiring atmosphere for conference participants. It is also worth making sure that the venue meets all the technical and logistic requirements needed to conduct a successful conference.
What could the training be like?
Training can cover many different areas and skills, depending on the needs of the participants. Below is a list of the different types of training: vocational training; in soft skills; technical; linguistic; in the area of health and wellness; in the area of sales and marketing; IT; from personal development; in the field of creativity and innovation; labor law; in the field of sustainable development; from the HR area; regarding the area of finance; business ethics; industry training for a given economic sector. Training can be conducted traditionally or online, and its form may include lectures, workshops, practical exercises, case studies, etc.
A place for training?
Where to organize the training? The training location depends on many factors, such as the type of training, the number of participants, availability of infrastructure, budget and the preferences of the organizer. Professional training rooms can be found in hotels, conference centers or business centers. A conference room or training room at the company's headquarters can also be adapted to the specific needs of the organization. There are also special training centers offering various facilities such as lecture halls, group rooms and catering. In the case of practical training, especially in industries involving field work, training may take place on site where actual working conditions occur. And for academic or specialized training, educational institutions, universities or research centers may be suitable places. Virtual training can be conducted from anywhere because participants connect remotely. Online platforms and video conferencing tools enable online interaction. In the case of training for smaller groups, you can consider organizing off-site training in an attractive place, which may help motivate participants.