Everyone wants their company to be successful. One of the elements necessary to constantly climb up is a well-coordinated employee team. How to create it? We present integration games that will bring spectacular results and at the same time provide employees with a huge dose of great fun.
What will you learn from the article?
Company integration not only builds stronger bonds between employees, but also significantly affects their motivation and work efficiency. However, organizing a successful integration event is quite a challenge. How to choose the right place? How to plan integration games that will be engaging and satisfy all participants? Is it better to organize an event at the company's headquarters or rent an external place? What are the costs associated with organizing such events? In this entry you will find answers to these and many other questions, as well as four interesting ideas for team-building games that will surely be met with enthusiasm by your team. You will also learn who should be entrusted with organizing the event so that it turns out to be an unforgettable success.
- What is corporate integration?
- How to choose a place for an integration event?
- How to organize integration games?
- Where to organize integration games?
- What is the cost of integration games for companies?
- 4 ideas for team-building games
- Is integration at the company's headquarters a good idea?
- Who should be entrusted with organizing the event?
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Company crew members should create a positive atmosphere in the workplace. An atmosphere that promotes creativity, productivity and efficient performance of all tasks. But how to build such a team? We will tell about this in our article. The key to success is effective integration! Integration games it's a perfect tool to create a dream team.
Integration – definition
Integration is a well-known term in the working world. It is an essential element of the functioning of any company. Without the integration of employees, it is impossible to achieve maximum results and achieve spectacular successes on the market. But what exactly is integration? It can be defined as a group of processes that have a positive impact on the functioning of the employee team.

The purpose of integration may be to improve relations between individual employees, get to know new colleagues better, improve team communication, create a relaxed atmosphere in the workplace, and even reduce stress related to the profession. Well-conducted integration brings a lot of benefits. Employees learn more about each other, they have plenty of topics to talk about (not necessarily related to work), they understand each other better.
In addition, they feel good in each other's company and willingly spend time together. Thanks to this, they can create a good atmosphere in the company. Conducive to productivity, creativity and effective work. An integrated team can do more. A group that is able to get along performs all business tasks more efficiently and gradually raises the brand's position on the market. He can dynamically solve smaller and larger problems and disputes.

What is corporate integration?
Corporate integration is a process in which employees of a given company or organization take part in various types of activities aimed at strengthening bonds between them, increasing commitment to work and improving the atmosphere and efficiency at work. The purpose of corporate integration is to create a sense of unity, understanding and commitment among employees to achieve the goals of the organization.
Your team has no results?

Corporate integration can take many forms, depending on the goals, needs and preferences of a given organization. It can be an integration event, a trip, training or various sports or cultural activities, such as barbecues, paintball, culinary and artistic workshops or theater workshops.

Activities related to company integration are aimed not only at improving relations between employees, but also at increasing their motivation and commitment to work, which translates into better results of the organization. Corporate integration can also help identify problems at work and improve team effectiveness, which in turn contributes to improving the efficiency of the entire organization.
How to choose a place for an integration event?
When choosing a place for an integration event, it is worth considering the type of expected activities, the number of guests, the budget, the style of the event and the preferences of employees. They are usually willing to choose company trip to the mountains. There you can find ideal facilities for integration:
- Banquet halls – most hotels offer banquet halls equipped with sound equipment, lighting and waiter service. In addition, the hotel can offer accommodation for event participants.
- Restaurants - there you will find a variety of menus and an atmosphere that allows you to relax and spend time in the company of colleagues. You can book a private room to have a sense of privacy during the event.
- Park or garden - if you are looking for a more informal place, you can organize a company event in a park or garden. It's the perfect place for a picnic, barbecue or bonfire.
- Conference centers - offer conference rooms that can also be used after hours training if workshops, transform into banquet hall. They also have professional technical equipment - projectors and screens, useful during presentations.
- Nightclub - if you want a more informal atmosphere, you can rent a nightclub. It's the perfect place for a dance party where you can relax after a hard day's work.

How to organize integration games?
Integration games at company meetings can be a great way to improve the atmosphere, build relationships between employees and increase commitment. Here are some steps worth taking when organizing such games:
- Conduct a survey or interviews with employees to find out what types of fun or team-building activities they would like to participate in.
- Based on the information collected, choose a variety of games and activities that meet the interests and preferences of the participants. These can be team games, competitions, quizzes, workshops, sports games, etc.
- Make sure that the selected games and activities are consistent with the purpose of the meeting and will contribute to building relationships, team integration or solving problems in the organization.
- Prepare all the necessary materials, props, equipment and prizes that will be needed to conduct selected team building games.
- Organize a space where you can freely conduct team-building games. Make sure all necessary amenities are provided, such as seating, water access, toilets, etc.
- Before starting the games, explain the rules and purpose of each game to the participants so that everyone is clear about the course of the activity.
- Ensure an atmosphere full of positive energy and openness so that participants feel at ease and comfortable during the games.
- Encourage all participants to actively participate in the games, but do not impose participation on those who do not want to participate.
- Be flexible and ready to change games during the meeting if necessary. Monitor participants' responses to adapt to their needs.
- After the meeting, conduct an evaluation of the event, collecting participants' opinions on its effectiveness, fun, attractiveness, etc. This will allow you to improve future events.

Where to organize integration games?
It is worth considering the issue Where organize integration games? They can be organized in virtually any place that provides adequate space and infrastructure for group activities. For example, many hotels, conference centers or restaurants offer rental of conference or banquet rooms, which can be a perfect place to organize team-building events. If the weather allows, team-building games can be organized outdoors, for example in a park, garden, on the beach or in the forest. Outdoor activities can be especially enjoyable and relaxing.
Why is it worth organizing integration games?
To the question, why organize integration games the answer is simple. Because it's worth it. Integration games for companies it's not a cost, but an investment. They foster relationships between employees through shared experiences and interactions. They help develop bonds and strengthen the atmosphere of trust in the team. And for new employees, integration games are an excellent opportunity to get to know their colleagues better and become more involved in the company's culture and life.
Importantly, team-building games allow you to relax and break away from everyday duties, which can help reduce stress and tension in the workplace. During team building games, employees can develop interpersonal skills such as communication, cooperation, negotiations and conflict resolution. And some team-building games can promote physical activity and a healthy lifestyle, which has a beneficial effect on employee health and well-being.

If you have access to office space, you can organize team-building activities without leaving the office. Meeting rooms or common areas can be ideal places to conduct such activities. But if sports or physical activities are planned, the playing field may be an ideal place to carry them out.
Another option is centertainment centers such as bowling alleys, rope parks, game arcades, amusement parks, etc. They will be especially useful for groups looking for recreational activities. Some cities offer free or inexpensive public spaces such as squares, boulevards, etc. that can be used for team-building activities, especially for smaller groups.
What is the cost of integration games for companies?
When planning to organize team-building games, it is worth using: corporate event configurator. This convenient and intuitive tool will allow you to quickly and quite accurately estimate the costs of a company event. Because cost of integration games can be very diverse, as it depends on many factors, such as the type of games and activities, number of participants, location, duration of the event, level of advancement, scope of services and many others. After all, the cost of organizing team games is different, cooking workshops with a culinary celebrity are different, and the amount for an incentive trip to exotic countries is still different. Moreover, the larger the number of participants, the higher the cost of the event, as more materials, equipment, staff, etc. need to be provided.
The price of integration games will also depend on the place where we organize them. A free city park is one thing, a multi-star hotel is another. In addition, longer team-building games may generate higher costs due to the need to provide additional materials, food and service. Also, if the company decides to provide additional services, such as professional animation, instructors, catering or transport, the costs will increase.

4 ideas for team-building games
Team integration it can take various forms - from simple integration rituals in the workplace, through company integration events and integration training, to interesting games and activities. An excellent solution that will not only perfectly integrate the team, but also provide employees with a huge dose of laughter and a lot of unforgettable impressions, are Integrative movement games. We present 4 activities that will appeal to even the most demanding people.
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1. Zabawy integracyjne w parku linowym
Integration game może angażować pracowników na różne sposoby. Jedną z popularnych form ruchowej integracji pracowników jest wspólna zabawa w parku linowym. Drewniane platformy, siatki wspinaczkowe, drabiny sznurowe, mostki, przejazd tyrolką – w profesjonalnym parku linowym każdy znajdzie coś dla siebie!
The brave ones can try complex passages along difficult routes where they will have to overcome various obstacles, and those who prefer a more calm entertainment can choose easier variants. Is playing in a rope park safe? Of course! Each participant will be thoroughly trained in the principles of belaying and equipped with appropriate equipment. The safety of employees will be ensured by experienced park staff.
Integration in the rope park it will allow you to forget about everyday work duties for a while. Employees will be able to relax and, most importantly, get to know each other better! However, there is no denying that such fun can be a bit exhausting. Without a doubt, it requires good shape and a lot of strength. After having fun in the rope park, you can organize an integration campfire with delicious sausages, cold, refreshing beer and nice background music. This form of integration will certainly provide employees with a huge dose of laughter and great fun.

2. Integration game for employees – paintball
Paintball is a popular team game that can be an excellent form of employee integration. A great idea is to organize a scenario game in which participants divided into several teams will fight a fierce (e.g. historical) battle for everything! The winner is the team that eliminates their opponents first. In order to win, apart from reflexes and accuracy, a good strategy is necessary. What counts in the game is cooperation, effective communication and quick decision making.
A game of paintball is two hours of great fun that will perfectly integrate the work team! As in the case of integration in the rope park, after the end of the game, you can organize a rest by the fire or grill.
Integration games on the pitch
You don't even need to invent uncreated things to do that group integration brought the expected results. Sometimes choosing the simplest, traditional solution is the best. The bull's-eye is a football match - or (if we want to go a step further) an employee football tournament. Football is considered the most popular sport in the world for a reason. This well-known team game has its fans around the globe. It is loved not only by boys and men of all ages, but also by women.
The advantage of this popular integrative movement game is easy organization. All you need to play the game is a ball, two goals (even makeshift ones) and a piece of flat ground. However, the best solution is to organize a professional match on a real pitch! Such fun will provide employees with unforgettable emotions. The team dressed in team colors will be fully involved in the game. He will feel the taste of competition on his own skin. A football match will relieve tensions between employees, teach them cooperation and efficient communication, and also reduce the stress associated with everyday work duties.

3. Corporate Olympics
What if we organized the company Olympics? Because hardly anyone doesn't love a bit of competition! This is an extremely interesting, movement-based integration game that also includes elements of team building. As a consequence, it can bring many more benefits than traditional integration. What does such a game look like? The team is divided into groups and competes in various competitions and games. To win, you need... cooperation!
Bet on sports fun!
Participants of the game must efficiently exchange information, use the potential of each member and strive for victory together. It matters here teamwork! Competing in the company games can have a very beneficial effect on the everyday functioning of the employee team. It allows you to build a strong, efficient team that will effectively perform all business tasks, efficiently solve problems that arise on the way to the goal and, consequently, achieve spectacular successes on the market.

Integration activities are an excellent way to improve relationships between individual employees. Such entertainment will provide members of the company's crew with a huge dose of good emotions and will positively affect the efficiency of their work.
Is integration at the company's headquarters a good idea?
Sometimes it is not possible to take employees outside the company's headquarters for integration. For financial, organizational or time reasons, you need to organize integration games on site. Does this mean that integration will fail? That the crew won't have fun and improve their relationship? Absolutely not! Here a few ideas for integration games that can be carried out at the company's headquarters:
- Scenes from the life of the company – divide the participants into groups and ask them to prepare a short scene from the life of the company, playing the roles of different employees. It is a fun and creative game that allows you to better understand various aspects of the company and the tasks of its employees.
- Company Knowledge Quiz – prepare a quiz in which participants will answer questions about the history, mission and goals of the company. Such a quiz allows for a better understanding of the company and its values, as well as for the integration of employees.
- Board game – prepare a board game that reflects the daily challenges and problems faced by the company and its employees. Such a game can help develop problem-solving skills, as well as strengthen relationships between employees.
- Tower building fun – divide the participants into groups and ask them to build the highest possible tower from the materials provided to them. It's a game that requires cooperation, coordination and ingenuity.
- Sports fun – organize a tournament of movement games that do not require too much space or specially prepared space. It's good fun, which helps to strengthen relations between employees and increase their motivation.

Integration games at the company's headquarters can be a very effective way to build relationships between employees and increase their commitment to work. The most important thing is to choose games that are suitable for a given group of employees, as well as to ensure appropriate conditions and safety of participants.
Integration game - examples
Here are some team building games for adults that can help build relationships between employees:
Where is the padlock?
In this game, the participants are divided into groups. Each group is given a wooden padlock and must hide it somewhere. Then the other groups have to find the padlock. The first group to find the padlock wins. Of course, you can replace the padlock with something else.

Guess who?
In this game, each participant writes on a piece of paper the name of the person they want to introduce. The cards are collected and placed in a bag. Then each participant draws one card and must find the person they represent. After finding the person, the participant has to have a short conversation with this person and find out as much as possible about him/her.
Integration in the mountains?

Participants form a chain of dominoes. One person places the first block, and then other people complete the chain. It is important that every person is involved in creating the chain, because a block that is not positioned correctly can cause the chain to break and the entire structure to collapse.
A game of balance
In this game, participants must work together to maintain balance. Two balance boards are spread on the floor, and cups of water are placed on them. Participants must move the cups from one plank to another together while maintaining balance.

Karaoke is great fun that allows the team to integrate in a relaxed atmosphere. Participants choose their favorite songs and sing them in front of the rest of the group. Vocal skills don't matter - courage counts!
Integration games
Integration movement games - which one to choose? They are definitely the most popular dancing gamesoften accompanying company balls. In group dances, all participants dance together, which promotes integration and improves the atmosphere in the group. Too scavenger hunt game always enjoys great success. It consists in hiding various objects in a certain area, and then dividing the participants into groups that have the task of finding these props. The game of stalking requires good team planning and coordination, which is conducive to integration.

Sports competitions such as football tournamentvolleyball or basketball, require cooperation between players and mutual support, which is conducive to integration and improvement of relations within the group. It is also a frequently chosen form of company integration.
In turn, in obstacle race participants have to go through various obstacles such as ladders, tunnels or climbing walls. This game requires ingenuity and creativity, as well as cooperation. And still loved as a child hide and seek – it is ideal for corporate events as an integration game. All these physical activities are a great way to improve relationships in the group, integration, as well as to improve physical condition and team skills.
Funny integration games - examples
Integration games are always fun, thanks to which you can reduce the distance and let other people into your personal comfort zone, at least for a moment. An example may be such unconventional integration games as playing shipwrecked or otherwise a life raft or solving the Gordian knot together. Other fun integration games may involve the use of associations, for example, assigning each person a nickname starting with the first letter of the person's name.

Scenario games - examples
Scenario games are interactive games in which players make decisions and actions to solve a specific problem or to complete a pre-prepared scenario. What are the most popular scenario games?

- escape room. It's a fun game where a group of players are locked in a room and have to find a way to escape by solving riddles and puzzles within a certain amount of time.
- Business simulation. In this game, players simulate the operation of a company and make business decisions in an effort to maximize profits.
- War games are strategy games where players plan and execute military moves to gain territory and defeat enemies.
- Crisis simulations - in this case, players have to solve problems and make decisions in emergency situations, such as fires, floods, pandemics or plane crashes.
- Educational games are aimed at transferring knowledge and skills. The most common are language and math games.

Scenario games can be a great way to develop skills like problem solving, creativity, and collaboration. They also teach soft skills necessary in teamwork.
Who should be entrusted with organizing the event?
When preparing a company integration, especially if it is to take place once again, it is worth asking for help from a professional event company. Experienced corporate event organizers they will offer many interesting entertainments that will, in some way, fulfill the intended purpose - they will allow the crew to get to know each other better and develop effective communication strategies. Both proven integration games and new ideas for integration games for adults can be found in the offer of Dwór Korona Karkonoszy. Hundreds of various types of events were organized there. Balloon flight, detective gamepaintball, rafting, culinary workshops, company tournaments - this is just a foretaste of what awaits us in Sosnowka near Karpacz.
Learning through play
Choice the best team-building games depends on many factors, such as the preferences of participants and their number, the purpose of the meeting, and the location of the event. There are many popular games that can help build relationships and integration in the company. Here are some suggestions:
- Team games such as "Quiz", "Obstacle Race", "Build the Tallest Tower" or "Escape Room".
- Personal development workshops.
- Culinary games.
- Board games
- Integration trips.
- Creative games.
- Construction of the Goldberg machine.
It is important to choose games that are appropriate for a given group, taking into account their interests, needs and goals of the meeting. Well-planned and tailored team-building activities can bring many benefits in terms of building relationships, communication and commitment in the company.

It is important to choose games that are appropriate for a given group, taking into account their interests, needs and goals of the meeting. Well-planned and tailored team-building activities can bring many benefits in terms of building relationships, communication and commitment in the company.

The above-mentioned team-building games for employees will not only help build a good team, but will also make the company event associated with laughter and great fun. Away company events with interesting games is one of the most effective team building tools. It is not worth waiting for a crisis in the team to use them. It is better to provide employees with opportunities for integration on a regular basis.
Frequently Asked Questions
How to prepare integration games for adults?
To properly prepare movement games for adults, first define the goal and message you want to convey through this game. Do you want to increase motivation and commitment in the team, improve relations between employees, or just keep participants entertained and relaxed? Then choose a suitable place and make sure there is enough space for all participants. Another important element is the music. Choosing the right music is crucial for any movement fun. Find fun games and exercises that take your crew's fitness level into account. If the game requires props (balls, hula hoops, jump ropes), make sure they are available and in good condition. Also, make a play schedule that includes all games and exercises, as well as time for breaks and rest. Before starting the game, inform the participants about the rules and goals of the game, as well as about the plan of the event.
What can you do with integration?
Corporate integration is the perfect time to improve relations between employees, improve team communication and strengthen the sense of belonging to the company. The choice of attractions is almost unlimited - for example, Dwór Korona Karkonoszy in Sosnówka offers over 100 different activities, games and activities for corporate events. Team games, workshops, thematic events, scenario games, team challenges are just some of the proposals for corporate integration.
A place for a corporate party?
Typically, employees expect a corporate event to take place off-site. Thanks to this, it will have a more festive character and will allow you to go beyond the framework of everyday life. It is worth considering organizing an integration event in a banquet hall, restaurant, park or garden, in a conference center or a nightclub. It is best that the place for the company event is located in a city attractive to tourists. Why? Because an away party is the most desired option by employees. It is worth choosing the mountains - the Giant Mountains attract crowds of tourists at any time of the year. Dwór Korona Karkonoszy, a well-known event company from Sosnówka near Karpacz, will organize attractions for every integration trip.
Integration games for adults?
Integration games for adults are best matched to the specificity of the group, the interests of the participants and the nature of the work performed on a daily basis. It is also important to provide employees with time to talk freely and establish closer relationships when organizing integration games for adults. Preparing activity games for adults requires some planning and organization, but can be very effective in building relationships between employees and increasing their motivation and commitment to work.
What do proven integration games teach?
All integration games teach, above all, how to build proper relationships between people and improve communication between crew members. The task of integration games is - through fun and recreation - to lead people to get to know each other better. And also to gain more trust in each other and learn to cooperate. Thanks to integration games, you can build a strong and harmonious team.