The organization of corporate events has become a permanent fixture in enterprises. Events, trainings, integration trips are now a standard element of the functioning of many organizations. Also congresses, conferences and business meetings have become commonplace in many industries. So how should the organization of corporate events look like? Below are some tips.
- Determining the goal - what will the company event give us?
- Company party
- What do employees like? How to choose the nature of the event?
- Organization of corporate events - choice of place
- A place for a corporate event
- Last minute event
- Company trip - team building
- Organization of events - ideas
- Organization of corporate events - conferences
- Organization of corporate events in Wrocław
- Corporate beer party
- Corporate events Sosnówka near Karpacz
- Corporate event with elements of team building
- Team integration
- Team building
- Does organizing corporate events bring benefits?
- Integration event and event
- Corporate events organizer - how to choose?
Determining the goal - what will the company event give us?
Organization of corporate events should start with establishing its purpose. We have to answer the question: why are we organizing it? What do we want to achieve in this way? Knowing the answer, the event organizer is able to best match the nature of the event to the expected results.

It is very important to specify the main purpose of the trip. For example, when we want to celebrate the jubilee of the company and long-term partners, we will put more emphasis on thanks and having fun. There can also be appropriate gifts and souvenir gadgets. If we are looking for new solutions, then when organizing an event, try to plan as many situations as possible that will encourage free conversation. We must also provide a time and place for the so-called brainstorming. In this case, we also need to prepare appropriate, helpful materials. We will do the same if we organize training or workshops. However, if the goal is to integrate and improve the functioning of our crew, it is worth using team building techniques.

The perfect idea to build a strong team are various games based on the rules of competition, for example company games with interesting competitions. Also scenario games, the aim of which is to solve a complicated puzzle, for example, a crime mystery that is so fashionable nowadays. In both forms, it's about cooperation. Participants must be able to communicate efficiently in order to complete the task. Competitive games and activities are the best way to build a harmonious, well-functioning team that will achieve excellent results at work. Competitions for integration events they can be very different, and in fact each will fulfill its task.
Company party
For many people, going away during work is already a unique event and a break from routine. Leisure combined with strengthening bonds - this is the idea of a company event. This is an opportunity to break the ice, to switch to you and get to know each other in informal situations. The waiting time for departure can also be exciting. Questions arise: what to take with you? How to dress?

What do employees like? How to choose the nature of the event?
What do our employees like? What are their expectations? Contrary to appearances, it is not completely obvious. However, the members of the group should always feel comfortable and at ease while playing. The nature and details of the event should be discussed with the team. Thanks to this, it will be possible to adapt it to their expectations. The employer, by organizing an event in the employees' taste, shows them that their opinion is important to him. He proves that he cares for them and cares about their needs. On the website of Dwór Korona Karkonoszy you will find a simple, intuitive event creator that will allow you to plan a unique event on your own terms.

The next step is to choose the nature of the event. An elegant party, a joint trip or a romantic bonfire will be perfect as a form of integration. As part of detachment from work duties, you can offer interesting workshops or an inspiring show. The range of possibilities is really huge. The choice depends on the employer, his ingenuity, financial resources and willingness of employees.
Unforgettable corporate events?

Organization of corporate events - choice of place
The choice of the place should be well thought out. It must ensure maximum comfort. If we organize training at the same time, we need to take care of the right conditions. The modern minimum requirement is a training room that provides comfort and the ability to concentrate. The assembly hall should also be equipped with a projector, multimedia board and sound system. Ideally, the room should be used only for training, and the facility should provide other places for conversations or informal meetings. Guest rooms can have a unique design or present a classic standard. A good example of the first approach is Dwór Korona Karkonoszy. It provides professional facilities and an individualized approach to guests. It has a ballroom for corporate events, which is also one of the most beautiful wedding halls in Lower Silesia. An additional advantage is the beautiful mountain surroundings and the vicinity of the large Sosnówka reservoir. Hotel for integration events you have to choose carefully - the experience of the service and the variety of attractions on offer are very important.
A place for a corporate event
Choosing a venue for a corporate event is crucial. We strongly advise against meeting at the workplace. Employees during a company event should rest, relax and forget about their work duties, and in the company's building it will be difficult, if not impossible. The company's headquarters does not create the right conditions for establishing more private contacts.

Last minute event
How to choose a date for a corporate event? A company event that will take place outside the workplace must be planned well in advance. Employees will then have enough time to arrange care for their children or their favorite pet. They will calmly wonder whether their hiking boots or trekking trousers are still suitable for use? Some people probably forgot that they even had them 😉
Company trip - team building
However, there are situations when a trip was not planned and is really needed. For example, it may be a need to relieve tension after some sudden event. It can also be a form of bonus after reaching the next stage of an important project. Depending on the organizational culture of a given company, trips are also organized on the occasion of promotions or, simply, to discuss strategy and set new goals. Also, non-profit organizations sometimes organize away meetings, for example, to exchange experiences on neutral ground. Sometimes there are simply additional funds that we want to use quickly and sensibly.
Outbound training or successful integration event it is definitely a good investment. Its positive effects in terms of improving interpersonal relationships are usually seen quite quickly. Using such an event to learn new things is an invaluable contribution to the development of the company. Its effects will be long-term.

Organization of events - ideas
When it comes to organizing events, there are virtually no limits. Imagination gives us infinite ideas. Starting from thematic events, even the currently fashionable culinary ones, from folklore games or chess meetings, through survival adventures, treasure hunts, theater workshops or catching secret agents. Board games are back in vogue. It seemed that in the age of multimedia board games would be forgotten, but more and more people want to play in this way. After a long period of limiting professional and social contacts due to the pandemic, I think you just need to relieve yourself.

A social meeting, conference or company event is an opportunity to enjoy the presence of other people again, and not just watch their faces on the computer screen. The specialists of Dwór Korona Karkonoszy have extensive experience in organizing various events with a script, and their creativity seems to be unlimited. I'm sure they'll figure it out interesting and engaging attractions for corporate events.

Photographing and filming at company events, apart from official situations, is rather not recommended. Some people value privacy very much and may not wish to capture and make public the moments when they try their hand at a culinary game or a competition for the best drink. It all depends on the intuition and degree of intimacy in the company.

Organization of corporate events - conferences
Organization of corporate events - regardless of their nature - requires detailed preparation. In the case of a congress, business meeting or conference, we usually deal with experts. Specialists, often in narrow fields, who do not work directly with each other on a daily basis. What they have in common is their knowledge, willingness to exchange experiences, present new achievements or develop a common strategy. For example, medical congresses can influence the development of new methods of treatment, a climate congress can unite various environments to achieve a common goal, which will be the fight against global warming.

The organization of a large conference must be meticulously planned, starting from a convenient date, so as to ensure that as many people as possible can participate in it. You have to take into account various holidays, anniversaries, the holiday season and other cyclical events, among others. The most important thing is to define the purpose of the conference and the target group. Of course, the budget we have, ways of promoting the event and many other aspects are also important. Therefore, it seems that the optimal solution is to entrust the organization of the conference to a company experienced in this respect The Crown of the Karkonosze Manor.

Organization of corporate events in Wrocław
Organization of events. Which place to choose? A great idea is a culinary trip, preferably to a region that is famous for its various delicacies. Lower Silesia - a place of palaces and gardens, is proud of its cheeses, honeys, wines, liqueurs and other delicacies. Mountain landscapes, good infrastructure, friendly people are just some of the advantages of this region. Traditionally, we usually choose walks around the area, but there are many possible activities. Not everyone is prepared for mountain expeditions or other extreme challenges, which are not lacking in this area. A short company trip cannot be overloaded with attractions. Each participant should have take it easy to have time for yourself. Let's plan the trip so that after the official or training part there is time for individual rest or passions. In the evening, however, you can introduce further elements of joint fun.
Corporate beer party
It is a good idea to organize a beer feast with tasty snacks. A unique event organized by Dwór Korona Karkonoszy is a great opportunity to taste the best brewing products (including the delicious craft beer AIPA DKK) in the company of colleagues.

Can also be arranged an integration meeting in a cozy restaurant or a refined ballroom. On this occasion, employees will be able to dress elegantly and feel the importance of the event. Such a meeting must not be complete without catering consisting of hot dishes, cold snacks, delicious desserts and refreshing drinks. Organizing a company event requires taking into account many aspects. It is necessary to think about music, live or from a player. A calm melody in the background will slightly loosen the atmosphere and create a great background for establishing friendly relations. On the other hand, fast, energetic music is essential for a dance party. Participants of the game will certainly be happy to go crazy on the dance floor.
Corporate events Sosnówka near Karpacz
Our facility - Dwór Korona Karkonoszy - is located about 100 km from Wrocław. This is a distance that can be covered without feeling tired from the journey. Participants already feel the taste of the expedition, but at the same time they do not waste too much time getting there. Sosnówka is a town that is actually connected with Karpacz. Its great advantage is the fact that it also allows you to enjoy the view and climate of the beautiful lagoon, and not only the mountains.

Corporate event with elements of team building
Team building is about taking various actions to integrate a group of people so that they create a team. It often affects people who are just getting to know each other. It can also be aimed at deepening ties, improving communication or relationships of people who already work together. In general, the task of team building is to generate maximum team energy to achieve a common goal.
Team integration
Team building techniques are also used in the case of team mergers, restructuring in the company, the need to resolve or prevent conflicts and misunderstandings. They are used to deepen integration. Thanks to team building, you can build mutual trust, increase the level of job satisfaction and develop new solutions. It allows you to better understand your strengths and weaknesses, define your goals and expectations.
The aim of team building is, in addition to fun and relaxation, to achieve lasting, positive effects in the functioning of the group.

Team building most often it is implemented in the form of integration trips. The best results are achieved by placing people in a new environment, and then, through relaxation and rest, teaching them to cooperate. Now, there are thematic events or events based on a specially prepared, interesting scenario. Dwór Korona Karkonoszy offers a large selection of them. Surely everyone will find something for themselves.
Team building
Every employer and employee must have heard about the great power of team building. A well-coordinated team is the key to the company's success. She should ensure that there are no conflicts between team members, and that communication is at the highest level. Adding team building elements will help build a strong team. During the exercises, employees will learn their strengths and weaknesses, as well as learn efficient communication and use the potential of each group member.

Does organizing corporate events bring benefits?
Of course! The answer can only be yes. Company events improve relations in the employee group. In a less formal atmosphere it is easier to establish contacts. They create excellent conditions to talk about topics other than work. It is a great way to integrate employees and improve relations between them. Corporate events are also an opportunity to get away from everyday life. You can finally forget about your responsibilities, work and stress. Employees after a company event are full of energy and enthusiasm. This, of course, translates into their performance at work and the overall success of the company.

During the game, you can quickly tell at what level the team is currently functioning? Is the distance between its members not too great? Do group members help each other or do they compete? Various aspects of the team's functioning at the level of formal business relations remain hidden. Sometimes it is only in a different scenery that we can see likes or dislikes that can affect functioning at work.
A successful integration trip is often perceived as a bonus and a mini holiday. Such a trip also inspires people to think about where and how to spend their free time. It encourages broadly understood activity.
Integration event and event
Czym rożni się impreza integracyjna od eventu? Podstawową różnicą jest zakres tych pojęć. Event to szerszy termin. W języku angielskim oznacza zdarzenie lub wydarzenie Może to być zarówno koncert muzyczny, spotkanie z autorem, wiec wyborczy jak i impreza integracyjna. W branży marketingowej używa się tego słowa w węższym znaczeniu. Jest to celowe, zaplanowane i ściśle zrealizowane wydarzenie, służące do osiągnięcia określonego celu. Na przykład company event to zaplanowana i opłacona przez firmę impreza, której celem jest promocja czy team integration.
In the language of corporations, a specialist in organizing events is referred to as an event manager. He is responsible for the entire event. It must, among other things, set the purpose of the trip, determine the number of participants, plan the meeting place and stick to a strictly defined budget.

Corporate events organizer - how to choose?
The organizer of an integration event should be distinguished by creativity, ease of establishing contacts, a sense of humor and empathy. It should be a rather extroverted person, not shying away from contacts with others, but at the same time meticulous and reliable. It will be best if our event is prepared by someone who has already organized various events. This will avoid mistakes and slip-ups. Such a person will be able to predict various reactions during the task or play.

An experienced event organizer has certainly observed various behaviors of people before, such as a distrustful approach to a certain task or fear of taking advantage of some attractions. Such a person can encourage to play together and at the same time not in any way violate the sense of dignity of its participants (this is important in the case of some competitions). Knowledge of the human psyche and knowledge of how to behave in potentially difficult situations will make the fun successful and our event will be positively received. It will remain in the participants' memory as an unforgettable adventure!

How to organize a party – see event configurator
Frequently Asked Questions
Corporate events Wroclaw?
Wrocław is a city where you will find many interesting places where you can organize corporate events. Restaurants, sports halls, sports fields, ice rinks, conference centers allow you to organize any type of event. However, if you want to find some peace and see a wonderful panorama of the mountains, let's go to a company event in the Karkonosze, Karpacz or its vicinity. The event agency Dwór Korona Karkonoszy, located in Sosnówka, offers 113 attractions for corporate events, conference and ballrooms, excellent catering, boutique rooms in the hotel part and a large garden, ideal for outdoor events.
What is the organization of events?
The organization of events consists in preparing and carrying out an event, which aims to provide participants with entertainment or integration, and most often both at the same time. The organization of events usually involves several steps: setting the purpose of the event; defining the target group; choosing the place and date of the event; preparation of the program of the event; selection of attractions; coordination of the course of the event; event analysis and evaluation. Organization of events certainly requires knowledge, experience and the ability to plan and coordinate activities.
Organization of outdoor events?
The organization of outdoor events is similar to those organized indoors. However, it requires taking into account the influence of weather conditions. If you are looking for a place for an outdoor event, you should choose one that is safe, easily accessible and has adequate infrastructure, such as toilets, electricity, water, etc. Of course, you need to provide appropriate transport for participants and ensure that equipment for the event is provided - tents, chairs, tables, speakers. It is also important to provide food and drinks, you can consider catering or renting food trucks. During outdoor events, guests can be offered attractions in the form of games and integration activities.