Organization of integration events - what do you need to know?

IntegrationTipsTeam building
Organization of integration events - catering

Enterprises should take care of employee relations and try to build a team in which everyone will have a sense of satisfaction coming from belonging to it. One of the most effective methods is the organization of integration events that affect the quality of teamwork. How to create a harmonious and committed team? Read our article and you will find out everything.

What will you learn from the article?

Tworzenie zgranego i efektywnego zespołu to jedno z najważniejszych zadań każdego lidera. Współczesne firmy coraz częściej sięgają po imprezy integracyjne typu team building as a tool for building strong relationships between employees, improving communication and increasing motivation. However, the successful organization of such events requires appropriate preparation and taking into account many elements. In this article, we will present key aspects of organizing team-building events, present ideas for unforgettable events and advise where it is best to organize a company event in Lower Silesia. You will also learn who should be entrusted with this task to ensure maximum benefits and great fun for participants.

Team building, or how to create the best team

Concept team building has been operating in the Polish community for some time. An increasing number of employers are also beginning to see the benefits of a good and well-coordinated team of employees. Team building is a tool for working on a group, which is based primarily on integrating all team members. On the other hand, it allows them to equip them with the skills necessary to work together. Skillfully conducted team building creates a group that independently distributes roles and tasks among themselves. Who knows how to communicate effectively and can make difficult decisions. In short, the employer creates a fully independent team that knows what its duties are and how to achieve its goals.

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Corporate events configurator of the Dwór Korona Karkonoszy event agency

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Organization of team-building events

Team building events must consist of appropriately selected exercises that are intended to bring specific results. The main theme and level of advancement are also important. It should be emphasized that overcoming obstacles together and completing subsequent tasks primarily shape the ability to communicate, understand the differences of individual members in the group and teach how to build and maintain long-term relationships.

Team building and integration

Organizing integration events focused on team building is one of the best ways to achieve success. An ideal team-building event is one that introduces communication skills, teaches assertiveness and conflict resolution in a positive atmosphere.

Doświadczeni organizatorzy potrafią zaproponować idealnie dobrane do danej grupy atrakcje. Dla przykładu, Dwór Korona Karkonoszy oprócz wielu zaskakujących propozycji ma też w zanadrzu 15 niezawodnych zabaw team buildingowych.

The team can learn in the office - that's obvious. However, there is no doubt that integration events are a combination of pleasant and useful, fun with learning. This form of acquiring knowledge is not only more pleasant, but also more effective. This is worth considering when organization of integration events.

An organizer of integration events
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Prince Henry's castle and a view of the Sosnówka Reservoir

Successful organization of integration events - elements

At the very beginning, it is worth defining what we want to achieve by organizing an integration event. Relieving stress, learning new skills, or maybe a combination of the two? In each case, the most important thing is to creatively and actively fill the time of the meeting participants. Team games are a great idea for any team-building event. They allow you to forget, at least for a moment, about the requirements and responsibilities of employees, they integrate perfectly and guarantee a large dose of entertainment. Integration workshops are equally popular, as they not only bring people together, but also allow you to acquire new skills - not necessarily related to the company's profile and activities.

Impreza integracyjna, Dwór Korona Karkonoszy, Sosnówka near Karpacz

Organizing a team-building event – ideas worth considering

The most important thing - let's take care of a good atmosphere! Only if the participants really relax and nothing is forced will they be persuaded to true integration. The rest is details, which we will discuss below.

The organization of an integration event should begin with defining what drives us and what makes us undertake such an undertaking. At this stage, let's imagine what the planned event might look like and why we are doing it. Of course, we assume that the atmosphere of such an event will be nice and that everyone will have fun. This is the basis. The rest are details that of course need to be planned and implemented in order for the plan to come true.

Open-air Events Center of Dwór Korona Karkonoszy

So let's go back to the first step. What is the goal? Is it an integration meeting of people who know each other well and have been working together for years? Or will it be the occasion to celebrate some success or promotions. Or maybe just a jubilee of many years of cooperation or 10th anniversary of the company? Or is it about team integration or introducing completely new colleagues to the company?

Ballroom for the company's jubilee – wedding hall Lower Silesia, The Crown of the Karkonosze Manor, Sosnówka near Karpacz

The next step will be to determine in what form we want to organize an integration event. Will it be a joint outing for a beer or a real integration trip? Companies most often organize such events, combining them with training or briefing. It is convenient because it is formally justified and it is easier to obtain funds. In addition, such a trip organized "with the head" actually brings many benefits for the company.

Budowa maszyny Goldberga, Dwór Korona Karkonoszy, Sosnówka koło Karpacza

Organization of events - where to organize a company event?

If we already know why we want to organize integration party and more or less in what form, the only question left to answer is where? The most important thing is that the place and facility you choose correspond to the original vision of the event. If it was to be, for example, a trip combined with training, then of course the facility we choose must also have adequate facilities. The experience of the organizer and his attitude to your ideas will also be important.

Integration event - selection of the object

The point is that the organizer should not only be open and flexible, but also be able to offer you some proven ones attractions for an integration event. He should also be able to create a good atmosphere and move guests. He must also be able to behave appropriately in any unforeseen situation. An experienced event manager will also help to choose the right scenario and attractions for our group, as well as to see which possible elements require correction in the plan of our integration event. For example, he will know how long the lift actually takes, or how much time a specific team building game takes, and what auxiliary materials should be prepared for it. In a word, let's choose a facility where events are made to measure!

Dwór Korona Karkonoszy Event Center in Sosnówka near Karpacz

Organization of integration events Lower Silesia – where exactly?

Lower Silesia is a real basin when it comes to all kinds of attractions. In this area, nature shows almost the full range of its beauty. There are mountains, water and unlimited space. Also human works, such as castles, palaces, parks and achievements of technology and art accumulate in Lower Silesia. All this, including great collections in museums, concerts and exhibitions, as well as local cuisine and crafts, make it possible to come back here again and again. And in addition, discover this region anew every time!

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Corporate events configurator of the Dwór Korona Karkonoszy event agency

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Remember, however, that integration events have their own rhythm and needs. High culture and the most sublime art require concentration and some preparation. Of course, these elements can be included in the integration trip, but rather as a supplement, not as the main point of company integration. And here again you can return to the advantages of Lower Silesia: canoeing or pontoon trips, hiking trips to the mountains or skiing in winter, rope parks, abandoned mines and adits with their secrets, castles and mansions are only a fraction of the possibilities. Balloon or helicopter flights in the mountains, paintball, field games, bonfires, various types of workshops and many other attractions are within reach. To this you can add great regional cuisine and local crafts. All this together makes the organization of integration events in Lower Silesia give unlimited possibilities, and most importantly, pleasure and satisfaction.

Organization of integration events - Lower Silesia

Dolnośląskie is certainly one of the most attractive tourist regions in Poland. It is enough to mention a few names and concepts, such as Wrocław, Jelenia Góra, the Karkonosze Mountains, Śnieżka, colorful lakes, the land of palaces and gardens, the Table Mountains, the land of extinct volcanoes. Everyone immediately knows which region it is about. And there are pleasant associations immediately. Historically, it is also one of the richest regions - it was here that craft, gardening and brewing flourished, as well as trade and cultural exchange between the Czech Republic, Germany and Poland. Dolnośląskie is also a region with a very rich tourist base. There is no shortage of manor houses and hotels offering interesting attractions and service at the highest level. It is an ideal place for both a longer holiday and a shorter one, for example a two-day trip. And also for all kinds of corporate, integration and team building events. The team invited to the event in a beautiful place in Lower Silesia will certainly appreciate the efforts of the employer.

Sosnówka near Karpacz, view of the reservoir

Organization of integration events in Karpacz

Everyone has probably heard about the highest peak of the Karkonosze Mountains - Śnieżka. About Śnieżne Kotły or the Samotnia hostel probably also. However, not everyone was able to see these places in person. The easiest way to reach them is from Karpacz or from neighboring towns. For example, from Sosnówka near Karpacz. This holiday resort has the additional advantage that it is located on a beautiful lagoon. In combination with the panorama of the Karkonosze Mountains, the view of the lagoon, especially from the ruins of Prince Henry's Castle, makes an amazing impression at any time of the year.

Organization of integration events in the mountains - "geosbox"

Organizacja imprez integracyjnych w górach daje bardzo dużo możliwości. Począwszy od najbardziej popularnego spaceru (bądź wyprawy trekkingowej – w zależności od kondycji) do jazdy na nartach lub snowboardzie. Oczywiście możliwości jest bardzo wiele. Można zaproponować spływ kajakowy lub pontonowy, park linowy lub paintball. Może to też być inna gra terenowa.

One of the most interesting and recently very popular ideas is the so-called "geobox". The fun is that someone hides a letter in a bottle in the field and gives approximate geographic coordinates or some clue to decipher. The task of the players is to decipher the clues and reach the goal. It depends only on the imagination of the organizer where it will lead the participants and what attractions it anticipates along the way and in the final.

Karkonosze forests

Organizing team-building events for employees – what are they good for?

Organizacja imprez integracyjnych dla pracowników to najlepsza metoda na zbudowanie dobrych relacji między nimi. Odpowiednia atmosfera w zespole to również gwarancja prawidłowej komunikacji, i w konsekwencji zwiększenie produktywności i innowacyjności firmy. Profesjonalne podejście do integracji i employer brandingu to przede wszystkim stabilność zatrudnienia w firmie i łatwość pozyskiwania nowych pracowników. Zadowolony pracownik to gwarancja zadowolenia klienta, a także doskonała wizytówka firmy.

At integration events, people get to know each other, get along and sometimes make friends. Let's answer the question ourselves, who would we like to work with? Certainly with people whom we trust, who we like, and perhaps also value. How to build such relationships? Is it possible on the run, under pressure and constantly short of time? Corporate integration is a chance to see something in another person beyond the business relationship. Can you understand his motivations? How to move the matter forward instead of more e-mails, orders or settlements? And in the future, settle small issues with a smile on your face. Integration is the key word!

Integration hearth - Dwór Korona Karkonoszy

Organization of integration events - is it worth it?

In order to answer this question, you first need to consider whether you want to create a team that communicates well and is able to work together. Fortunately, many employers understand that it is employees who work for the company's success. If you belong to this group, we can unequivocally answer - YES. It is worth spending your time and resources on organizing integration events. Just try it once and you'll see how much it can bring to the team and how much more efficient employees will become.

You hire people to give you something back, but you can't expect it if you don't offer anything in return. An employee who feels needed, "taken care of" and important is someone who will bring much more to the company than - let's call it a spade - cheap labor.

creative integration games: team
Creative integration games – impreza integracyjna dla firm

Organizing events – obligation or pleasure?

Organizowanie imprez integracyjnych powierzmy ludziom, którzy lubią towarzystwo, lubią się bawić i jeszcze mają niebanalne poczucie humoru. Sukces gwarantowany! Jeśli nie mamy nikogo takiego w naszym zespole, powierzmy to zadanie profesjonalistom – oczywiście o cechach jak wyżej. Tacy ludzie gwarantują dobrą zabawę i autentyczną integrację. Wiedzą, jak stworzyć zgraną grupę pracowniczą w nietypowy sposób. Potrafią rozluźnić nawet najbardziej spiętego szefa i zbudować zdrowe, mocne relacje między pracownikami.

Integration event in the mountains

An experienced manager knows that his employees can and do take on different roles in the company. Sometimes it is convenient for the subordinate to hide some talents and knowledge for fear of expanding the scope of duties. Conversely, people who do not necessarily have the right predispositions want to be promoted. An integration event is a great opportunity to reveal true talents and rare predispositions or skills. This is an opportunity for everyone to share their passion and get closer to people. For this to happen, it must be free and cheerful. Let's remember that.

Organization of an integration event - what do you need to remember?

For the employee, the most important thing is having fun. If you want to provide it, be prepared to plan. Also, take into account that team building events organized during your free time will be an interesting challenge, as long as you inform the participants well in advance. Employees do not shy away from the opportunity to rest, but respect their private plans and do not surprise with information about the event a few days before the planned start.

Integration competitions - dance

Organization of integration events – who should you entrust it to?

Organizacja imprez integracyjnych to nie lada wyzwanie dla kogoś, kto nie robił tego nigdy wcześniej, a nagle dostał polecenie przygotowania firmowej imprezy integracyjnej. Pierwszy raz może być trudny. Jak się do tego zabrać? Najłatwiej skorzystać z podpowiedzi doświadczonych event managerów. Fachowy organizator imprez firmowych zna wszystkie niuanse tej pracy. Ponadto wiele firm eventowych publikuje na swoich blogach podstawowe informacje. Dobrym przykładem jest swoisty przewodnik w postaci ciekawych artykułów na blog of the Crown of the Karkonosze Court. You can find here not only hints on where to start organizing such events, but also examples of games and integration activities.

Często firmy eventowe oferują szeroki zakres usług, organizując nie tylko imprezy firmowe, ale także rodzinne (komunie, chrzciny, jubileusze) i weddings in the mountains Of course.

Personalizacja jako klucz do skutecznej organizacji imprez integracyjnych dla firm

Współczesna organizacja imprez integracyjnych dla firm wymaga indywidualnego podejścia, dostosowanego do specyfiki zespołu oraz celów przedsiębiorstwa. Przykładem takiego podejścia jest The Crown of the Karkonosze Manor, oferujący różnorodne scenariusze dostosowane do potrzeb każdej firmy. Dzięki temu organization of integration events staje się bardziej efektywna, a uczestnicy chętniej angażują się w proponowane aktywności.

Rola kreatywnych atrakcji w organizacji imprezy integracyjnej

Innowacyjne i angażujące atrakcje stanowią fundament udanej organizing an integration event. Wprowadzenie nietypowych aktywności, takich jak warsztaty kulinarne czy gry terenowe, może znacząco zwiększyć zaangażowanie uczestników. Warto rozważyć organizację imprezy integracyjnej w Karpaczu, gdzie malownicze otoczenie sprzyja kreatywnym formom spędzania czasu. Takie podejście nie tylko integruje zespół, ale również dostarcza niezapomnianych wrażeń, co pozytywnie wpływa na atmosferę w miejscu pracy.

Wybór odpowiedniego organizatora imprez integracyjnych jako gwarancja sukcesu

Kluczowym elementem udanej organization of integration events jest wybór doświadczonego organizatora imprez integracyjnych. Profesjonalna firma zapewni kompleksową obsługę, od planowania po realizację integration meetings, dbając o każdy detal. Współpraca z ekspertami pozwala na uniknięcie potencjalnych problemów logistycznych i gwarantuje, że organization of an integration event przebiegnie sprawnie. Dodatkowo, doświadczeni organizatorzy mogą zaproponować unikalne attractions for a corporate event, które uczynią wydarzenie wyjątkowym.

Jak dopasować atrakcje do profilu zespołu?

Skuteczna organizacja imprez integracyjnych dla firm wymaga dopasowania aktywności do zainteresowań zespołu. Dla osób ceniących ruch idealne będą gry terenowe lub sporty zespołowe. Natomiast warsztaty kulinarne czy artystyczne sprawdzą się wśród miłośników spokojniejszych form integracji. Kluczowe jest uwzględnienie różnic wiekowych i preferencji, by każdy czuł się komfortowo. Organization of integration events for companies powinna także wspierać współpracę i budowanie relacji. Personalizacja wydarzenia zwiększa zaangażowanie uczestników i wzmacnia więzi w zespole.

Błędy przy organizacji imprez integracyjnych dla firm – jak ich uniknąć?

Częsty błąd w organizacji imprez integracyjnych dla firm to brak określonego celu wydarzenia. Niedopasowanie atrakcji do uczestników obniża zaangażowanie, a przeładowany harmonogram utrudnia swobodną integrację. Problemy logistyczne, jak transport czy zakwaterowanie, mogą wpłynąć na komfort uczestników. Aby organizacja imprez integracyjnych dla firm była skuteczna, warto korzystać z doświadczenia profesjonalnych firm eventowych.

Integration events as a form of reward for employees

A good motive for organizing an integration event is not only creating a solid team. Integration events can be a form of reward for previous work. It is also a great opportunity to motivate the team to continue their activity. A properly motivated team is definitely more willing to take on new challenges, will be more creative and ready to achieve even more success.

Center for Outdoor Events, Dwór Korona Karkonoszy, Sosnówka near Karpacz

Integration events are the best way to show employees that you care about them, notice their effort put into work and want to show gratitude in this way. Such an investment in people will pay off with more than you expect!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an integration event?

An integration event is a special event that aims to integrate the team and improve relations between employees. It is also an opportunity to spend time together outside the workplace, which will positively affect relations between employees. An integration event can take a different form, depending on the needs of a given group. Integration events can be sporting, cultural or entertainment. Organizing a team-building event is an important investment in employees that can bring benefits to both employees and the company.

Corporate integration in the mountains?

Corporate integration in the mountains is an excellent option for companies that want to organize an unforgettable event for their employees. The mountains are not only beautiful landscapes and fresh air, but also many opportunities to spend time outdoors. Many different activities can be organized in the mountains, such as climbing, mountain biking, trekking, abseiling and horseback riding. An event in the mountains, for example in the vicinity of Karpacz, is also a chance to unwind, relax and recharge with positive energy, which will contribute to a better atmosphere at work and greater efficiency.

Are team building events mandatory?

There is no legal obligation to organize integration events in the company. However, more and more companies decide to organize such events, because an integrated team of employees contributes to a better atmosphere at work and greater motivation, and thus also better business results. Although integration events are not obligatory, they are becoming more and more popular and constitute an important element of building the organizational culture in the company and the employer branding strategy.

What can you do with integration?

At the integration event, you can organize many different activities, depending on the preferences of the participants and the financial capabilities of the company. Professional event agencies, such as Dwór Korona Karkonoszy from Sosnówka near Karpacz, offer dozens of scenarios for integration events. Thematic events, scenario games, team building games, activities with a hint of adrenaline, cultural attractions, board game tournaments or quizzes, cooking workshops, company Olympics are just some of the proposals for spending time together by employees. It is important to plan an integration event so that everyone can take part in it and have fun at the same time.

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