What should a professionally prepared integration meeting for employees look like? Where and when should it take place? And what formula should we adopt – more or less official? We will dispel your doubts and suggest some proven solutions.
What will you learn from the article?
Integration meetings are an integral part of building an effective team in every organization. They can take various forms, from traditional office meetings, through integration trips, to modern online forms. What exactly is integration? Where is the best place to organize such a meeting? What are the key steps to organizing a successful team building meeting? In our comprehensive guide, we will answer these questions and tell you how to prepare an attractive plan and what interesting attractions are worth including. You will also learn why it is worth investing time and resources in organizing these events and whether online integration meetings have a chance of success. We invite you to read!
- What is integration?
- Where to organize an integration meeting?
- What do you need to know about integration meetings?
- How to organize an integration meeting step by step?
- How to prepare an integration meeting?
- When to organize integration meetings?
- Integration online meetings – can it work?
- What attractions are worth including?
- Why is it worth preparing a plan for an integration meeting?
- Integration meeting in the form of an outgoing event
- Nowoczesne podejście do spotkań integracyjnych
- Personalizacja spotkań integracyjnych – dostosowanie do potrzeb zespołu
- Spotkania integracyjne a rozwój kompetencji miękkich
- Jak zachęcić pracowników do udziału w spotkaniu integracyjnym?
- Jak sprawić, by spotkania integracyjne były zgodne z wartościami firmy?
- Summary
An integration meeting is always a chance to experience something new and nice in the company of other people. In the case of company meetings, it is also an opportunity to improve team relations and create the ground for good cooperation. And although there is no single recipe for a successful integration meeting, in this article we will tell you how to make your meeting close to perfect.
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We will start with a few words about what integration is, and then we will discuss its individual elements. We will also show arguments for and against participating in company integration meetings. We also advise when, where and how organize integration meetingsso that they are attractive and fulfill their team-consolidating purpose.
What is integration?
Najogólniej rzecz ujmując, integracja to proces polegający na łączeniu różnych elementów w pewną całość. Termin ten najczęściej stosowany jest w odniesieniu do ludzi i oznacza on łączenie się ludzi w grupę społeczną. Może dotyczyć też całych środowisk, jak na przykład integracja osób z niepełnosprawnościami, migrantów czy innych grup zagrożonych wykluczeniem społecznym.
Pojęcia tego często używa się również w odniesieniu do różnych dziedzin i zjawisk. Może dotyczyć na przykład procesów gospodarczych, systemów informatycznych, zarządzania itp. Integracja może być spontaniczna lub też w pewien sposób świadomie ukierunkowana – wtedy mamy wpływ na poszczególne etapy integracji.
We are particularly interested in the social dimension of integration. And even more precisely - integration at work.

Atmosphere at work
Research shows that for many people, one of the most important elements for which they stay in a given plant or company is atmosphere at work. The climate of a given place. Relations between employees are very important, especially in a situation where employees could receive similar remuneration elsewhere, or sometimes even slightly more. The key element in deciding whether to stay or leave is how they feel in their surroundings. Let us imagine, for example, a warehouse worker, an assembly worker or a mathematics teacher. Each of these people can perform the same activities in another plant or school. They will probably receive a similar salary for their work.
So what makes them work there and not elsewhere? It turns out that the most important thing is how they feel among other employees. Do they like each other, are they appreciated, do they have something to talk about. Not all of us are aware that, for example, Mrs. Julia has been working with us for 10 years, because she likes to talk about her favorite cat during her coffee break or exchange recipes for delicious tiramisu. And Mr. Marek likes a relaxed atmosphere and the fact that people play harmless pranks on each other.
It is the basic tool for building a good atmosphere and a strong team integration! Dlatego tak ważne jest, aby pracodawcy organizowali spotkania czy wyjazdy integracyjne. To najlepsza okazja, by się odprężyć i lepiej poznać. A atrakcje na imprezy pracownicze stanowią dodatkowy walor takich spotkań. Spotkania integracyjne to sprawdzone integration support.

A good atmosphere allows us not only to retain employees, but also translates into pace and efficiency at work. If employees can get along, they will perform the tasks entrusted to them more efficiently. They will save time and will not waste energy on clearing up misunderstandings. Good relations between them will translate into the achievement of the company's goals, and thus its profit. Such positive energy will certainly influence the emergence of new ideas and faster development. Satisfied employee he will also be loyal to his company.
Where to organize an integration meeting?
Question, where to organize an integration meeting appears immediately after the decision to organize it is made. The place where it is worth organizing a company meeting depends on many factors - the number of participants, the purpose of the meeting, the availability of the location and the company's preferences and budget. It may be a hotel or a conference center, it may be a coworking space.
In turn, restaurants with banquet halls can be an attractive option for business meetings, especially when it comes to business lunches or dinners. And if the meeting is more informal or is to be combined with outdoor activities or team building, parks or nature reserves may be an interesting choice.

It is also worth remembering that some cultural centers, libraries or museums offer renting their spaces for business meetings. This may be an interesting option for companies looking for a unique setting for their meeting.
Integration event for employees
What exactly is it? integration Party? On the one hand, it's kind of a job. But on the other hand, it means relaxation and rest for the crew. An integration meeting is a break from everyday life and immersion, even for a moment, in a different world. Apparently familiar, because we still move in the circle of colleagues from work, but different, because integration meetings usually take place outside the company's headquarters, in some interesting place. Moreover, and very importantly, they do not mean performing ordinary company tasks, but something completely different.
As part of integration, we can dress up as cowboys and build things with our co-workers Goldberg machine, organize mountain river rafting or practice in making the best pizza in the world.
All these attractions allow you to establish or strengthen friendly relations in the work group. Thanks to them, we can learn about our strengths and weaknesses - both as individuals and as a team. We can integrate. But not only that - more importantly, we can get to know each other and like each other.

What do you need to know about integration meetings?
Although team building meetings are a great way to improve communication within the team, they certainly cannot be treated as a cure-all. Serious conflicts within companies cannot be solved even by the best fun - and this must be borne in mind. All clashes, quarrels and conflicts should be resolved on an ongoing basis and not swept under the rug. This should be taken care of by the boss, but also by the employees.
Integration meeting in the mountains?

Integracyjna impreza może natychmiastowo pozytywnie wpłynąć na relacje pracowników i realnie przyczynić się do stworzenia wyjątkowej atmosfery w każdej firmie. Warto korzystać z tego narzędzia w pełni świadomie i wiedzieć, jakie korzyści mogą płynąć ze spotkania integracyjnego. Ostatni etap to zaplanowanie spotkania, które pozwoli osiągnąć wyznaczone cele, a tym samym stworzyć zespół, o którym marzy każda firma.
Why organize an integration meeting?
Not everyone sees the advantages of integration meetings. Some people wonder if integration meetings make sense? And do they bring benefits? And if so, to whom exactly? Employers or employees? Who gains more? The answer to this question is clear. Integration meeting makes sense. And it benefits both parties.
What are the advantages of integration meetings? Advantages for the company - strengthening the employee's loyalty, creating a good team, less fluctuation of staff and a good atmosphere at work. The advantages of integration meetings from the point of view of the crew include establishing friendly relations with colleagues, a chance to show your strengths, and - last but not least - great fun in an interesting place with lots of amazing attractions!

How to organize an integration meeting step by step?
Many managers wonder how to organize an integration meeting? When preparing an employee integration meeting, first of all we must:
1. Establish a preliminary budget.
Knowing what price range we want to stay in will make it easier for us to plan place and meeting time.
2. Choose the form of the integration meeting
Let's consider whether it will be, for example, a training trip combined with a gala dinner or whether we will do it in another form. Those interested often choose thematic events, relating, for example, to a selected era (roaring 20s.!), film or hobbies. It is also popular integration hearth and of various kinds tastings.
An interesting alternative may be, for example, workshops offering an introduction to a given field of art. If we can't decide, it can always be just a reliable, classic party or banquet with a good one menu and dances.

3. Choose a place
It can be, for example, intimate imprezy firmowe w hotelu, located in an interesting area and with good facilities. Such a facility must have the necessary infrastructure and experienced service. However, in the event of insufficient funds, we can simply limit ourselves to going out together in the immediate vicinity. Spend time together at the cinema, and then go out for a beer together. The latter variant is rather a proposal for a newly employed person who wants to "buy in" to an already existing team. When the organizer is the employer, the expectations are certainly much higher.

4. Plan attractions
Depending on the convention adopted, we can provide our guests with additional experiences. Surprise a show of illusion, invite your favorite singer, suggest party games, a fireworks show, barista or professional bartender shows, or live cooking show.
5. Determine menu.
Menu powinno pasować do wariantu spotkania integracyjnego, który wybraliśmy. Na przykład jeśli będzie to uroczysty bankiet, musimy przewidzieć odpowiednie dania i przystawki. Na pikniku oczywiście zaproponujemy całkiem inne potrawy niż podczas gali jubileuszowej.
6. Take note logistical issues.
We have to choose a way to get there, check parking spaces, plan the accommodation of guests. If we want to entrust the organization to an external entity, we must carefully select the contractor, agree the details with him and sign the contract. An experienced event manager will take care of everything and make it possible for us to devote ourselves to strengthening bonds in the team in peace.
How to prepare an integration meeting?
An employee integration meeting should be prepared extremely carefully. Bad experiences in this regard may discourage employees from meetings or team-building trips. Even forever! You cannot afford improvisation or, worse still, mediocrity. It is known that team-building meetings usually mean a moment of respite from everyday company tasks and good fun for the staff, but this is what it looks like from the participants' point of view.
Organizer of corporate events – he is the one who has to make sure that it actually happens company event był atrakcyjny dla załogi. Bez względu na to, czy spotkanie integracyjne organizuje dział HR, PR czy sekretariat lub asystenci prezesa, albo event manager w wybranym hotelu czy firma eventowa, impreza musi zostać profesjonalnie przygotowana. Dlatego event manager looks at the team-building meeting as work and a serious task to be performed, not as fun. There are a lot of issues to be resolved, a lot of matters to be sorted out, and subcontractors to be arranged. And also stay within the planned budget. So you can clearly see that preparation of an integration meeting requires professionalism and commitment.
When to organize integration meetings?
It seems that there is always the right time for a meeting in a good company. However, this is not about meeting your best friends or family. Unless our co-workers are also co-workers, because we run a family business. However, when setting a convenient date for a company event, we should take into account such factors as:
A place for a team-building event?

- dates of state and church holidays;
- so-called long weekends;
- won't our company have to work at higher speeds during this period? For example, if we work in a marketing company and sell a seasonal product, such as ski clothes, then we should not plan additional activities in the winter.
Integration meetings nie powinny odbywać się w wysokim sezonie urlopowym. I za każdym razem zapowiedzmy taki wyjazd z odpowiednim wyprzedzeniem, tak aby pracownicy mogli zorganizować na przykład opiekę dla dzieci czy zwierząt domowych.
However, there may be times when an integration meeting is urgently needed. And they will have to be organized at the last minute. Such a "last minute" meeting may be necessary, for example, on the occasion of hiring new employees, merging departments, a major change in work organization, or a situation when you need to relieve tension. Employees say that sometimes you need to "pop the balloon" or "deflate".
Having a good understanding of what is happening with a given team or crew, we will know when it is simply necessary. Sometimes employees themselves signal that something should be celebrated, for example. Such meetings initiated by employees are needed and are often informal. The employer's concern for a good atmosphere in the company is well received and always appreciated.

A place for an integration meeting?
Integration meetings can be formal and informal. The choice of the form of the meeting is most often on the employer's side, but he often tends to the preferences of his employees. Integration meeting for employees can take place during a cultural event, business trips and training, and even during volunteering. Companies that decide to organize integration meetings gain many times over.

Some wonder if integration event nie zorganizować w miejscu pracy. Pewnie niektóre zakłady dysponowałyby nawet odpowiednią przestrzenią, niezbędną do organizacji tańców czy grilla. Jednak czy to na pewno dobry pomysł? Jeśli impreza firmowa odbywa się w miejscu, w którym i tak spotykamy się na co dzień i gdzie panują pewne określone relacje służbowe, na przykład brygadzista – pracownik czy kierownik projektu – wykonawca, nie do końca można wyjść z tych ról.
What is the cost of an integration meeting?
Cost of the integration meeting may vary significantly depending on many factors, including the location of the event, the number of participants, the duration of the event, the type of attractions and services selected, as well as additional elements such as catering or transport.
It's a good idea to consult with an event agency or meeting company for accurate pricing and event planning. You can also use the corporate event configurator offered by good event agencies to estimate the cost of a planned event integration meeting.

And in a successful one integration It's just about getting to know each other from a different side. It is better to get to know and, consequently, understand each other. It will be easier to do this on neutral ground, especially in an interesting environment. It may turn out that the boss and I have similar passions, but we don't talk about them at work.
Ideas for a team-building meeting
An idea for an integration meeting - sometimes it is not easy to find it. If so far we have rather focused on team building in the field, this time let's organize a dance workshop. Employees recently participated in live cooking shows? Let's take them zorbing this time bubble football or let's offer a sommelier course. Instead of going to the seaside, let's go to the mountains or to a big city. Juggling like this attractions for corporate events, we will always pleasantly surprise employees with something new and fresh.
Of course, it would be best to come up with something innovative, original. However, it seems that everything has already been done in the event industry! However, even if an attraction is not entirely "fresh", it can still be new to our employees. Considering that there are hundreds of ideas for a corporate event, it is impossible for our crew to go through all the scenarios. And besides, you can always choose a new destination. The same activities and events in a different environment will gain a taste of novelty.

Scenario games
Oto kilka tylko podpowiedzi, które można wykorzystać, żeby nadać niepowtarzalny rys naszemu spotkaniu integracyjnemu. Spróbujmy stworzyć zgraną grupę pracowniczą w nietypowy sposób:
- movie-themed party - let's suggest that guests dress up as a selected character from the screen, or let's impose a theme ourselves. It can be a game of cowboys, space heroes, Vikings, etc. In this way, everyone will be able to express themselves.
- fun in the style of a chosen era - a banquet in the style of the 1920s will give us a chance for a certain dose of frivolity ... In turn, we will remember the atmosphere of rebellion and freedom by organizing a pogo party in the style of cult concerts in Jarocin in the 80s.
- gra detektywistyczna – zabawa w łapanie przestępcy czy szpiega? To zawsze wciąga!
Integration online meetings – can it work?
Integration of the entire crew can also take place in the digital environment. Is it possible to have fun in virtual reality? If integracja online dla firm się sprawdzi? Zdania na ten temat są podzielone. Badania pokazują, że motywowanie pracowników pracujących zdalnie jest trudniejsze niż tych, którzy spędzają czas pracy w biurze. Jeśli chodzi o work efficiency, there is also a visible difference to the detriment of remote work. However, it is also worth organizing corporate online events, if there is no other option, for example in the case of very distributed organizations.
The most interesting attractions will probably be impossible to offer to the crew - even a real, non-virtual balloon flight or construction of the Goldberg machine – but it's still worth participating in such company events. This is a way to maintain or create a sense of community in the team.

What to play online? Try online board game platforms that are open to multiple participants. Organize quizzes in which employees can test their knowledge about the company, team or industry topics. Or choose video games that are available online and allow you to play together.
How to choose a place for an integration meeting?
When choosing a place for an integration meeting, it is definitely worth paying attention to such elements as:
- Atrakcyjność miejsca – ludzie chętnie wybiorą się w miejsce dobrze się kojarzące, atrakcyjne turystycznie lub po prostu modne takie jak tutaj – miejsce na wyjazd integracyjny Dolny Śląsk
- Standard – im wyższy, tym event będzie wydawał się bardziej ekskluzywny.
- Availability of accommodation – if the goal is integration, it is best to place everyone in one facility.
- Zaplecze gastronomiczne – dobra kuchnia, na przykład regionalna i niepowtarzalne dania czy piwa rzemieślnicze z pewnością zapadną uczestnikom w pamięć.
- Availability of parking spaces or space for a coach.
- The size of the object, individual sal balowych and rooms.
- A place for a bonfire, garden, possibility of organizing additional atrakcje na imprezy plenerowe e.t.c.

Możesz też zaproponować spotkanie integracyjne w wirtualnej kawiarence, z występem profesjonalnego baristy. Ciekawą opcją integracji wirtualnej będzie sesja gotowania online, podczas której wszyscy mogą uczyć się gotować jakieś danie razem. Przy okazji każdy może podzielić się swoimi przepisami i pomysłami kulinarnymi.
Skorzystaj z możliwości wirtualnych wycieczek, aby wspólnie zwiedzić interesujące miejsca czy muzea online. Warto też organizować spotkania tematyczne, związane na przykład z określonym dniem świątecznym, sezonem czy wydarzeniem branżowym. Każdy może się ubrać zgodnie z tematem, co dodatkowo wzmocni atmosferę integracji.
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What attractions are worth including?
There are plenty of options. Our experience shows that the following work perfectly:
- zabawy team buildingowe – to gry i zabawy nastawione na budowanie dobrych relacji w grupie. Jest to świetny pomysł na rozwój tak zwanych miękkich kompetencji, takich jak umiejętność współpracy i dzielenia się pomysłami, komunikatywność i asertywność. Doświadczony organizator z pewnością będzie wiedział, jakie ćwiczenia na współpracę w zespole pasują do Twojej firmy.
- gry terenowe lub impreza plenerowa – na przykład turniej minigolfa, turniej piłkarski, szukanie skarbów czy wycieczka do parku linowego. Dla wielbicieli mocniejszych wrażeń zorganizujmy paintball, off-road albo spływ pontonowy. Z kolei dla szukających relaksu i odprężenia ciekawy koncert, kręgle, bilard lub po prostu wyjście na miasto albo spacer w malowniczej okolicy będą w sam raz.
- culinary workshops - can be a great opportunity to learn a few culinary secrets. Depending on the needs and willingness, you can also introduce elements of preventive health care. For example, to graphically show how much sugar is in a given food product or to interest participants in the food pyramid. In this case, however, let's not overdo it with didactics and enjoy the taste!
Regardless of which idea for an integration meeting we choose, we will certainly provide our guests with positive energy. With each variant, we build a good atmosphere and create an opportunity to strengthen bonds.

Why is it worth organizing an integration meeting?
Integration meetings are optional for employees, i.e. not obligatory. If someone doesn't want to participate, they shouldn't be forced to. However, it must be admitted that in really interesting meetings everyone willingly participates.
Team building techniques
Integration meeting we sometimes call it a tool for improving communication in the company. And that's how it really is. A well-coordinated group works better and more effectively, is willing to take on new challenges and gives its all to meet the employer's expectations. Organization of integration events for companies in large companies it is handled by the PR or HR department, and in smaller companies it is handled by the direct supervisor. Some companies decide to hire event company or they outsource the organization at the place where the meeting takes place, for example in a hotel.
One of the elements of building a harmonious team are team building techniques. The term itself simply means team building. Within team building There are many treatments, one of the most important is this integration meeting. These techniques work well when creating new teams, changing old structures, or when there is a need to strengthen and improve communication in existing groups. The assumption is that good relationships in the group allow you to work more effectively, and the team will be more creative and motivated.

Dwór Korona Karkonoszy ma ogromne doświadczenie w organizacji spotkań integracyjnych z elementami team buildingu. Oferuje wiele sprawdzonych scenariuszy ciekawych gier i zabaw, które uczą współpracy i prawidłowej komunikacji w grupie. Umieszczając pracowników w nowym otoczeniu, w kameralnym, butikowym hotelu na imprezy integracyjne, poprzez relaks i wypoczynek osiągamy zamierzone efekty integracji grupy. Z pewnością każdy znajdzie tu dla siebie coś inspirującego!

Integration meetings organized by… employees
There is no top-down order that the company organizes it meeting for employees. Therefore, it often happens that the initiative for a meeting comes from people employed in a given company. Such practices are most often observed in companies that do not pay much attention to the atmosphere in the workplace. Then employees, to a certain extent, take matters into their own hands and have to take care of themselves integration meetings. Jednak takie postępowanie nie wystawia dobrego świadectwa pracodawcy. To przede wszystkim on powinien dbać o organizację spotkań i wyjazdów integracyjnych. I traktować tego typu eventy jako niezbędny element employer brandingu.
Integration meetings of employees organized by themselves usually take on a very casual character - there is no dress code and the party lasts until dawn. For various reasons, the bosses are usually not invited to such events, and senior employees are often omitted. Should it be like that? Yes and no. Nothing stands in the way of people working in one place going out to a party together.
It would be fine if, with all this, the employer paid attention to the needs of his team, and decided to organize an official integration meeting. A company that ignores the need for integration does not fare well in the eyes of employees.
What is the dress code for an integration meeting?
This is a basic question that almost every employee asks themselves when they find out that they are going to have a team-building meeting. What is the answer? Of course, choosing the right one dress code’u bankietowego we should depend on the style of the event. However, remember that an integration meeting may spontaneously change its character depending on the mood of the participants... Therefore, it is always worth having the so-called variant B.
Let's also consider how long this meeting will be? After all, it can be a trip combined with training, and later formal dinner or a bonfire. The next day there will be other attractions. In this case, we need to prepare at least three variants of the outfit.
Regardless of the outfit, a good attitude and mood are the key to having fun!

Integration meetings - outfit ideas
There is an old saying that a good dress is a dress that fits the occasion. And at the same time, nowadays, when the rules of the dress code are not so strictly observed, we want to express ourselves through clothes. However, it is worth sticking to a few rules, and keep common sense when choosing an outfit for an integration meeting.
Integration in the mountains?
A charming facility with conference facilities?

First of all, it is appropriate to dress more formally for training, for example a shirt and a sports jacket. If the organizer decides that a casual style is enough during the training, we will also be able to go out for a walk or visit some attraction in such an outfit.
Po drugie, jeśli wiemy, że odbędzie się oficjalna, uroczysta kolacja lub w programie spotkania integracyjnego widzimy bankiet, to trzeba się przygotować na strój wieczorowy. Taka sytuacja z pewnością wymaga bardziej eleganckiego ubioru. Dużo zależy też od miejsca – gdzie przewidziany jest nasz event? Jeśli będzie to na przykład kameralny hotel na wyjazd firmowy, możemy pozwolić sobie na niezobowiązującą elegancję, a czasem nawet odrobinę fantazji.
Thirdly, if the organizer has planned an outdoor event with elements of sports competition, comfortable sports clothes will be necessary.
Variants, of course, can be multiplied. For example, disguised theme party it requires even more preparation and finding the right costume.
Strój na imprezę firmową musi spełniać jeden podstawowy warunek – musimy się w nim dobrze czuć!

Integration events reviews
What opinions do integration events have? It is not easy to answer this question. If we enter the phrase “integration events reviews” into the search engine, we will certainly get a lot of results. Usually employees like it integration meetings, especially those organized outside the company's headquarters. Enthusiasts of outings with work colleagues somewhere out of town to strengthen ties and learn more about themselves and their colleagues are found in every company. Such people then praise trips, writing that they combine business with pleasure, that they had a great time at zorbing or during a detective game. And at the company ball, they danced for all times!
However, we will certainly also find negative comments issued by disappointed employees. Bad because they had to participate at all integration meeting. And they don't like any integration events. In addition, they are introverts and prefer to avoid the company of co-workers outside the company. Such employees are indeed a tough nut for management to convince integration events.
There is also usually a group of people generally favorably disposed to meetings, trips and integration trainings, who just this time did not like the integration proposed by the employer. Then they post negative reviews online. In their opinion, the hotel was not good, the entertainment was boring and the place was unattractive. Everything was just wrong!

However, there is good news - it is easy to change their opinion about company trips. It is enough to listen to the voice of employees more carefully when preparing the next one integration meeting. Plan with your crew team building games and activities, choose a hotel for integration events more carefully, consult the location of the conference facility. This will shift the views of these employees from reluctant or skeptical to downright enthusiastic. And they will certainly be happy to take part in the next integration meeting.
Why is it worth preparing a plan for an integration meeting?
The problem of a poor integration meeting plan also affects employees. Sometimes, however, it is enough to take the initiative and try to talk about it, present your ideas and together find a golden mean that will satisfy both employees and the employer.
For some people, integration meetings are even a necessary evil. Such people do not want to devote their free time to playing with other team members, and if they do, it is rather out of necessity and reluctance to be the proverbial "outsider". Do we have any advice for this? Just like in the case of a boss who is not willing to organize team-building meetings, it is worth changing your approach.

Integration meeting – is it worth taking part in?
Integration meetings have as many supporters as opponents - both on the side of employers and employees. For a company, it is often a luxury that additionally generates significant costs. Another argument against integration meetings is often the reluctance of employees to participate in the event. While it is difficult to argue with the first position, which simply requires a change of approach, in the case of the second situation, an attempt to change the form of the meeting may be a good solution. Perhaps the attractions discourage participation? Or maybe the whole event is conducted in a boring, too conventional way? Let's try something new, let's propose something "fresh". Then the crew will be more enthusiastic about the idea of another integration meeting. Team integration employees is something that needs to be taken into account.
An integration meeting with employees is always a good idea. It brings many benefits to the staff and the employer. Employees will feel that someone cares about them, and bosses will see that many small issues and problems are solved within the team, without using their valuable time. Issues such as replacement work, arranging minor changes in the schedule or direct assistance in completing tasks good team will deal with each other. In the long term, we will certainly see positive effects of integration meetings.
Integration meeting in the form of an outgoing event
When a company organizes an integration meeting, its goal is to integrate employees through... integration games and integration games. Thanks to this, healthy relationships are built, communication within the team improves and, as a result, the team's work efficiency increases. Improving the working atmosphere is what makes the costs of an integration event worth treating as an investment with a high rate of return. Even a one-day meeting is an excellent opportunity to implement team building.
Participation in an integration event is also relationship building. Dobra atmosfera w zespole i pełne życzliwości relacje pracownicze sprawiają, że wyjazdowe spotkanie integracyjne to jedna z często wybieranych form eventu. Sprawdza się zdecydowanie lepiej niż spotkanie integracyjne w godzinach pracy. Jak więc widać także forma spotkania integracyjnego ma znaczenie w kontekście skutecznego team building.

Integration meeting during working hours?
A team-building meeting is a time when employees integrate not only by participating in team building. They can be involved in the preparation of the integration event itself. For this reason, team-building events are better suited for trips outside the workplace. Participants of integration events often assume that it is worth coming to such an integration meeting. They expect that the planned integration activities will be an opportunity to have fun. A form of employee integration is therefore important.

Participants of an integration event who are involved in the preparation of an integration event count not only on team building. Integration of a team of employees, or in other words employee integration, is a great reason to organize an integration trip or organize an integration event. The form of employee integration must take into account their needs and preferences.
Nowoczesne podejście do spotkań integracyjnych
W erze cyfryzacji integration meetings zyskują nowy wymiar dzięki wykorzystaniu nowoczesnych technologii. Firmy coraz częściej sięgają po narzędzia takie jak aplikacje mobilne czy platformy do wideokonferencji, aby uatrakcyjnić integracyjne spotkanie. Przykładem może być organizacja wirtualnych escape roomów czy gier zespołowych online, które angażują uczestników niezależnie od ich lokalizacji. Takie innowacyjne podejście nie tylko sprzyja budowaniu relacji w zespole, ale także pozwala na integrację pracowników pracujących zdalnie.
Personalizacja spotkań integracyjnych – dostosowanie do potrzeb zespołu
Kluczem do udanego integration meeting jest jego personalizacja, czyli dostosowanie formy i treści do specyfiki zespołu. Analiza zainteresowań, preferencji oraz dynamiki grupy pozwala na zaplanowanie aktywności na corporate party, które będą najbardziej efektywne. Na przykład, dla zespołów ceniących aktywność fizyczną, idealne będą warsztaty sportowe czy wyjazdy w góry na imprezę integracyjną w Karpaczu. Natomiast dla grup preferujących spokojniejsze formy spędzania czasu, warto rozważyć warsztaty kulinarne czy artystyczne. Personalizacja integration meetings zwiększa zaangażowanie uczestników i przekłada się na lepsze efekty integracji.
Spotkania integracyjne a rozwój kompetencji miękkich
Integration meetings to doskonała okazja do rozwijania kompetencji miękkich wśród pracowników. Poprzez udział w różnorodnych aktywnościach organizowanych przez The Crown of the Karkonosze Manor, takich jak gry zespołowe czy warsztaty komunikacyjne, uczestnicy uczą się efektywnej współpracy, rozwiązywania konfliktów oraz budowania zaufania w zespole. Organizując spotkania integracyjne dla firm, warto uwzględnić elementy edukacyjne, które wspierają rozwój osobisty pracowników. Warto również zwrócić uwagę na ofertę organizacji imprez rodzinnych, które są świetną okazją do budowania relacji i wzmacniania więzi.
Jak zachęcić pracowników do udziału w spotkaniu integracyjnym?
Aby skutecznie zachęcić pracowników do udziału w spotkaniach integracyjnych, warto podkreślić ich korzyści, takie jak lepsza komunikacja i współpraca. Powinny być one dostosowane do zainteresowań zespołu, co zwiększy ich zaangażowanie. Ważne jest, aby uczestnicy mieli wpływ na przebieg spotkania, np. poprzez wybór aktywności. Jasna komunikacja na temat celu wydarzenia rozwieje obawy i zmotywuje do uczestnictwa. Dobrym rozwiązaniem jest także organizowanie integration meetings w dogodnym terminie, co zwiększy frekwencję.
Jak sprawić, by spotkania integracyjne były zgodne z wartościami firmy?
To integration meetings odzwierciedlały wartości firmy, warto wpleść je w program wydarzenia. Jeśli firma ceni innowacyjność, można zaplanować kreatywne warsztaty. Przykładem spójności z kulturą organizacyjną są aktywności sportowe dla firm promujących zdrowy styl życia. Podczas integration meetings warto również angażować się w projekty prospołeczne, podkreślające zaangażowanie firmy w społeczność.
As you can see from the above article, the topic of integration meetings can be considered in many aspects. It's important to remember that integration is of great importance for the good functioning of the team and that the best way to nurture it is through regular integration meetings. They may take the form of training, company events or meetings in other formats. Participating in them can not only bring a lot of satisfaction, but also allows you to get to know your co-workers better and improve your communication with them.
Effective integration meetings?

If you are interested in the topic of company integration and team building, please check out other articles on our website blog or contact our specialist in corporate integration events.
How to organize a party – see event configurator
Frequently Asked Questions
A hotel for an integration meeting in the mountains?
One of the leaders in the event industry and organization of corporate events is Dwór Korona Karkonoszy in Sosnówka near Karpacz. Many companies have already chosen it as a hotel for an integration meeting in the mountains. In addition to professional service, training and ballrooms and catering, it also has its own outdoor events center and unique boutique rooms. There are also over 100 different attractions for company events to choose from.
Attractions for an integration meeting?
Dwór Korona Karkonoszy in Sosnówka near Karpacz offers 113 attractions for integration meetings. These include, for example, balloon or helicopter flights, snowmobiles, rafting, paintball, company Olympics, field and scenario games, including crime puzzles to solve. There is also a proposal for theater or culinary workshops, building a Goldberg machine, as well as off-road rallies, bubble football and many others. Comprehensive event organization is what this experienced event agency offers.
A place for integration meetings?
Where to organize a meeting for employees? The ideal place for integration meetings is one with a view of the mountains and near the water. Located in Sosnówka near Karpacz, Dwór Korona Karkonoszy provides both. Regardless of the weather, you can prepare an integration meeting in any format. You can also choose many interesting additional attractions from over 100 different proposals.
Team building ideas?
It is best to prepare an integration meeting according to a plan or scenario with elements of surprise and surprises for the participants. An idea for an integration meeting may be to prepare a theme party or fun competitions to be performed during the company Olympics, for example in alcohol goggles. Field and scenario games will also work, but also a traditional company campfire in the mountains and a joint tasting of local craft specialties.
How to dress for an integration meeting?
It is best to dress for an integration meeting in a way that makes you feel comfortable and relaxed. If the organizer announces, for example, a walk to the mountains or a company bonfire, we must also have appropriate shoes, a sports sweatshirt and possibly a small backpack. In the case of an integration meeting in the form of a banquet or a gala dinner and dancing, our attire must certainly be more elegant. Undoubtedly, informal team-building events require different attire than balls or formal team-building dinners.