In the past, the corporate world was governed by complicated rules and serious get-togethers. Today, gamification is included in the price. It turns out that team games - integrating or stimulating creativity - are as effective as formal training.

Why were team-building games invented?
The breakthrough was the research conducted in the 90s, which shows that we remember only 10 percent. 20% of what we read what we hear, 30 percent. of what we see, but as much as 70 percent what we talk about with others, 80 percent of what has been experienced by us and as much as 95 percent what we teach others. This shows why it is worth developing both soft skills and practical skills needed in everyday work in the course of team-building games.
Particularly now, such integration of employees is important. According to reports, the forced isolation of recent months has statistically reduced the productivity of each of them by up to 21 percent. At this special time group activities are important not only from a professional point of view. Perhaps for your employees they will be what they have been waiting for for a long time? Integration game should be fun for the participants. A well-conducted game of this type will appeal to everyone, regardless of age and will allow to bring out the individual potential of all team members.
Is your team tired of working remotely?
Reset in the mountains will restore his energy to action!
Which team-building games work well?
Bosses sometimes avoid the topic of team-building games because they are terrified of costs and organizational problems. Meanwhile, there is a whole group of such activities that do not require any preparation. They can be played in pairs or teams and are all about asking questions and answering.
For example: the boss lists activities such as marriage, tree felling, work at the zoo. Then, divided into pairs, the participants have to ask themselves one question that determines whether their partners are suitable for the role. What would that question be? Another similar exercise is that everyone closes their eyes and imagines the most beautiful moments of their lives. Then the host asks them to narrow down this catalog to the most beautiful 30 seconds. In the concluding part, each participant shares a selected moment aloud.
Another simple exercise: at the beginning of a workshop or meeting, participants write on the board what is important to them. They must agree on the rules that will apply during the event (e.g. we do not talk about politics, everyone has the right to speak, we do not prolong meetings, etc.). This is just one of the categories of team-building games, and yet there are more team games, reflex exercises etc. Especially culinary or joint tournaments survival can unite the company team.

Creativity games
Pojemną kategorią integracyjnych gier zespołowych są te pobudzające kreatywność. To wszystkie zajęcia, które wymagają rysowania, malowania czy robienia kolaży. Ale nie tylko, bo można też pisać scenariusze firmowych filmów promocyjnych, śpiewać i przebierać się. Również kulinarne warsztaty firmowe mogą dać uczestnikom mnóstwo zabawy. Szefowie zwykle nie przepadają za drużynowymi grami on-line, bo odciągają one pracowników od tego, co najważniejsze. Przyzwolenie od czasu do czasu na kilka godzin gry w wybraną grę sieciową może jednak zrelaksować i zjednoczyć zespół bardziej, niż skomplikowane gry psychologiczne pod okiem trenera.
Fun is also included in this category escape rooms. The rules are simple. Just imagine that the office door is closed. However, you cannot use force to open it, and you have to survive for several days with the help of the equipment gathered in the office. While away, you can also organize a larger game in the field, in which you will have to perform tasks in certain places on the map. And the winning team can count on a prize. Choose a center that has its own training rooms, and after such a day of excitement you will be able to give away prizes at an official banquet or treat the whole thing as a starting point for other group activities. Usually integration hearthbut combined with an RPG game or cooking together in a cauldron, it can unite people who do not talk to each other in the office on a daily basis.
Integration puzzle team games
The last category of integration games worth mentioning is team-building games - logical puzzles. From ordinary puzzles, through solving ciphers, to criminal puzzles. In the UK, evenings at a country house with dinner are very popular, during which it turns out that one of the participants is missing. In the course of the investigation, the others must solve the mystery.

If you would like to organize something like this at Dwór Korona Karkonoszy, please contact us. Together we will choose the menu, scenario and additional attractions that will make the trip unforgettable!