Comedies about integration trips revealed the truth that many had known for a long time. Not every investment in integration makes sense. And yet integration games for employees, they can also develop competencies and serve to achieve deeper corporate goals.
What will you learn from the article?
Are you wondering whether it is worth investing time and resources in organizing team-building games for employees? The answer is yes! Integration games are an excellent way to build strong and well-coordinated teams that can cooperate effectively in any situation. In the text below, we will look at various types of team-building games - from creative challenges that stimulate logic, through games for employees who have known each other for years, to those ideal for new team members. You will also learn what games work well during team-building trips and why a strong team is the basis for the success of every company. Get ready for a lot of inspiration and practical tips!
- Integration games for employees - why is it worth organizing them?
- Creative integration games for employees
- Games that stimulate the sense of logic – what are they?
- Games for employees who know each other like "bald horses"
- Fun for new team members
- Integration games for employees - examples
- What to play during an integration trip?
- Why is a strong team essential?
- What integration games work?
There is nothing wrong with integration games for employees, consisting in singing together by the fire or partying. Before each such trip, however, it is worth asking yourself whether it serves the achievement of previously defined goals. If not, you can also think about more sublime types of fun, which are listed below.
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Integration games for employees - why is it worth organizing them?
Every company would like to achieve excellent results on the market, generate high profits and enjoy great popularity in its industry. The key to success is offering excellent services or products, high standards of customer service and an excellent strategy (including marketing or PR strategy). However, that's not all! In order to realize oneself in the industry and be successful, a well-coordinated group of employees is necessary. How to build it? Integration is the solution!
Integracja grupy powinna być nieodłącznym elementem funkcjonowania każdej firmy. To od niej w dużej mierze zależy efektywność wykonywanych zadań służbowych, atmosfera w pracy i relacje w zespole. Celem integracji jest bowiem zbudowanie i utrzymanie silnych, przyjacielskich więzi między pracownikami, które korzystnie wpłyną na ich pracę. W przypadku nowo powstałych zespołów integracja może być narzędziem służącym do lepszego poznania się współpracowników.
There are different forms of integration. Undoubtedly, the most popular are integration games, which, apart from their basic function, i.e. improving relations in the team and relaxing the atmosphere, allow you to spend time in a nice way and provide lots of laughter and unforgettable impressions.

Creative integration games?

Creative integration games for employees
Integration games for employees can stimulate the sense of logic, creativity or social competence. On a daily basis, the company is dominated by tasks that require the activation of the right hemisphere of the brain - counting or analyzing. However, the most important companies in the technology industry today are famous for their creative approach to solving problems, which gives them a significant advantage over the competition. This is an important competence also for employees who may suffer if their creative side is not noticed and used. Even in a psychological office, you can hear that gardening or creative work positively affect the reduction of stress and mood. It is therefore worth engaging employees in such integration games.
Creative integration games for employees arranged directly in the company are often well-known methods and the same as usual training room. A creative approach helps to break with the routine and look at yourself or the team in a new way. Sometimes this way you can find a completely new role for yourself or a solution to a problem that has been bothering you for a long time.
Why is it worth organizing team-building events away from home?
Is it worth decorating? outdoor integration games? Yes of course! Why is it better to conduct integration workshops abroad than in the place of work or residence?
Integration or team building games that take place outside the company's headquarters engage employees to a much greater extent and attract their attention. The trip makes the crew break away from everyday matters. He stops thinking about household chores and a thousand things to do, for which there is always no time. Employees stop looking at the clock, looking for the end of the meeting, because they know that the company event will last another day or day. And that in addition to integration workshops, there are other attractions waiting for them, such as a bonfire or a dance party or trip to the mountains. All these activities, even if they don't have "integration" in their name, do just that. Sometimes directly, sometimes in a veiled way, they allow colleagues to get to know each other better and establish friendly relations.
Therefore, it is worth investing in a trip for employees, and during it, give them a chance to both have fun and exercise creativity, logical thinking, cooperation and communication.

Games that stimulate the sense of logic – what are they?
There are also industries, such as advertising or graphics, where you don't have to explain to anyone how to have fun or find a creative solution to a problem. Worse with mundane practical matters. More logical team tasks, such as board games and puzzles, can help to understand them. Survival tasks can also work, where you need to focus on the challenge and the goal, which is, for example, lighting a fire or building a hut. So much harder integration games for staff they are great as a test before you entrust someone with a difficult task or a new role. It is worth testing the team in such a crisis, but still arranged, situation before they have to test themselves in a real crisis situation, which sooner or later will occur in every company.
Games for employees who know each other like "bald horses"
Another integration games for employees they work well when the team has known each other for years. Theoretically, it no longer needs integration and teambuilding. It is likely that the group has already been to parties many times, sang karaoke together or participated in trivial integration games. So here are the most original ideas for team building. Solving a criminal mystery together or cooking together will help break the team out of the routine. Perhaps someone will discover themselves in a new role or find their vocation?
Hiking with a guide in the mountains off-trail, available in Dwór Korona Karkonoszy, may also be interesting. Many colleagues dream of finding themselves in a different scenery at least once and not talking about the company. The mountains are a beautiful background for such friendships discovered after years. Ladies may really like the workshops on personal image. Everyone dreams of a change from time to time, and the opportunity to go through it among colleagues known for years will help tighten ties and gain a new look at yourself and the environment.

Fun for new team members
Completely different challenges face a team that is just getting to know each other. Here, the goal is not so much to make friends as to build initial social relations and get to know the potential of group members. Advanced psychological workshops, in which you have to trust a colleague during a jump, for example, will not be the best idea if the new people do not know each other at all. Instead, it is better to focus on tasks that will allow them to become bold in their own company and get to know each other a little better. It can be a beer feast with snacks or a karaoke party. If, on the other hand, workshops are held in a relaxed atmosphere, for example brewing workshops. All of the mentioned team-building games for employees should take place away from the company's headquarters. This gives the impression that the atmosphere is authentic, and work colleagues begin to appear as friends and can reveal features that cannot be seen every day in the office.
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Integration games for employees - examples
several days integration trip can bring many benefits. A trip to a unique place will provide employees with a lot of great fun, bring them closer together and allow them to relax. It will be a great break from everyday life and professional duties, and thanks to this, it will make employees return to work with new motivation and energy.
The organization of a company trip filled to the brim with integration games should start with defining the detailed destination of the trip. Will it be a classic integration, which is supposed to loosen the atmosphere and bring employees closer, or maybe a trip of a newly formed team, where employees will be able to get to know each other better. Setting a goal will make it easier to choose a place and, most importantly, choose the right integration games.
Where to organize an integration trip?
A place for an integration trip it should be comfortable, suited to the nature of the journey and charming in its own way. It is worth choosing a hotel located in a picturesque area. The proximity of nature and beautiful, breathtaking views are conducive to relaxation and building friendly relationships. The standard of accommodation is also important. Each participant should be provided with a place in a comfortable room where they can rest after an eventful day. The facility should offer tasty and nutritious food that will provide participants with a lot of energy. Access to attractions is also of great importance.

What to play during an integration trip?
The most important element of a company trip are integration games. Games should be adapted to the destination, because only then will they bring the expected results. Integration games can be divided into:
- creative,
- stimulating the sense of logic,
- intended for "old" employee teams,
- intended for "new" employee teams.
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What are the individual ones integration games?
Zabawy i integration games to doskonały sposób na budowanie silnych, zgranych zespołów. Kluczem jest znalezienie odpowiedniego rodzaju gry integracyjnej, która będzie odpowiadać Twoim potrzebom i celom. Właśnie do nich trzeba dobrać integration games.

Team building for employees
How to build a strong and stable company? This requires employees. Loyal, creative, willing to take on new challenges. Team building is a very important aspect of company culture because it creates an environment where employees feel they can be themselves. Working in a team means cooperation and communication, and for them to exist, trust is needed. This requires team building, i.e. a set of activities aimed at building strong relationships within the team.
Why is a strong team essential?
For integration to be effective, there must first of all be healthy relationships between all components of the company. Starting from the top management, through managers of various levels, to production employees who create what we call the "work force". All these pieces of the puzzle are necessary to achieve the synergy effect. Thus, cooperation in such a way that will allow to achieve a better effect than would result from the sum of the results achieved by individual units. As only by combining the experience, knowledge and skills of individual employees we will achieve success.
Running a business is a team effort, so it requires teamwork. And employees should feel part of the team, and know where their place is in the group. A clear division of roles, tasks and responsibilities will allow the company to operate without major disruptions. Employees in a well-functioning team help each other in fulfilling their duties, support and motivate each other. That is why they are organized from time to time team building games are essential both for employees and for the successful development of the company.

relationship cannot be created overnight and on demand. It takes time and the opportunity to get to know each other better. New team members need to build relationships, and it's best to start with an off-site event or two. Especially since many employees dream of being in an environment where they don't talk about business all day long, but rather have fun in a friendly circle. Of course, this does not mean that such trips are unproductive from the company's point of view. On the contrary, employees during such events break the routine and gain a fresh perspective on the problems they left in the company.
What integration games work?
Companies that want to stimulate the creativity of their employees should consider organizing team-building games. These types of activities can help employees relieve stress or anxiety that is an inherent part of life and work. They will let you forget about tables and results, and focus on team relations and soft skills exercises. The well-being of employees will undoubtedly have a positive impact on their productivity and performance at work. For it to exist effective teamworkteam must be formed first. And it has to be not only in name, but there must actually be some kind of bond and community between employees.
Team building games can be a great way to get to know and bring employees from different departments together. This is especially important in larger companies or organizations where representatives of different units do not have the opportunity to get to know each other on a daily basis. Company trip it is an excellent opportunity for integration for such teams, which only then will feel united. They will see that they have the same goal, even if they only deal with a part of the company's activities.

What to look for when choosing team-building games for employees?
- Entertainment must meet the set goals. For example, if an employer wants his employees to get to know each other better, he should focus on integration games that will make it easier for them. Games such as "Two Truths and a Lie", "Truth or Dare" or "Character Trait" will be perfect in this case.
- Integration games for employees must be interesting and engaging. They should effectively interest employees. If the participants fully engage in the tasks, the integration will bring the expected results.
- Integration games should ideally match the tastes of employees. At the stage of organizing integration, it is worth conducting a short survey among subordinates in order to learn about their preferences and expectations. This will facilitate the selection of appropriate integration games.
- Integracja w pracy to doskonały sposób na przerwę od obowiązków służbowych. Jednak dużo lepszą opcją jest zaplanowanie niepowtarzalnego wyjazdu obfitującego w zabawy integracyjne dla pracowników. Taka podróż przyniesie zdecydowanie lepsze efekty. Nie tylko zbliży pracowników do siebie i rozluźni atmosferę, ale także dostarczy uczestnikom mnóstwa niezapomnianych wrażeń.

several days company trip with team-building games for employees can do wonders for improving the company's morale, because it gives the opportunity to break away from the daily routine to improve mutual relations, as well as increase creativity outside of working hours. Integration games are a way to build trust in the team and increase the involvement of employees in the performance of their tasks.

Integration games for employees - summary
Integration games are an effective way to build a strong, harmonious and well-functioning team. This is the key to strengthening friendly relations between employees and creating a relaxed, pleasant atmosphere in the workplace. Integration games can develop creativity, stimulate the sense of logic and improve other valuable skills useful in everyday performance of official duties. Thanks to them, the team works more efficiently, effectively and efficiently. Employees feel good in each other's company, and thanks to this they are more motivated to act.
Frequently Asked Questions
Integration games in the mountains?
Integration games in the mountains can be a great way to integrate the team, and at the same time provide them with interesting experiences. Here are some suggestions for integration games that can be organized in the mountains: off-road rallies, climbing, Nordic walking, rope park, paintball, gliding, hot air ballooning, mountain biking, canoeing or rafting on a mountain river, training game - treasure hunt in mountains, survival. These integration games are just a few of the many possibilities. Experienced event agencies, such as Dwór Korona Karkonoszy in Sosnówka near Karpacz, offer over 100 attractions, games and activities for corporate events.
What do integration games give?
Integration games bring many benefits to both the company and employees. What? Integration games and activities: help integrate new employees; improve team relations; enable employees to get to know each other better; increase work engagement; improve communication; increase creativity; reduce stress. So it's worth betting on team building.
How to integrate a group?
Integration of the group is a process that requires time, effort and commitment on the part of all employees. What are the best ways to integrate? Integration games and plays, because they allow you to establish relationships with other members of the group. Workshops and integration trainings will also prove useful, which will increase the skills and competences of group members. During such training, employees can better understand their strengths and weaknesses. It is best to organize them regularly, for example during integration trips, for example in the Karkonosze Mountains.