Różnego rodzaju agencje eventowo-turystyczne oferują pod wieloma nazwami rozmaite imprezy dla firm. Czasem chodzi tylko o terminologię, ale niekiedy to od niej zależy sposób rozliczania eventu, zakres usług czy oferowane ubezpieczenie. Czym różni się np. tourist event od usługi? O tym poniżej.

Tourist event and tourist service
EU regulations give Poles additional rights when it comes to complaints or resignation from services. However, this involves additional definitions. In the case of organized trips, it is especially important definition of a tourist event. In short it is:
- two or more tourist services (a tourist service is e.g. transport, accommodation or specific attractions).
- Each component is an important element of the trip - a minimum of 25 percent. its value.
- A trip that lasts more than 24 hours, unless it includes an overnight stay (e.g. a conference that starts at 4:00 p.m. ends at 12:00 p.m., but includes accommodation).
- A package bought in one place (e.g. visiting a vineyard, dinner in a restaurant and accommodation purchased from the organizer, even if each component is offered by a different company).
All this matters because, according to the law, the organizer of a tourist event must provide you with clear information about each component of the trip and define in advance the rules for terminating the contract. The regulations specify, for example, the rules under which the organizer of a tourist event may increase its price after concluding the contract. It can only do this if costs (e.g. fuel) increase. This cannot happen later than 20 days before the event, and if the costs increase by more than 8%, you have the right to terminate the contract without incurring additional fees.
As you can see, the concept of a tourist event is very important from the point of view of the holidaymaker's interests. Many companies are wondering how to organize an event? Sometimes leaving with yoga or a weekend on the farm is organized by a small company. The rules are not fully defined, and you find out about the costs late. It is worth knowing that even if the organizer is not aware that he is offering a tourist event, as long as he meets the descriptione above conditions, legal regulations apply to him.

The organizer of the tourist event is also the hotel, which offers, for example, culinary workshops and balloon flights, and all this is organized by an external company. If, on the other hand, the hotel offers, for example, accommodation, meals and a bonfire with sausages, but organizes everything on its own and within the same price, then it can rather be said that it is an overnight stay with meals.
Tourist party with a tourist voucher?
W 2020 roku z uwagi na pandemię wprowadzono bon turystyczny. To określona kwota, którą można wydać w hotelu, gospodarstwie agroturystycznym czy pensjonacie. Ostatnio zmodyfikowano przepisy regulujące korzystanie z bonu. Obecnie impreza turystyczna nie musi obejmować noclegu, by można było za nią zapłacić bonem. To ratunek dla tych, którzy nie mogą przyjmować gości na noc z powodów sanitarnych, ale organizują całodniowe warsztaty czy inne atrakcje na świeżym powietrzu. Bonem można też płacić za pakiety, obejmujące np. przejazdy, zwiedzanie i zajęcia sportowe czy rekreacyjne.
Do you think that organizing a tourist event is too much to deal with?
Bet on cooperation with a company that will take care of everything comprehensively!

Tourist event and business trip
From the employee's point of view, the concept of a business trip is also important. Statutory regulations apply to those who work in state and local government enterprises (e.g. hospital, school). In private companies, the settlement and organization of business trips is carried out on the terms set out in the company regulations. Delegation and business trip are terms used interchangeably. The employee has the right to reimbursement of the costs of going on a business trip or other business trip. He is also entitled to a delegation allowance. If the employer does not provide him with transport and meals (e.g. travel by coach and lunch on company meeting in the mountains where the employee is to give a lecture), you must keep receipts and invoices documenting the expenses incurred.
Training, courses and coaching
Organization of corporate events it doesn't seem to be anything complicated. Meanwhile, it turns out. That many details matter. For example, training, conferences or coaching are not legally treated as business trips. They should be voluntary, although in practice many employers expect participation.
It is worth concluding a training contract with the employer, in which the basic principles will be describedrunes. For example, it is common for an employee who is to attend an expensive skills training course to commit not to leave the job for a specified period of time after completing the training. If he breaks this agreement, the employer can ask him for reimbursement training.

During a course or coaching, the employer may, but does not have to, cover the employee's accommodation costs. When it comes to corporate integration events, to tu trudniej określić, czy jest to prawo, czy obowiązek pracownika. Kodeks pracy reguluje kwestię imprez integracyjnych i szkoleń, które odbywają się w siedzibie firmy. Jeśli odbywają się w ciągu dnia, to zaliczają się one do czasu pracy i należy się za nie wynagrodzenie. W przypadku, gdy team-building odbywa się poza firmą, np. wieczorem lub w weekend w sali szkoleniowej za miastem, to czas ten nie jest raczej wliczany do czasu pracy. Ewentualne dodatkowe zasady ustala z pracownikami bezpośrednio szef.
How to organize a party – see event configurator