Undoubtedly, the most popular wedding season among young couples is still summer. Every bride dreams to show herself in all her glory and splendour, put on a beautiful dress and shine in the sun. Many couples don't even want to hear about getting married in early spring, late fall, let alone winter. In fact, weddings can take place at any time of the year. And a wedding in winter can be as beautiful as in the middle of summer.
wedding season
Let's imagine romantically whirling flakes of white fluff, the Bride like a snow queen on a sleigh and in a white fur coat, a fairy-tale atmosphere all around, lanterns and beautifully placed torches everywhere. The flame of the bonfire is visible from afar. Approaching closer, we feel a pleasant warmth, even though the snow crunches under our feet. Guests are greeted with mulled wine of their own recipe. After satisfying the first thirst, it's time for an appetizer: baked sausages, potatoes and, for the really hungry, roast wild boar. After a little something, we invite you to our ice bar, where drinks are served in glasses made of ice!!!!
Late in the evening we move to Lapland for a moment, because after midnight a show of sculpting in blocks of ice is planned, which must impress all guests. This accent will certainly be appreciated by children, both the younger and slightly older ones. After pleasant attractions outside, we invite guests to our manor, where they are greeted by the warmth of the fireplace and the pleasant twilight of candles. It's moody, romantic, festive. The colors are gold, silver, with a hint of white and red…. That's what it might look like wedding in winter… A fairy-tale wedding!

Autumn wedding
In autumn, we will be enchanted by colorful leaves spinning around. This is the most beautiful month for a great wedding session! The riot of autumn colors of the Karkonosze Mountains is like a painting by an impressionist artist.
Pleasant rays of the sun enveloping the Bride and Groom, and in the background unforgettable views and amazing scenery of the mountains will delight everyone. Joanna Hoc-Kopiej, a wedding expert, adds: “In the evening, you can stroll through the beautifully lit garden with a cup of tea or a glass of wine. Although the autumn months can be surprisingly warm, so that nothing spoils admiring the views and being outdoors, guests should remember about outer clothing. It's usually pleasantly warm at this time of year, but not sweltering - which can be a big plus for the elderly and children."

In the autumn, the bride has the opportunity to present not only a beautiful dress, but also boleros or capes. In late winter, a warm coat. In case of bad weather, you can also buy a special, stylish wedding umbrella, which can be easily purchased in many salons and boutiques.
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Spring - wedding season is about to start
"Spring, spring, spring, oh it's you" - sang Marek Grechuta. This time of year everything comes to life. Blooming shrubs and flowers create a unique atmosphere. The first buds on the trees, birds singing, the sun timidly coming out from behind the clouds.
Spring is a new life, so it's the perfect time for marriage and a new way of life. Instead of a veil, the bride can wear a flower wreath, and the dress can be more girlish, with more bows and ruffles. Tradition also says that one of the best times to get married is Easter, so it's no wonder that spring is the most popular date after summer. Spring is also the time of lovers, which also bodes well for our relationship in the long run :)

When deciding on the selected wedding season, remember that it can be equally beautiful at any time of the year. You just need to bring out this beauty in the right way, to which we cordially encourage future young couples as well as all wedding guests.