Wedding guests more and more often prefer to go on vacation in the summer than to go to a wedding. In addition, participation in the ceremony is associated with costs. Large expenses during the only holidays of the year do not make many guests happy. This can be especially troublesome for those who go on holiday because of their children. So how to optimally choose the date of the wedding and reception? And is it even possible? We check.
How to choose the date of the wedding and wedding reception in the week
We usually plan the wedding and reception long months before the actual date of the party. Looking at the calendar, the Young Couple often takes into account only weekends, most often focusing their attention on Saturday, and reserving after-party for Sunday. Despite the fact that more and more couples decide on a date in the middle of the week, there is still a conviction that weekends are more important than other days of the week.
Do you dream of a wedding, but the organization scares you?
You are in good hands. We'll take care of everything.
The average calendar year is 365 days. If we focus only on weekends and narrow them down to the most popular summer months, we really have very few dates to choose from. In addition, they are often booked for many seasons ahead. The most common mistakes and stereotypes regarding the wedding on "working days" are indicated by the wedding expert of Dwór Korona Karkonoszy, Joanna Hoc-Kopiej.
Facts and myths about wedding dates and weddings
No one will come to the wedding on Monday, Tuesday or Thursday because everyone is at work then. Nothing more wrong! 1 or 2 days of vacation is not a problem for most people. A wedding is such a festive event that a different day of the week will certainly not be a problem. Important: at a weekend wedding guests drink less alcohol because they have to drive home. At a wedding, for example on Thursday, they can go a little more crazy, because the weekend is ahead of them and they can stay longer in the hotel. It is also an opportunity to organize a small vacation. If we are organizing a wedding away, it is a great time to explore the surrounding attractions.
Many people I know have a wedding on a Saturday. I to jest właśnie argument za tym, aby zorganizować swój ślub w innym terminie. Decydując się na uroczystość poza sezonem możemy liczyć na bardziej atrakcyjną ofertę. Z jednej strony mamy więc względy finansowe. Z drugiej strony wesele w mniej popularnym terminie gwarantuje nam często obiekt na wyłączność, tzn., nie będziemy musieli dzielić naszej radości z weselnikami z 2-3 imprez odbywających się w tym samym czasie. Ważne: obiekt weselny musi być „klimatyczny” i atrakcyjny przez cały rok. Wesele zorganizowane poza weekendem nigdy nie wyjdzie z pamięci gości!
A wedding on other days of the week than the weekend will not be so well organized. This is where we get into the wrong thinking again. Most service providers (orchestra, DJ, photographer, catering) have free dates then. We can choose and pick from offers, and service providers are able to devote more time to us. In this case, as when renting a hall or the entire wedding venue, we can count on various types of bonuses and discounts. Service providers will try to open the sky to the Bride and Groom, because the middle of the week is a kind of downtime for them. Therefore, they will certainly be happy to take part in such an event.
A wedding in the middle of the week loses its solemnity, becomes commonplace. The atmosphere at a wedding reception is largely due to the organizers and the right attitude of the guests. By saving expenses that we would have to spend to pay for a popular weekend date, we can spend on additional attractions for guests (e.g. a photo booth), which will make our celebration remain in their memory for a long time as an extraordinary event.
Such savings can also benefit the Young Couple, who in exchange for the money paid for the wedding at the weekend, can go on an unforgettable honeymoon in Poland or abroad. The price difference in some venues is really colossal when it comes to comparing a weekend wedding to a weekday wedding. Even with service providers, you can certainly count on a considerable discount.
How to choose the date of the wedding and reception so that it suits everyone?
Warto podkreślić, że uroczystość weselna powinna być przede wszystkim dla Młodej Pary. Często o tym zapominamy w wirze przygotowań weselnych, starając się podpasować pod gusta wszystkich gości. Mimo początkowej niechęci rodziców czy dziadków do nietypowego terminu uroczystości, odpowiednio przygotowana impreza z pewnością rozwieje wszelkie wątpliwości. Można nam wierzyć, po uroczystości i wspaniałej, hucznej zabawie, nikt z gości nie będzie pamiętał, że wesele odbyło się poza weekendem.
We can't fit everyone! Let's remember that this is our day and people who really want to participate in it. Guests who do not show up for the ceremony may simply not want to appear and even if it was organized on a weekend, they would not show up either. Some wedding guests have the opposite situation - they also work on weekends, and yet they try to come to the wedding and have a great time.
Finally, it should be noted that by deciding to have a wedding on a less popular date, the Young Couple can often afford the saved funds to carry out the previously mentioned, dream honeymoon, which is a beautiful crowning of marriage and a great beginning of a new life path.
If we want to decorate wedding cheapthere is no better choice than wedding in a week, and preferably also an off-season wedding. Check available dates for a wedding at Dwór Korona Karkonoszy. Often the difference in the budget of a wedding on weekdays and a weekend wedding - it's a week-long HONEYBODY TO THE CANARY ISLANDS!!! Is it worth it - probably worth it!