Although the number of young guests at a wedding varies, those where there are no children at all, practically do not happen. Therefore, when planning a wedding reception, we should take care of the well-being and great fun of everyone, regardless of age. What attractions for children at the wedding to choose?
Are children at a wedding a good idea?
Whether children at the wedding will be a good solution in your case, only you have to determine. It is said that a wedding is an event where children should not run between tables with alcohol, which by the way is usually consumed at a wedding. At the same time, children are also a significant expense for the Bride and Groom. Typically, younger children pay half the price, and older and teenagers pay the full price for a plate. When such guests will be at the wedding for an hour or two, for the Bride and Groom it is really an expense that can be avoided.
Many people are convinced that it is not appropriate to invite guests without children. Currently, this trend is changing and more and more people resign from the presence of the youngest at the party. It all depends on many factors. From tradition, size of the family, degree of kinship and general contact with children from the family or group of friends. So we should think carefully about what kind of relationship we have with the little ones in the family. Is their presence just important to us? If we know that children at the wedding can be an obstacle to the fun of adults and their presence is not necessary for us, we can gently indicate that the party takes place without children.
Children at a wedding - how to construct an invitation?
If we decide that children should not be at the wedding, then we should inform the parents. If you are afraid of handing out invitations and parents' reaction, you can always add a humorous sentence at the beginning. Mon. in the style that they have the only opportunity to relax and play without children! This will certainly dispel their doubts and prove that you mean well and do not want to cause them any unpleasantness. On the invitation, you can simply write the name and surname of the invited people and do not add the phrase "with the child". This will be a clear message that the wedding takes place without children.
The situation is different in the case of guests very close to the Bride and Groom, including siblings or children of siblings. If the Bride and Groom cannot imagine not having them, then of course everything should be done to ensure that the children have fun. So that they feel as good as possible, and at the same time do not get bored. They come to help attractions for children at the wedding!

What if there are only a few children at the wedding?
Before we get to the attractions, it is worth noting that animations are usually made for a larger number of children. There is no point in hiring an animator or inflatables for one or two children. In the end, it's a pretty big expense. There are two exits. If we know that only one person from our environment has a child, let's not invite these guests along with their comfort. However, if the situation is such that the parents have no one to leave the toddler with, let's invite them with him, but let's not organize too many animations, but rather take care of a balloon for the child, soap bubbles with which he will be able to play. It is a small expense, and the child will surely be very happy.
Children at the wedding - games and activities
The day of the wedding and reception is very important for the Bride and Groom and guests. It is no different in the case of children at a wedding, but during a party filled with events for many hours, the meaning of which they do not fully understand, it is hard for them to stay focused. That's why we should take care of at least a few games that will make this evening more attractive for children.
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The simplest solution is to involve young guests in wedding games and fun, e.g. help with playing with chairs or a "duck" dance or a train. Thanks to this, they will have the opportunity to use their energy and feel part of the whole celebration. If we have prepared extra wedding attractions that may appeal to children (e.g. a magician's show or a rain of confetti), let's remember that they should be included in the wedding schedule early enough, otherwise the youngest may simply not wait for them.
If there are a lot of young guests (or they are at a very young age), a children's play animator for a wedding will be perfect. Joanna Hoc-Kopiej, a wedding expert at Dwór Korona Karkonoszy, emphasizes: “A special place for children or a separate room where they spend time under the supervision of an animator is an increasingly popular solution at weddings. It not only allows children to spend time having great fun adapted to their age, but also allows parents to fully participate in the wedding reception, without affecting the well-being of their children, concludes the expert's statement.

Wedding - attractions for children
In addition to games and activities, we can also provide children with other attractions at the wedding. It can be, for example, painting children's faces in colorful patterns - thanks to this they will feel special, and it will additionally emphasize the mood of great fun and will be a great souvenir in the photos. An interesting solution is also, for example, blowing large soap bubbles - it will be especially good for outdoor weddings or after-party in the form of an outdoor barbecue. Children at the wedding (and adults) are also very happy to use the photo booth or photo wall.
In addition, we should remember about the nutritional needs of the youngest - both meals and drinks. The simplest solution, of course, is to prepare a special one wedding menuhowever, this is not always possible. Of course, most children like sweets, so in this case it is worth making sure that the sweet buffet is child-friendly. A chocolate fountain is perfect here, in which the youngest can dip fruit or other sweets. If the wedding takes place in winter, when serving coffee, children can receive e.g. hot chocolate or cocoa in return. Our efforts will certainly not be in vain - a child-friendly wedding will be fondly remembered for many years.