The region of Lower Silesia abounds in castles, palaces and manor houses. People from the vicinity of Wrocław, interested in organizing a wedding in this type of center, will not have any problems finding a place. But what is the difference between a palace and a wedding mansion? And what is the best wedding venue?
What will you learn from the article?
Choosing a wedding venue is one of the most important decisions that future newlyweds must make. Price, while important, is not the only factor to consider. After all, this is the place that will create an atmosphere that will remain in the memory of both the bride and groom and the guests for years to come. Should it be an elegant manor house, a majestic castle or maybe a charming inn? Poland is full of places that can add magic to any wedding. In the post below, we will answer questions about how to find the best place for a wedding, what to consider when searching and where to look for the perfect location that will meet all your expectations.
The manor is nothing more than a former residential complex, belonging to the middle-class nobility. It was usually erected in rural areas and was characterized by relatively low buildings compared to a palace, not to mention a castle. Every decent mansion had a porch and a terrace and garden, which was often the pride of the family, so it was best if it surrounded the entire estate. A manor house, on the other hand, is simply nothing more than a less impressive manor house.

Since the 17th century, the manors grew and changed their buildings a bit. For example, stone turrets or other outbuildings became common. In this way, the so-called country palaces were created. If we add a little more stone and the right amount of decorations, we are talking about a palace rather than a court. The same goes for greens.
Manors and manor houses - perfect places for a wedding today!
Manors usually boasted gardens, while the palace was surrounded by a park, necessarily with a large number of gazebos and orangeries. Palaces and manors did not have defensive walls, moats, gun towers or drawbridges - this is the domain of castles. So when we talk about a castle, we mean a fortified architectural complex with a clearly marked defensive function. Palaces or manors were often a visible sign of a given family's wealth and social position among the local nobility, but they did not serve a defensive function. They were created at a time when there was no longer a need to protect their owners against the invasions of hostile hordes. Unlike castles - the seats of knightly families, i.e. the highest layers of medieval society. These were quite large buildings, because in addition to the owners and their servants, they often had to accommodate armed men. Fortified buildings were not necessarily comfortable housing, but they were perfect as shelter in the event of wars and invasions that were frequent at that time.

W późniejszych epokach zamki nieraz były przerabiane na pałace. Miały one przede wszystkim pełnić funkcje reprezentacyjne. Dodawano duże okna, zdobienia, ballrooms i audiencyjne, które pokazywały splendor i bogactwo danego rodu szlacheckiego. Oczywiście nie każda rodzina, nawet arystokratyczna, mogła sobie pozwolić na budowę tak okazałej siedziby.

Why is a wedding venue so important?
Now that we've managed to make the initial distinction, let's try to answer the question: which place will be better to organize a wedding?
The price is, where the wedding will take place has the greatest impact on the final price of the party. We have to pay dearly for most historic places, and beautifully located ones. However, if we are to make a distinction, the price criterion would be as follows: castles are undoubtedly the most expensive, then palaces, and manor houses are the most expensive. Let's take an example of the price of accommodation for the Bride and Groom alone. In the castle, we have to pay up to 1,000 for such a pleasure. PLN per night, slightly cheaper in the palace (about PLN 800), while in the manor we will spend between PLN 200-300. Locks are generally more expensive, because for obvious reasons, the least of them have survived to our times.
Honeymoon suite included in the package?
An interesting fact is that manors sometimes give one honeymoon suite FREE! So we have a thousand zlotys left in our pocket for our honeymoon. Plus a bottle of champagne and a bathroom full of rose petals… What more could you ask for? These wedding venues are the most crowded.

QUALITY - unfortunately, modern palaces often look the most beautiful from a distance, and the poor quality of the finish is covered, for example, with shoddy gold decorations. Renovated according to the taste of the current owner, they have nothing to do with the former splendor and glitter. In addition to the decor itself, issues such as the kitchen or party coordination are extremely important. Experience and quality count here!
The experience of the organizers is crucial
As wedding expert Joanna Hoc-Kopiej emphasizes: “It is important how many weddings a given facility organizes. It is known that the more, the better prepared he is for this type of event. Then you know that this place for a wedding is really checked. The problem with locks is often that due to the prohibitive price, relatively few young couples can afford such a ceremony. Weddings are rarely held there. Therefore, castles seem to be less prepared to organize a wedding ceremony than places that specialize in it, says the specialist, under whose supervision over 750 weddings have already been organized.

Why isn't price everything?
Many young couples still seem to claim that the most prestigious wedding places are the most expensive ones, i.e. castles and palaces. Recently, however, the idea of "earned prestige" has become popular, related to the history of the place, a strong position on the wedding market and a large number of weddings organized.

The situation is thus as follows: while some facilities accept reservations several years in advance, and there is a fierce fight between interested parties for the best dates, others are empty for weeks. And it doesn't matter if we're talking about castle, mansion or palace. The prestige developed over the years and the high quality of services mean that the place is known and recommended by young couples and the wedding community, so everyone interested knows that "it is worth organizing a wedding here".
Are you looking for a place for an unforgettable wedding?

ADDITIONAL SERVICES - this is an extremely important issue, often neglected by young couples. After the initial euphoria of knowing we're about to be married to someone, it's time to get more practical. It is worth asking yourself if:
- the facility we choose offers the care of a wedding manager in the price?
- can we count on the exclusivity of the entire place (ballrooms, accommodation, car parks, gardens)?
- is the room decoration included in the price (e.g. flowers, candles, red carpet)? These may turn out to be key issues.
Wedding hall? Preferably exclusive!
Let's imagine a situation that we decided to have a beautiful and very expensive wedding in a castle. And after a few months, it turns out that during our wedding reception, a banquet is organized in the next room! The guests of these two celebrations pass each other in the hall, they have to share a common space and do not feel special at all. And what's worse, the bride and groom can also feel discomfort on the most important day of their lives! Not to mention the permeation of the sounds of music in the common areas. So guests don't really know what party they're at exactly. Both events can be maintained in completely different climates and should not be combined with each other.

How to choose a wedding venue?
Which wedding venue will be the best? This question appears right after we decide that we are definitely planning a wedding. There are several solutions. Depending on whether we prefer detailed planning, whether we prefer to rely on intuition or we like spontaneous actions. For organized people, a list and writing down precisely defined criteria, and then sticking to these assumptions, will definitely work. For example, we take into account the size of the room, the price or menu, or the availability of rooms for guests and a suite for the bride and groom.

Those people who are more often guided by instinct will simply feel the thrill of seeing the mountains surrounding the wedding venue they are considering. Or they will be delighted by a wonderful lake or other body of water located nearby. If they try some delicious dishes brought by friendly and professional staff in a given mansion or palace, they already know that it is a hit!

And the most spontaneous young couples? All they have to do is stop, look around and say: it's here! This is where we will arrange ours dream wedding! It will be perfect for sure…
So how do you choose a wedding venue? It is certainly worth making an appointment and seeing the selected object. You can also talk to the manager and maybe even arrange a tasting, even if it's only coffee. The first impression is really important! By the way, you can find out how many weddings have already taken place in a given facility. Because service experience and the quality of the cuisine cannot be overestimated!
When organizing a wedding, we certainly hope that it will be a unique event in our lives. Usually we don't want clichés and nothing forced. After all, a wedding is not a chore, but our holiday! We decide where and with whom we want to spend these special moments in our lives. Share the joy and intimate experience…
Such special moments require the right setting. The original surroundings will certainly emphasize the importance of our holiday. Court, palace or even a castle will undoubtedly raise the rank of ours wedding and reception. You can go to a bar or restaurant for a more trivial reason. Well, even for a meeting with friends or for Sunday dinner. However, a wedding is something else - it is certainly not a trivial and everyday event! Therefore, let's make sure to give it a proper setting.

Wedding venue - where to look?
An intimate wedding and a modest wedding or a lavish or even ostentatious wedding? And a grand wedding, even in Byzantine style? What do we expect? We need to start from such assumptions. The question of whether an expensive or cheap wedding is rather secondary. Because it's intimate wedding party can be organized in a very luxurious and expensive place, and vice versa. A grand wedding can be held even in a barn or a village hall. Therefore, before answering the question, where to look for a wedding venue, we need to know, at least initially, what it would look like.
If we want to experience our wedding only with our loved ones and enjoy intimate moments in a small group, let's find a small venue. It would be good if he had accommodation available immediately. It is also important that the wedding facility is at our exclusive disposal. In this situation, we choose places away from the hustle and bustle and crowds of tourists - all manor houses and palaces, located a bit out of the way, surrounded by beautiful gardens and forests, will work perfectly.

Huge and large weddings also have their advantages. However, their organization requires renting a larger facility. It can be a larger mansion, palace or even a castle. Adequate infrastructure is needed for the numerous guests. Big wedding hall, the right number of rooms and suites. Parking and a lot of space to organize additional attractions.

Venue for a wedding - how to look?
When choosing a place for a wedding, we will usually start with the objects we already know. Or those that are nearby. It is also good practice to ask your friends. However, remember that these are not the only possibilities. Perhaps some new wedding houses have recently been built or attractive prices or discounts have just appeared in more prestigious venues? That is why most of us also check the offers on the Internet.
If we are determined and do not want to postpone the wedding, it is certainly worth checking out the offers on last minute wedding. This is a relatively new phenomenon. These types of opportunities appeared after the turmoil with dates and postponing weddings related to the pandemic. If we only care about a quick wedding, and we are not afraid of spontaneous decisions, it may turn out that great place at a good price we will rent almost immediately!
The perfect wedding venue is an individual matter
We all wonder if there is a perfect wedding venue. The answer depends on taste, which, as has been known since ancient times, is not discussed ... Of course, it is possible to find the perfect venue for a weddingif only we know what exactly we are looking for. It's quite simple. Let's imagine that nothing limits us. Let's close our eyes and imagine what the place looks like the wedding of our dreams. Later, let's think about where we want to locate it - among mountains, lakes or forests, or maybe somewhere else? Now all that's left to do is put our description into the search engine.
Or the other way. You need to choose a facility that will ensure the realization of these dreams. Experienced wedding organizers they can work miracles! They can arrange a wedding in any style you choose. They can take wedding guests, for example, to the 1920s, arrange them retro style wedding or organize a boho party. Just find the right, experienced team and tell them about our dreams...

How to find the best wedding venue?
The best place for a wedding is, of course, one where the wedding will be successful and we will feel that this is the wedding venue of our dreams. It is not worth making compromises in this case. After all, you only have a wedding once, or at least that's what most people assume... So why not give yourself a beautiful gift this one and only time? This will be a place and a day that we will probably tell our children and grandchildren about one day. And we will certainly want to look back on it sometimes or look at wedding photos. Let them be really beautiful!
The best place for a wedding is also one that will offer us the opportunity to arrange it any way we want. The main theme of the wedding should harmonize with the place we choose. And vice versa - the venue for the wedding must match our assumptions. Regardless of what they will be, an important element is the garden. This is a place where you can also organize a wedding in beautiful weather. And even if we decide to get married in a different place, the garden always makes a great impression on the guests. It will also allow the bride and groom a moment of respite and guarantee beautiful shots during the photo session.

What to look for when looking for a hall or garden for a wedding?
One of the most important criteria is, of course, how many people we are planning a wedding for. After determining this, we need to check whether the properties we choose have a room that will easily accommodate this number of guests. The point is that our guests have a lot of freedom of movement and have a place to dance, but also to go out to get some fresh air. The garden plays an important role here. Not only that, with the beautiful aura, you can organize outdoor wedding, it will still be a place to catch your breath after intense fun. Or talk for a while in peace with relatives or friends you haven't seen for a long time.

The venue we choose for the wedding must still accommodate an orchestra or a DJ. There must also be room for additional elements, such as a place for flowers. Or to set up an extra table - delicious sweet table or tasty fish table wedding guests will surely be interested. In case we want to organize some surprises for the bride and groom, we should also allow time for this and choose the right place.
Dwór Korona Karkonoszy - quick decision, good choice

A manor house, a castle or an inn - Polish wedding traditions
Traditional wedding in Poland will vary slightly from region to region. In Małopolska, Kurpie or Lower Silesia there are slightly different customs and rituals. The latter region is interesting because styles and traditions mix here and it is difficult to talk about one cultural canon. With the influx of people after World War II, a kind of cultural melting pot was created here. Here, virtually every style is acceptable and every novelty is accepted.
Wedding venue - choose well!
Polish wedding traditions they do not specify the exact place of the wedding, but only a certain pattern of the course of the wedding ceremony. During a traditional wedding, elements such as parents' blessing, wedding gates, and roles played by are important witnesses, the order of toasts or the first dance of the Bride and Groom. In fact, every step and element of the wedding has its own symbolism.
It's just that fewer and fewer people pay attention to it and understand it. Some elements, such as headbands, throwing a veil and pushing the ladies or bachelors to the center of the room, are already a bit mousey and not everyone may like them. Therefore, the most important thing is not that we stick to the schedule and tradition minute by minute, but just to have fun. After all, getting married is joy and the expectation of a happy life, not imposing a muzzle on yourself and your guests with conventions and superstitions.

How to find the perfect wedding venue? The answer is not so simple…
As you can see, the answer to the question whether to choose a manor for a wedding, a castle, or maybe a palace is not as simple as it seems. Issues related to prestige and quality often look different if we look at them closely. Certainly there will be amateurs of each of the listed places, because each of us has slightly different needs. Just remember to check everything carefully and ask even a few times - after all, it's your ceremony and you decide everything!

Place for a wedding Lower Silesia
Thanks to the proximity of the border with Germany and the Czech Republic, as well as a very convenient communication infrastructure, Lower Silesia has become a very fashionable place on the party map of Poland. Many different types of events are organized here, including, of course, weddings. Anyway, not only Poles, but also guests from abroad appreciate the beauty of nature, architectural values and tourist advantages of this place. It is not for nothing that this region is called The Valley of Palaces and Gardens.

Lower Silesia it is also considered one of the most mysterious and charming regions of Poland. This is why wedding Lower Silesia it will surely work! In addition to well-known and recognizable resorts, it offers many places that surprise with their beauty, majesty and tranquility, where you can find original wedding venues. A good example here may be Karpacz, located in the vicinity Sosnówka summer resort village with a wonderful, and still little-propagated lagoon.
Frequently Asked Questions
A wedding in the mountains?
There is nothing more magical than a wedding in the mountains. That's probably why more and more wedding houses are built in the mountains every year. Young couples want to find their dream wedding hall surrounded by mountain peaks. And if it is still possible to organize a club and a wedding reception in the garden, it is already an ideal hall for a wedding. An example of such a place is Dwór Korona Karkonoszy in Sosnówka near Karpacz. More than 750 weddings with a view of the mountains have already been organized here.
The most beautiful wedding venues in Poland?
It is difficult to say unequivocally what are the most beautiful wedding venues in Poland. It is said that there is no accounting for tastes. However, it is definitely worth getting married in some charming place surrounded by nature. The climate of mountain resorts is unique. Many people love the sea or lakes, but only the mountains are good at any time of the year. It is no coincidence that a wedding in the Karkonosze Mountains is the dream of many young couples.
Wedding hall Lower Silesia?
The wedding hall is one of the most important elements of a successful wedding. There are no shortcuts when choosing a wedding venue. In addition to the bride's outfit and catering, she will be most memorable to all guests, and she will be present in the photos very often. So it is worth looking for a wedding hall that will really dazzle us with its beauty, and its service will delight with professionalism. After all, we organize a wedding once in a lifetime - it's worth spending some time looking for the perfect wedding hall, preferably in Lower Silesia. Why there? Due to the huge selection of wedding halls in this wedding basin.
Interesting places for a civil wedding?
Not everyone knows that a civil wedding does not have to take place at the Registry Office. For a small - in the scale of expenses for the entire wedding - fee of PLN 1,000, we can invite an official of the Registry Office, wherever we wish. Wedding on the beach? Sure? In the forest? Why not? Mine? Of course! But it is best to organize a civil wedding in Perle w Korona - a special wedding gazebo with a view of the mountains in Dwór Korona Karkonoszy in Sosnówka near Karpacz. And then organize a wonderful wedding in the manor gardens or in a unique, historic ballroom for 170 people.