Getting married is one of the most important but also the most stressful events in life. No wonder there are so many customs, superstitions and superstitions associated with it. While some of them are rarely practiced anymore, others are still doing great. We may not believe in them as much as we used to, but the certainty that we will be lucky on this day will certainly not hurt. Here are what wedding superstitions and wedding superstitions are still alive today.
- Believe? not believe?
- Wedding date - wedding superstitions
- The best month for a wedding
- Happy day
- Wedding superstitions - outfits
- Blue and borrowed, old and new…
- Bride's dress
- Wedding superstitions - jewelry
- Wedding bouquet
- Wedding superstitions - the language of flowers
- Wedding Superstitions Groom
- Wedding superstitions - witnesses
- Other wedding superstitions
- Wedding superstitions - announcements
- Civil wedding superstitions
- Wedding superstitions - rituals
- Wedding superstitions - the bride's dress
- Veil - wedding superstitions
- What to do with the veil after the wedding?
- Wedding superstitions and superstitious young couples
- Wedding - good omen!
Believe? not believe?
Since ancient times, people have tried to win the favor of gods, fate or other higher power in the most important moments of their lives. A wedding is one of those moments. At that time, they looked for auspicious signs that the relationship began under a lucky star. After all, getting married is a huge life change. The proverbial "new way of life". The road that from now on we walk hand in hand with the closest person. The road is mysterious, and maybe even a little scary, because we never know what the future will bring us.

So, in order to influence fate, deceive destiny, and in spite of everything, to guarantee oneself happiness, certain rules were followed. Wedding superstitions, beliefs, rituals, ceremonies, wedding superstitions, witchcraft, wedding superstitions… Polish wedding traditions are very numerous. Even if in the 21st century we look at them with a pinch of salt, somewhere in the depths of our soul there is a thought that maybe there is a grain of truth in them?

Wedding date - wedding superstitions
Wedding superstitions. One of the most popular superstitions concerns the date of the wedding. In response to questions: when is the wedding? When should you absolutely not get married? And when should you take it? a very simple rule will help us: couples should choose months that have the letter "r" in their name. This is an iron rule, the observance of which is said to ensure success in marriage. However, if we want to stick to this, we have only half of the year to choose from - March, wedding in June, August September, wedding in October and December. Not much, right? It is rather impossible to "fit" all weddings in these few months.
The best month for a wedding
In addition, aside from the issues of deadlines, what to do if we dreamed wedding in May? Or - although it may be unusual - we want to have wedding in November? Are we superstitious and would prefer not to tempt fate? There is a loophole: fortunately, superstition does not say what language the letter "r" is supposed to be in. Since beliefs of this type usually date back to ancient times, it is likely that the principle may have applied to the Latin names of the months, commonly used in Europe for centuries. And this assumption broadens our range of possibilities. The list of "happy" months is joined by January, i.e. Januarius, February - Februarius and April - April Fools. And also another month, this time from the end of the year: November or November. In turn, May has the letter "r" in Ukrainian - traven, and July in Czech - červenec. So the wedding in May and wedding in July they are spot on! So you can see that all you need is a more creative approach, "borrowing" the name from your closest neighbors, and all months are perfect for a wedding.

Of course so popular weddings in September whether December ever had its justification. When most of the society lived from farm work, it was the best time to have fun. A time of rest from field work, a time of plenty of food. But today, taking it into account doesn't make much sense. It's worth just choosing the month you like the most.

Happy day
When it comes to weddings, it has long been the most typical day of the week Saturday. A logical choice - it's a day off, but shops or service points are open. The next day, we are free again, we can arrange after-party and rest after the fun. That is why Saturday is the busiest day in wedding schedules. However, according to ancient beliefs, this is not the best day for marriage. Why? Because on Saturday "grandmother predicted for two", so it is not known whether we will find happiness in marriage. According to superstitions too wedding on Friday is inadvisable, as is Thursday. The latter brings losses, and Friday is supposedly a "bad start". Wedding on Sunday is also gaining popularity lately, although according to wedding superstitions, it is best to get married at the beginning of the week. Supposedly, Monday brings health in marriage, and Tuesday - wealth. Wednesday is simply the perfect day for a wedding, although folk traditions unfortunately do not reveal why.

Either way, you should definitely avoid one day a year - April Fool's Day, no matter what day of the week it falls on. It is a celebration of jokes, pranks and pranks, and a wedding, although it should have a joyful atmosphere, has little to do with a joke. Oh, and let's also remember that under no circumstances should the wedding date be postponed. Why? Because of course it will bring misfortune...
Wedding superstitions - outfits
The basic superstition is related to the color of the bride's dress. White symbolizes innocence and purity, so it is perfect for a wedding. If we like white color, that's great, of course, besides, we will find the largest selection of dresses in this color. However, it is worth remembering that white was considered a color suitable for the bride relatively recently. In fact, this custom was popularized only in the 19th century. In general, all this specific wedding aesthetics, which we often follow to this day, i.e. a white dress, veil, bouquet in hands and white accessories is a fairly new custom. In the 18th and 19th centuries, wedding dresses were often gray or blue. And one of the oldest preserved wedding dresses - from the 14th century! – sewn for Margaret, Queen of Norway, Denmark and Sweden, was red. In turn, the Queen of England, Mary Tudor, two centuries later went to her wedding in a black dress!

Blue and borrowed, old and new…
However, regardless of the color of the dress, the bride, as the superstition says, should have with her: something blueto guarantee her husband's fidelity; something new, meaning a life of plenty, and something old – this, in turn, is a symbol of support for relatives and old friends on a new way of life. And something else borrowed, which is to ensure the kindness of the new family. Meeting these requirements does not seem difficult, so even if we do not believe in wedding superstitions, we can think - what's wrong with us, and dress in accordance with tradition.
Bride's dress
You can't choose a dress with your husband - only with your mother or friend. It's best to do that bridesmaids accompanied the bride. The bride's dress should also not be circulating in the family, for example at sisters' weddings, because it will bring them both misfortune and quarrels. However, this superstition is quite recent, because it is worth remembering that for centuries clothes were very expensive. Therefore, few brides could afford to sew a special wedding dress. Borrowing dresses, even not necessarily typical wedding dresses, but simply the most elegant ones, was therefore the order of the day.

Bride's shoes should be covered. Unfortunately, sandals are forbidden, even in the middle of hot summer. One of the wedding superstitions says that happiness escapes through open toes or heels. And one more rule related to prosperity - you should sew a grain of sugar and a crumb of bread into your wedding dress. This is probably one of the oldest wedding superstitions.

Wedding superstitions - jewelry
Wedding superstitions did not even pass engagement ring! The bride should not wear any ring other than the engagement ring on her finger. It could be dangerous for the marriage. In addition, the ring itself must be made of the most durable metal and have the most durable stone - only then the relationship will be as strong. And you know - no pearls, even the most beautiful ones, because they make the bride cry and foretell a series of misfortunes.

By the way, the ring, today a necessary element of engagement ceremonies, even the most private ones, appeared only in the 17th century in the spheres of the aristocracy. It was then that rings began to be used during engagements, but initially the engaged couple exchanged them. The man gave his chosen one his family signet ring, and the bride gave him her ring, often it was a family jewel. Only later, first among the intelligentsia and the bourgeoisie, the custom in the form we know today appeared - a man gives a woman an engagement ring as proof of serious intentions.
Are you looking for the perfect hall for your wedding?

What does the fall of the wedding ring mean?
It is said that dropping a ring during a wedding ceremony, in front of the altar, portends misfortune. To prevent it, the rings should be picked up by someone from the guests or the priest officiating the wedding. Newlyweds can't do that! What is also important, we absolutely must not lose the wedding ring - because it is like losing a partner ...

Who pays for wedding rings?
Who should finance the purchase of wedding rings is a frequently asked question. Are there any wedding superstitions associated with this issue? According to tradition for wedding rings should pay and pick them up from the fiancé jeweler. This belief resulted from the traditional division of the costs of organizing the party between the families of the Bride and Groom. However, today rarely any bride will leave the choice of a wedding ring to her fiancé. Usually she has more to say about it. Currently, we have such a selection of wedding rings - classic gold models, chamfered, hammered wedding rings or patterns with diamonds (supposedly they promise a long and happy life and fidelity in marriage) that it is difficult to decide alone. Besides, choosing wedding rings together can be very romantic!

It is worth remembering that wedding superstitions also say that for a marriage to be permanent, the wedding rings must be made of a durable material, preferably of precious metal. And to make it calm, the wedding rings should be smooth, without carvings. According wedding superstitionsin and you are not allowed to try on other women's wedding rings before your own wedding. It means nothing more and nothing less than infidelity in marriage…
Wedding bouquet
According to wedding superstitions, we should also pay attention to the number of flowers in the bouquet. They should be an odd number. Why? Because an even number of them can cause the breakup of the relationship. But this particular requirement can be met without much difficulty, so what's the harm? Besides, the more flowers, the better - impressive wedding bouquets are still in fashion.

Wedding superstitions - flowers
The type of flowers in a wedding bouquet is also very important. They cannot be roses, because their thorns could hurt the Bride, and this is a very bad sign during the wedding and reception. However, there is a way - just make sure that their thorns, a symbol of suffering, are cut off.
Wedding superstitions - the language of flowers
The language of flowers also affects the choice of plants for a wedding bouquet. There should be no pansies and crocuses in the bride's bouquet, symbolizing disbelief in the truth of feelings. The color of the flowers is also important. Those in yellow, unfortunately, mean betrayal and jealousy. So you would have to give up sunflowers or daffodils.

So what flowers to choose for a wedding? As for the color, the best - yes, exactly - white! It is the most popular color of wedding bouquets. White flowers are a symbol of fidelity and sincerity of feelings. As for the species, we have more choice: lilies of the valley symbolize the delicacy, beauty and beauty of the Bride. Violet means fidelity, phlox means being together, and carnation is a symbol of pure love. Hyacinth - the bond of the newlyweds. A modest daisy - sharing with someone. Of course, a forget-me-not - a symbol of remembrance of someone. It is also worth considering the iris, a symbol of health, the camellia meaning gratitude, or the lily - purity.

Wedding Superstitions Groom
Guidelines - wedding superstitions for the groom are rather simple. Of course, he cannot see his bride in her wedding dress until the ceremony begins. Something else? Yes - the groom should have a banknote in his pocket that will ensure financial security for his marriage.
Wedding superstitions also say that he should go to the wedding in a shirt he got from his future wife. Where did this custom come from? In the past, during the engagement, the young people exchanged customary gifts - the bride handed her fiancé a shirt that she had sewn herself. This custom, as you can see, has been modernized, because which woman could sew a shirt nowadays? So just buy.

What does the groom buy the bride?
In turn, the custom that the groom should put a slipper on his future wife's foot before the wedding probably comes from the tradition that in the old days giving the bride leather shoes. Here, the changes went even further, probably in order not to make trouble for the groom - he does not even have to buy shoes, all he has to do is slip them on the bride's leg. And he will also throw a coin into them, symbolizing abundance. It seems that brides, who did not fully believe in the good taste of their brides and their knowledge of fashion, could also have contributed to the simplification of this custom...

During the wedding ceremony, the groom has one more chance to ensure happiness for himself and his chosen one. Of course, he should carry her over the threshold. This is quite an old superstition, dating back to the Middle Ages - evil spirits were supposed to enter the human body through the feet. At that time, it was believed that women, as the weaker and more sinful sex, were also more susceptible to evil powers. The man, carrying his wife over the threshold, made sure that these impure forces did not cross the threshold of their common house.

Wedding superstitions - witnesses
When it comes to wedding superstitions, the witnesses must also meet certain criteria so as not to bring bad luck to the bride and groom at the start. Not surprisingly, witness duties and witness make their role invaluable.

Wedding superstitions witnesses
Wedding superstitions they say, first of all, that the witnesses should be single and cannot be divorced. And they shouldn't be a couple. Moreover, the witness should not be pregnant. Witnesses should be of different genders. Otherwise, problems will arise in the marriage. It seems that nowadays it can be difficult to find witnesses with such requirements!
Are you looking for the perfect date for your wedding?

Other wedding superstitions
On the wedding day, the bride should not drive the car she goes to the wedding. Someone else must drive her to the ceremony site. It is also forbidden to turn around or stop - stops on the way to the wedding bring bad luck. Also, the way back from the wedding is subject to certain rules. According to superstition, one must return by a different route to confuse misfortune.

A smile on the way to the altar heralds happiness in marriage, you should not look sideways. For all stressed out couples, let it be a consolation that mistakes during the vows are considered a good omen.
And a bit of psychology. Stress is best masked and reduced by smiling, even if initially forced. As a result of smiling, the chemistry in the brain changes quickly and stress decreases, the voice becomes soft, breathing calms, and the smile becomes natural. It is worth practicing before the wedding in other circumstances.
Wedding superstitions - announcements
There is also a belief that the bride and groom should not listen to their announcements in the church, which, by the way, should take place in the temple where the bride was baptized. Breaking this rule will bring them suffering and unhappiness.
Regardless of whether we believe in superstitions or not, a positive attitude and a smile will definitely work in our favor on the day of the wedding.

Civil wedding superstitions
The basic rule is that the bride cannot wear a white dress at a civil wedding. This color is reserved for a church wedding. It is worth adding, however, that in times when more and more couples decide only for a civil wedding, or possibly for a humanistic ceremony, many brides, despite superstitions, put on a white dress.
It used to be said that after a civil wedding, you can't have a wedding, but of course, no one follows this rule anymore. The bride and groom organize normal parties, not just modest refreshments. Because if they are not getting married in the church, when would there be time for a beautiful, white, long dress and a grand wedding?

Wedding superstitions - rituals
the wedding ceremony. The end of the vows - and the famous sentence: You can kiss the Bride. Exactly as the superstition says: the Groom should kiss his wife after taking the oath to symbolically assure her of his fidelity.

At the wedding, the newlyweds are greeted with bread and salt and two glasses - one with vodka and the other with water. The one who chooses a glass of vodka will rule the marriage. Glasses should be thrown behind each other so that they break. During the oczepin, the bride and groom throw their tie and bouquet (or veil) behind them. Whoever catches them should get married next.
Wedding superstitions - the bride's dress
Don't look at your dress too often! – such a sentence should be engraved in the memory of brides. Why? Everyone knows the rule that a fiancé should not see his partner in a dress until after the wedding. Interestingly, however, the owner of the dress herself should not wear it too often, even if she is delighted with her creation. Only for necessary fittings! And even then he can look at himself in the mirror only in an incomplete outfit...

Veil - wedding superstitions
The most famous wedding superstitions – veil. When it drops, it means that the young couple will have bad luck in life. So you have to tie it well. This, in turn, is a task only for an unmarried woman, one of the bridesmaids. Otherwise, the bride will be exposed to misfortune. Of course, catching the veil during the oczepin promises an imminent wedding. It's just a superstition, but every bride who wants to get married tries to catch the veil at the wedding. Of course, catching the veil during the oczepin promises an imminent wedding. It's just a wedding superstition, but every bride who wants to get married tries to catch the veil at the wedding. Especially since the veil can only be thrown once - a repeat would be a bad omen. The rule "up to three times a charm" in this case, unfortunately, does not apply ...
What to do with the veil after the wedding?
Wedding attire is usually "disposable". So what to do with the veil after the wedding? It's not really a huge piece of material. If we decide to fold it, then we can easily store it even for many years as a souvenir of this special day. However, if we do not have the desire or the space for it, we can use it. How? For example, as an element of disguise on carnival ball – after appropriate alterations or dyeing.
Of course, you can just give it to someone - a friend or not. Surely many brides would be happy with such a gift. You can also sell on one of the many portals offering second-hand clothes or accessories.

Wedding superstitions
As you can see, there are so many different rules and regulations that if you wanted to follow them all, it would be impossible to prepare a wedding reception. What are we left with? It is certain that keeping a distance to yourself and others, along with a large dose of common sense and humor, will help in the implementation of the wedding and reception, and especially in experiencing these special moments.

Wedding superstitions and superstitious young couples
In the 19th century, there was only one scenario - getting married was the goal of every woman's life. Now we have a choice, but often we still want to find our other half and spend our lives with her. Not because this is the only way we can find financial security and secure our social position, but simply because of love ... The wife's "career" is a thing of the past, but we still want this day to be the greatest day of our lives. Therefore, it is not worth sticking too tightly to the rules and traditions, because in this way we can easily spoil it. After all, it's just gossip!
Wedding - good omen!
After all, the very fact that we are getting married is a good omen. And all the rest? Remember that superstitions are not traditions. And even if some of them are considered tradition, it is worth considering which of them are worth cultivating and which should be taken with a grain of salt?
As a curiosity, it is worth quoting the fact that in the second half of the 19th century people were warned against staying single! It was widely believed that celibacy was detrimental to health and morality. Research, supposedly scientific, was supported, and statistics were quoted to prove that unmarried people are more likely to commit crimes, have inclinations to mental illness and suicide. One would like to shout: Don't risk it, get married!

In addition, the mentality of the time made lonely people attribute various beauty flaws - pallor, rashes, dark circles under the eyes, constant sighs. Finally, the lonely unfortunates suffered from stupor, insomnia, or "longing." Sounds absurd? Let us add that even in the post-war period there was the so-called bykowe - a special tax for childless, unmarried and unmarried people over 21 years of age (until the 1970s, but the age to which it was possible to remain single without financial consequences was raised - up to 25 years).

So there is nothing to wait for - let's organize a wedding and reception, preferably in beautiful interiors!

Frequently Asked Questions
How to deal with wedding superstitions?
Wedding superstitions should definitely be taken with a pinch of salt. You can also treat wedding superstitions as a kind of wedding traditions and include some of them in the wedding fun. Let's choose only those that suit us. Tradition is not worth keeping.
Does the letter "r" in the name of the wedding month matter?
For people who like witchcraft very much and are convinced that they have no influence on their fate, this superstition can be important. However, the letter "r" in the name of the wedding month is just as important as the other letters in the alphabet. Note that it is the letter "a" that opens the alphabet, so perhaps it is more important? And the letter "m" begins words such as love and mother - so can it be omitted? Of course, this is all just a joke. The name of the wedding month in no way affects whether people love each other and are happy with each other.
Wedding superstitions examples?
There is a wedding superstition that the groom is not allowed to see the bride's dress before the wedding. Another superstition says that wedding rings should be made of durable material so that the marriage is permanent. It is also a wedding superstition that only setting the date of the wedding on a month with the letter "r" in the name guarantees happiness.
What brings happiness in love?
Can happiness in love be planned or bought? Or maybe it's enough to get married in the month with the letter "r"? The answer is trivial. Happiness in love depends on whether we allow ourselves to be happy. If we impose orders, prohibitions, superstitions and sorcery that limit us in this, we will be slaves of superstition through which happiness may not break through.