In the Polish tradition, a grand wedding is a custom dating back to the times of "Pan Tadeusz". We advise you on what expenses you absolutely must bear for the wedding. And which are worth taking, although they are not mandatory.
Expenses for the wedding - additional attractions
There is an interesting custom in Poland when it comes to wedding expenses. Parents should pay, and mostly on the side of the bride. They also include the costs of food, renting a hall, dresses, films and photos, and church celebrations. The Groom's family is responsible for the expenses for alcohol, wedding rings and music. This can be explained by the old custom of a dowry, the equivalent of which is to cover at least most of the expenses on the wedding day. Anyway, it's just a tradition, and the details can be agreed between each couple. A way to discreetly balance these costs, for example, is to take care of additional attractions.
How to prepare a list of wedding expenses?
In some families, the habit of shifting expenses to the parents is cultivated. In others, the Young have to pay by necessity or choice. They start planning with a list of expenses that must include:
- clothes and accessories,
- wedding and church fees,
- church decorations,
- wedding decorations,
- transport,
- wedding rings,
- musical setting,
- invitations,
- room and service rental,
- alcohol,
- meals,
- bouquet,
- makeup,
- hairstyle,
- sending invitations, visiting relatives, etc.
These expenses are unlikely to be avoided. By ordering a wedding package, you can already get a quote for one person, and it will include the hall, food and setting. On average, the cost of organizing a wedding at a venue ranges from PLN 200 to PLN 500 per person – plus the cost of wedding rings or costumes.

Finally, it is worth remembering that the newlyweds also receive money as a gift from the invited guests. However, professional wedding planners do not recommend including them in the calculations. After the wedding, there are also many different expenses, so it's not worth "zeroing" the family budget just for this one day. It is best to start planning and spending for the wedding at least a year in advance.
Wedding expenses independent of the number of guests
Dress, rings and music - they can cost from several hundred zlotys to several hundred thousand and more, if the stars play and the dress is from a designer. The costs of renting a hall and a team can be much lower in the off-season, and they increase during popular dates, i.e. on weekends from May to September. An off-season party gives you a bit more planning freedom because banquet hall it will be available at any time and day of the week, while in summer you have to book carefully and many months in advance.
Expenses for the wedding - additional attractions
Expenses for the wedding may also include additional attractions. Among them, a photo mat or a photo booth is popular. Renting it for the evening costs from several hundred to several thousand zlotys. Often the photomat also includes a set of disguises or backgrounds that allow guests to pose for original photos. This simultaneously keeps guests entertained and party photos available to everyone after the party.
Culinary attractions can be interesting. You are only limited by your imagination here catering. Sculptures and blocks of ice, culinary shows and food-trucks - all this can be organized, and in Dwór Korona Karkonoszy we have often provided guests with such attractions on request. Newlyweds sometimes fear that during the wedding they have to forget about what they really like and focus on a universal menu that is supposed to taste "everything".
Of the 300 dishes we serve, however, you can choose something original, and complement the feast with home-made liqueurs, beers or your own coffee, which we have on the spot. Guests who are demanding will appreciate this type of pampering of the senses. We have even organized motorcycle or retro style weddings, so no theme should surprise us.

In addition to shows or workshops, you can also set up popcorn or cotton candy machines for guests. A nod to tradition will be a feast during which roasted wild boar or piglet will be served. At the request of the newlyweds, it can be served by the knight of the Karkonosze Mountains. When organizing a party in an ordinary wedding hall or outdoors, you must also add decor or table setting to the expenses for the wedding. When arranging a party in the tasteful interiors of our Court, you have at your disposal stylish English fruit platters or real porcelain, so you don't need anything else.
Expenses for the sake of guest comfort
When listing expenses for a wedding related to attractions, we usually talk about workshops or shows, e.g. of a magician. Meanwhile, the most costly, but also the most enjoyable for guests, are mundane expenses - for accommodation. Traveling all night on a train to attend an event guarantees an exhausting weekend. In turn, accommodation with relatives or friends can not always be called relaxation. It will be completely different when you provide your guests with their own room. Especially if the event takes place in an attractive natural place, e.g. by the sea or in the mountains, such as the Karkonosze Mountains.
You will score even more if the hotel has a SPA, a swimming pool or beer or truffles prepared on site, about which you can read more in the tab Our products. Carefully plan the accommodation so that guests can rest comfortably, sit by the fireplace in the evening in the morning, and gain strength at breakfast in the morning. It is also worth asking about such elements when looking for a place for a wedding, as well as checking what expenses you have to take into account in a particular venue.