Music at a wedding is a fundamental issue. None of us can imagine a good wedding party without the right musical setting. In order to make the right choice, we must pay attention to a few important things before the signed contract with the wedding band becomes a fact.
Agreement with the wedding band - essential issues
Price It's one of the first things that come to mind. When planning the budget for the musical setting of the wedding, we should consider whether we care more about the low price or the quality? If we are looking for a more experienced team, we have to take into account that we will spend a slightly larger sum. However, it is probably not worth saving in this matter. Basically, a weak team can nullify all our efforts and make guests not have a good time!!!
As the wedding expert Joanna Hoc-Kopiej points out: "We advise you to avoid bands from the lowest price rangeHowever, the most expensive wedding band is not necessarily the best. We are sure to find a worthy candidate at a moderate price. Let's set the average for a given region and the maximum amount we want to spend. A planned price range, as opposed to a specific sum, will result in a more diverse offer. It is worth determining in advance whether there will be any additional fees. E.g. related to travel or accommodation. It is also necessary to determine the possible rate on post-morning seasons" - emphasizes the expert.
The next issue is the price of additional hoursif the guests still wanted to have fun. Finally, when we go through all the previous points, we should determine the method of remuneration - this should also be included in the contract with the wedding band. Is it better to settle in cash before the planned wedding or by bank transfer after? Regardless of which option we choose, remember that we can negotiate with the team to get the most attractive conditions for us. We never (!) pay the whole amount in advance, only an advance payment!

Music for the wedding and the contract with the wedding band
Repertoire – although the contract is usually signed much earlier, and then a detailed list of songs is agreed, it is worth asking about the style and atmosphere in which the band likes to perform. If we are fans of rock sounds, we may not like the disco polo repertoire and vice versa. However, we should not be guided only by our own needs - first of all, you should think about the tastes of the majority of guests. It is worth asking if the team has experience in conducting weddings - various chants, entertaining guests and making toasts. In addition, you can include this point in the contract so that later we do not feel disappointed with the lack of interaction with guests.
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If we don't wish wedding games, we must communicate this firmly, because there is a high probability that the band has developed its own scheme at the wedding, where such games are planned. If we finally decide to do it - let's ask for details. Many young people do not enjoy derogatory or ridiculing games that others find amusing. A good band, leader or DJ, will know perfectly well what is the line between having fun and ridiculing guests. Then no one will feel offended and will not run away from the wedding hall for the time of oczepin, so as not to be involved in this type of attractions.
The next point to discuss are songs on demand. Sooner or later, this element will certainly appear at the wedding - probably when the guests are after "a few deeper ones". This is where the team demo can help us. It is also worth going online and looking for information about the band. It is very possible that we will come across recordings of weddings that will answer our questions and dispel doubts one way or the other. Finally, let's ask (you never know) whether the music will be entirely live and whether the band has all the appropriate permissions and paid fees, e.g. to ZAIKS, STOART.

Agreement with the wedding team - the most important information
Time and place of the party – Make sure team members know the exact address. each team must arrive at least 2 hours earlier, rehearse and agree details with the organizer from the facility. Thanks to this, we will save ourselves nerves, and the musicians will have enough time to prepare, e.g. unloading the equipment, sound check, etc.
Hourly range. A common method of settlement is the hourly rate. This is a good and proven method, but you need to take into account the start time of the wedding. For example, when a wedding starts at 3:00 p.m., 12 hours of playing means the music ends at 3:00 a.m. That is, when the guests are having the best time. Therefore, let's discuss with the team the possibility of "overplaying". Usually this option exists, but for a fee, the amount of which must be agreed in advance. This solution is so good that we can monitor the situation in the room on an ongoing basis. When the guests are weary, the band ends the performance at the pre-scheduled time. However, when the dance floor is boiling - we ask for an extension of 1 or 2 hours. Breaks are an important issue - when should they take place and how long should they last? If in doubt, write this paragraph in the contract.
Matters related to refreshments and alcohol consumption by the team. Pamiętajmy, że mamy prawo zastrzec, aby zespół nie pił alkoholu (lub zbyt dużo) w czasie imprezy i nie ma w tym nic złego! W końcu to tak jakby ktoś „trunkował” w pracy 😉 Jeśli zdecydujemy się pozwolić członkom zespołu na toast, koniecznie trzeba wyznaczyć ilość dozwolonego alkoholu – np. 1 kieliszek wódki lub lampka szampana na początku. Ustalmy też dokładną liczbę osób w zespole (być może są osoby dodatkowe, pomoc techniczna etc.) aby wyznaczyć właściwe wedding menu and refreshments for the appropriate number of people.
Finally, an unpleasant but very important point - conditions for breaking the contract, which must protect both parties. It is worth taking care of the appropriate paragraph in the contract, even if it seems unnecessary at first. In a crisis situation, an appropriate annotation can save us from a lot of trouble!
A well-constructed contract with the wedding band will protect the Bride and Groom, not only because of having fun, but also additional costs or consequences of breaking the provisions. Therefore, the best solution is a long conversation with subcontractors, defining your own expectations and getting to know the team that will soon be the main element of the wedding. Jelenia Gora Wedding Orchestra - we will definitely find the right one.