Humanist weddings are an ideal alternative for people who, for various reasons, cannot have a civil wedding. Who and where performs such a wedding? What should you know about such a celebration? We suggest and explain.
What is a humanist wedding?
A humanistic wedding is a ceremony performed by the bride and groom. They do not swear before God or a registrar. Humanist weddings are not legally regulated in Poland. Spouses swear to each other and only to each other. They can say the already composed words of the oath or write their own, unique version.
Despite the fact that these are symbolic weddings, they are becoming more and more popular. The entire wedding ceremony can be crowned with a wedding reception just like during a traditional wedding. What's more, young couples often have a humanist wedding after a civil wedding. A civil wedding lasts a very short time. On the other hand, a humanistic wedding can be extended with rituals, such as handing each other rings or signing the act.
However, the most important thing on this day is the oath of the spouses. It is very personal and it is on it that the greatest emphasis is placed. If the short rule you pronounce at the registry office does not reflect what you would like to convey to the other person, a humanistic wedding will allow you to confess love and fidelity to each other in your own words.
Do you want to get married in exceptional natural circumstances?
Take your marriage vows in the mountains!
Who is a humanist wedding for?
Due to the fact that humanist weddings do not have legal force, they are becoming more and more popular among same-sex couples, and those who would not be married or would be very difficult to do so. This includes e.g. o divorced people or atheists. Also those couples who want to get married and are prevented from doing so by cultural differences, various challenges or, for example, the law in force in a given country, can organize humanist weddings. It is also an ideal solution for non-believers who want the most important day in their lives to be something more than a visit to the office.
Are there any restrictions when it comes to this type of marriage? Of course. As in the case of civil or religious ceremonies. Only an adult person can take a humanist wedding. In exceptional situations, a woman who has reached the age of 16. Provided that consent has been given by legal guardians.
In addition, a wedding cannot be performed by incapacitated or mentally impaired persons. Also, people who are in other marriages cannot take a humanist wedding. There is one more limitation. Humanistic weddings are not performed by people who are related in a direct line.

Advantages of humanist weddings
Humanist weddings have the advantage that they can be organized on a different day than a civil wedding. This gives the young couple great opportunities. Organization of the event and wedding planning on a day other than a civil wedding can be a great solution. Some registry offices only perform weddings on predetermined days. It's not always the weekend. In this case, the bride and groom may decide to invite their closest family to the office and organize a humanist wedding at the weekend for a larger number of guests. In this case, you can partially organize both the wedding and outdoor wedding. Wedding hall with access to the garden will be the perfect solution.
If the Bride and Groom is international, a humanist wedding can be conducted in two languages. If, after such a wedding, the Bride and Groom organize a wedding, it is worth thinking that, especially foreign guests, could rest somewhere. In a place where they will not only feel comfortable, but will also be able to gain strength before the long journey home.
By whom are humanist weddings conducted?
Humanist vows are made by the bride and groom to each other. However, they are accompanied by a master of ceremonies throughout the ceremony. The master of ceremonies is called the celebrant. It is important for the newlyweds that a person close to them can become the master of ceremonies. It doesn't have to be a man. The celebrant can be a friend of the Bride and Groom or even a parent or one of the siblings. To be able to become a master of ceremonies, such a person must undergo special training. She must also register with the Humanist Society as a celebrant.
Where are humanist weddings performed?
A concordat wedding is performed in a church. Civilian at the registry office. But where is a humanist wedding performed? The answer is simple. In the place where the young couple dreamed of. It could be ballroom, forest, beach, mountain tops. It just depends on where the bride and groom decide to go. What the wedding itself looks like also depends on the Bride and Groom. They may be present that day Polish wedding traditionsor the bride and groom can celebrate this day in a completely different way.

Humanist weddings - what else is worth knowing?
A humanistic wedding has no legal force in our country. However, it can be easily supplemented by signing a civil law contract. Such a partnership agreement concluded in the presence of a notary may satisfy the need of the union. The partnership agreement may contain information about its duration, and even any obligations that the Spouses impose on each other. Such as caring for another person, taking over names, etc.
Spouses may grant powers of attorney to each other through such an agreement. Thanks to this, they will be able to visit each other in the hospital in the event of an accident, or they will be able to receive information about the patient's condition. The spouse will also be able, after signing such an agreement, to become a proxy in the bank, or, for example, sell a house or a car with a partner.
A humanist wedding is a response to the need to enter into a marriage other than a church or civil wedding. It is as important for the bride and groom as any other wedding. Although this solution is not so popular and the family may have doubts whether it makes sense to organize such an event, a properly organized humanist wedding can impose on the spouses the same rights and obligations as any other. Its appearance, place of conclusion, words of the oath and the appearance of the whole day depend only on the newlyweds and their idea of the most important day in their lives.