When our grandparents or parents were young, it was impossible to imagine a wedding in a place other than the bride's parish. Weddings had to be grand, and a quiet civil wedding was unheard of. Most often, they were organized in fire stations, local community centers or at home. Humble, intimate wedding in the mountains or even a celebration with the closest family was a rarity.
What will you learn from the article?
Marzycie o romantycznym, cichym ślubie tylko we dwoje? A może po prostu chcecie uniknąć zbędnego zgiełku i skupić się na intymności chwili? Górski klimat stanowi idealne tło dla ślubnej aury, oferując niesamowite widoki, świeże powietrze i niezapomniane wrażenia. Ale dlaczego warto zaplanować kameralny ślub w górach? Czy skromne, small wedding może być równie wyjątkowe jak wielka uroczystość?
W tym wpisie podpowiemy, gdzie wziąć romantyczny ślub, jak zorganizować przyjęcie w ogrodzie, i jakie motywy przewodnie będą idealne na kameralny ślub w górach. Dodatkowo, dowiesz się, jak znaleźć odpowiednie miejsce na nocleg, aby Wasza magiczna ceremonia była idealna w każdym calu.
- Gdzie wziąć romantyczny, cichy ślub we dwoje?
- Mountain climate that fits perfectly into the wedding aura
- Why is it worth planning an intimate wedding in the mountains?
- Plan an intimate wedding, or... modestly?
- Small wedding - garden reception
- Leitmotif for an intimate wedding in the mountains
- An intimate wedding in the mountains – overnight stay: how to find a place?
Gdzie wziąć romantyczny, cichy ślub we dwoje?
Dziś narzeczeni chcą czegoś więcej niż tradycyjna uroczystość ślubna. Chętnie poszukują nietypowych miejsc na ślub i wesele, planują ceremonie wyjazdowe i świętują w mniejszym gronie. Cichy ślub cywilny nie jest już rzadkością. Organizując ślub cywilny miejsce może być dowolne, mile widzimy będzie zarówno ślub na leśnej polanie, jak i mały ślub w miejscu takim jak Rezydencja Gubałówka, Hotel Belvedere czy Hotel Kopieniec, ślub w plenerze Zakopane również wchodzi w grę.
Doskonałym rozwiązaniem dla par, które marzą o niesamowitej, magicznej uroczystości z najbliższymi jest kameralny ślub w górach. Dlaczego? O czym pamiętać, organizując wyjazdowy ślub? Przede wszystkim należy pamiętać organizując ślub wyjazdowy, że do wyboru mamy klimatyczne kościółki, jak i ślub w urzędzie stanu cywilnego. Zorganizować ślub cywilny możemy sami, albo skorzystać z pomocy profesjonalistów. Wedding organization in the mountains is no different from organizing this unique event elsewhere. The effect is stunning, because of the scenery.
Mountain climate that fits perfectly into the wedding aura
Polish mountains have something unique about them - whether the Karkonosze Mountains or the Beskidy Mountains - which is why organizing a wedding in the mountains is becoming more and more popular. Vast mountain ranges with a fabulous panorama of picturesque valleys and other amazing views are something that attracts tourists from the most remote corners of the country and even from beyond its borders. The mountain region is a treat for nature lovers, people sensitive to beauty, and those who value relaxation away from the hustle and bustle of the city, surrounded by wonderful, lush nature. The mountain atmosphere relieves stress, adds positive energy and puts you in a great mood. It is also a perfect background for an outdoor civil wedding.

The mountain views delight everyone. The unique aura that prevails in the Polish mountains is the quintessence of romance. It's no wonder that outdoor weddings are so popular. The mountains are a perfect place to say the most important "yes" in life, celebrate love and officially begin a new, shared chapter of history. Organizing a wedding in the mountains is also a dream come true for a unique celebration.

If you dream of an amazing ceremony in a fabulous atmosphere, choose the picturesque Karkonosze Mountains, although a wedding in the Tatra Mountains may also seem delightful. Karkonosze National Park, the breathtaking Szklarka and Kamieńczyk Waterfalls, the "magic hill", numerous valleys, swift streams and, above all, peaks with varied relief, including the over 1,600-meter-high Śnieżka. Could there be a more beautiful place for a wedding ceremony? The Karkonosze Mountains are a beautiful region, delighting with a wealth of amazing natural monuments and other natural attractions. An intimate wedding in the Karkonosze Mountains is a guarantee of unique emotions. But actually - why intimate? Where did the phenomenon of celebrating weddings with loved ones come from?
Why is it worth planning an intimate wedding in the mountains?
It is worth organizing an intimate party in the mountains. The location of the ceremony is very important. This is an offer not only for couples who met there. Or they have, for example in the Karkonosze Mountains, a favorite place to which they return regularly. It's worth getting married there, regardless of your history!
Intimate weddings are amazing, but why is a quiet wedding a good idea? A departure ceremony, somewhere among picturesque natural surroundings, with your loved ones, is a chance to experience the beginning of a new stage in your relationship in an intimate way. Such a ceremony can be even more touching and magical than a grand wedding attended by 150 or 200 people. A small ceremony followed by an intimate reception is a way to experience everything more strongly and intensely.
We also cannot forget about the comfort that an event such as a small wedding creates. During an intimate reception, you will be able to talk to every guest without any problems. Wedding guests will feel more at ease and will establish contact with each other faster.

Co znaczy kameralny ślub?
An intimate wedding - that is for how many people właściwie? To pojęcie tak nieostre, że trudno dać jednoznaczną odpowiedź. Ile osób zaprosić na kameralny ślub w górach? Dla jednych kameralne przyjęcie to impreza na 20, góra 30 osób. Mają niezbyt duże rodziny, albo nie utrzymują kontaktów z dalszymi krewnymi. Na swój ślub planują zaprosić tylko rodziców, rodzeństwo i najbliższych przyjaciół.
Others, on the other hand, cannot imagine celebrating this most important day in their lives without a whole host of close and distant relatives, aunts, friends from kindergarten, and their favorite barber. In this case, it will be difficult to get below 80 guests. So you can see that the term "intimate party" can be interpreted in many different ways... It is worth remembering that a secret wedding is a completely different matter. Then only witnesses are needed, i.e. a very intimate group.
Plan an intimate wedding, or... modestly?
Intimate celebrations come in many different forms. Does an intimate wedding mean a modest wedding? Or maybe not necessarily at all? The first association with the word intimate is modest, quiet, spare. Without pomp and fanfare. And even worse: insignificant and unnoticeable! Downright negligible. That is, none! These are synonyms of the term "intimate". But why exactly should an intimate wedding be like that? Even if we are organizing an intimate wedding, we certainly do not want it to go unnoticed and to be a "small" and "limited" wedding.
After all, if we are thinking about intimacy in the first version (maximum 20, maybe party for 30 people), our intimate wedding in the mountains can even be decorated on a big Skale! Fewer guests means less expenses. First for the so-called plate, then for possible accommodation, then for various attractions for guests. All the more so it is worth to arrange it the way we really want. Don't compromise, just make your dreams come true.

Small wedding – advantages of an intimate wedding in the mountains
Dlaczego ślub kameralny, a nie wielki i huczny? Przede wszystkim – nie wszyscy lubią tłok i tłumy. A na przyjęciu na 100 czy 150 osób siłą rzeczy trudno o intymność czy prywatność. Niewielkie przyjęcie może być bardziej klimatyczne i łatwiej dopasować je do naszych oczekiwań. Nie każdy lubi tańce do białego rana w gronie częściowo obcych, nie oszukujmy się, osób. Nie każdy ma ambicje aktorskie – a na dużym weselu Państwo Młodzi poniekąd muszą odegrać swoje role. Postępować zgodnie ze scenariuszem, bo takie właśnie są oczekiwania w przypadku hucznych imprez.
Narrowing down the group of guests allows you to enjoy this day in peace. Experiencing these special moments only in the company of loved ones, and not in a crowd of people, will certainly appeal more to introverted, more sensitive people; the kind that never pretended to be the life and soul of the party.
Small wedding - garden reception
Kameralne wesele w gronie najbliższych to popularna forma świętowania. Warto też wspomnieć, że wielu gości będzie zadowolonych z takiego rozwiązania. Oni też nie zawsze lubią huczne zabawy i tańce, mogą przecież, podobnie jak Państwo Młodzi, preferować pogawędki czy wręcz gry w planszówki przy kominku. Podczas przyjęcia ślubnego? Właściwie czemu nie? Albo spokojne przyjęcie w ogrodzie przy grillu.
During an intimate party, you can chat, get to know each other better, talk about plans for the future. You can go on a joint tour of the local attractions, taking your time and savoring every moment.

It is not worth organizing a party at the dictation of other people. This is your day - the only one in your life! So if you are not attracted to the vision of a conventional wedding and a grand reception, implement your plan for the perfect wedding reception.

What should you remember when organizing an intimate wedding in the mountains?
Planning an intimate wedding in the mountains should be similar to organizing a large ceremony and a grand wedding reception elsewhere. First of all, set a budget. It is known that when organizing a civil wedding alone, the costs may be lower, especially if we decide to get married without a reception. Detailed wedding cost estimate and wedding is a rational arrangement of expenses and a way to avoid large, unexpected costs or other financial (not necessarily pleasant) surprises.
When you specify wedding budget prepare a preliminary guest list. Who to invite to an intimate wedding in the mountains? Choose the people closest to your hearts. The ones with whom you feel most comfortable. You have the best contact with them, you love spending time with them. The wedding list can include 15, as well as 30 or 40 people. It all depends on your preferences, dreams and expectations. Prepare the list according to your conscience. Don't invite someone just 'because it's the right thing to do'.

Have you set a budget and prepared a guest list? It's time to start the real fun, i.e. organizing the ceremony and reception. To make sure you don't forget any important detail, create a plan that includes:
- place for the ceremony (e.g. a small church) and details related to the wedding,
- wedding hall,
- the theme of the wedding and reception,
- musical setting,
- menu,
- additional attractions,
- accommodation for guests,
- organizational matters – including contracts with subcontractors, transport and others.
Leitmotif for an intimate wedding in the mountains
What theme choose for a wedding? We mentioned that an intimate wedding in the mountains can be incredibly romantic, intimate and touching. The uniqueness of such an event is worth emphasizing with appropriate decorations. Plan a wedding that suits your character and passions, find a wonderful rustic place for a sunrise wedding or a wedding without a wedding.
It perfectly harmonizes with the mountain atmosphere rustic stylewhich refers to the earth, idyll, countryside and everything that is natural. After all, mountains are associated with nature, nature, greenery. Rustic decorations mean simplicity and lightness. Such an arrangement cannot miss garlands made of green plants, jute strings, lace, climatic lighting and elements made of natural wood (e.g. boxes, candle holders, etc.). It is worth adding wildflowers in subdued shades. Materials that match this style include linen, cambric and canvas.
The main colors of weddings and rustic weddings are green, white and ecru. It is also worth adding earth colors, i.e. beiges and browns. Subdued colors combined with the naturalness of wooden decorations, the delicacy of wild flowers and the subtlety of the surrounding nature is the quintessence of romance.

An intimate wedding in the mountains can also be organized in a truly highlander style, using wedding decorations typical of the mountains. Folk decorations, red flowers and a wedding in a real highlander inn - a folk celebration in the mountains will be an amazing experience for all guests!
Neofolk - a natural style of an intimate wedding in the mountains
However, for contemporary young couples, this style may seem too folk. So maybe it's more of a party style neofolk? It will allow us to escape the literal nature of rural decorations. From the craft of folk artists and folk art, we choose only what is most beautiful, and then we combine them with modern details. Thanks to this, we can freely mix traditional patterns from different regions of Poland. We interpret them anew, obtaining a unique effect.

Regional ornaments, often in a simplified form or devoid of their characteristic, very vivid colors, will perfectly match minimalist interiors. Felt handbags, linen or wicker lamps, woolen or cut-out rugs woven from string. Cockroaches, Podhale's padanice, Łowicz belts or peacock eyes taken from the Kurpie culture will be perfect for example as decorations. Unconventional connections? That's what it's all about! Folklore in a designer edition - this is what neofolk offers us.

An intimate wedding in the mountains – overnight stay: how to find a place?
Planning an away wedding involves the need to organize accommodation for wedding guests. As event hosts, you cannot leave the wedding guests alone with this problem. It is your responsibility to help guests arrange their accommodation. If possible, you can cover the cost of this accommodation.
The best - and at the same time the most comfortable - solution will be accommodation for wedding guests in the same facility where the wedding will take place (this should be taken into account when looking for a wedding venue). This will eliminate the problem of transporting guests, and will also allow them to rest or refresh themselves during the party. The advantage is also that hotels, manor houses or other recreational facilities often offer attractive discounts when organizing a wedding with accommodation.

Another idea is to accommodate guests in another facility - preferably located near the rented wedding venue. This option is worth considering when organizing a wedding reception in a restaurant or a hall that does not have accommodation.
Away wedding and parents' blessing
Blessing of parents before the wedding to polski zwyczaj ślubny, praktykowany główne w domach katolickich. Podczas rytuału Para Młoda klęka przed swoimi rodzicami, prosząc ich o błogosławieństwo związku. Rodzice wypowiadają uroczyste, podniosłe słowa, po czym kropią zakochanych wodą święconą. Błogosławieństwo powinno odbyć się w domu rodzinnym panny młodej. A jak kultywować tę tradycję, organizując ślub wyjazdowy?
Kameralne błogosławieństwo może odbyć się w Waszym pokoju hotelowym. Jeśli chcecie nadać chwili bardziej uroczysty charakter, wybierzcie moment przed rozpoczęciem ceremonii w wybranym kościele. Innym pomysłem jest błogosławieństwo w sali weselnej chwilę przed rozpoczęciem przyjęcia.

Wedding in the mountains – what season should you choose for this day?
Of course, each season on its advantages and disadvantages when it comes to organizing a wedding and an intimate party. But from a purely aesthetic point of view, the mountains are beautiful at any time of the year. So every month is good enough to organize a unique one wedding party in the mountains.
Are you looking for inspiration for an intimate wedding in the mountains?

Wiosna to wymarzony okres do wyjścia na szlak. Wraz z budzącą się do życia przyrodą obudzimy się i my! Można przecież przyjechać dzień czy dwa wcześniej, lub zostać chwilę dłużej, i zrelaksować się spacerując po górskich łąkach. Z kolei latem w górach można zanurzyć nogi w potoku, lub wręcz ochłodzić się kąpielą w górskim wodospadzie. Jesień to przepiękne kolory przebarwiających się liści na drzewach i krzewach. Niesamowite barwy, te wszystkie żółcienie, pomarańcze, czerwienie i fiolety.
Zima w górach zwykle oznacza śnieg, zjawisko rzadko teraz spotykane na nizinach, a więc będące dodatkową atrakcją dla wszystkich. Zimą, by dostosować się do przyrody, można zorganizować wesele całe w bieli. Nie tylko Panna Młoda ubrałaby biel, ale także Pan Młody i wszyscy goście. Pomysł może nieco ekscentryczny, lecz z pewnością widowiskowy. Snow sparkling in the sun, crystal icicles, flakes swirling in the moonlight. And against this background a white wedding procession…
Wedding in the mountains – photo session with mountain peaks in the background
This day should be really special. So how about a morning walk on your wedding day? There seems to be no time, there is still so much to do ... However, you have to realize what is most important that day. Or rather, who? Of course you! Your feeling, the bond between you. On this day when you will be very busy, surrounded by other people all the time, it is even more worth spending some time on nurturing your own feelings.
These special moments, more private, can be immortalized in just a few photos. For example, returning from a morning walk in the light of the rising sun. Then - the so-called first look - the first look of the Bride and Groom at each other, already in official wedding "gutters". I wonder if you will be very different from your everyday "me"?
It is definitely worth taking photos with the setting sun in the background. Sneak out of the party for a while, maybe with your closest friends? Photographs of this type - the setting sun, lots of trees and of course the view of the mountains in the background - are obviously kitsch, right? Postcard. And yet ... If you can also see the feeling on them, the photos cease to be artificial and postcard-like, and become a record of authentic emotions. And to have a full set of films, it's worth adding some shots a few hours later, when the moon rises. The most spectacular is the full moon, but the new moon - this charming croissant - will also be a great hero of your photo shoot!

Przyjęcie na świeżym powietrzu – ślub i wesele
For an intimate party in the mountains, consider a garden party. Outdoor wedding może być strzałem w dziesiątkę, gdy gości nie ma zbyt wielu. Skoro mówimy o ślubie w górach, to najlepszy byłby ogród naturalistyczny. Taki najbardziej pasuje do majestatycznych szczytów, starych świerków czy szumiących potoków. Układ ogrodu w tym przypadku stwarza wrażenie przypadkowości. Powinien płynnie łączyć się z otaczającym go górskim krajobrazem. W takim miejscu można będzie swobodnie cieszyć się tym ważnym dniem i obecnością bliskich osób, z powodzeniem organizując ślub cywilny w plenerze.
The bride can choose a "rusalka" styling - a wreath on her head, a simple linen dress, sandals or bare feet. The groom – simple trousers and a linen shirt. Natural materials such as the environment, colors - the colors of the earth, i.e. brown, terracotta, muted green and beige, and also white. Relaxation guaranteed! Especially if we focus on a typical garden menu, i.e. a grill or a bonfire.

How much does an intimate wedding in the mountains cost - Karkonosze
Karkonosze to magiczny rejon położony na pograniczu Polski i Czech. Najbogatsza w zabytki i atrakcje turystyczne część naszego kraju. Nigdzie indziej nie znajdziemy tylu zamków i pałaców. Do dziś zachowała się ich ponad setka, a mamy jeszcze do dyspozycji niezliczone dwory czy dworki myśliwskie. Łatwo zorganizować ślub w tym regionie – wiele z tych obiektów funkcjonuje jako restauracje, hotele, ballrooms czy weselne.
They offer a wide range of services for every budget. This region is named Valley of Palaces and Gardens, and is often compared to the French Loire Valley. Why is there such a density of magnificent residences and palaces in Lower Silesia? Quite simply, in the 19th century, the Prussian court decided that this region would be an ideal vacation spot for the emperor himself! And, of course, the country's elites followed the ruler, building their own palaces, villas and manor houses. Planning a civil wedding in the Karkonosze Mountains is definitely a good idea.

On the occasion of the wedding, you can plan a visit to these beautiful monuments and palace parks or gardens. And at the same time, we still have a view of rocky peaks, ancient forests, rushing streams and waterfalls! You can also choose a more unusual attraction with your guests, such as a walk through the corridors of old mines, adits or delving into the labyrinths of ancient defense complexes. There is also no shortage of such places in the region of Lower Silesia.

Chamber wedding in the mountains will be an amazing experience for you. Celebrating in such picturesque circumstances is a magical, extremely romantic beginning of a new chapter in a relationship.
Zakopane wedding, small church or outdoor wedding?
To sum up - the mountain climate is unrivaled when it comes to wedding scenery. The Tatra Mountains are also very popular in Poland, offering a wide range of possibilities. A wedding in the Tatra Mountains means atmospheric churches, beautiful views and unforgettable moments. For example, Rezydencja Gubałówka organizes weddings from scratch. If you only want an outdoor wedding, Zakopane also offers beautiful places for an outdoor civil wedding. However, it is worth discovering the atmosphere of the Karkonosze Mountains and enjoying it
Frequently Asked Questions
Karpacz wedding?
Karpacz and its surroundings are a frequently chosen place for weddings and receptions. And no wonder. The unique atmosphere of the Karkonosze Mountains encourages you to say the sacramental "yes" right there. In this region, many facilities - both historic and newly established - offer wedding services. Sosnówka, located on the lagoon, right next to Karpacz, is one of those places where young couples often organize weddings.
A civil wedding in the mountains?
A civil wedding in the mountains, with a view of the mountain peaks, is undoubtedly a unique ceremony. Organizing a civil wedding is not complicated, especially if we have help. At Dwór Korona Karkonoszy in Sosnówka, a special place has been prepared for outdoor civil and humanist weddings. This is the so-called Pearl in Koroń - a special gazebo on a hill, overlooking the mountains. The garden surrounding the gazebo with over 100 species of plants allows you to organize even a large wedding outdoors, as it can accommodate up to 200 wedding guests. You can also get married outdoors and hold the wedding in the Court Ballroom for 170 guests. When it comes to weddings, Zakopane also offers a lot of possibilities.
How much does a wedding in the mountains cost?
A wedding in the mountains costs the same as elsewhere. The cost of a wedding depends largely on the number of guests we want to invite. Let's also consider the wedding attractions. Of course, the location of the wedding hall also matters, but wedding halls in the mountains are not more expensive than those in other parts of the country. An option is also an outdoor civil wedding in Zakopane. A lot also depends on the standard of the venue, the additional attractions we choose and the date we choose for the wedding. If we want to avoid high costs, consider, for example, a humanist wedding in Zakopane. A romantic, quiet wedding for two also generates lower expenses.
How to organize a wedding in the mountains?
We organize a wedding in the mountains just like anywhere else. That is, we choose the wedding date, wedding hall, catering, transport, invitations, orchestra or DJ, decorations, wedding attractions, etc. If we are afraid that we will not be able to cope with this task, let's choose the services of a professional wedding planner. Or let's choose a wedding house that will offer us the help of a wedding assistant who will plan all the wedding attractions.
How to organize a wedding at the registry office in the mountains?
A civil wedding in the mountains at the registry office is a short ceremony and a good solution not only when we want to get married discreetly. An intimate group of participants, the bride and groom, an officiant and witnesses - planning a civil wedding is mainly official formalities. If we want to get married outdoors in Zakopane, we must, of course, register it at the office and pay the appropriate fee. The cost of a civil wedding is the same throughout the country. The place for a civil wedding is any, it only needs to include the national emblem.