As you know, every future bride wants to look like a princess on her wedding day. Girls during wedding preparations focus on the dress itself, shoes and hairstyle. They often forget about extras or treat them a bit "with little care". Meanwhile, wedding accessories or wedding jewelry often complement the whole finish and create the right effect.
Wedding jewelry - what to remember
Jewelry must match the dress and hairstyle, but not everyone knows that it should also match the bride's figure and fit into the wedding makeup. Another important rule is moderation - if we choose large earrings, let's give up the necklace and focus on, for example, a bracelet. More does not mean better. Remember the Coco Channel principle, which to this day is a true authority in the fashion world. Her basic motto is: "before going out, stand in front of the mirror and take off one thing." It may seem a bit strange to some, but believe me - this golden thought is useful, even when you are not a fan of minimalism!
Wedding earrings or clip-on earrings. Properly selected, they can be a beautiful complement to the outfit. Delicate and small earrings will be perfect for a filigree figure. On the other hand, we offer large, but not necessarily very ornate, earrings for women with larger shapes.
„Do sukni typu retro z dużą ilością koronek i beżu, idealne będą modne perełki! Kolczyków lub klipsów z kamieniami należy unikać, jeżeli suknia ślubna jest wykonana z błyszczących materiałów, zdobionych np. kryształkami Svarowskiego, gdyż uzyskamy efekt „choinki”. Musimy tutaj zastosować zasadę przeciwieństwa – do zdobnej sukni dodajemy subtelne kolczyki” – radzi Joanna Hoc-Kopiej, ekspert weselny Dworu Korona Karkonoszy.

Bracelets. A very fashionable accent from the 2016 season. Ladies are increasingly choosing wedding bracelets instead of special gloves. The hit are bracelets with round beads finished with a small pendant. In a more luxurious version, i.e. for a wedding - we recommend a bracelet made of pearls and crystals on a double chain. This type of decoration will not be too intrusive, and it will be beautifully composed with a wedding dress.
necklaces. When preparing your outfit, be sure to choose the right necklace for the wedding. Special, heavy pendants are fashionable in the 2016 season. However, you need to know that such an element attracts attention, so you need to be sure that the exposed neckline is your asset. This is necessary, because imagine an embellished neck-length gown with a beautiful necklace dangling from it that no one will ever see! It won't be glamorous or elegant. If your dress has a fairly exposed neckline, but it is also very decorative, e.g. trimmed with crystals or ornaments, there is no need to hang a necklace around your neck. What too much is not healthy. Let's give up double decorations in the same area of the body, because it will disturb the whole coherence. Although the necklace will be perfectly matched to the theme of the dress, too many decorations may make the bride not look elegant, but more like a Christmas tree.
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Wedding jewelry - rings
Does wedding jewelry focus only on these three elements? What about rings? Let's remember that the wedding ring should be the main decoration of the finger on this day. Therefore, we should not decorate our hands with anything else. If we wear a lot of rings on a daily basis, let's leave them in a home box that day. Many brides even give up the engagement ring during the wedding, but this is not the rule. Of course, it is worth considering, but it is the wedding ring that should attract attention. Additional decorations on the fingers also do not look good on wedding photos that day. And there can be a lot of photos of your hands, because putting on wedding rings is a symbol of getting married. Too many ornaments on the fingers can disturb what is most important.
Wedding jewelry and wedding dress
Can a wedding dress become unique jewelry at the same time? Of course! Many brides want to look absolutely stunning on this day. They then choose dresses that have a lot of decorations and sparkle like lights. Then they completely give up wedding jewelry, which would be a step towards exaggeration. This is a good decision for this type of wedding dresses. Wedding jewelry is then completely unnecessary, because it is the dress that creates the perfect effect of the entire styling.
The only decoration that can be used in such a situation are nail decorations. Every bride wants to have the most beautiful nails that day. That's why it's worth letting your imagination run wild and decorate your nails with crystals, shimmering pollen or unique paintings. The stylist should choose the nail motif in such a way that it harmonizes with the wedding dress and make-up. That is why it is worth putting yourself in the hands of a professional. Typically, brides use stylizations in bright, pastel colors, white or delicate, natural hybrid bases, decorated with Swarovski crystals. Such a manicure will add chic, and at the same time will not weigh down even the most ornate wedding dress.
The ideal situation would be if our wedding jewelry also harmonized with the hairstyle. For buns and pinned hair, it is safer to choose stud earrings, while loose hair, arranged in waves or curls, will look good hanging earrings. Match the earrings with the rest of the jewelry. We do not recommend wearing all the items together: earrings, necklace and bracelet. One of the elements, eg a necklace, should be dominant, the other - much more subtle - eg delicate earrings, and basically that's it!

The outfit can be complemented by various wedding hair ornaments: combs, tiaras, headbands, clips. Let us remember, however, that everything should harmonize with each other and that the decorations should only complement, and not be an advantage over the whole image! Properly selected jewelry will make it look and feel great on this most important day of your life!