Regardless of whether you've been dreaming of an outdoor wedding for a long time, or you just recently came up with such an idea, know that a wedding and outdoor wedding it's the beginning of a great adventure! Unlike an in-room party, there are a few things you can't control. So if you dream of an outdoor party, check what to look for when looking for an outdoor wedding venue!
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Wesele w plenerze to marzenie wielu par młodych, pragnących powiedzieć sobie „tak” w otoczeniu natury. Organizacja takiego wydarzenia może być jednak wyzwaniem, wymagającym uwzględnienia wielu czynników.
W poniższym wpisie odpowiemy na najważniejsze pytania dotyczące plenerowych wesel, takie jak wybór odpowiedniego miejsca, koszty związane z organizacją, a także kwestie dekoracji i cateringu. Dowiesz się również, czy pora roku ma znaczenie, jakie są zalety i wady tego typu ceremonii oraz jak się na nią ubrać.
Czy marzysz o ślubie kościelnym pod gołym niebem? Sprawdzimy, czy jest to możliwe i jakie formalności trzeba spełnić. Zapraszamy do lektury, aby dowiedzieć się, jak zorganizować niezapomniane wesele w plenerze, które na długo pozostanie w pamięci Waszej oraz Waszych gości.
- How to organize an outdoor wedding?
- Where to organize a unique wedding party?
- How much does an outdoor wedding cost?
- Does the time of year matter?
- How much does an outdoor wedding decoration cost?
- Can you have a church wedding outdoors?
- Outdoor wedding - what to wear?
- Which catering should you choose for an outdoor wedding?
- Advantages and disadvantages of an outdoor wedding
How to organize an outdoor wedding?
Planning an outdoor wedding is not much different from planning a wedding in a hall or restaurant. The only element that we cannot fully predict and control is the weather. But you can prepare for different variants. It is not as difficult as it might seem.

What is worth considering in the case of an outdoor wedding, and what does not have to be particularly useful when the wedding takes place indoors? It is definitely worth reminding guests about warmer covers for the evening. Although more and more often in Poland during holidays we are dealing with the so-called tropical nights, when the temperature does not drop below 20 ° C, but you also need to prepare for colder nights. You probably won't get cold during the dances, but you have to put something on when you rest or chat.
Chilly evenings? No problem!
You can also prepare warm blankets for guests. It is best to choose a uniform color that matches the setting of the wedding. Such inexpensive rugs can be purchased at many home improvement stores. What to do with them after the wedding? Keep it for holiday trips, picnics or give it to the nearest animal shelter. Dogs and kittens will surely be happy!

What if it turns out that instead of cold, we got heat pouring from the sky? It seems that beautiful weather during a wedding is not a problem, and yet ... Too strong sun can also take its toll on guests. Fans, shaded areas and cold drinks should solve this problem. And again - the fans should be stylistically matched to the theme of the wedding. Your guests will look great in the photos! Fans can also be an original souvenir for wedding guests - just order the appropriate print with the wedding theme, wedding date and names of the Bride and Groom. Sun hats and dark glasses will also work as a small gift and protection against the sun. They can be personalized just like fans.
Are you looking for a picturesque wedding venue?

And one more thing - an outdoor wedding can be marked with mosquitoes. Although in the gardens near restaurants and wedding halls there are usually no pesticides, because the facility managers watch over spraying that fight these annoying insects, but it is always worth taking precautions and preparing special lanterns and candles with fragrances, as well as devices with ultrasounds that will repel insects.

Where to organize a unique wedding party?
Need help getting your garden ready for a wedding? Before you get to work, think about how you will take care of guests during both heavy rain and a heatwave. Do you dream of an intimate party in your home garden? Small outdoor wedding may turn out to be a hit, but make sure that the fun until dawn will not disturb the neighbors. If you are planning a big party, look for a garden adjacent to a hotel or restaurant. You can rent a spacious and elegant tent that will save the party during temporary rains.

How much does an outdoor wedding cost?
Usually less than in a wedding hall or restaurant. The cost of an outdoor wedding it is largely an individual matter. As in any case, it depends on the number of guests, type of menu, possible additional attractions. But certainly a cheap outdoor wedding is possible. Especially since green wedding decorations they are ready, and the clothes for an outdoor wedding are usually less formal; so we don't necessarily have to buy special creations. Also the menu could be more picnic-like. When we use these options, it may turn out to be true the cost of the wedding outdoors it will be quite inviting.

However, apart from the price, it is worth considering that in the case of an outdoor wedding, it is much easier to find a free date in the most crowded months and days. Most often, there are no special restrictions as to the number of guests – it is easier to organize a really large wedding outdoors.
Does the time of year matter?
Outdoor wedding is the dream of many young couples, especially lovers of nature and time spent outdoors. However, not all choose to do so. Why? The main problem is the weather. Of course, when organizing an outdoor wedding, we must take into account rain, wind or scorching sun. However, you can prepare yourself for all eventualities. How? Young couples often decide to rent a special tent with a dance floor. In many gardens by restaurants or hotels there are ready-made roofs - gazebos, pergolas, pavilions or tents or professional umbrellas, and you can take shelter there in case of bad weather.
Winter outdoors? Here you go!
We usually plan an outdoor wedding in summer, possibly late spring or early autumn. But do you really have to limit yourself only to these seasons? Despite the warming climate, it is difficult to imagine organizing an entire wedding outdoors in winter, but you can plan attractions such as a bonfire and a sleigh ride. Some young couples prepare such a variety of wedding receptions. At the agreed time, guests show up dressed in warm clothes to first enjoy a night sleigh with torches, and then warm up by the bonfire with aromatic mulled wine with cloves and honey. These are truly magical moments! Of course it will only work wedding in the mountains, as in the lowlands, even in the middle of winter, it rarely snows in recent years.

How much does an outdoor wedding decoration cost?
When it comes to an outdoor wedding, one thing definitely works to our advantage - the decorations are practically free. Mother Nature will take care of it, regardless of the season. An outdoor wedding means a wedding in a garden, park, forest, or on the beach. Everywhere there, nature will create a beautiful entourage for our ceremony, although of course in different styles. In autumn, we will be accompanied by Indian summer, which looks beautiful in photos, and at the beginning of summer, fireflies will illuminate our ceremony. You can't buy such decorations!
In the case of outdoor weddings, it is also worth preparing - of course stylistically harmonizing with the rest of the decorations - wedding signposts. The area where the event takes place is often quite extensive, so that guests do not get lost looking for a sweet table, a drink bar, a parking lot or toilets, let's show them the way, while decorating the area in an interesting and original way.

Outdoor wedding - boho style
Boho, rustic, Hamptons or glamor wedding? In the case of an outdoor wedding, just like indoor weddings, it is worth choosing wedding style and a leitmotif that fits the environment. Then it will be easier for us to find the right garden. After all, there are English, French, Japanese, romantic and minimalist gardens. Different styles to match the leitmotif. Natural decorations should be "turned up" with appropriate ornaments and add wooden or rattan ornaments, beads and shells, paper fans or colorful pillows with ethnic patterns, or lace from the old days. Also, additional garden lighting should fit into the atmosphere - you can choose the style of light garlands and lanterns to match the theme of the wedding.

Can you have a church wedding outdoors?
Unfortunately, priests rarely agree to marry outdoors, even when it comes to the church garden. If you dream of an outdoor wedding, it is worth considering a civil wedding in a beautiful garden or on the beach. If we care about a church wedding, you can only arrange a modest ceremony with witnesses, but organize the actual ceremony outdoors, as the Registry Office officials do not cause problems when it comes to outdoor weddings. You can also take humanist wedding. This is a ceremony that is gaining more and more supporters. As it has no legal force, the Bride and Groom usually have a concordat or civil wedding first.
Outdoor wedding - what to wear?
How to dress for a wedding in the open air? When we have fun at an outdoor wedding, we don't have to wear very official dresses or suits, not to mention high-heeled shoes, which simply won't work on grass, pine needles or sand. Ballerinas, low-heeled sandals or wedge espadrilles, so fashionable in the summer, will be better. What about a beach wedding? During such a party, you can simply go barefoot! It is most pleasant to walk on the sand - and dance - barefoot, preferably in a long, airy linen dress.
This question can be answered in one word: comfortable! Light and casual, this is how we should dress for an outdoor wedding. And elegant at the same time, so of course there is no question of a tracksuit or cargo pants, unless it will be a wedding in the style of sports, survival or military style and the Bride and Groom will clearly indicate that such creations are welcome.
What outdoor wedding dress will work best? You can put on your favorite casual one, which also has the advantage that it will not be a one-time purchase. Light summer creations, also floral, will be most appropriate. Trousers, usually rarely worn by ladies during classic weddings, will also work well at an outdoor wedding. Or the recently fashionable jumpsuits. It is also worth betting on jewelry suited to nature. Earrings made of wood, stones or shells, various types of handcrafted models are currently very trendy. And moreover wreaths and headbands made of flowers or even simpler - a flower in the hair.

Also, gentlemen during a garden party do not have to dress very formally - moccasins, chinos and a casual shirt, together fitting into the smart casual style, will be most appropriate. Tie and jacket not necessary.
Great venues for an outdoor wedding: a handful of inspiration
Do you love to relax by the sea? Then think about organizing an unforgettable beach wedding. There are great restaurants near popular beaches. In one of them you can order catering for the party. Also, ask if your guests will be able to enjoy themselves in the restaurant in case of bad weather.
Are you looking for a romantic venue for an outdoor wedding? If you are an avid nature lover and you enjoy being in nature, plan a wedding in a roadside shrine and a party in the forest. If you decide to undertake such an undertaking, take care of catering and sanitary facilities. Remember that in this case you need the consent of the forest inspectorate.

Outdoor wedding venue
Outdoor wedding, where exactly? We must answer this question at the very beginning. Forest or meadow? Beach or garden? Outdoor with facilities, i.e. a garden belonging to a restaurant or a wedding hall or a completely "wild" place? Or maybe a garden in a private house, at someone's family or friends? Once we answer this question, we can plan further actions.
However, if we consider different outdoor wedding venues, it is worth considering that a party organized in the middle of nowhere also means no access to toilets, running water and electricity (unless we consider using generators and renting toilets, because electricity and toilets for an outdoor wedding are a key issue!). Also, access in the case of a secluded location can be a problem. However, it is safer and more convenient to bet on an outdoor wedding, but in a somewhat "tamed" and developed outdoors. Then everything is in place - a tent or pavilions (often equipped with air conditioning and heating umbrellas), a dance floor, lighting, furniture, food, service, crockery, etc. Arranging a wedding reception in the middle of a forest or on a secluded beach can turn out to be an extreme sport…

In addition, independent organization of an outdoor wedding, especially in remote places, can be difficult without adequate facilities. In this case, it is better to outsource everything to a wedding planner who will find all the necessary subcontractors and think about all aspects of the event outdoors. And just enjoy the upcoming holiday.
An outdoor wedding?

Which catering should you choose for an outdoor wedding?
Having fun outdoors usually means a good appetite for guests. Despite this, we do not recommend heavy, classic wedding dishes for an outdoor wedding. Fresh, easily digestible dishes, prepared from seasonal vegetables and fruits, are better suited to outdoor parties.

A well-stocked buffet is very convenient in such a situation. In the open air, it is most convenient to eat small snacks that can be eaten even standing up. Salads, dumplings, mini dishes in cups or various types of cups - this is what will work at an outdoor wedding. When preparing or ordering menu for an outdoor wedding you also need to remember to protect the food against too high temperature and insects that, attracted by wonderful smells, may try to invite guests to us.

Advantages and disadvantages of an outdoor wedding
Defects – organizing a party can be more difficult than we thought, especially if we want to do everything ourselves. However, in the case of hiring a company specializing in organizing weddings, this problem disappears.
Advantages – of course, the beauty of nature, the opportunity to commune with nature. Outdoor weddings it's like something out of a fairy tale. Fun under the stars will impress the guests and will remain in the memory of all participants of the party forever.

Outdoor wedding and reception – summary
An outdoor wedding is very romantic. Green garden, a gazebo entwined with ivy and fragrant bindweed, mossy statues, the sound of water from the fountain. Or a forest glade surrounded by majestic spruce trees or a sandy beach with sea waves crashing against it. Doesn't it sound tempting? It's no wonder that more and more young couples dream of a wedding in the bosom of nature. Such weddings are unconventional, have a different character and rhythm than those organized in elegant palace or manor interiors. This does not mean, of course, that an outdoor wedding cannot be elegant, but it is always more informal than in the case of classic weddings. An outdoor wedding can be a more casual wedding, in less formal outfits and with a more picnic menu. But it can still be a very elegant wedding, in the style of English parties at the races in Ascot or in the glamor style. It's up to us what it will be like.

Frequently Asked Questions
How much does an outdoor wedding cost?
An outdoor wedding is usually cheaper than an indoor wedding reception. Even if we do not have a suitable place for an outdoor wedding ourselves, renting a garden next to a wedding hall or restaurant costs less than a wedding hall. Catering or additional attractions for the wedding usually cost the same. Although eating in the garden can also be a little cheaper, because simpler dishes, for example grilled, are suitable for an outdoor wedding. And wedding outfits, as they are less formal, can also be cheaper than typical wedding ones.
What does an outdoor wedding look like?
An outdoor wedding is extremely romantic. Imagine wonderful, colorful vegetation, rays of the sun, beautiful views. If we are nature lovers, an outdoor wedding is a great option for us. If we like informal garden parties, and we do not like official balls and stiff costumes, let's decide on a summer wedding or a spring wedding, let's look for a magical garden and organize our wedding and reception there.
What to wear to an outdoor wedding?
For an outdoor wedding, you can and even need to dress less formally than for a wedding in a ballroom. For example, shoes - stilettos or other high heels would sink into the grass or sand. Ballerinas or flat sandals will be better. Classic, official suits or dark suits will also look strange against the background of grass and trees or sand. It is better to bet on summer, airy dresses for women and loafers and linen, light shirts for men. Casual style outfits will also be cheaper than specially bought costumes for a wedding.