Pre-wedding fever, months of preparation and striving for everything to be perfect - wedding organization it's quite a challenge. The list of things to do before the wedding is very long. In addition to finding the perfect outfits, booking a wedding hall and inviting guests, there are a lot of formalities related to the ceremony to take care of. What documents are necessary to get married in a civil ceremony? How to complete all the documents before the church wedding? We suggest.
Who can get married?
A wedding is a very solemn and romantic event. Two people promise each other their love in the presence of a priest or official. However, before the ceremony takes place, the future newlyweds have to complete a lot of formalities. One of them is to submit a declaration of no contraindications to marry. According to Polish law, two people who are of legal age can get married and for whom none of the following is true:
- are in another marriage,
- are related or related by marriage in a straight line,
- they are siblings,
- they remain in the relationship of adoption.
There are a few exceptions that allow you to get married despite the existence of contraindications. However, then the consent of the court is necessary for this. After the application is approved by the court, a minor woman who has turned 16, a person suffering from mental illness/mental retardation or two people related by blood can get married.
Documents before a civil wedding - what is worth knowing?
A civil wedding is concluded in the presence of the head of the Registry Office and two witnesses. An adult can be a witness. Religion, gender or marital status does not matter. If the witness is a foreigner, a sworn interpreter should appear at the ceremony. It shows that wedding witness duties They really start at the wedding.
Arranging the formalities related to a civil wedding is not complicated. Future spouses can complete everything on one visit to the Registry Office. For the meeting with the manager, the couple should bring their ID cards, abbreviated birth certificates (not inclsz) and proof of payment for the wedding - PLN 84 is the rate applicable as of August 27, 2021. Payment can be made by bank transfer or at the office's cash desk. During the visit to the Registry Office, the future newlyweds make a written declaration that there are no circumstances that would preclude marriage. Then they set a date and decide what surname they will take after marriage and what surname their future children will have. The assurance is valid for 6 months. It makes no sense to submit it earlier than six months before the planned wedding date. The application expires and you have to will submit it again. The wedding may be concluded after one month from the date of providing the assurance that there are no contraindications.

The situation is different when one of the persons wishing to get married is a foreigner. Wedding planning and wedding may take a bit longer due to the need to complete the necessary documents. A foreigner should provide the Registry Office with a document confirming the possibility of entering into a marriage in accordance with the law of the country of origin. Documents drawn up in a foreign language must be translated by a sworn translator.
to the question - wedding to remember – the answer is obvious – about documents. On the wedding day, the bride and groom and witnesses should have their ID cards with them. The wedding ceremony takes place at the Registry Office. Of course, it is possible to move the ceremony to any other place after submitting the appropriate application. The cost of the ceremony outside the Registry Office is about PLN 1,000. Recently, it is also possible outdoor church wedding. The first step is then to obtain the consent of the bishop and then the curia.
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Documents before a church wedding - what is necessary?
A church wedding, otherwise known as a concordat wedding, is concluded in the presence of a priest and witnesses in a selected church - usually it is the bride's parish. The organization of a Catholic ceremony is a bit more complicated. What documents are needed before the wedding? Future newlyweds, in addition to their ID cards, should prepare:
- baptismal certificate (not older than three months),
- confirmation certificates,
- religious education certificates (in some parishes),
- confirmation of premarital education,
- confirmation of meetings at the family clinic,
- certificate of announcements made in other parishes (if any),
- certificate of admission to confession.
Documents before a church wedding - completing step by step
A couple who want to get married in the church, about six months before the planned ceremony, must go to the parish office to arrange the date of the wedding. Before the next visit to the office, the future spouses should arrange for baptismal records and confirmation certificates. These documents expire three months after they are issued, so you may want to wait before requesting them. For a wedding outside the parishes of future spouses, the consent of the parish priest is required.
Three months before the wedding, the future Bride and Groom must go to a meeting with a priest who will draw up a pre-marriage protocol. This important document before the wedding will contain personal data of the couple, dates of previous sacraments and possible obstacles to marriage.
Two weeks before the planned ceremony, the newlyweds-to-be must request an announcement from their parish. Then they should go to the Registry Office. Based on identity cards and abbreviated birth certificates, the manager will prepare a certificate of no circumstances precluding marriage. A certificate of no contraindications and a document confirming the announcement should be delivered to the parish office.
What's next? A week before the wedding, the future spouses together with the priest and witnesses write down the marriage certificate. The day before the ceremony, they should go to confession.

On the day of the ceremony, the bride and groom sign consent to the civil and legal consequences of the marriage. Ready documents are delivered to the Registry Office - the fulfillment of this obligation lies with the parish where the marriage was concluded.
The formalities that need to be completed before the wedding can seem very complicated and time-consuming. However, contrary to appearances, it is not so difficult. The key is not to be afraid to ask and ask for support. Officials and priests are usually very understanding and help at every step. Preparations for the wedding should be joyful, not full of nerves and unnecessary misunderstandings. Similarly, preparing a wedding does not have to mean many months of stress. Wedding hall like in a fairytale in the Stylish Wedding Court, combined with a wedding advisor watching over the whole thing, are options that are definitely worth considering.