It is not known whether it is nostalgia or a passing fashion, but newlyweds are more and more willing to choose weddings reminiscent of the 1920s, 1940s and 1960s. However, it is worth knowing that retro style wedding are not only classic styles from the 1920s-60s, but also Victorian style (late 19th century) and traditional polish wedding. In a word, a retro wedding means a wedding "from the past".
What will you learn from the article?
Moda na wesele w stylu retro przyciąga coraz więcej par młodych, które pragną, aby ich wielki dzień był nie tylko piękny, ale także wyjątkowy i pełen nostalgii. Skąd się wzięła ta fascynacja przeszłością? Styl retro, z jego elegancją i ponadczasowym urokiem, stanowi doskonałą odskocznię od współczesnych trendów i pozwala przenieść się w magiczne lata 50., 60. czy 70., tworząc niezapomniane wspomnienia.
Planowanie wesela w stylu retro wymaga jednak zwrócenia uwagi na wiele detali. Od wyboru odpowiednich zaproszeń po dopasowanie bukietu ślubnego – każda decyzja ma znaczenie. W naszym artykule pokażemy, na co zwrócić uwagę, aby wesele w stylu retro stało się rzeczywistością. Dowiesz się, jak krok po kroku zorganizować wesele w klimacie lat 50., w jaki sposób wybrać zaproszenia vintage, a także jak zadbać o każdy szczegół, aby stworzyć harmonijną i autentyczną atmosferę.
Nie zapomnimy również o tym, jak wybrać idealny bukiet, który dopełni całość i podkreśli wyjątkowy charakter Waszej uroczystości. Gotowi na podróż w czasie? Zapraszamy do lektury!
- Skąd się wzięła moda na wesele w stylu retro?
- Na co zwrócić uwagę, planując wesele w stylu retro?
- Retro style wedding - what to take care of?
- How to organize a 1950s-style wedding?
- How to choose vintage invitations?
- Wedding in the style of the 70s step by step
- How to choose the perfect bouquet for a retro-style wedding?
Skąd się wzięła moda na wesele w stylu retro?
Wedding ceremonies organized in the old days were only slightly different from those of today. So what makes us return to the past years with such longing?

Nowadays, we have a lot of room for maneuver and the chance to realize virtually any wedding fantasy. We can organize a wedding event referring to any era - in a more elegant style, or on the contrary - inspired by forgotten rural customs. Regardless of the era and belonging to a given social class, one thing has not changed over the years. A wedding has always been an extraordinary and solemn event for future spouses and their families.
Jak szukać sali na wesele w stylu retro?
wedding halls they now offer us countless attractions, adapted to virtually any style that comes to mind. Even if chosen wedding hall doesn't have certain props needed for our dream job themed wedding, will certainly try to rent or buy them at the request of the bride and groom. Retro style wedding can be organized in any room, however it is a historic one manor house with boutique ones rooms for guests it is ideal place for a wedding, perfectly suited to leitmotif. A manor wedding is the quintessence of a retro atmosphere.

Na co zwrócić uwagę, planując wesele w stylu retro?
As Joanna Hoc-Kopiej, a wedding expert, says Court of the Crown of the Karkonosze Mountains: "We help young couples organize weddings in almost every convention." To achieve the desired effect, a number of activities are needed. From the appropriate styling of the bride and groom, through details and accessories, to the decor itself ballroom, table decorations etc. “It is the various little things, purchased, for example, at an antiques market, that determine the final shape of the wedding. Recently, the fashion for retro-style cars has gained a crazy pace. And there is no indication that this will change quickly," our interlocutor adds. And since the devil is in the details, below we will tell you what weddings and receptions looked like in the past and we will present some tips, how to organize a wedding in retro style today.

Ślub i wesele od zawsze były ważnym wydarzeniem, zarówno w tradycji polskiej, jak i europejskiej. Niezależnie od społecznej przynależności, uroczystość miała charakter bardzo radosny, wesoły. Zaproszeni goście ucztowali na całego, a śpiewom i tańcom nie było końca. Wszystko musiało być szumne, barwne i obfite. Panna Młoda często miała na sobie wieniec z kolorowych kwiatów. Obecnie tradycja ta znów wraca do łask i coraz częściej można zobaczyć Pannę Młodą z wieńcem kwiatowym zamiast welonu. Ta estetyka świetnie sprawdzi się na rustic wedding. This is a very similar theme to an idyllic wedding in which nature plays a large role.
Wedding manors in retro style
If we want the wedding to be romantic, let's remember about the right place. Modern hotels and facilities can spoil our celebration and take away its retro character. It's better to choose a stylish one wedding venue, with interesting architecture and interior design. Retro style wedding halls they have soul in them! An additional attraction may be accommodation in... apartments, rooms and lounges, for example in a rustic or romantic style. If our wedding takes place in the warm months, it may be a good solution wedding in the garden: during the day full of flowers, and in the evening illuminated with lamps and torches.

Retro style wedding - what to take care of?
Dawniej popularnymi potrawami na stole weselnym były na przykład flaki, białe pszenne kluski, kraszona kapusta czy tradycyjne wypieki jak choćby kołacze (specjalne ciasto weselne, które było symbolem szczęścia i dostatku). Większość dań z pewnością i w dzisiejszych czasach spotka się z aprobatą gości weselnych. Mimo, że kiedyś gotowano raczej tłusto i treściwie, to korzystano z naturalnych składników i sprawdzonych przepisów, więc dania były bardzo smaczne.
Retro wedding menu
Young couples deciding on the so-called a luxurious wedding should focus on more exquisite cuisine. Then appropriate menu these include, for example, seafood: oysters or crayfish, and a special wedding buffet: fish delicacies, fruit specialties, desserts, natural liqueurs, etc. Old Polish wedding there will be a meat buffet, where the social life of this celebration takes place. It is at the country table, with a bit of liqueur or smoked vodka, that guests admire the charms of the celebration.

Muzyka oczywiście nawiązywała do danej epoki. Bardziej odważni mogą zdecydować się na muzykę puszczaną z gramofonu lub prawdziwą orkiestrę z fortepianem czy kwartet smyczkowy. Bezpieczniejsze rozwiązanie to stare polskie hits combined with traditional songs and dances. National dances may be an interesting addition (as an additional element). It is worth organizing a fun competition for guests, for example quick course in kujawiak, poleczka or – from a different tradition – the cancan.
Sukienka w stylu retro, czyli jaka?
Dobrym rozwiązaniem będą wszelkiego rodzaju koronki. Suknia ślubna w starym stylu może być opasana tiulem lub jedwabiem lub też bez rękawów, za to z frędzlami (lata 20.). Dodatki i biżuteria: perły, ozdoby we włosach, pióra, szale boa. Mogą być widoczne nie tylko w stylizacjach Pary Młodej, ale także gości, co z pewnością sprawi im wiele frajdy. Sukienki retro na wesele chętnie włożą na pewno druhny. Takie rekwizyty będą także doskonałym dodatkiem do sesji podczas wesela, kiedy to fotograf uchwyci wszystkie najlepsze momenty uroczystości. Fryzura na wesele w stylu retro – najlepiej pasować będą długie włosy, loki, koki, z wpiętymi w nie klejnotami.

Wedding car – instead of a modern limousine, you can choose a carriage or an old school retro car, referring to the style of the wedding and looking great both in real life and in photos.
Wedding hall and table decorations are mainly candles, red roses or carnations, lace tablecloths and peacock feathers in bouquets.
Are you looking for a place for an unforgettable wedding?

Retro style wedding - a way to use a time machine
Guests who will remember a unique retro-style wedding will be delighted with this one theme of the wedding. It will be a time travel for them to years they may even remember and miss. Certainly, many of them will have no problems finding the right outfit, because they will find something suitable in the corners of the wardrobe or in the attic. Certainly, returning to the old days will rejuvenate many guests and put them in the champagne mood of fun from their youth.
If you value traditional solutions, a retro-style wedding will steal your hearts. What your celebration will look like depends largely on whether you choose the 1920s, 1950s, 1960s or 1970s. Please remember that specific decorations are assigned to specific decades.
And yes, the 1920s are associated with wealth, splendor and luxury, so silver and gold accents, fringes and feathers should dominate your party. You can also think about velvet curtains, impressive chandeliers, mirrors and round tables.

How to organize a 1950s-style wedding?
You dream about having a relaxed and joyful atmosphere at your party. Candy 50's themed wedding this is a real hit! Are you wondering how to emphasize the unique character of the party? Are you looking for a way to transport your guests back to the beautiful 1950s? We have prepared some interesting propositions for you.
Preparing a retro wedding?

First of all, choose powder and pastel colors! When decorating the room, try to include blue, pink and candy accents. Remember to exercise moderation and common sense. Think about spreading polka-dot tablecloths on the tables and then placing tissue paper flowers, paper balls, and pink and blue muffins on them. How to thank wedding guests for coming? Give them delicious lollipops with your names/wedding date
How to choose a car for a retro-style wedding?
Are you looking for a way to stand out from the crowd? Then choose a renovated one vehicle from the era of the Polish People's Republic. You can choose Syrenka, FSO Warszawa, Volkswagen Beetle, Fiat 126p or 125p. When it comes to color, white and black cars are the most popular. They not only match the style of the wedding, but also leave a lot of scope for decoration.

you wonder what car to choose for a retro-style wedding? Look for an elegant, old, well-kept car that will emphasize the unique character of the celebration. In this case, a Ford Mustang, Roll-Royce, Aston Martin or Bentley will be perfect.
How to dress wedding car? It can be decorated with fresh or artificial flowers, balloons, garlands, ribbons or magnetic letters. Some people say that wedding cars are beautiful and unique in themselves, so they do not need to be decorated. However, if you have some free time, you can decorate it yourself. All it takes is a little creativity. Of course, the decision is yours, but it is worth considering such a solution.
How to choose vintage invitations?
Are you wondering how to let your family and friends know? you are organizing a retro-style wedding? Order invitations that will give them a unique atmosphere. You can recognize them at first glance. Just look at the font, graphics and overall design. If the invitations are to reflect the atmosphere of the 1920s, pay special attention to the glamor collection.
Typically, these types of invitations are made on black paper with silver or gold letters. However, invitations in bright colors, preferably with a heart or floral motif, fit perfectly into the 1950s style.

Wedding in the style of the 70s step by step
you dream about outdoor wedding retro style? Get inspired by the crazy 70s, which are associated with closeness to nature, freedom, flowers, lack of rules and hippies. Do you value freedom and effortless elegance? Then the proposed convention will definitely appeal to you.
What guiding colors Will they instantly put your guests in a good mood? Do you like energetic and intense colors? Choose red, yellow or red! Although juicy, exotic oranges dominate spring and summer parties, they will work just as well at an autumn party. The proposed color comes in various shades, but the most popular are cinnamon, brick red, rust and copper.

Remember to balance them with earth tones. Orange alone can be too flashy. And if you like this color, but prefer more delicate shades, choose salmon, apricot or peach.
What decorations fit the style of the 1970s? Give up luxurious and shiny decorations. We would like to remind you that there is no place for glitz, pomp and rich ornamentation here. Choose naturalness and simplicity! It is worth covering wooden tables with colorful tablecloths and then placing bouquets of wild flowers, feathers, colorful ribbons, paper decorations and candles in jars on them.

How to choose the perfect bouquet for a retro-style wedding?
When composing a wedding bouquet, use subtle, pastel, candy colors. You can combine them with dirty pink, green, brown or dark purple. By ordering flowers for a retro style wedding, feel free to play with colors. The above-mentioned rule applies not only when composing a wedding bouquet, but also when preparing church decorations wedding hall.

Are you looking for a way to give your compositions a refined character? Choose peonies, roses or anemones. Or maybe you need a bouquet that will refer to the 1920s? You can conjure it up from forget-me-nots, daisies, lilies of the valley, daisies, cornflowers or poppies. If you don't have time to prepare the composition yourself, seek help from experienced and talented people florists.
Frequently Asked Questions
Retro style wedding?
Organizing a wedding in retro style can be a unique idea that will transport guests to other times, reviving the spirit of the past. To emphasize the style of your wedding, choose decorations that refer to a specific decade or era, such as the 1920s, 1930s, 1950s or 1960s. You can use stylish furniture, floral motifs and colors typical of a given era. Both you and your guests can dress in clothes referring to the selected decade. Retro wedding dresses, suits, elegant hats and period accessories will add charm to the entire ceremony. Choose music from a given decade or era that will create the right mood. Prepare a menu that reflects the cuisine of the selected era. You can offer classic dishes and cocktails from those times. Organize fun and games from the era - for example, organize a retro dance competition. Retro-style wedding decorations - choose stylish table settings, napkins, plates and cutlery that match the chosen era. You can also use vintage candlesticks and dishes. Also choose invitations and wedding supplies that reflect your chosen retro style. Old photos, retro fonts and colors can give your invitations and wedding program the right character. Be sure to rent a classic car or oldtimer as a means of transport to the wedding. This is an additional element of a retro-style wedding. Set up a photo booth where guests can take photos in stylish costumes and accessories. When organizing a retro-style wedding, it is worth working with professionals who have experience in organizing themed weddings to ensure the authenticity and unique character of the entire ceremony. Wonderful weddings in retro and any other style are organized by Dwór Korona Karkonoszy in Sosnówka near Karpacz, in a stylish building suitable for retro weddings.
Where to organize a wedding in retro style?
If you are planning to have a retro wedding, it is important to find the right venue that will perfectly match the theme. It's best to rent a villa, manor house or palace from the period you want to reflect at your wedding. Such historical places often have original architectural details and old-fashioned charm, which will fit perfectly into the retro style. For example, in Dwór Korona Karkonoszy in Sosnówka we can find a stylish Court Ballroom, where weddings were held 100 years ago and where many historic elements have been preserved. You can also look for restaurants or hotels that have interiors that refer to a specific decade. They can offer the right atmosphere and infrastructure for organizing a retro-style wedding. If you are a history buff, you may want to consider having your wedding at a museum or other historic venue. This can be an interesting way to combine culture and history with the wedding ceremony. If you dream of an outdoor wedding in a retro style, rented gardens, parks or glades can be a perfect place. It is worth taking care of appropriate decorations to give the wedding venue a retro character. When choosing a retro wedding venue, it is important to make sure that it will be appropriately adapted to the needs of the ceremony and wedding reception. Additionally, pay attention to availability and possible amenities such as catering and guest accommodations. It's also a good idea to consult with vintage wedding planning professionals who can help you create an authentic and unforgettable event.
Is there a difference between retro and vintage style?
Retro style and vintage style are different from each other, although both are related to the past and refer to old eras. Here are the basic differences between the two styles. Retro style refers to fashionable and popular trends and elements from the past that reflect a specific period or decade. Retro style is usually more focused on representing a specific period and maintaining authenticity in terms of the look and aesthetic of the time. Vintage style is a more general term and refers to objects, decorative elements, clothes, etc. that are old, used and usually many years old. Vintage is not typically focused on a specific time period and can encompass many different styles and eras. Retro style is often used in interior design, fashion, wedding decorations and themed events to recreate the look and feel of a specific period. Vintage style encompasses various aspects of everyday life such as clothes, furniture, collectibles and much more. It could be more diverse. When organizing a wedding, both terms are often used interchangeably. Both styles, however, are related to the past and can create unique and charming arrangements and decorations.
How to organize a retro wedding?
How to prepare a retro wedding? Organizing a retro wedding can be a fantastic idea that will add charm and originality to your celebration. Here are some tips to help you organize an old-style wedding. First of all, choose the main theme of the wedding - a specific era, retro or vintage style that inspires you. Retro can cover different periods such as the 1920s, 1950s, 1960s or 1970s, so choose one that fascinates you the most. 80s style wedding? Or maybe an elegant 1920s-style wedding or a refined 1940s-style wedding? The choice is yours. Look for a place that reflects your chosen retro style. A vintage wedding venue can be old manor houses, villas, restaurants or even an outdoor space with appropriate decor. Choose colors and decorations referring to the selected era. For example, for the 1950s it could be pastel colors, and for the 1920s it could be elegant black and white decorations. Vintage wedding styling is very important if the wedding is to be thematically consistent. Add character elements such as balloons, crystal glasses, vintage posters or old cameras. Encourage guests to dress in period or retro clothing. A vintage wedding dress and similar outfits by other ladies will make the entire ceremony more authentic. Choose music appropriate to your chosen era. This is a key element of the retro wedding atmosphere. Make sure you have a menu that reflects the period. For example, for a 1950s wedding, you could serve classic dishes from that time, such as hamburgers, fries and milkshakes. Be sure to rent a photo booth where guests can take photos with period-appropriate props. Remember that the key to a successful retro wedding is attention to detail and authenticity.