The wedding ceremony is the culmination of a touching, long-awaited day. It is worth getting acquainted with its individual stages, otherwise ignorance may increase stress. Check what you can expect!
What does the wedding ceremony look like?
The wedding ceremony in the church has a special setting and consists of several stages. It is worth emphasizing that the Bride and Groom have an influence on some elements, provided that they are agreed in advance with the priest and the organist. Although the rites of the Sacrament of Matrimony are precisely defined in the Code of Canon Law, the actual celebration of the Mass varies from region to region. You can discuss in advance with the priest which passages from the Old and New Testaments will be read by the guests or yourself.
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The course of a church wedding
The wedding ceremony differs from the traditional holy mass with prayers, songs and active participation of the Bride and Groom. Making the marriage vows is a key moment of the sacrament of marriage. Everyone stands up and says a prayer to the Holy Spirit. The bride and groom then approach the altar and face each other, then shake each other's right hands. The chaplain binds them with a stole and asks the Groom, and then the Bride, to repeat the words of the oath after him. The newlyweds vow love, fidelity, honesty and that they will not abandon each other until death. After this touching moment, the rings are exchanged, and from now on you are husband and wife.

Some young couples approach the wedding ceremony as an exam and try to prepare for it perfectly. Of course, we should know what we are involved in and understand the religious symbols, on the other hand, let's not exaggerate. Let's remember that despite the best efforts wedding preparations there are always minor mishaps. Many people believe that they will bring happiness to the newlyweds.